Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 25, 1949 We're Selling METAL TROUGHS Like Hotcakes! Tell us the style and size you want ....We'll make them. We also make fuel oil tanks Becket Equipment Company J. I. Case Dealer Heppner Oregon TEX-TOGS For Children FOR FAIR AND RODEO Outfit your youngster just like all the other real cowhands. Tex-Tog Pants & Shirts Sizes 1, 2, and 3 at Mary Van's Flower Shop Higby-WhiteVows Spoken Sunday at Church Ceremony Miss Phyllis Nathelle Higby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Higby of Forest Grove, and Charles Scarborough White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White of i lone were married in the Pacific University Congregational church at Forest Grove at 4 o'clock p. m. Sunday, August 21, with the Rev. Arthur M. Stook officiating. The church was decorated in orchid and white gladiolus. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin dress with a full train and with white chantil ly lace, a full length veil with a heart shaped Mary Stewart bon net trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a white Rainbow Girls' Bible with satin streamers and stephanotis and an orchid. Miss Beverley Crawford was maid of honor and wore a turquo. ise satin gown Bridesmaids were Miss Marilyn Smith, Miss Lodena French, Mrs. John Tompkins, all of Forest Grove, and Miss Arlene Bonn of Seattle. They wore orchid satin gowns and all wore picture net hats and mitts and carried heart shaped flower arrange ments of orchid and white glads. The flower girl was Lona White, sister of the groom, and ring bearer was Jo Letha Rickey. They wore white organza dresses with turquoise sashes. Candle lighters were Janice Bushong of Bend and Anne Seymour. They wore white organza with orchid sashes. Arthur Clough of Arlington was best man, and ushers were Ken dall Nash, Dr. George Nash, both uncles of the bride, and Harold Higby, her brother. Richard Hig by, uncle of the bride, sang Be cause and the Wedding Benedic tion and Prayer, acocmpanied by his wife at the organ. A reception in the church par lor followed the wedding The i (Congratulations, Easter's Grill We wish you every success, and we feel certain that you will continue to prosper. We are very pleased to have been of as sistance in bringing you, Heppner's newest busi ness, into existence. Morrow County Electric Service To the EAST The Travelers9 Choice UNION PACIFIC c3F 1 1 if Vint UN VALLEY to or Irons CAREFREE, comfortable, relaxed, you speed on your way. By Pullman or coach, you'll enjoy air-conditioned comfort . . . delicious meals ... fast, convenient schedules. Union Pacific offers you ex cellent service . . . low fares. DAILY DEPARTURES EAST StxceUtttiHCZ "CITY OF PORTLAND" Through from Portland to Chicago . . . fast sched ule .. . early arrival . , . stewardess service. PORTLAND ROSE" Denver Kansas City Omaha Chicago ... connections to St. Louis Texas East Southwest. MDAHOAN" Denver Kansas City St. Louis East Southwest. Through cars from Portland connecting with "City of St. Louis" Streamliner. (All schedule! standard time) Ltt us help you pha youi next trip Etst LOCAL AGENT UNION PACIF RAILROAD cake was served by Mrs. J. C. Rickey of Kstacada and Mrs. Richard Higby, Portland. At the tea table were the bridal couple's maternal grandmothers, Mrs. N. B. Nash and Mrs. O. S. Shlffer. Others assisting about the room were Miss Lucille Higby, Mrs Do rothy Seymour, Mrs. Nora Lee Craven, Miss Beverly Gates, Miss Shirley Powell, Miss Virginia Bonn and Mrs. Thomas Perkins. The bride's mother wore a roy al blue crepe dress with pink ac cessories and rose corsage: the groom's mother was attired in an American beauty dress with aqua accessories and a delphinium cor sage. The bride's going away suit was forest green with matching accessories and her orchid. The young couple left on a trip to Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. They will both attend Pacific un iversity this fall. Mr. White be. longs to Alpha Zeta fraternity and Intercollegiate Knights. Attending the wedding from lone were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White and family, Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fletcher. A disting uished guest was Dr. Roberto Hooker of .Managua, Nicaragua. He is brother-in-law of the presi dent of Nicaragua and Is the groom's Spanish teacher at the university. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and family returned home from the coast last week. Mrs. Velma Dowell of Vernonia and Mrs. Robert Witsell of Port land were guests of their sister, Mrs. Ethel Stewart, last week. Mrs. Ralph Magnusson of Juli ette, Ida. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Pasco, Wash, and their chil dren visited their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Robert Seaton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bard of Stanfield were guests of the Seatons Wednesday of last week. Mr.. Bard is the Union Pacific agent at Stanfield. Mrs. Clifford Carlson and dau ghter Leslie left Monday for Cot tage Grove to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Robertson and baby of Salem were visitors . here last week. Mr. Robertson will r, teach music the coming school , year. lone won in the Softball game iwith Heppner Sunday. Joel Engelman was a visitor In Portland and the coast last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson and Mrs. Lana Padberg are huckle errying at Mt Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson took their 4-H woodworking boys to Lehman Springs over the week end. The boys in the group are Larry Rietmann, Denny Swan son, Ernie Drake and Delbert Bai ley. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann also went to Lehman. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Crawford were visitors in The Dalles Sun day. Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. mond Enstow, underwent a ma jor operation at The Dalles hos pital last week. The Ameca club met at the home of Mrs. Roy Lindstrom Aug. ust 17. Mrs. Clifford Carlson as sisted with the refreshments. Mrs. Gordon White received the door prize. The HEC of Willows grange met at the grange hall Friday af ternoon with Mrs. Harry Yarnell, Mrs. Paul O'Meara and Mrs. Sam Esteb as hostesses. Willows grange held regular meeting Saturday evening. The next meeting will be with the Lexington grange, September 17. Initiation in the first and second degrees will be given at that time. Mrs. Harry Yarnell served refreshments. Rev. -and Mrs. H. N. Waddell and daughter Charlotte stopped in lone Sunday afternoon. They were on their way home to Gari baldi where Rev. Waddell is pas tor of a church. They were at Nyssa where he officiated at the wedding of his son Clifford and Miss Claudine Tomlinson. Ano ther son, Willard, remained in Hermiston to visit friends. Rev. Waddell was pastor of the Co operative Church of lone a few years ago. Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap of Turner were lone visitors over the week end. He is superintend ent of the memorial home for re tired ministers of the Christian church at Turner. He showed movies and talked of the home here Sunday evening at the Co operative church. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer left Monday morning for Califor nia where they will visit rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely and her mother, Mrs. Dora Pierrot, re turned Saturday from a three weeks trip. They went through Yellowstone Park and covered Lmost of Oklahoma and Texas and were on the Gulf of Mexico. They visited many relatives, among them a cousin of Mrs Ely, Ed ward Dow, superintendent of the Dow Chemical Works at Freeport, Texas. They also visited Mr and Mrs. Ray Gillette (nee RossBelle Perry) at Houston, Texas. The Elys traveled over 6,000 miles. The Ralph Crum family left Tuesday for Portland. Peter and Helen Peterson, chll. dren of Mr. and Mrs. August Pet erson of Yakima, are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Fitznatrlck and Miss Margaret McDevkt left Sunday for Boise, Ida. and other points. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell spent the week end in Pendleton and walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson and son Carl attended the funeral ' of Mrs. Sophie Troedson In Port land last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen l and daughter Linda left Tuesday for southern Oregon. , The Clarence Warren family . left Tuesday for the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Padberg and children returned home Sun day from the coast. DATES TO REMEMBER: August 31 Movie at athletic. There will be no meeting of the Three Links club this month. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews are the parents of twin daughters Denice Margaret and Bernlece Lillian, weights 5 pounds 2 ounc es and 4 pounds 12 ounces, re spectively, born Aug jr.t IS at The Dalies. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely of Morgan are the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Zielinski of Gervais are the parents of a son, John Joseph, born August 18. Mrs. Zielinski is the former Juan ita Odom. Roy Lindstrom and P. J. Linn were Portland visitors the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramsour of Sunnyside, Wash, were week-end guests of the John Ransiers. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Salter and family left this week for Montana to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and daughter Linda are on a trip through southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warren and family are vacationing on the coast. Mrs. Ida Coleman and daughter returned home Sunday from Port land and the coast. Those returning home from trips to the coast were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and their families. Those giving books to the li brary this week were Miss Leta Humphreys of Heppner, Miss Lee ta Linn, Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs. Carl Feldman of San Jose, Calif. Fayne Ely, Joel Barnett and Johnnie Bristow left Monday on a vacation trip to the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Creston Black spent last week at Aloha. Miss Barbara Smith who has been attending the summer term at the -University of Oregon is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Griffin and daughter returned from the coast last week. They were accompan ied by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grif fin and family and John Landis of Portland. Little Nina Louise Griffin returned home with the Griffins. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McNab of Iowa were recent visitors of the Griffins. Mr. and Mrs. David Hill of La Combe, Alberta, Canada were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ran sier this week. Carolee Simmons rode in the Dress-up parade at Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson of San Jose, Calif, are visiting at the home of his sister Mrs. Johann Troedson. The Nelsons have been traveling In Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Neale Sherman and children of San Jose, Calif, are visiting here. She Is the for mer Katherlne Feldman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and family spent Sunday ter. ' 1 (13 AY FLOWER Here is cheese at its best. The same natural Mayflower Cheddar Cheese formerly sold in the wheel now cut, trimmed and wrap ped for your convenience. Rich, fully aged flavor perfect for sandwiches, snacks, sal ads or cooking. Sold in half-, one-, two- and five-pound wraps. don't forget Mayflower Cottage Cheese in Country or Croom iryli Pin and Half f in! AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR IKE EEEIPIPWER Civic Center Saturday Night, Aug. 27 Q7 X few. v ; I Vi ii i '' I" .1? Princess Dorothy of Lena District Invites You to Attend the FOURTH PRINCESS DANCE Music by AL HUITT'S Orchestra Admission, l.25 per Person Dancinf from 930 (a Ii30 Refreshments Dalzell at Rlt- 7