Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 01, 1949, Image 1

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VRLIC A 'J 0 I ' r 0 ' I 'J ' '
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$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 1, 1949
Volume 66, Number 24
Coronation, Dress-Up Parade To
Forty Hour Week
Hits Wire Service
On Local Branch
Railroad Company
Says Hands Tied
In Local Situation
Five day telegraph service
seems to be the lot of towns on
the Heppner branch, what with
the depot agent and freight clerk
going on a 40-hour per week ba
sis and the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph company announcing
discontinuance of telegraph serv.
Ice in the stales of Washington,
Oregon, California and Nevada.
Since Agent Floyd Tolleson is
the telegraph operator and will
be off duty Saturday and Sun
day, Heppner will be without that
service those two days. Hereto
fore, it has been possible to send
messages by the Pacific Tele
phone & Telegraph service but It
now appears that this avenue is
to be closed to the public
This matter was presented at
She luncheon meeting of the Hep
pner chamber of commerce Mon
day and it was brought out by
Judge Garnet Barratt that to send
a telegraph message on Saturday
or Sunday would necessitate a
telephone call to a main line sta
tion, which, with the telephone
call and additional delivery char
ges will add considerably to
communication expenses. The
Judge suggested that not only the
chamber of commerce should
raise an objection but that all in
terested citizens do likewise
J. I. Purdy, district traffic agent
located at Pendleton, in town the
first of the week, stated that there
is little the railroad company can
do about alleviating the situation.
The 40-hour week has already
placed a heavy employment bur
den on Hie rail lines, he said, and
there is little possibility of put
ting on a third man in the Hepp
ner Qffice just to handle the tele,
graph service on Saturday and
Sunday. However, the matter had
not been presented to him for
consideration and It will require
some study, he said.
Mrs. ("onley Lanham and the
royal court of the Morrow county
fair and rodeo were guests of the
chamber of commerce at Mon
day's luncheon. Mrs. Lanham in
troduced Queen Shirley who in
turn presented Princesses Betty,
Faye, Ingrid and Dorothy. The
girls told of some of the interest
ing social events they have at
tended during the current fair
and round up season.
Harold Erwin, manager of the
rodeo division of the fair, made
an appeal for community support
during the following two weeks.
He stressed the dress-up parade
Saturday evening of this week
and urged business houses and
individuals to participate with
entries. Nelson Anderson, county
agent and fair secretary, spoke
along the same line.
Mis. Mary Stevens took a few
minutes to tell about the forth
coming visit of the mobile x-ray
unit, and Henry Tetz compli
mented the queen and princesses
on their horsemanship and gen
eral good looks.
A count of those planning to
drive to Boardman Saturday mor
ning revealed that seven cars
from the group would be avail
able. There will be no meeting next
Monday Labor Day.
lone Teacher Staff
Ready for Opening
Of School on 12th
Everything is in readiness it
the opening of school at lone on
September 12, announces B. C.
Forsythe, superintendent. The
teaching staff is all hired and
building and grounds have been
renovated during the vacation.
The first and second grades
will be taught by Miss Pauline
Hankln; third and fourth, Mrs.
lieulah Lundell; fifth and sixth,
Mrs Gladys Ely, and seventh and
eighth, Mrs. Alice Linn.
Miss Mary Bracken is return
ing to teach English and girls'
physical education In the high
H'hool. Francis Ely continues as
commercial teacher, coach and
boys' physical education Instruc
tor. K. S. StultZ Is back to teach
history and mathematics. Allen
Hobcrtson has been employed to
leach music In both grades and
high school. Superintendent For
sythe has classes in mathematics
and science.
Ray Warmuth is property cus
todian. o
Mrs. John Sanger returned Fri
day after spending two weeks in
Portland and Eugene. She attend
ed buyers' shows while in Port
land and spent the last week-end
with her sister, Mrs. H. M, Ca
hoon, in Eugene.
Random 74a&....
With the fair and rodeo less
than a week away, when it is
contemplated that many visitors
will be in town, why not a gen
eral fixing up of property lines?
