Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 18, 1949 Page 6 LEXINGTON CHURCH Tour Community Church Z. Franklin Cantrell, Minister Church school Oam. Worshln BOARDMAN ITEMS We wish to express our appre ciation and thanks for all the kindness and help given us dur ing the illness and death of our loved one, Ada Goodwin. Also for for thr- many beautiful floral of ferine 'hp funeral Charles Goodwin Mrs. Eva Warner Mrs. James Diokman Delbert Tyler returned to his home in Portland this week after sending several days here with Inends. Mrs Hussell Miller, Tatty and Jimrnie, and Alliie Akers motored to Pendleton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Garner mo- 1 1 Tod tn Pendleton Friday to meet their son lnokie who "returned home via United Aatr Lines from a visit of six weeks with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Jones, at Fort Morgan, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Pewey West Jr. an.l family spent several days last w.vk'as guests of Mr and Mis. Pale Russell of Hood River. Lee Pearson, water pumper for the I'nion Pacific at Messner. has been tiansferred to Taeoma where he is to lake over his duties Sep tember 1. His duties are some what different to the work here, hut is an advancement in rating. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root had as their guests last week, Mr. Root's cousin. Richard Doorendos of Cut Bank. Mont. The home extension group met at the home of Mrs. Russell Miller Friday evening for the purpose of electing officers and selecting a meeting date for the coming year. Mrs. Ronald Black was elected president. Mrs. Clyde Tannehill, vice president, and Mrs. R. B. Rands, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Russell Miller motored to Heppner Monday to attend the county planning home extension meeting. Mrs. Chales Graham left this week for Payette, Ida. where she will visit her step father who is ill. Saturday evening. August 20, is regular grange night. Grangers are urged to attend, also a fare well for the Lee Pearsons follow ing the meeting. LEXINGTON . . . By MRS. DELPHA JONES Freddie Papineau had the mis 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service, study and prayer meeting. and prayer meeting In lone Pen- Thursday: 7:45 p. m. Bible Friday: 7:45 p. m. Bible study tecostal church. and preachine 11 a. m. Sineinir and preaching 8 p.m. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner, Minister 9:45 a. m. Bible school. C. W. Barlow superintendent. ll a. m. Morning worship and communion service. Sermon theme, "A Bewildering Mixture." j 8 p. m. Evening evangelistic . and fellowship hour. Sermon theme, 'The First Messianic Pro-1 phecy." Tuesday: 3 p. m. Junior Chris, tian Endeavor. All children of junior age cordially Invited. Thursday: 8 p." ni. Midweek . - vi V. 7 Vrv. - U Relax while you enjoy a cooling, refreshing drink AT OUR FOUNTAIN Try the perfect treat ... a delicious ICE CREAM SODA Exclusive Dealers in hand-wrought solid silver jewelry For Women Floral and leaf designed Scatter Pins, Ear Rings Adjustable Finger Rings Brooches Fall Suits and Coats and Gage Hats now arriving. ANDERSON & WILSON WOMENS APPAREL fortune to wreck his car when coming home from Pendleton late Saturday and his wile was quite badly injured. She was se verely cut" about the neck and face and was taken to a physi cian at Heppner. She is staying at the Billy Nickols home. Catherine Carty has as her guests her sisters. Mrs. Irene Toles and children Terri and Ken nie. and Cecelia Carty of Klam ath Falls. Sunday they all spent n SDrav where thev were