Poge 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 1, 1949 Briefs of Community By RUTH F. PAYNE j Mr. and Mr. Glenn Parson en ten a i nod the members f the local fin-M nervloe rrew and puosts at their home on North Gilmore itiwt Sunday evening. The mo vie. "Every Man's Empire," was ihciwn after which the croup sang ongs led by Glenn Bassett and acocmpanlcd by William Davis on the guitar. Present were Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Keeling and; children, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Rugg and daughter. Mr. and Mrs.' Whitmer G. Wright and their I houseguests, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- j ton Wright of Taeoma. Wash.. Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and, children, Bill Linseott. Karl E. ; Tennent, M. Royee Crosby, Har- j old D. Wright, Glenn A. Bassett, Arthur L. Jesse Jr., James L'hler and Miss Connie Ruggles. Re freshments were served follow lng the group singing. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Rugg ex-1 pert to go to The Dalles Saturday j where he will act as best man for his brother, Alfred Rugg whose wedding to Miss Patricia Wilson of The Dalles will be sol emnized at 8 p. m at St Paul's Episcopal church in that city. Going down from Hermiston for the ceremony will be Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rugg, parents of the groom, and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rauch en tertained with a stork shower Sunday evening at their country home in the Blackhorse district complimenting their niece, Mrs. Gene Purdue of Hermiston, Pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rauch, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rauch, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Britt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marquardt. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Klinger, Mrs. Doris Kosher. Mrs. Ray Dol ven. Mrs. Jack Van Winkle, Mrs. Albert Ketsch and Mrs. Pine Tlwrnburg. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilkins departed Wednesday for their home in Chicago after a visit of several days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rauch. Among those attending the Round up Friday in Pendleton were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobbs and daughter Shirlee: Crocket Sprouls and daughter Janet; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lindner. Mr. and Vrs. Tom Fraters, Mr. and Mrs, Orrin W. Furlong and son Mich ael, and Elmer Burnside. Mrs. Josephine Mahoney was guest of honor at a birthday lun cheon for which Mr. and Mrs.. Joe Gjertson were hosts at their home in Fendleton Saturday afternoon. Frank Baker of Stockton, Calif., was another guest Following the luncheon the party motored to Walla Walla and Bingham Springs to spend the week-end. Mrs Allen Case returned Sun day evening from Portland where she spent last week attending buyers market and visiting her mother, Mrs Ida Grimes. Mrs. Case reports that her niece Mrs. John McRoberts. has just return ed home from Portland Sanitar ium where she recently under went a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell re turned the last of the week from Mt. Adams where they spent sev eral days huckleberrying. Mr. Howell reports the berries to be somewhat scarce but that by careful search they secured en ough to make the trip worth while. The Howells also spent one day last week in The Dalles. Mrs. W. O. Dix and granddau ghter. JoJean. departed Sunday morning for Seattle where JoJean ; will register in a private board-1 ing school (his year. Mrs Dix will remain in Seattle for a week af ter which she will join Mr. Dix in McMinnville and together they will go on to the Oregon coast for a fortnight's vacation. W. M. Britt of Spray was a bus. iness visitor in Heppner Monday. Miss Betty Lou Mover returned home Friday from Hay, Wash, where she spent the past month visiting her aunt. Mrs. Fred Stark. Accompanying her down were Mr. Stark and two daughters, Ow een and Loretta. who visited sev eral days with J. C Owens and Mrs. W." Scott Furlong. Joe Hughes Jr. departed Sun day for Los Angeles after spend ng the summer in Heppner. Mr. Hughes is a senior at Woodbury college this year. He was taken to Arlington by his father, Joe Hughes Sr. and Glenn Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown of Portland visited briefly in Hepp ner during the week-end. They were enroute to the Pendleton Round-up and stopped in Hepp ner to see his sisters, Mrs. So phronia Thompson and Mrs. Lin nie Louden. Frank W. Turner returned the last of the week from a visit of several days to Portland and way points. He was accompanied by his grandson, Michael Turner. They attended the Round up in Pendleton Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schroeder of Portland were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parrish. While here they attened the Round-up. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parrish and Mr. and Tacoma were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barger. The young people were recently mar ried in Texas and were en route to Tacoma where they will reside. o 6 Tuesday Sept:. 1:30 P. Usual Run of Livestock SALES YARD HAROLD ERWIN, Operator John Vomer, Auctioneer Harry Dinges, Clerk r MS. Case Furniture Company ha the answer to your range problem Of course you're tired of waiting for an out of date range to "perk". You're fed up with a hard-to-keep-clean range. That's why this beautiful new Montag Electric Range is the pride of the neighborhood the minute it moves into your kitchen. YOU SAVE TIME EVERY MEAL These wonderful new "Thermo-Kleen" urface cooking units give yon clean, cool-kitchen electric heat almost instant ly. And the 5 speeds on each element are always CONTROLLED, always the same, to a fraction of a degree. They tfy fiat, so more of the unit touches your utensils, to give you all-time cook ing speed. EASIEST TO CLEAN You never again poke, probe or scrape to clean awkward elements. One flick of your finger swings these "Thermo-Kleen" units up out of the way. An easy sweep of your wrist keeps the smooth stainless steel drip pans spotless. They are easier to keep clean than any surface units made. And you have another work saver in the smooth, one-piece, stainproof porcelain enamel top. SEE YOUR DEALER NOW You can have these important features today in the beauti ful new Montag au tomatic range. . . . Imagine how much time and work it will aava you every day. Com in, tea it now. COOK AUTOMATICALLY Wait until you first put your big, new automatic Montag oven through its paces. Its self-minding, timer-thermostat is almost human. You put a whole meal on the safe