Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 15, 1949, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 15, 1949
lyxinctnn (runpp No. X wiil
Initiate in thr lirst srul Mion-i
dr-grwe; Saturday f-vrnine,, u h -i
the other nutwrtflina if g:..nC''S i.f
the county. Creenfield. Wiilows
inil libra" Creek, will be pin-sis.
The rvrnlng will Iw-pin urn ;;
pot lurk mippf-r (it 7 orrnrk mul
the visiting gi.inp'TS have- h-i-:i
BKkeri to bring salads or llcs-.r;i-
1 Mr. and Mrs. H.irry Mierman
liavi- nnnoimeod the engagement
el ihnr daughter Kathleen to
'Vervin J. Anthony of Willamette
The wedding will' be an event of
l.t-e fall in Portland.
t'oloman large ther-
r-o-tptie control oil healer, with
ll.Vt-gjllon oil storage tank. $73.
Phone 23. 26p
Hailstones as larpe as one and
three-quarters inches in diameter
were found in the Opal guard
station area Friday evening after
a 30-minute storm that began at
4 p. m. Whitmer Wright and Ken.
neth Keeling of the forest service
measured a number of the stones
which Wright said looked like
v v - J I k -I 1 1
,V V' - I ' . , -. 3 1
v fa k tVrgn M I
.M . Li mZ- "Hi UBjirtj .ViMAJi,-jMipM L
Answering promptly gtvuq others a full minute to answer her call are first on Janie's list of aids to service.
How Janie helps herself to better service
i - ft
3r A J
. timw- ! I
1. "Allowing a little time between calls,"
says Janie, "gives others a chance to call me . . .
and it's a nice party-line courtesy, too." So when
she's getting the gang together for a picnic, or
for any reason needs to make calls in a row, she
waits several minutes between each one. "It's
simple to make friends with others on our line.
I just use the telephone the way I like them to."
3. Getting the most from the telephone and
helping others get better service depends in
part on every telephone user. Facilities have
doubled in the West in ten years. Your telephone
is today one of your most valuable servants . . .
saving time, saving steps. And it still does its job
for just a few pennies a call.
r 'tt'." rr 1 " m
2. Looking up numbers, Janie knows, is really
important. "So easy to get them mixed up," she
explains. "Why, I was just sure Babs' number
was 8145 . . . but when I called her I got the drug
store. Turned out her number was 8415. So un
less I'm really sure of a number, I'm going to
look it up in the telephone book." That's a good
tip for all of us teen-agers and grown-ups.
Your telephone is one of
today's best bargains
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
V 0 ' '
"Private Industry's
Taxpaying Dollars are
the Key to Healthy
Northwest Progress."
Pmidatt, Btnd Chamber of Cummins
NIW fOWEI UNES or b.lr.j built ell ovtr Iht Pocific Norttiw.il. Neoil oil ort tid Into th Norlhwtit Powir Pool.
ThiM toch port of thii growing region thorn tht kilowatti productd by nor than 300 powtr plgnti,
Padfic Power & Light Company haj spent more than $25,000,000 on new construction
, sinct V-J day. These are iaxpa)ing, job-making diAhti development dollars invested
; litre in the great Nunhwett to help meet your electrical needs.
I The power requirements of a fast-growing region demand a steady flow of thes
Jet fhpmenl dollars into the Pacific Northwest. That it why til of us want investors
' to look to this region as a land of opportunity, and of fair reward.
Tht investor whose dollars help extend and improve your low-cost electric service,
lul sharing your lax burden, ii truly a Partner in Progress!
Pacific Power & Light
j A progrtuivt powtr yfm fcuiintw managed
News About Town
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket and
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Becket
and son Ronnie departed Sunday
morning for Detroit, Mich, where
the younger Beekets will take de
livery of a new car. They motored
as far as Spokane from which
point they continued by air for
the east. Before returning to
Heppner they plan to visit In
Wisconsin where the elder Mrs.
Becket lived prior to coming to
Mr. and Mrs. Suprean Marciel
and Elmer Burnside departed
Tuesday for their home in San Le
andro, Calif, after spending the
summer here assisting with the
wheat harvest at the Fraters
ranch in the Eight Mile section.