renew ing old" acquaintances. The girls are staying at the Glenn Griffith home in Lexington Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth are spending a week in Canada where they are enjoying some fishine. Mrs. Elsie Peterson has return. ed from a visit to Yakima and m ii , ijr i I - i I i Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ball. (Chloe Barlow) married July 9 in a candlelight service at the Boardman Community church. It's PENNEY'S for swings V Young Men's All Wool GABARDINE SLACKS Sizes 29 to 38 9.90 Young Men's All Wool TWEED SLACKS brought her two granddaughters home with her for a visit. Evan Van Houten of Pilot Rock was a visitor at the Cecil Jones home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs C. C. Carmichael returned from a visit with Mrs Carmichael's mother Mrs. Leath ers, in Vancouver, Tuesday and left Thursday for a trip to Yel lowstone National Park. Mr. and Mrs Bert Darnielle are spending the week in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wallace and family and Denny McMillan are visiting at Glacier National Park and Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. George Graves ! and family are vacationing in eastern Oregon. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Rnv Darnielle (nee Patty O'Har- ; rai has been named Edward Roy. service. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister 11 a m. Morning worship and sermon; special music; solo, "Op en the Gates of the Temple," Glenn Bassett, soloist. Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m. A class for every age. If you do not attend another church school you are welcome here. ASSEMBLY OF COD Pastor Shelby E. Graves 9:45 a. m. Sunday school, Mrs. Ora Wyland superintendent. Les son topic, "A Miracle in the Hea. ven. 11 a. m. Worship hour. Our God fights on the side of those who obey Him and who dare to trust Him. 7 p. m. Christ's Ambassadors. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Sizes 29 to 36 7.90 Young Men's HOCKMEYER CORDUROYS Boys' Sizes $3.98 Sizes A QQ 29 to 38 Young Men's White "T" SHIRTS 79c o I rtST8-, ' Ssf- 'SJzi I n 'ifeiLr champion aerialists, vJL-f W .-s fJ-fZil& i Uf2nM ACROBATS AND EQUILIBRISTS VfV I 2 K 1 Nt Wi -"i i G Si 7 CONGRESS OF CLOWNS THRILL- VXH 0 - - 'd W MkJ I!i3 RACES 50 MUSICIANS ACRES XMW'M V.f'VJ ! $T&$3 OF TENTS. S0OO SEATS Wif&l -'- S4;:rE53Cil,'ll," necLiLA rlto I A iwqiiihs f ISnn H X ' THE WORLD'S "tyJ$ ftSfea NEWEST BIG SHOW fiflpM S&T-A THE WORLD'S &Mm WXAGREATE5T CIKUUb 4.98 , WmMmm : w K Double knit around neck for permanent fit. Boys' Back-To-School Slacks HIGH IN STYLE PENNY-LOW PRICE In a new luxury blended Gabardine or Glen Plaids Sizes 8 to 16 Junior Boys' Sizes 3.98 California Styled SPORT SHIRTS 4.98 . bJj fk, f CROSS ZIP Slip-over Style Washable In Smart new shades. Long Sleeves Hound's Tooth Check SPORT SHIRTS Small O QQ Med, LgevO Washable. Fast Colon Smart Rayon GABARDINE SHIRTS All White Pearl Snaps In pastel or deep tones. Also black sizes 14-17 6.90 GLEAMING AND GLITTERING WITH GOLD AND WONDROUS SURPRISES FQK Tuuwu awu m.u DAY OF DAYS Lokd forward to with longing byttio children and grown-upft. Tha avantlut day that i"sMi. ontartaina and In atrueta. rafreihaa and raliavaa from tho tadfum of toll. Tha ono boat holl- dav dani with tho Croat SI AL BROTHERS CIRCUS DAT. I REMEMBER THISl Cloan and wholoaomo ontortainmnt la tho platform upon which thao fa moua brothoro atand. fndead thy havo sot o paeo to bo found with no otkor clrcua in Amarica'a hiatory. TWICE DAILY-2 & B P. I-: DOORS OPEN 1 and 7 P. M HI -g--!! HEPPNER Tuesday August In