A few weedy spots here and there
can make the whole town appear
seedy. It Is up to the property
owners to look after their own
weed cutting along the fences
and walks, for the city does not
go that far in its program of
street cleaning. We want to have
a good fair and rodeo; we want
big crowds to visit our town dur
ing that time. We also want and
need to make a favorable im
pression on the visitors. A few
minutes on the front yard and
along the walks will accomplish
Because the GT may not make
the mail this evening (and when
has it done so on Thursday?),
we are not carrying a story about
the North Morrow county fair,
We do want to emphasize the
chamber of commerce caravan
which is scheduled to leave Hepp-
na early enough to reach Board-
man in time for lunch, and hope
that many people from this sec
tion will avail themselves of this
opportunity to drive over and see
how the folks on the north end
are making out these days. Sat
urday is not the best day for the
business people to get away, but
several have signified their in
tention of going or sending some
one to represent them.
History has a habit of repeat
ing itself. In the GT of 30 years
ago it was reported that a light
shower had broken up the long
est drouth in recorded history of
this section. No record of the
length of the drouth of 1919 was
reported in the news item, but it
is doubtful If it was any longer
than the drouth of 1949. With the
fair billed for next week it will
be OK with Morrow county folks
If the weather will continue
along the same line a few more
Workmen are busy today put
ting up street decorations herald
ing the opening ol tne lair ana
rodeo season. Next week the
nival company will be putting up
the canvas city of fun for a few
days of intensive entertainment.
It won t be long now until Hepp
ner will be the center of popula
tion for a large territory for a
few days, that is.
Sheriff Ends Tour
Of Duty With Navy
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman return
ed Friday night from a two-week
naval training cruise off the Pa
cific coast aboard the U.S.S. Chil
ton, APA 38. Bauman said the
Chilton left Seattle August 13
and tied up at Treasure Island on
August 19. While there, he and a
number of the other 119 reserves
aboard the ship made liberties
in San Francisco.
Thp rhiltnn nut to spa fli?ain
August 22 so the reserves could,10' 'our-
train on five-inch guns, firing at
towed targets In an area 300
miles from the coast.
The sheriff termed the'crulse a
"good refresher." He said cool
wpather ennd food, and a little of
the familiar old routine made the
crulse a good trip.
Tfie Parade's The Thing!
.. W
The big parade for the 1919
fair and rodeo is scheduled to get
underway at 10 o'clock on the
morning of Saturday, September
10. All horsemen and riders are
requested to assemble not later
than 9:30 on Gale street between
Church and Baltimore streets. All
floats will assemble on Gale be
tween Church and Water streets;
bands and pedestrian entries will
assemble on Church street be
tween Gale and Main streets, and
all slock and pet entries will as
semble on North Main street,
near the county sheds. All entries
are urged to be on hand at 9:30
in order that the parade can be
fully organized.
Judges will be on hand before
the parade starts and all during
its progress, Juvenile entries
Fat Stock Auction
To Be on First
Night of Rodeo
Maximum Price
Set at 10 Cents
Over the Market
Plans have been completed for
the 4-H fat stock auction sale
which is to be an event of the
Morrow county fair and rodeo,
'N. C Anderson, county agent, and
secretary of the fair and rodeo,
said Monday afternoon. An eve
ning event, the sale will start at
7:30 p. m. Friday, September 9.
As an added attraction, and to
help gather a crowd before the
sale starts, a pig scramble for
4-H members will be held at 7 p.
m. The scramble will be for 4-H
members under 12 years of age,
ho are not old enough to parti
cipate in the calf scramble. Pigs
will be donated by persons inter
ested in club work. The animals
Will UC CdllltrU tt 1-U ij
the members who catch them.
; The 4-H fat stock auction will
differ from last year's sale, In that
prices will be pegged at a maxi
mum of 10 cents over the fat stock
market price. This will apply to
all animals sold with the excep
tion of grand and reserve champ
ion animals, on which no maxi
mum will be placed. Club mem
bers have declared their inten
tions to consign 22 calves,, six
Cheep and one pig. Special at
tempts are being made to secure
ibuyers for all of the animals.
With the 10 cent maximum price
on the fat stock, farmers and oth
ers will be able to purchase ex
cellent grain fed quality meat to
fill their lockers.
Harold Erwin, will be superin
tendent in charge of the auction
yale again this year. Erwin was
responsible for arranging the first
4-H auction sale, in 1918, which
brought an average of 77 cents
per pound on 14 head of fat beef,
65 cents a pound on three fat
sheep, and 75 cents a pound on
one fat Dig. This was the highest
car-javerage price reported by any of
the counties in Oregon that held
auction sales last year.