Her father, Frank Fraters, ac
companied them and will spen-t
the winter in the south. He pur
chased a new car lor the trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Avers mo
tored to Portland Tuesday to
spena several days on business
and pleasure.
Buster Rands of Boardman was
a business visitor in Heppner on
Mr. and Mrs Elbert Cox moior-
ed to Walla Walla Sunday taking
their daughter, Genevieve, theie
to attend St. Paul s Episcopal
school this year. Another Hepp
ner girl who will attend St.
Paul's this year is Marilyn Mil
ler, daughter of Mr. an" Mrs.
Darcy Miller. Miss Miller went to
Walla Walla early last week to
visit a few days with her grand
parents before entering St. Paul's.
Mrs. irank . Parker under
went a major operation at Eman
uel hospital in Portland Thurs
day. Mr. Parker is in the city to
be near ner.
Mrs. Terrel Benge, in town the
first of the week from their ranch
in the Rhea Creek district, reports
that they have just completed a
new 5 foot well at the farm. The
work was done by Gus Jannsen
and is the 39th well to be dug by
him in Morrow county.
Mrs. James Boland and daugh
ter Mary of The Dalles were
week-end guests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Pirl Howell.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Scouten and
children returned the last of the
week from Bend where they spent
several days last week looking
after business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson of
Portland were here for part of
the rodeo last week. During their
stay they were guests of Mrs. Cor
da Saling.
Mrs. Gertrude Applegate re
turned the last of the week from
a 10-day visit to San Jose and
San Francisco, Calif. Mrs. Apple,
gate reports that upon arriving m
San Francisco she was quite dis
appointed in the weather due to
the extreme foggmess and cold
but the last part of her visit con
ditions proved to be neafer her
idea of California.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Parker of
Pasco were week-end visitors in
Heppner at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Give Huston.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Da'.ty
were over from Kimberley Satur
day to attend the rodeo.
Mr. and Mrs. Oral Wright and
daughters of Hermiston were
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Happold.
Miss Kathryn Bisbee was here
from Oregon City to spend the
week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Bisbee.
Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs
Bert Bleakman were her brother
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McDaniel of Stanfield
and her son, Everett Hadley of
Richland, Wash.
Among lone visitors in Heppner
Saturday to attend the parade
and rodeo were Mr. and Mrs. Vic.
tor Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Lundell and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer, Mr.
and Mrs. Burl Akers and Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Matthews.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moon
(Mary Jane Clark) and daughter
Cathy returned to their home in
Portland after spending the week
end here with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Farley Sr.
and other relatives.
Mrs. Alice Luttrell was over
from Hermiston to spend the
week-end here with her sons, Al
bert and Frank Connor and their
Charles Peterson, typewriter
salesman from Portland, 'was
looking after business matters
and attending the rodeo in Hepp
ner Saturday.
Chloe and Robert Deen have re
turned to Pendleton where they
are students at St Joseph's acad
emy after spending the week end
here with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. JJelbert Deen.
Glenn Bassett left the last of
the week for Berkeley, Calif.
where he will attend the univers
ity this year. He will return to
Heppner next summer to work
with the forest service, according
to present plans.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoskinson
and Mr. and Mrs. Truman Strong
of Moro attended. the rodeo Sat
urday. They extended an Invita
tion to Heppner citizens to attend
the Sherman county fair this
Mrs. W. H. Cleveland has re
turned from Portland and Gresh
am where she has been visiting
for quite some time.
Mr. and Mrs. William Becket
and children were up from Port
land over the week end to attend
the rodeo and visit with his bro
thers, Merle and Harold Becket,
and their families.
William Furlong and Elmer
Powell motored to Moro Saturday
to spend the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers of
Kinzua were in Heppner Satur
day for the rodeo.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green and
children of Pendleton were week
end guests of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Green.
Mrs. Charles Stout is a patient
at St. Anthony's hospital In Pen
dleton following an operation
mere last week.
Mrs. Harry O'Donnell Sr. la ud
and about after her recent orer-
ation at St. Anthony's hospital.