Letrace field south of Heppner Sales Yard 23 7 Protect Yourself and Children Stop at all school crossings and give children the right-of-way. If you don't Mop, there may be an accident. You might become involved in a costly dam age suit or subject to crim inal prosecution. What's worse, a child may lose his life or his happiness. See us for all types of INSURANCE C. A. RUGGLES Blaine E. Isom Insurance Agency Phone 723 Heppner at the most popular spot in town Saager's Pharmacy STAR os REPORTER Admlaalon prlcea aitornooo and evening, unlet! ape. olfloaJly advertlaod to bo othorwlaoi Cnlldronl Eat. Prlee .17, Pod. rx .03, Total HOo; Grade and High School Studenta IS yeara and ovari rat. Prlee .40, Pod. Tax .10, Total 50c; Adolta: Eat Price .50o, Pod Tho achedulo daring Augnet will be u followa; Tax .10, Total 60c Every ohlld oocupylng a aoat mnat have a. tlokot. ehowe ttart at T:30 p.m. Boxolflco open ovonlcge Sundoir ahowa oontlnnona atartlng at 1 u-m. All otuol nntll 9 p.m. Bum nrmrram Rnndao and Mondav. Bandar ahowa contlnaoua from 1 p.m. Same program Taoaday, Wednoaday and Tharaday. Donble-blU program . D(iu-aay, Dataraay enow atarte at T p.m. NOTE SPECIAL STARTING TIME FOR SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 TWO COMPLETE SHOWS: one at 6 P. M. and one at 9 p. m. Come to the early show if possible. FrL-Sat, Aug. 19-20 Big Jack Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main, Edward Arnold, Richard Conte, Vanessa Brown, Charles Dingle Plenty of shoot-'em-up action and a steady strain of rough-'n-ready comedy went into the making of this final Beery film. Plus Trouble Makers Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall and the Bowery Boys in another of their hilarious escapades. Sun.-Mon., August 21-22 Family Honeymoon Claudette Colbert Fred MacMurray, Rita Johnson, William Daniels, Hattie McDaniel How can you go on a honyemoon when the merry, laugh-laden problem in this you have to take the kids along ? That's gay comedy riot. Tue.-Wed.-Thu., August 23-24-25 The Snake Pit Olivia de Havilland, Mark Stevens, Leo Genn, Celeste Holm, Glenn Langan, Leif Erickson, Beulah Bondi, Ruth Donnelly, Minna GombeL Grayce Hampton, Betsey Blair The Snake Pit has been flmed with all the emotional impact and penetrating insight that made Mary Jane Ward's best-selling novel the most powerful book of our time. Miss de llavilland's performance in the challenging role is superb. This is stark realism and DEFINITELY not for children. Fri.-SaU August 26-27 Far Frontier Roy Rogers, Gail David and Andy Devine in just the right mixture of action and songs to make you happy. Plus Campus Honeymoon The Wilde Twins (Lyn and Lee) and Adele Mara in a pleasing little comedy. Friday and Saturday August 19 and 20 Londonderry 3 Qts. Red Shield Pound Ice Cream 1.00 Butter 63c Margarine All Regular Packages-Pound ... 29c Sunshine Hi Ho Crackers 1 Pound Package 32c Sunshine Toasted Cocoanut Rolls 7-oz. Package. .. 1 8c Jello Dessert and Pudding Powders 3 Packages.. 25c Swift's Tomato Juice (a real buy) 46-oz. Tin 25c Brookfield American Cheese 2 Pound Loaf 79c Swift's Prem Luncheon Meat 12-oz. Tin.. - ..39c SWIFT'S QUALITY MEATS Government Inspected and Graded Leg of Lamb Lb. 49C Swifts Sliced Bacon Lb. 59c Fresh Fryers Pan Ready Each $1.79 Steer Beef Short Ribs Pound ..39c Swift Premium Picnic Ham Pound .49c REMEMBER We Buy the Best! In Our Produce Department Peppers 10c Lb. U. S. No. 1 Spuds, r , ,rt 10 Lbs. 33c FrcshCorn 39c Doz. yams 2 Lbs 35c Grideen Bananas 3 lbs. 23c Court Street Market fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin