alette tiKme emmer Volume 66, Number 23 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 25, 1949 Health Officials Launch Campaign To Detect T. B. Adults to Receive Free Chest X-Rays In Mobile Unit Determined to get every adult Morrow county resident x-rayed for tuberculosis, county health and tuberculosis association of ficials began a campaign Wed nesday that already has secured the financial support of more than 20 local business men Mrs. Mary Van Stevens, presi dent of the association, and Mrs. iack Woodhall, chairman of the urvcy committee, said they had received the encouragement and support of everyone they had asked to assist them in their pro ject. Mrs. Stevens explained yester day that the association hopes to encourage at least 80 per cent of all persons 16 years of age and older in Morrow county to take advantage of the free x-ray ser vice extended by the state de partment of public health. The state's mobile x-ray unit will tour the county beginning September 6. In past years, so few persons have takep advantage of the free tuberculosis check-up that the as sociation has been unable to de termine whether the disease is at all prevalent in Morrow coun ty. Mrs. Stevens said at least 80 percent of the adult population must be examined before an ac curate estimate of prevalency can be made. Last year only 18 percent of eligible persons were x-rayed. Mrs. Stevens also said an accurate determination would .make it uiuiecessary for the x-ray unit to tour the county next year. Although exact details will not be released until next week, as sociation officials have announc ed that the x-ray unit will be in the following towns on the days indicated: Tuesday, September 6, Boardman and Irrigon; Wednes day, September 7, Lexington and lone, and Thursday, September 8, Heppner. The mobile unit Is equipped to x-ray one person per minute. Doctors say tuberculosis has no obvious symptoms when It first strikes, but Is frequently accom panied by fatigue, loss of appe tite, and loss of weight Because of this lark of obvious symptoms, it is only through x-ray that tu berculosis can be detected. Offi cials of the Morrow county health and tuberculosis association are sparing neither time nor money In their efforts to acquaint resi dents with these facts. Four Heppner Scouts To Be Promoted At Court of Honor Four of Heppner's Boy Scouts will be advanced In rank Wed nesday at the court of honor to be held at 7:30 p m. in the Episco pal parish hall. Scouts Wesley Marlatt, Jim Green and Terry Thompson will be promoted to first class, and Scout Nelson Con nor will be advanced to second class. A number of merit badges also will be awarded. Scoutmaster Bill Davis said Monday that all boys who are 11 years of age, or who soon will be 11 ore welcome to attend the event. National Boy Scout headquar ters has announced new age lim its for Scouts, Davis said. Effect ive September 1, Boy Scout ages will range from 11 through 13 years; Explorer Scouts will be 14 years of age and or older, and Cub Scouts will range from 8 through 10 years of age. CHORDSMEN GIVE GOOD ACCOUNT OF SELVES AT SUNDAY EVENING CONCERT The Chordsmon, Negro chorus from the colored church of Ore gon's Methodist conference, pre sented a one-hour program of spiritual songs Sunday night at the Methodist churcn in neppm-.. The Itev. Ennls Whaley, paslor of Hughes Memorial church, direct ed the group of youths. The chorus is endeavoring to raise money to buy a bus for use in transporting children to Sun day school from housing units in outlying districts of Portland. Following the concert, members of the chorus were served a pot luck supper at the church. LOGGER HIT BY CABLE Kenneth Dyerson, logger at the Sirilsmier mill, was Injured yes terday when he was struck in the luce by the end of a broken cable. Dyorson's jaw was broken, one tooth was knocked out, and his )Wcr lip was badly lacerated. o BEBEKAH LODGE MEETING San Sottcl Rebekah lodge No. ,T)'will meet at 8 p. m. Friday, September 2. All members are re quested to attend. Miss Flora Robison of Portland spent 'the week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. A. Troedson. She is a teacher In the Portland schools Final Rites Held For Billy Cochell Monday Afternoon Sadness pervaded the commun ity Saturday morning when it be came known that Billy Cochell had left us. His was a long, val iant fight to live but with over whelming odds against him, he succumbed early Saturday, Aug ust 20. Memorial services were held Monday afternoon In the Meth odist church. The huge crowd pre sent and the myriads of flowers were testimony of the high es teem in which the young man was held. William Shannon Cohcell was born March 3, 1917 in Qulncy, 111. He came with his mother to live in Heppner when a little boy. He was a graduate of Heppner high school, following which he served 10 years In the navy, be ing discharged In August, 1946. Billy was an outstanding band musician and was a member of the trombone section in the navy band during his years in the ser vice. Upon his discharge he re turned to Heppner where he taught band in the local school. The next year he was elected to have supervision of all band work In the Ashland schools. He taught there just two months In the fall of 1948, when he became ill and was later removed to Oak knoll navy hospital in Oakland, Calif. Four months ago he was strong enough to make the trip to Heppner, arriving at the home of his stepfather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wells, April 24. Billy was married on Septem ber 27, 1941 In Norfolk, Va. to Miss Virginia L. Dean, who with their two little daughters, Judith Ann and Pamela Lynn, survive. Assisting Rev. J. Palmer Sor lien at the funeral was Rev. Shel by Graves. The music was espe cially pleasing and consisted of two solos by Glenn Bassett of Portland and the male quartet from the MethoJist church in Pendleton, with Mrs C. C. Car michael at the piano. Pallbearers were Eddie Kenny, Bert Scouten, Edwin Dick, Frank Connor, Harold Pocket and Chas. Ruggles Billy had been a member of the Methodist church since a lad of 12 years. He also belonged to the Masonic, Eastern Star and Elks lodges and the American Legion. His father, A. C. Cochell of Richmond, Calif, was here for the funeral. o County Picnic lo Be Sept, 10 At Courthouse Park Morrow county people attend ing the rodeo on Saturday, Sep tember 10, will be welcomed by county officials and the Heppner chamber of commerce at a picnic on the park grounds behind the county courthouse. A between events affair, the picnic will be gin immediately after the parade ends and will last until the rodeo begins The Morrow county court con ceived the idea of staging a pic nic and an entertainment to give out-of-towners a place to meet for lunch, and to encourage use of the county's park. Heppner chamber of commerce will provide more tables and chairs and, above all, Ice cream and coffee for all picnickers. In addition, the chamber will pro vide sandwiches for band mem bers who will take part In the entertainment. Judge Garnet Barratt, program master of ceremonies, is contact ing the various granges, asking them to prepare and present skits to entertain the crowd. A number of the granges have already ex pressed an intention of taking part in the activities. Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman and Ranger Glenn Parsons will have charge of arrangements for the chamber of commerce. o CHILD LOSES FINGERTIPS Lynn Forsythe, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsythe, lost the tips of the third and fourth fingers of his right hand when he put his hand Into a gas pump at the Lexington airport. Tiiesda y. Orvllle Cutsforth flew the child to Tendleton for medical atten tion. Although his hand was heavily bandaged Wednesday, the boy did not appear to be suf fering greatly from the injury. o fJNEMAN INJURED Valden L. Woolman, REA line worker from Chelan, Wash., was badly injured Wednesday in a fall from the back of a moving truck. The accident occurred near Jordan Siding. Woolman was seated on a metal box when the truck rounded a corner and tossed him out. The box and a wire spool fell on top of him. Woolman was given first aid, then taken to St Anthony's hospital In Pendleton. Mrs, Allen Case Is attending a buvers' gilt show in Portland mis WMk, ' C-C Plans Caravan j To North Morrow Co. Fair Sept. 3 Representative Body Of Citizens Hoped For on Special Trip Plans for a caravan to the North Morrow county fair at Boardmah September 3 were set In motion Monday when the chamber of commerce decided to take the lead in arousing interest in the fair and stir up a little neighborly spirit in this part of the county. The fair will open Thursday, September 1 and, ac cording to Judge Garnet Barratt, Saturday will be the most appro priate time for the local delega tion to visit. Arrangements for the jaunt