The fair and rodeo board hopes
for the same enthusiasm this
year as was exhibited at the first
sale last year. Animals of equal
quality will be offered at much
lower prices this year.
3 Horse Flag Race
Promises Thrills
And Maybe Spills
The three-horse flag race, which
is to be a highlight of each day's
rodeo events next week promises
to be a thrill-and-splll affair that
will satisfy the most ardent of
rodeo fans. Unless it is re-planned,
six riding clubs will com
pete in the race on a track gen
erally believed to be large enough
Clubs that have asked to par
ticipate are the Heppner Wrang
lers, Pendleton Mustangers, Arl
ington Saddle club, Umatilla
Sage riders, Athena Wild Horse
moing ciuo, ana Minon-rreewa-
ter Pioneer Posse.
will be presented tickets before
the parade starts.
Prizes will be offered as fol
lows: Floats: 1) grand sweepstakes;
2) first prize organization float;
3) second prize organization float;
4) third prize organization float;
5) first prize business float; 6)
second prize business float.
Cowboys: 1) best dressed cow
.boy (mounted); 2) best dressed
cowgirl (mounted); 3) oldest
cowboy (mounted); 4) oldest
cowgirl mounted); 5) most real
istic mounted cowboy; 6) Best
organized and conducted riding
Juvenile: 1) best float; 2) sec
ond best float; 3) best pet; 4 sec
ond best pet; 5) best Juvenile
mounted cowboy; 6) second best
Six Calves Donated
For 4-H Scramble
On September Ten
Last Year's Catch
To Be Shown As
A Special Class
Morrow county's second annual
calf scramble will be held Satur
day afternoon, September 10, as
a part of the rodeo events of the
day, County Agent Nelson Ander
son said Tuesday afternoon. So
far, six calves have been donated
to the fair and rodeo board for
use in the event. Only 4-H club
members from 12 to 17 years of
age, inclusive, are eligible to take
part in the scramble.
Calves which were caught in
last year's scramble are being
groomed and fitted for showing
in a special class at the coming
fair. Persons who gave calves for
the first annual scramble will
have an opportunity to see how
well the animals have done un
der 4-H feeding.
Anderson said he already has
received several applications from
4-H club members who wish to
try their hand at calf wrestling.
He explained that light calves,
weighing about 275 pounds, are
used to prevent injury to the con
testants. Donors' calves are not
used in the scramble, but, rather,
are claimed by club members ac
cording to the numbers marked
on calves which are caught in the
John Graves, superintendent of
the calf scramble, has been given
calves by the following persons
or businesses: Kirk and Robin
son Hereford ranch of Sand Hol
low; Hugh Smith; Steve Thomp
son; E M. Baker of lone; McCabe
Brothers of lone, and Mankin and
Bunch of Heppner.
Anderson said several more
calves will be needed for this
year's show. Several persons who
gave animals last year have of
fered to give another. The agent
said the fair and rodeo board had
rejected several such offers be
cause they did not believe any
one person should be asked to
give calves in two successive
years. He said, however, that
some such offers may be accept
ed if calves cannot be obtained
from other sources.
Calves were given last year by
Cliff Doherty, Lee Beckner, Or
ville Cutsforth, John Graves, Gar
net Barratt, Elks club, Sherman-
Ferguson ranch and TV ranch.
County Picnickers
To Be Entertained
At Courthouse Park
Plans are shanine ud for the
county potluck picnic on Septem-
,ber 10, and at least one grange
already has indicated its willing
ness to help provide entertain
ment for the throng of out-pf-town
county residents. ,
Judge Garnet Barratt, who will
hp mfictpr ctf pnromnnion at 1a
picnic, said Tuesday that altho
several granges have not had
time to answer his letter, Board
man has replied and has request,
ed that a piano be made avail
able for their part of the enter
tainment. Juvenile mounted cowboy; 7) best
juvenile mounted cowgirl; 8) sec
ond best juvenile mounted cow
girl; 9) best sustained character;
10) second best sustained charac
ter; 11) best comic.
Agricultural: 1) best 4-H club
beef animal in parade; 2) best F.
F. A. beef animal In parade; 3)
best dairy 4-H animal in parade;
4) best F. F. A. animal in parade.
The committee In charge is In.
formed that there are a great
many floats in preparation for
this event and that four out of
town riding organizations are ex-
pected to ride in the parade, and
with bands, cowboys and cowgirls
and banners galore, this may well
be the best parade that the com
bined Morrow county fair and
rodeo has ever put on
- - -
Queen Shirley
Pretty, dark-haired Shirley Wil- tomed to winning acclaim for her
kinson will be crowned queen of riding ability. She was a princess
Morrow county's 1949 annual fair in the court of Queen Merlyn in
and rodeo at a coronation cere- 1946 and has ridden in the Mor
mony Saturday night on Main row county fair and rodeo parade
street in 'Heppner. Folowing the
coronation, she will be paid hom-
age at a queen's dance at the
Heppner civic center pavilion.
Five-foot-five and weighing a
neat 125 pounds, Queen-elect Shir,
ley is an action-loving veteran of
a lifetime in the saddle. Born Ap
ril 22, 1929, she first rode horse
back 'at the age of seven months,
Queen that she is, Shirley has
Kr-lri mrorti hnrm tl-i n t i e Vai i ft
ridden on the Wilkinson ranch
today. She owns and rides three
saddle horses, her favorite of
which, "Penny," is from the fa
mous Swaggart sorrel stallion.
Shirley long has been accus-
McKay Commends
Soil Conservation
District Boards
Governor Douglas McKay was
revealed today to have written
letters to O. W Cutsforth of Lex
ington and Don Kenny of Irrigon
in which he commended the two
chairmen and fellow members of
the district boards for "your and
their generous contributions to
Orptrnn a arimi ltnrp "
. 'tt . cn
"ra""s " "C1"c'
Conservation district are cnaries
Carlson lone; Orian Wright, Hep
pner; John J. Wightman, Heppner
and W. E. Hughes, Heppner.
Members of the Boardman Soil
Conservation district are Carl
Knighten, Irrigon; Inquaard
Skoubo, Charles Dillon and Jack
Mulligan, Boardman.
Governor McKay's communica-
I"0" revealed that the state's ex-
lecuuve Drancn is moving 10 puu
licize and otherwise promote bet
ter land-use practices in Oregon.
The governor said that he per
sonally has endorsed the state
soil conservation committee's far
reaching plan for the present bi
ennium, and he added: "I am
askinS. state departments int"
ested in conservation to cooper
ate, within their means and
wherever feasible, with district
"No program, no matter how
obvious its merit, can get past
first base unless it has support
at the local level," the governor
wrote. "That is why I want to
commend the farmers who serve
without Dav as suoervisors. for
the fact that soil conservation .this week must be approved by
districts are operating in 19 coun- the public health service and by
ties, striving to protect nearly five he county court bcfore purchas
and one-half million acres fromjing begins.
further erosion." j Miss King, who has prepared
Governor McKay expressed the similar lists for hospitals at Burns
hope that the example set by sup-1 and Enterprise, said Morrow
ervisors of existing districts might, county's hospital will be a mod
encourage other farmers to take;ern "dream" so far as equipment
a similar sound annroach to the is concerned, if the recommended
erosion problem.
The state committee's program
envisions a 100 per cent increase
In the number of soil conserva
tion districts in Oregon by the
middle of 1951.
Recent contributors to the Mor
row county ambulance fund were
I the following persons: C. Thorn,
Mr and Mrs. D. C. McElligott, and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell,
lone; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hill,
Mr. and Mrs. V. F Gentry, Mr and
, t Morn,,i.k Mr nnd
Mrs. Garnet Barratt, Mr. and Mrs.
Emile Groshens and Mr. and Mrs.
u,, rnv 11 nf Henrmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitmer Wright
were hosts to their son Jim
Wright and to Miss Uene Wahl'only 31 had reported for practice
and Jim Smoker last week-end. py Tuesday afternoon. Bohles said
The young people flew from Se-1 he expects a lareer turn out when
attic to Pendleton, where they
were met by Mr. and Mrs. Wright,
Miss Mabel Wilson called on
4-H club leaders in Irrigon Friday,
every year since she was three
years old.
An accomplished musician, she
has been the leader of the "Blue
Dreamer" orchestra, and she now
is organist for the Eastern Star.
