Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 15, 1949, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 15, 1949
I am representative for-the
Builders Supply Company of Portland
Save Money on
See mc for prices
I rcm where I sit ... if Joe Marsh
Sure You Haven't A
"Blind Spot"?
As I was driving down Main
Street last Saturday, another car
swung out right in front or me. It
turned out to be Ituik Wake, lie
wasn't going fast. It was just that
he had something else on his mind
at that particular moment.
Buck's really one of the nicest
fellows I've ever known. But,
sometimes ho gets to day-dreaming
on the road. He sort of gets
a "blind spot" to what's going on
about him!
Now, lots of normally consider
ate folks have their "blind spots."
It could be anything from day
dreaming while driving a car to
humming out loud at the movies.
From where I sit, it's mighty
important to be on guard against
your own "blind spots." The other
fellow has a right to his "share of
the road," too whether it's hav
ing a taste for a temperate glass
of sparkling beer or a desire to lis
ten to some classical music if he
wants to.
Copyright, 19 tO, United Slates Urcucis Foundation
Fall is in the Air
are the Answer
Long Sleeve Cardigans $6.95
Short Sleeve Cardigans 5.95
In Copper Rust, Como Blue,
Forest Green and Jockey Red
Short Sleeve Slip-ons 3.95
In new fall shades and pastels
Coat and Slack Suits 17.95
with attachable hoods. Sizes 3 to 6x
One-piece Snow Suits and match
ing cap. Water repel lant. 11.95
For Boys and Girls. Sizes 1 - 4.
a a
New Arrivals in Fall Millinery
Registration In
lone School Hits
134 Opening Day
The lone schools opened Mon
tla with a full corps o,f teachers.
Registration figures showed that
97 children were registered in the
grades and 37 in the high school
lor a total ot l.n.- It is estimated
that nine more beginners will en. i
roll a little later. Teacheis are!
Miss Pauline liankin, lust and ;
second grades; Mrs. Aigolt Lun
dell, thud aim lourm grades;
Mrs. Franklin Ely, fifth and sixth
grades, and Mis. Carl Linn, sev
enth and eighth grades.
in me higa school. Miss Mary
Brackett leaches English and
girls pnysical education; Francis
jiiy, eommeicial, coacil, and boys'
physical euucalton; history, ma- I
Uiemauts and oiology, E. S.
aiuuz; music, botn iiign scuool
jjiu giuue. Aiit'ii ivdoei i.ion, ana
mathematics, science and shop,
Supt. li. c fr'orsytiie. Kay War,
muth is propeny ctistuaiun and
Mrs. 1-ieu buclianan aim
lua Coleman are the cooks, 'i'iie
iuncli room nas oeen icuioueieu.
the floors in the gymnasium and
the gr;ioe looms have neen sanu
eu, die avKS sanded and renn
isiitii. Grade rooms have been
redecorated m shauej ui green.
Veil', til: n hunts vseie put on u,
e.usi and west windows.
Bus drivers anu ilieir routes
are as totiows: rred uuchusian,
Dry I oik route; Jorm bryson, the ;
Goo.ieherry route; b. l. Wiles,
t.ocKy biuil; Auon iiamieit, buuui ;
lone; Gordon Vvnne, Uicea t ieeK; I
John huoanks. West lone; Dale
Kay, Ella and Cleo Drake, North j
lone. Martin Bauernfemd trans- I
ports the Morgan distnct child- j
i en.
Sept. 16, HEC Willows grange
at Oscar Lundell home.
P-TA teacher reception 8 p. m.
at scnool house.
Sept. 17, Willows grange meeU j
with Lexington grange mere.
Sept. 20, Legion and auxiliary
meeiine H P. m.
Sept. 21, meeting of Ameca club
at home ot Mrs. Marion paimer.
Sept. 23, Three Links club.
Sept. 24, Topic club at 1:30 p.
m. Masonic hail.
Ninety-seven people were x
rayed by the TB unit here Wed
nesday, September 7.
Mrs Clell Ray and children of
Stanlield were vis'tors here last
Mr. and Mrs. John Skuzeski of
Corvallis were recent visitors of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
John Stormer of Estaeada was
a visitor last week at the home of
his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Bauernfeind at Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and
sons Guy and his family and
Wendell of Baker were visitors
here over the week end. Mrs. Earl
Wr'ght is a daughter of Mrs. Ida
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ingalls
and A. A. McCabe spent Sunday
at the Ernest McCabe home.
Mrs. Carrie Cason of Lone Rock
will spend the winter with her
sister, Mrs. Ida Grabill.
Book donations to the public
library were made by Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Stract of Oakland,
Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Morgan. Mrs. Addie Salter and
Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn.
The following held a picnic in
the City Park at The Dalles Sun
day: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell,
Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell, Mr.
and Mrs. Adon Hamlett, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Lundell and chil
dren, Miss Mary Brackett, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Lundell, and
Kenneth Lundell, . Mrs. Helen
Briggs and daughter Doreen, and
Wallace Lundell of Portland. Mr.
snd Mrs. Charles Lundell and
Kenneth Lundell left from there
for their home in Oakland, Calif.
Mrs. Clifford Carlson and dau
ghter Leslie returned home last
week from a viist at the home of
her parents at Forest Grove.
Mrs. Wallace Matthews returnd
home from The Dalles last week
but her twin daughters will re
main in the hospital until next
Lew Yarnell of Blckleton, Wash,
spent Sunday at the home of his
brother, Harry Yarnell.
I 0 N E
Under New Management
Special Chicken or Steak Dinners
Open from 6 a. m. to 1 0 p. m.
1 Eat at Easter's
1 Serving....
Breakfasts - Lunches - Dinners
Sandwiches - Malts
Open from 6 a. m. to 10 p. m.
iTi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 i : 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 f7
! & "J & i ! 4 ! ! 4
We Go Anywhere
Painting : Paper Hanging
Kalsomming : Spray Painting
Phone 219 Telephone Us Collect
205 N. W. DeSpain Avenue : Pendleton. Oregon
Tfianks for waiting!
... for the maytag automatic washer. See it and
you'll be glad you did. Its Gyrafoam washing
action gets clothes really clean!
Liberal trade-In allowance Lew monthly payment!
Heppner Hardware and
Electric Company