Cecil Spaulding was over from
Fossil Saturday to attend the ro.
Miss Kathleen Sherman Is
pending a few days at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har.
ry Sherman on upper Willow
Don't Wait Until Our
Community Is Attacked
km Now bo certain that when
DREflD DISEASE itiikM. the heavy
xpeiue of treatment i covered by
our Insurance.
ftyt up to
$5,000.00 Each Person
Tyt for
noon, Board, Httsndantt, Rppaiatut.
total eUrric-
Doctor M. D. or Osteopath)
uning 8rric
MOnwM graduate Nurse, 3 a day at
S1O00 par day ach.
&BBtalaao Srrlc .
o.OO och Hospital Confinement.
MBilar mechanical apparatus.
ikw4 Transfusions-
Aft xual and customary charge.
Dom wd MsdidMc
Para oil Drug and Medicine Bills.
mtoaftOMU, Katlroad or Httcralt to Hos
jjtai. Patient and Attendant. Special
Pksfl vhn necessary.
Inm b4 Crutches
Ab asdd.
fMSMM lift MlUMt COU-A
OMtJ nd SsrelM Over 12.000,000.00
Mr. and Mrs. Dane Broadfoot
are the parents of a daughter
born at Pendleton September 7.
This is their second daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kimberling of
Prairie City announce the arrival
of a son September 8. Mrs. Kim
berling was formerly Donna Lee
Fleming of Monument
Murd Stubblefield was taken to
the Blue Mountain hospital last
Wednesday suffering from a heart
attack. Dr. Jerry flew to Monu
ment to attend him, ordering him
to a hospital.
Dennis Andrews, little grand
son of Chris Hamilton, flew from
Detroit, Mich, with his aunt, Mrs.
Edith Smith, nee Edith King, al
so of Detroit. They will visit sev
eral days here before going to
John Day where they will visit
the little boy's grandmother, Mrs.
Cortna Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wyland
and family left Monday morning
for their new home on Eagle
creek, near Estacada. Jack For
rest and Clayton Sweek went
along to help drive.
Little Michael Sweek stayed
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Sweek during the Hepp
ner rodeo.
Mrs. Chance Wilson is in Whee
ler, Ore. this week submitting to
treatment tor arthritis.
Bob Lesley and Joe Simas Jr.
have bought the Earl Johns ser
vice station. The boys took pos
session Monday morning. The
Johns will stay in Monument lor
the present.
Earl Sweek went to Canyon
City Monday to serve on the Jury.
Mrs. Lee Fleming went to Prai
rie City Tuesday to take care of
the new grandson.
Dorln Matteson was operated
on for appendicitis Monday at
the lilue Mountain hospital.
Mrs, Stanley Musgrave and son
Johnnie returned home from Port-
I land Sunday. Johnnie has been
receiving special treatments for
an eye injury. Partial vision has
.returned to the eye and glasses
will correct the impaired vision.
The farmers of Top have been
fighting fires caused by lightning
the past week, but none of them
have been serious.
I School started Monday with a
full house. The teaching staff fur
the term includes Mr. Schocn
burger, grade principal; Mrs. Bi-u.
lah Farrow, intermediate; Mrs.
Naydettc Hinton, Primary, and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin
high school.
loeeee vcAd bv Cravsna. Daraan & Com
pony, Ineurance Managers tor Nearly SO
written. In San Francisco .and
Mtr Protection tt t Reasonable
C. A. Ruggles
Phone 723 Heppner, Oregon
admission prioes afternoon and evening, nnleel ipo
clflcnllT advertised to be otherwise) Children I Est
Prloe .IT, Fed. Ta .03, Total Wo; Orede and Hlg-h
School Students 11 rears and overi Est. Pries .40,
red. Ta .10, Total Mo; Adults: Est. Prloe .Wo, Pe.
The schedule during Annut will be ae follows: rr,. snn.. . u.. n-. .i.
oontinuoua from 1 p.m. Same program Tuesday, Wednesday and Thnreday. Donble-biU program
Friday and Saturday, Saturday show starts at T p.m.
Tax .10, Total 600. Every ohild oooupylng a eeat
roust have a ticket.
shews start at 7:30 p.m. Boxcffloe open evenings
Sunday shows oontlnnons starting at 1 p.m. All other
antll I p.m.
Sunday shows continuous from 1 p. m.
Saturday shows start at 7 p. m. All other
evening shows start at 7:30 p. m.
Friday-Saturday, September 16-17
Red Stallion In The Rockies
Arthur Franz, Jean Heather, Jim Davis.
Bay Collins, James Kirkwood and two
old timers Leatrice Joy and Wallace
Good actlon...sensational animal battles...
photographed in color.
Main Street Kid
Al Pearce and Arlene Harris In a funny
little comedy, with Adele Mara, Alan
Mowbray and Janet Martin.
Sunday-Monday, September 18-19
Africa Screams
Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Max Baer, Bud
dy Baer, Clyde Beatry, Shemp Howard,
Hillary Brooke, Joe Besser, Frank Buck
The cannibals scream and the lions roar
...with laughter...as Abbott and Costello
invade Africa!
Some Of The Best
A most unusual film-featuring highlights
from 25 famous films of other years...l00
stars in action!
Tues.-Wed.-Thurs., September 20-21-22
Canadian Pacific
Randolph Scott Jane Wycrtt J. Carroll
Naish, Victor Jory
You'll agree, when you've seen this, that
a good western is hard to beat! This Is a
factual drama of the first Canadian railroad-photographed
in rotor In the Banff
Lake Louise region of Canada.
Also, FOOTBALL THRILLS, a good review
of famous plays.
Friday-Saturday, September 23-24
Kirk Douglas, Marilyn Maxwell, Ruth
Roman, Arthur Kennedy, Paul Stewart
A good picture that pulls no punches...
considered ''CHOICE" by Time Magazine
and described as "Ring Lardner's prize
middleweight heel, played with a wallop
Kirk Douglas."
Trail Of The Mounties
A James Oliver Curwood story with Rus
sell Haydn, Jennifer Holt and Pappy Lynn.
IDrivc the world's most useful car!
r i. II I "'" Jill JJLM.Jr
It's e.asy to see why the Kaiser Traveler is
one of America's fastest-selling cars! There's
real prestige in owninir a imlv hia Inmn
sedan; real convenience in having a full
sized, pay-load cargo carrier; real econ
omy in operating such a gas and-oil saver I
Dbiiser Traveler only liOJi
You can find other cars that are
"something like" the Kaiser
Traveler, but only the Kaiser
Traveler is both a full-fledged
cargo carrier and a real luxury
sedan 1 Almost any family can
afford to buy and operate the
Kaiser Traveler.
It's the first 2-cars-in-l...!rjf
in usefulness, first in roominess,
first in low initial cost and first in
operating economy.
Before you consider any car
that promises to help pay its own
way, see, ride in and compare the
Kaiser Traveler... feature for fea
ture, inch for inch, dollar for
dollar ! It's the world's most use
ful car !
Heart Hear! Heart Watter Wlnchell.
Every Sunday evening, A. B.C.
Only Kaiser Traveler converts in just 10
seconds from a six passenger sedan to an
all-purpose, high-speed cargo carrier with
130 cubic feet of pay-load cargo capacity.
Faclory delivered and equipped. Federal
tax paid. Trantportation, Local taxet (if
any) extra.
Ml uma-rajilis taut coifeMTios, euiow huh. sick.
Oriy Kaiiwr Traveler gives yon tins out
sized ear(?o hold, over 0 feet lung with a
full 33 inches of clearance above the fold
down tuilgate. Rear seat folds into floor.
Only Kaiser Traveler has a cargo hatch
that swings open clear to the roof, with 46
in. minimum width, and 38.6 square ft. of
steel-shod deck space in the cargo hold.
Only Kaiser Traveler gives you the modern
7.3-to-l high compression Tliunderhead
engine,.. a quiet, smooth ami spirited
gas and oil miser with power to spare.
Ask your neighborly KaUer-Frazer dmsUr for a rfei,.raion
307 North Main
deo and dance.
Phone 2313