After graduating from Heppner
high school in 1947, Shirley spent
a winter in Corvallis attending
passes at Oregon State college.
turned to her parents' ranch near
"ePPner ad.,.forf.t.he fast year
has enjoyed the life of a roust
about and cook.
For as long as she can remem
ber, Shrley has helped with the
summer haying. When horses
were used, she drove a hay rake
Word reached Heppner of the
sudden death last Friday of Dr.
Raymond Rice at his home in
Vernon, B C.
Dr. Rice had invited Mr and
Mrs. Luke Bibby of Heppner and
Mr. and Mrs. Judy Morrison of
Arlington to join him on a hunt
ing and fishing trip and the
guests arrived only a couple of
hours before their host had a fa
tal heart attack. He is survived
by his wife and small son. Cre
mation was made at New West
minster, B. C.
I Dr. Rice was a practicing phy-
sician for several years in Hepp.
ner, leaving here in tne early
'40's for British Columbia.
Equipment List
Completed For
Ccunty Hospital
A list of equipment necessary
to furnish Morrow county's new
hospital was compiled Monday
and Tuesday by Miss Jean King,
statistician with the hospital sec
tion of the state board of health.
Mrs. Mary Stevens, president of
the Morrow county health and
tuberculosis association, Judge
Garnet Barratt and Commissioner
Ralph Thompson worked with
Miss King in preparing the list of
prices, which is expected to total
approximately $30,000.
Judge Barratt said the list of
so-called groups one and two
equipment include "everything
but the groceries" necessary to
put the hospital into operation.
Group one equipment, costing ap
proximately $10,000, was ordered
some time ago. The list compiled
items are approved.
Players Eager But
Coach Bohles Says
Worried about the lack of re
turning lettermen this year,
Coach Vernon Bohles painted a
dark picture Tuesday of Hepp
ner's football prospects for the
1LU 'V, u V. I V
'w;.1 be ,he biRSest problem.
!actlra f candidate for a
"'ie position is young and inex-
Ponced. But Bohles saw a ray ,
jof ' lle described as;
outright eagerness on the part.
of all recruits to get on the field
'and play ball.
I Although about 35 men have
I drawn new blue and cold suits.
school begins, but he had begun
analyzing candidates after only
four daily practice sessions.
The backbone of Ileppner's
squad undoubtedly will be a
Continued on Page Eight
or a buckrake. Now that the
ranch is mechanized, she drives
trucks, tractors, or anything
mounted on wheels. Shirley and
her father do all the riding on
the Wilkinson ranch.
In high school, Shirley at one
time or another held every class
office. She also was student body
treasurer in her senior year. She
was a member of and held offices
in the Glee club, Girls' league, F.
H. A, band, and the Pep club.
She also was student leader of
the band for one year, and she
won the Activity award when she
Shirley has ample reason for
having learned to love ranch life.
She traces her ancestry to pio
neers who settled in Oregon when
the west still was young. She is
pie daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Frank Wilkinson.
New Law To Stop
All Traffic For
School Vehicles
A new law regulating traffic
when a school bus makes it im
perative that oncoming traffic as
well as that which is overtaking
the bus, stop when the school bus
stops for the receiving or dis
charge of school children, and
remain so as long as children are
leaving the bus or crossing the
highway Each school bus must
De equipped wiui a stop signal
arm of the semaphore type and
shall be mounted on the left side
of the bus.
School transportation has been
placed under the authority of the
secretary of state and the state
department of education by the
last legislature. New regulations
have been issued both as to type
of bus and the operation. Two
manuals have been prepared
which cover fully all phases of
school transportation and these
will be in the hands of school
The regulations define a bus as
"a motor vehicle or motor bus of
more than (7) passenger capacity
engaged in transporting stud
ents." The regulations emphasize the
responsibility of the school and
say that "the supervision and
control of pupils by the school
district board and its teachers is
not confined to school premises,
but extends over the pupils from
the time they leave home to go to
school until they return from
School transportation in Oregon
continues to grow in size and
complexity. In the 1947-48 school
year, 83,448 shcool children were
transported 65,938 miles daily in
1,237 school buses at the cost of
approximately $2,716,372.35.
Because of scattered population,
Morrow county has problems of
transportation in an ever-expand-
ing program of providing trans-.
portation for its children. In the
past year 1948-49, Morrow county
transported 370 pupils by the use
of 26 buses and cars a total of
979.397 pupil miles at a cost of
4.7 cents per pupil mile, ( a pupil
mile is one pupil carried one i
mile), making a total cost of!