no-tilt oven racks, set it, forget it Come back, hours later, and it is cooked perfectly, on time, without watching, without waiting. INSULATED . . . ECONOMICAL... COOL Baking is a cool job now. A thick, efficient blanket of genuine Fiberglas in sulation keeps the heat in, prevents the cool spots that spoil baked things. Saves current, too, be sides keeping your kitchen more comfortable. D eaten, CASE FURNITURE COMPANY Mrs. Raymond Parrish accompan ied the Schroeders to Maryhill, Wash, for a visit to the museum. From there the Schroeders con tinued to Portland. W. O. Dix, county assessor, and Mrs. Frances Mitchell, deputy tax collector, were in La Grande the first of the week to attend a spe cial training school for assessors and collectors. Next week Mr. Dix will attend the state assess ors' convention in McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket re turned Sunday from Mt. Adams where they spent a week huckle berrying. Mr. and Mrs. Don Grady and children returned Sunday from a week's vacation at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. John Karlik and daughters of Portland who spent several days here last week with her father George Gertson, and Mrs. Gertson, attended the Round up Friday and from there motor ed to their home. Mr. and Mrs Charles Hollings- worth and two sons of Long Beach, Calif, arrived Tuesday eve ning to spend several days in Heppner with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hughes. Tom Hughes expects to leave Thursday for McMinnville where he is a student at Linfield col lege. A member of the football team, he is to report early for practice. Mrs. Margaret Healy has pur chased the Guy Bacon house on Hager street. This property for merly belonged to Jasper Crawford. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Terrel Benge at their coun try home on upper Rhea creek were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith of Portland. Mrs. Benge's children, Butch and Jo anne Reininger, returned to Port land with their grandparents and will spend a week there. Ralph Lee Benge of Condon came over Tuesday to spend the remainder of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Terrel Benge at the ranch. Mr. and Mrs Frank Monahan are moving into the house on Gale street recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Nate McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Cary Hastings and daughter Clarice and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Connor attended the parade and Round-up in Pendle iton Friday. Construction was started this week on the REA project on upper Willow and Hinton creeks, ac cording to a report by Harold A. Kenney, acting manager. The j crews have been working in the ! Condon section but were moved ! over here the last of the week to begin work in the vicinity of j Heppner. A wire-stringing crew will begin work at lone next week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodge and son Johnny and Mrs. John Hiatt motored to Portland Mon- 1 day. Tom Wilson attended a soil conservation meeting in Pendle ton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pierson mo tored to Hermiston Sunday to vis it his brother Frank Pierson and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gilliam mo tored to Hermiston Sunday to spend the day with their son, Rev. Jackson Gilliam. Mr. and Mrs. James Barratt and daughter returned to their home in Corvallis Monday evening af ter a 10-day stay in Heppner with relatives. They were accompan ied as far as Portland by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Becket and son Ronnie. Miss Darlene Moore has return, ed to her home in Monument af ter spending the past week here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Add Moore. Plans are being made by the Degree of Honor for a bazaar and food sale, accordng to an an nouncement by Mrs. A R. Sham blyn, chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs Floyd Tolleson were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tolleson Jr., who were enroute to Spokane after spend ing the summer in Los Angeles where he attended the summer session at USC. Mr. Tolleson is an instructor at Washington State college, this being his sec ond year in that capacity. Miss Lela Tolleson has resign ed her position as nurse at the veterans hospital in Walla Walla and is on a vacation trip to Iowa and Oklahoma. Upon her return late in the fall she expects to enter the University of Washing ton to complete her work for a degree. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar George and sons, Kit and David, are spend ing a few days this week at Leh man Springs. Mrs. Kdwin Dick and daughter Erin spent Tuesday in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCoy and children motored to Milton Sun day to spend the day visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Arthur Peck and children of Pendleton are spending this week here with Mr. Peck, electri cian at the Heppner Appliance store. Mr. and Mrs N. D. Bailey have returned from Elgin where they visited last week with their dau ghter, Mrs. Jack Parsons and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wise and daughter Darlene were called to i Portland the first of the week by the death of his brother. Ray JVIse. The deceased was well known in Heppner having at one time operated a bakery In the Gllman building. A. A. Scouten made a business trip to Condon Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. John Barger of Mrs. Gertrude Applegate left Saturday afternoon for a vaca tion in California. In San Jose she will visit her sister, Helen Doherty and in San Francisco !..,iiv. .ndhir cictr Urs F.H Thor. la visit here with their parents.. eson. and Mr. Thoreson. She went I Business visitors from Grant as far as Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runnion Jr., who were returning to their home after county the first of the week were Chris Hamilton of John Day and Howard Swick of Monument. r. Gil EG t v.. If YOUR CHEST TODAY! f I have never had a chest X-ray ( ) p f have not had a chest X-ray in , & the past year ' the past year There has been TB in my family ( jff I have worked with someone ( V who had TB K I want to know that my lungs , ? are okay ) ) ) 4 Check your chest. ..Get an X-ray FIGHT TUIIRCULOIIS Free X-Ray September 6-7-8 )VERTISEMENT IS CONTRIBUTED AS A 1 J. C. PENNEY'S SPACE FOR THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS CONTRIBUTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY Jimmie Whetmore : And His Orchestra Three Nights of Dancing at the Heppner Civic Center MORROW COUNTY FAIR an d RODEO September 8-9-10 Admission, $L50 Remember 3 Nights Thursday - Friday - Saturday