to the north end of the county have been left with the merchants committee, of which Allen Case is chairman. It is hoped, and expect, ed, that five or six cars from the chamber of commerce member ship will make the trip and an effort will be made to get others from the community to go along. Luncheon will be served by the Boardman people at the regular charge. Those planning to Join the caravan are asked to inform Chairman Case prior to next Mon. day. More information relative to the jaunt will be contained in next week's issue of this news paper. . By going before lunch time, visitors will have an opportunity to view the exhibits and other fair features and also make a tour of the project. Considerable row crop activity is In evidence over that way and there has also been much property improve ment. Glenn Parsons spoke briefly re lative to the spruce budworm sit uation. It is not too good, espe cially with the Infestation spread ing to many districts and not enough men and proper equip ment with which to fight it. He hopes for a partial control cam paign in his district. Judge Garnet Barratt reported on the opening of the new Colum bia river highway route between Troutdale and Bridal Veil which he and Mrs. Barratt and Commis sioner and Mrs. Russell Miller attended Saturday. Miss Mabel Wilson reported on the crop situation in Iowa, where she spent her vacation last month and announced that she is not leaving here until the end of her fiscal year, June 1950. Henry Tetz announced that the all-county picnic plans for Sep tember 10 are materializing. Dr. Richard O'Shea was wel comed as a new member of the luncheon group, being Introduced by P. W. Mahoney. The secretary was Instructed to issue an Invitation to Queen Shir ley, her princesses and the chap erons, Mrs. Wm. Smethurst and Mrs. Conley Lanham, to be the club's guests at next Monday's luncheon. o Salvage Man Says Odor Will Remain Whether or not the wheat con tinues to burn, the odor of burn ed wheat will remain with Hepp ner until fall and winter rains erase it. J. J Chisholm, head of the elevator calvage crews, said last week. Chisholm's statement was In response to a complaint by Clar ence Moore and Earl Hunt at the last session of the city council. Moore and Hunt told the council that the odor became unbearable at times Mayor Conley Lanham said Monday that on the day after the complaint he searched the area where the salvaged wheat had been piled, but he could find no burning wheat and could de tect no odor. He said, however, that the odor was noticeable Sun day when he drove by the area again and saw smoke arising from a pile of debris beside the highway. COWBOY BREAKFAST The Wranglers will serve cowboy breakfast from 7:30 10:30 a. m. Sunday, September 11, at the Oscar George place, the club reporter said yesterday. The menu will Include home-made biscuits, ham or bacon and eggs, potatoes, and coffee or milk. Ad mission tickets will be sold to the public for the event. STAFF CONFERENCE Charles W. Smith, former Mor row county agent, now assistant director of the Oregon State col lege extension service, met with County Agent Nelson Anderson and Home Demonstration Agent Mabel Wilson this morning to discuss office and budgeting pro. cedures. Miss Frances Clinton, state assistant home demonstra tion agent, also was present at the conference. o ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna have announced the engagement of : their daughter Jean to Donald L. Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nlel I Bennett of Preston, Kansas. Lena District -., -- f I 1 Riding her sorrel horse "Rock- A student at Echo high shcool, Last year, she was student di et," gracious Miss Dorothy Wig- Dorothy has been active in sports rector of the Echo high school lesworth will realize a dream of since her freshman year, when band when it played weekly on her lifetime when she appears she won her first letter as a mem- radio station KWRC. And besides next month before Morrow county ber of the tennis team. She has a musical talent, Dorothy has a spectators as Lena district princ- been a pep club leader and class knack for expressing herself well ess of the 1949 fair and rodeo. Tall secretary. She is a majorette with in writing, and slender, with brown hair and the school band as well as with Her hobbies are sports, horses, brown eyes, Princess Dorothy is the pep club, which has appeared and baton twirling. She would the 