Rodeo Ticket Booth
To Open Saturday
Rodeo tickets will be sold from
a booth on the east side of Main
street beginning Saturday night,
Merle Becket, ticket sales chair
man, said Wednesday. The booth
will be qpen each week day from
4:30 to 6 p. m. Daily tickets will
be offered for sale at the booth.
Season tickets also will be sold.
Becket said children will be ad
mitted free of charge on the first
day of the rodeo.
County Agent Nelson Anderson
and Miss Mabel Wilson, home de
monstration agent, attended the
fair board meeting at Boardman
Tuesday night
Street Dance
Included In
Fete Plans
Main street from May to Wil
low will be roped off Saturday
night to provide a stage large
enough for the coronation of
Queen Shirley Wilkinson, and the
grand finale of the Morrow coun
ty dress-up parade, and an old
fashioned square dance for all
The crowning of Miss Wilkin
son as queen of the 1949 Morrow
county fair and rodeo will take
place at the intersection of Main
and Willow streets immediately
after the dress-up parade has
ended. On a specially construct
ed western style throne, and sur
rounded by the princesses of her
court, Miss Wilkinson will be
crowned in a spot-lighted cere
mony conducted by County Judge
Garnet Barratt
The dress-up parade will begin
at 7 p. m. Paraders will assemble
in front of Tum-A Lum under the
supervision of director Bill Sme
thurst. In the lineup, the queen
and her court will follow the state
and the national flags borne by
representatives of veterans or
ganizations. The county rodeo di
rectors, mounted, will follow the
queen's court Eight pennant girls
will ride behind the directors.
The school band and a western
band will follow the directors,
and the Wranglers, in uniform,
will make up the body of the
parading line. Other clubs, floats
and individual riders will be
placed by Smethurst Saturday
The Wranglers have invited the
public to participate in the
After the coronation ceremony
the street will be cleared for
square dancing. A public address
system will be installed to as
sure dancers of hearing the dance
caller and the western band. The
rodeo chairman has asked a group
of practiced square dancers from
Hermiston to start the street fes
tivities. At 9:30 p. m. Queen Shirley's
dance will begin at the Heppner
civic center.
Saturday night will mark the
beginning of official rodeo dress
up time. Any person in Mor-row
county who fails to wear at least
one conspicuous item of cowboy
clothing will be in violation of
uniform regulations prescribed
by fair, and rodeo backers,
, Rodeo Chairman Harold Erwin
told the fair and rodeo board that
he had been told a kangaroo
court has been organized and will
I sit in judgment Wednesday night
on offenders of the uniform re
quirements. Erwin said he was
not at liberty to disclose the
name of the organization involv
ed. He did say that a large num
ber of townspeople are to take
part in policing Heppner, and
that a jail and water-filled horse
troughs will be part of the court's
Erwin said he had been assured
that kangaroo court activities
will be within the law and will do
no harm to the uninitiated. This
time, he said, the court should
be a lot of fun and too many
toes won't be stepped on.
Changes Made In
Saddle Division
Of Fair and Rodeo
Persons interested in the sad
dle horse division of the Morrow
county fair and rodeo will be in
terested to learn that a change
has been made In the division to
encourage more participation.
Fred Mankin, superintendent and
Tom Dorrance, saddle horse judge
met Tuesday evening and have
made some important changes In
the classes.
Instead of all breeds competing
in the halter class, provisions
have been made for classes of
each of the prominent breeds of
horses in the county, Including
Arabian, Quarter-horse. Thorou-
ghbred, and a class to include
others. Thts change was made as
it is quite difficult to jui'ge these
horses competing against each
breed. A galted class has been
added, providing a lot of three-
gaited horses and one for five
gaited mounts. This was provided
since there has been much inter
est shown in the gaited class. The
: superintendent is very anxious to
'Jiulld up the saddle horse division
at the county fair anil Invites all
horse owners to exhibit.
Entries should be made soon
so stalls can be reserved. Judg
ing of the saddle horse class will
be held at the paddock at the
Wranglers barn on Friday morn
ing, September 9, beginning at
10 a. m. Winners of the Classen
will be paraded In front of th
grandstand during the Friday uf
,ternoon Rodeo performance.