16-year-old daughter of Mr. at both the Lilac and Rose fes- like tQ teach baton twirling and Mrs Walter Wiglesworth, tivals. On a number of occasions ... Butter creek ranchers. she has performed the difficult Provided she never realizes her Lena district will honor Princ- task of appearing as band ma- greatest ambition, which is to ess Dorothy at a dance Saturday jorette and yell leader at virtual- own a ranch big enough to graze night at the Heppner civic center, ly the same instants a fortune in cattle and horses. Budworm Damage Too Extensive For Control By 1950 ' The insect infestation in Paci- fic Northwest forests is so extens. ive that complete control cannot be gained within a year, Forester Glenn Parsons said Monday. Par sons said R L. Furniss, forest en tomologist from the Pacifc North west experiment station, indicat ed last week that inadequate numbers of trained personnel and properly equipped airplanes are available to bring the pests un der control in one season. Parsons has recommended that control work be concentrated next year on 150,000 acres of timber in the center of the Heppner dis trict, and that work on flanking areas be continued in 1951. Since amounts of money allotted to the various forest districts for insect control is based on timber value, there is a possibility that Hepp ner district will receive little or no money for such work next year. Control measures are further complicated by the fact that bud worms can be killed during only a three-week period beginning about June 1, Parsons said. Saw flies, which are contributing greatly to timber damage, can be fought over a longer period of time. Effective control of bark beetles can be accomplished only by eliminating budworms and saw flies, which devitalize trees, making the m vulnerable to bee tle attacks. The only other known way to kill bark beetles is to cut infested timber and peel ana burn the bark. Parsons' statement resulted from a discussion with Furniss, who viewed budworm damage on a tour of Heppner district last week. Furniss, accompanied by Carl Coleman, vice president of Kinzua Pine Mills company, Boo Kennedy and Ted Yedlick, also of the company, were conducted bv Glenn Parsons and Kennetn Kieling on a tour of the Infested .area hetween HU name aim Opal guard stations. . Furniss told Parsons that the worms have spread to Northern Idaho and Montana as well as the entire Blue Mountain region. He said they eventually may cov er all of the Ponderosa region. o DRESS-HP PARADE SCHEDULED The Wranglers, Morrow county I Mrs. Jack Estberg, Mrs. w. r. riding club, has announced at Barratt or Mrs Edwin Dick may least part of the surprise enter- be called by anyone wishing fur tainment promised for the night ther information concerning the of the rodeo queen's dance. The kindergarten. Wranglers and the queen and her , court of princesses will stage a PERMITS TO BUILD OR REPAIR dress-up parade on the streets of! The city building inspector Heppner at 7 p m. Saturday, Sep- has issued the following permits .. ,.i., "j niimr wramit who wish L build or repair: . in ho nnraHe will be en - couraged to do so. Heppner's school band will take part in the parade. FORMER RESIDENT VISITS John T. Kirk and family of Ver nonia were visitors in Heppner Wednesday, coming from lone where they were guests of Mr. Kirk's sister, Mrs. Ethel Stewart. A native of Heppner, Mr. Kirk left here in 1729 to make his home in Vernonla. He Is a macninist wun o the btg Oregon-American lumber e. yf Mover and daughter, Mrs. company. He and his family had iAlctiie Owens, spent the week been on a trip to Canada and re- en(j in Enterprise and Joseph vis turned this way to see Mrs Stew. ting members of the family, art and to have a look at the old Ervln Anderson and Paul War home town, which, by the way,!rcn returned Sunday from a 10 he considers Is going ahead in dny fishing trip through Utah, fine shape. The visitors will take Montana, and Jdaho. Anderson In the Round-Up before return- gaid their luck was unusually ing home, Igood throughout the trip. Princess Dorothy Wiglesworth 9 ! 4 " XX;: ft Box Full Of Bones Causes Excitement A box full of dog bones un earthed Tuesday morning on the Tum-ALum Lumber company erounds touched off a murder I scare that, for several minutes, I threatened to upset the pleasant j routine of town activity. While digging an emplacement for a set of scales, Edgar Mor ris struck a wooden box that strongly resembled a human's coffin. Curious, lumber yard per sonnel broke into the box and found a number of large bones that looked suspiciously like the bones from a human foot. Excitement ran high until Dr. C. C. Dunham identified the bones as canine, rather than human. Old timers recall that the E. R. Bishop family, whose home was destroyed at the present lumber vard site by the flood of 1903, once owned an unusually big dog that may have been buried In the coffin. o J-C's And Auxiliary To Work at Civic Center Next Sunday Parents of children enrolled in the kindergarten who wish to participate in the Jay Cee-ette and Junior chamber of commerce workday Sunday, August 28, will be welcome, acording to tne com. mittee in charge. The men win start work at 8 a m. on the wash room which is to be added to the three rooms already finished by their organization at the civic center. At noon the men and their fam ilies will enjoy a potluck dinner. Each family is asked to bring two dishes; ice cream and bev erages will be furnished by mem bers of the two organizations. In answer to several inquiries, the kindergarten board has stat ed that enrollment in the kinder garten is open to any 5-year-olds whose parents wish to have them d ,he sch0ol. Since the kin . dorgarten wm be financed from , . . children from other , , i nrt ehool districts m be accepted until the quota of 25 little pupils is filled. At pre. I 18 5.year.0lds are definitely enrol led, with several others teni atively planning to attend the school. Mrs. Inez Meador, a qualified 11 he Instructor. Class ics will be held at the civic center on school days from 1 to 3 p. m., startine September 12. ' O. M. Yeager, house on Jones and Water streets, $2,500 for new roof and general repairs. Nate McBride, house on Court street, $100 for remodeling. Bill Lynch, Riverside Drive, $4,000 for new house of frame construction. Roy Elliott, Riverside Drive, $4, 500 for new house of frame con struction. Lester Doolittle, house at 106 Church street, $300 for reshtngl- ; jng and nPW windows, -J LKJ, ' J Win , . I L V- I Only 5 Lettermen Return to Heppner Football Squad Only five lettermen are return ing to the Heppner football line up this year, Coach Vernon Bohl- es said yesterday. Bohles is faced with the prospect of having to build practically an entire new line out of non-lettermen who are turning out for practice. The let termen are Seniors Bob Berg Strom, Norman Ruhl and Jim Or w!ck, and Juniors Phil Smith and Melvin Piper. Bohles said about 35 men have drawn suits and will report at the rodeo grounds at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon for their first practice of the season. Heppner is scheduled to take part in the football jamboree at Pendleton on September 12. Stan field and Heppner will play one quarter, and six other teams half six-man and half 11-man squads will play remaining quarters of the game. The season's first league game will be between Heppner and Echo, there, on September 16. The local team will play other games at Stanfield on September 23, at Fossil on September 30, at Hepp ner on October 7 (Condon), at Heppner on October 14 (Umatil la), at Heppner on October 21 i Arlington I, at Heppner on Oc tober 28 (Grant Union), at Hepp ner on November 4 (Moro), and at Hermiston November 11. Health Clinics To Be Held For All First Grade Pupils Health inspection clinics for all children entering the first grade this year will be held in Heppner, Lexington, lone, Boardman and Irrigon next week, Henry E. Tetz, rural school district superintend ent, announced today. Miss Mar garet Gillis, county health nurse, and Dr. R. J. O'Shea will be in charge of the clinics which are held in compliance with the Ore gon school laws regarding the Oregon health program. The regulations provide that: "All first grade pupils who have not had adequate pre school ex aminations are to has'e health examinations." (If they have been examined, they must pre sent official record of the exam ination to the head of the school.) 'The pupil must be accompan ied by one parent" Usually the mother). The clinics will be held at Ir- rigon Tuesday, August 30, at 9:30 a. m. at the school house; at Boardman at 1:30 p. m. August 30 at the schoolhouse; at Lexington at 9:30 a. m. August 31, at the schoolhouse; at lone at 1:30 p. m. August 31 at the schoolhouse and at Heppner on Thursday, Septem ber 1, at 9:30 a. m. in the lunch room at the schoolhouse. Mr. Tetz pointed out that a child entering school for the first time during the fall term should be deemed to be six years of age and eligible to enter if his sixth birthday occurs on or before No vember 15. o Headed for the Pendleton Round-Up, Jason Biddle of De Lake and two friends, Mrs Grace Goodrich of DeLake and Mrs. An na Hegberg of Portland, stopped in Heppner last night. Mr. Biddle took some time this morning to get around and look up old time friends. He farmed for many years on Rhea creek. Jim Barratt Is working in Don Grady's place at Heppner Motors while Don Is away on vacation, 6ATTJRDAT RECORD GOOD; MONDAY NOT SO GOOD Saturday the foresters of Hepp ner ranger district of the Umatil la national forest announced a record no man -caused fires in the Heppner district this year. Monday morning the foresters rushed to Dog House springs on Ihe Ritter road to fight fire in the timbered draw. The fire had spread from an improperly ex tinguished campfire lighted by a saddle horse traveler Shortens Sentence By Tidying Streets Carl L. Suomale, 42-year-old Minnesota man, has been clean ing city streets this week to work out a 20-day jail sentence im posed Monday by City Recorder Walt Barger. Suomale was arrest ed Monday and convicted on a vagrancy charge. His jail sentence will be shortened two days for each day that he works voluntar ily for the city. A total of $85 in fines was Im posed by the city magistrate in the week ending Tuesday night. The fines were for reckless driv ing, drunkenness, driving with out a license, and other traffic violations Policeman Charles Gomillion said Wednesday that he had is sued an unusual number of cour tesy tickets within the past few days. He said drivers are becom ing careless about making meter deposits, and that the number of courtesy tickets issued will have to be curtailed. Jannsen Brings In Thirty-Fourth Well Leonard Carlson, in town Tues day, reported that Emil Jannsen had just brought in another well on the Carlson ranch in Goose berry. Water was struck at a depth of 300 feet and there is an abundant flow. It' required eight days to do the drilling. Harry Yarnell of lone did the locating. This is the 34th well brought in by Jannsen in Morrow county the past two years, every one a pro ducer. He has also cleaned out 18 wells in that time and at present is engaged in cleaning a well on the Bill Kilkenny place on Butter creek. Well, the circus has come and gone and things are moving along about as usual. It will not be asked if you were among those present. It is presumed that you were, for it is a human trait to go to the circus and no one is to to be condemned for spending a few dollars to see what goes on under the "big top." One of the best ways to enjoy the circus, or any other perform ance, for that matter, is to let down and enjoy it. That was ev. idenced Tuesday evening when the crowd actually broke down and applauded each and every act. The effect was felt In the response by the performers, even the ponies, who seemed to enjoy their work and put forth a great er effort to please. We often wonder if the present generation is not too sophisticat ed, and just what is required to stir up enthusiasm.. Watching the Dress-Up parade in Pendleton we wondered why civic leaders go to the bother to plan and build up such affairs when the crowds show about as much warmth as a bunch of cigar store Indians. Yet, the people go, as witness the thousands in Pendleton that eve ning go and stand by the hour Nvill tour the county with Dr. Gor for the parade to get underway don Blake to do testing on Mon and pass in review, but have to day, August 29. be told by the announcer when Only persons who have asked to applaud. Perhaps it's the spirit that their stock be tested will be of regimentation that has been .visited on the tour. slowly indoctrinated the past 16 1 o years or so. PUREBRED STOCK SHOW The Mideo Purebred Breeders' This column has not been in- (association show and sale will be formed about entertainment i held at the Sherman county fair plans at the Morrow county fair 'grounds In Moro on November 2 that part known as the fair 'and 3, the county agent said proper and may we be so bold W'ednesday. The closing date for as to offer a suggestion. Why not have the band play a short con cert each afternoon immediately f0H0wlng the rodeo performance at the exhibition grounds. A good many people who do not care for the arena performance and are enthusiastic fair boost ers like music and would appre ciate hearing the band. And be sides it might have a tendency to attract some of the rodeo patrons who generally fail to get around to see the exhibits. Painters are busy this week ap plying a coat of paint to the Ho tel Heppner building. From the work done so far it is not diffi cult to visualize the extent of im provement to this prominent cor ner. The drab gray is fast giving way to the prime coat and when the finishing coat is put on, with the tile trimming done in red there will be a dash of bright color at the corner of Main and Willow streets. Much redecorating has been done to the Interior of the building, as well as renovat Ing, and Manager Harold Sanders says the work will continue until the entire building is in first class shape. Fair And Rodeo Arrangements Near Completion Wilkinson to Be Announcer; Site Of Carnival Set Events at the Morrow county rodeo will be announced by Bob Wilkinson of Omak, Wash., rodeo chairman Harold Erwin said last week. A widely known announcer Wilkinson has handled a number of big shows, including the El- lensburg and Puyallup, Wash., rodeos. At their last meeting, members of the fair and rodeo board chose the school plavground area di rectly across Willow creek from Tum-A-Lum as the site for the Redwood Empire shows, the car nival that will play Heppner du ring the days of fair and rodeo. The carnival has about 30 con cessions and seven rides, includ ing a ferris wheel, whirl-a-plane, merry-go round, loop o - plane, Toonerville trolly, and kiddie kars. Jim Whetmore's company will provide a public address system for the rodeo arena. Whetmore is leader of the orchestra that will play for the rodeo dances. The fair board has not yet decided where to obtain a public address system for the fair grounds. Arrangements for this years fair are nearing completion. Walks in the new aluminum live stock barn have been graveled. Sheep and hog pens have been reconstructed, and all flood de bris has been removed. The main fair show area is receiving a coat- ing of sawdust and shavings. Jack Loyd, who is in charge or concession space sales, has al ready sold the grandstand and several other locations to hot dog. sandwich, and soft drink conces sionairres. The space is being sold for 15 cents per square foot per day. Booths belonging to Gilliam & Bisbee, Case Furniture company, and Oregon Agricultural Chemi cal company are being decorated. Outside commercial display space is being prepared by Braden Tractor & Equipment company and Oregon Agricultural Chemi cal company. Educational and community booths have been secured for Willows, Lexington and Rhea creek subordinate granges, by Rhea creek juvenile grange, and by 4-H clubs led by Mrs. John Graves, Mrs. L. A. McCabe and John Graves. The Heppner Soil Conservation service also will have a booth. A new 16- by 50-foot tent will be erected for 4-H, home econom ics, and school exhibits, which will prvent overcrowding in the general exhibit halls. Entry blanks returned so far to the county agent's office indi cate that more livestock will be shown this year than last. Few returns have been received on home economics open class ex hibits. o Breeding Stock To Get Disease Check Livestock growers who plan to exhibit at the Morrow county fair must have all breeding ani mals tested for Bang's disease and tuberculosis within 30 days of fair time, the county agent said Wednesday. Donald Robinson, superintend ent of the beef cattle division, consignments was July 20. RODEO QUEEN AND COURT GUESTS AT UMATILLA FAIR Queen Shirley Wilkinson and Princesses Betty Walker, Ingrid Hermann, Dorothy Wiglesworth and Faye Cutsforth, and their chaperons, Mrs. Wm. Smethurst and Mrs. Conley Lanham, were guests at a luncheon Saturday at Hermiston. All the visiting royalty for the Pendleton Round-Up, Umatilla county fair, Ukiah rodeo and other dignitaries, including Judge Sturgis of Pendleton, Mayor Dor othy Met'ullough Lee of Port land, and the parade Judges, Ma yor Paul Follete, Umatilla, May or "Nig" Borleske. Walla Walla, and Mayor Conley Lanham of Heppner were present. As there was no planned program for the luncheon. Mayor Leander Quiring of Hermiston called upon Mayor Lee for a short talk. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Anderson drove to Tule Lake, Calf,, Sunday and returned late Monday night. , Enroute they visited Crater Lake and Peterson's rock gardens at Redmond.