Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 18, 1949 Page 3 IONE NEWS . . . DATES TO REMEMBER: August 19 11KC of Willows grange at grange hall. Aug. 20 Regular meeting of grange at 7:30 p. m. August 24 Movie, "Silver Skates" at athletic field. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest MeCabe were The Dalles visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matth ews are staying in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Palmer and son Lee returned last week from a trip to Crater Lake and Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMillan left this week on a trip through southern Oregon. Mr and Mrs. Berl Akers and sons are vacationing at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice and son returned home Sun day evening from a trip to Sea side and Astoria, Oregon and Long Beach, Wash. Several from here attended the Dress-up parade at Pendleton Saturday night. Mrs. Roy Llndstrom and chil dren spent last week in Portland and Seaside. Mr. Lindstrom went down after them Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns have moved into their new home on Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hams have moved into the house vacated by the Dobyns' on second street. Mr. and Mrs Gordon White and family spent the week-end in Portland. Diane McCurdy of Heppner Is visiting at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Mc Curdy Sr. while her mother is In California. A cotton workshop is being held in the Congregational church with Mrs. Omar Rietmann as leader. Mrs. L. L. Pavid and father, Mr. Coberly of Sacramento and her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coberly of Caldwell, Ida. visited her cousins, Mr. and Mrs Omar Rietmann Monday. .They were on their way to Wood- land, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Haugen of Portland spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Elmer Grlf I fit h at Morgan. I Mrs. Jack Healy and daughter c Heppner Rflark't Specials Friday and Saturday Giant VEIL - - S8C Veal Patties For a Meal That's Different Fresh Ground C!.oice Beef Round Steak Buy Now and Save! One fiQp Pound W AT LAST! WE HAVE ICE COLD Watermelons ForQny Wc lb. 27c HUNT'S PRUNE- PLUMS-No.2'2Tin. STRAWBERRIES Fresh Frozen-Pkg.. 35c HUCKLEBERRIES Offn Fresh Froxen-Pkg. OtlV Rtz pkn9c Lb:. 29c Fresh Tomatoes 2 ft 12c Cantes Per Lb. a n n ?n nM own SALE SATURDAY AUG. 1 :30 p. m. at Frank Monahan Ranch On Willow Creek I mile S. E. of Heppner 1 John Deer Weeder 1 Walking plow 2 Gang plows 1 2-way hydraulic plow 1 400-gallon galvanized water tank Water pipe 1 Horse binder 1 Leveler 4 Mowing machines 1 Grain drill 1 Wagon Sheep panels 1 Fresno scraper 4 Hay wagons Woven wire, barbed wire 1 Springtcoth 3 sections Cable wire 80 feet 6-inch pipe 1 Camp stove 1 Crosscut saw 2 horse hay rakes 2 Harrows 25 gallons wood preserver TERNS: 1 McC'm'k-DVg side deliv ery rake on rubber. New. Log chains Harness and collars Log chans 250 pounds hay salt 1 Safe Seed barley 1 Hog vat Meat barrels 1 Model H Farmall Mowing machine attach ment 2 Milk cows 2 Saddle horses, 1 work horse Small articles too numer ous to mention Wood cook stove 60 ewes 1-2 Cr 4 years. 1 Lincoln Rambouillet 2-yr. old buck Chickens Cream Separator Lard press 20-gallon lard kettle CASH BOB RUNNION, Auctioneer HARRY DINGES, Clerk of Heppner and Miss Joan Cole man arrived nome saiuraay eve ning from the coast and Portland. The Maranamas mei ai ine Congregational church parlor urlnpHav. AnpiiRt 10 with Mrs. Kenneth Smouse and Mrs Ralph Crum as hostesses. Mrs. tcno Palmateer received the door prize. Mr anrl Mrs Oscar Lundell are redecorating their house. Mr. ana Mrs. rranKiin una. Strom and sons left this week on a trip through Idaho and Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker went huckleberrying on Mt. Ad ams this week. Mr. and Mrs Adon Hamlett and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Webster Hamlett, ot ban jose, uaiu., at tended the golden wedding of an aunt anH unrip in Ellensbere. Wash. Saturday.. The Webster Hamletts lett lor tneir nome sun day, accompanied as far as Port land by their son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and family are spending a lew days at Seaside. Mrs. Ethel Stewart returned last week from Geahart where she visited her son, Fred Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann and family are leaving this week on a trip to Denver where they will visit his brother, Ed Riet mann. Clara Ann and Alecia Swales are visiting their mother, Mrs. Harold Martin, at Hermston. Cleo Drake and son Robert have purchased the Independent gar age from E. R. Lundell. Thp T .nainn linvs pavp a dance for the younger set at their hall nursuay evenrng 01 jasi wren. The dance at tne grange nan honoring Princess Ingrid Her mann was well attended. The E. M. Baker family left Monday on a trip to Yellowstone Park. Mr onH Mrs Paul Pettvlohn nrf familv Mr anrl Mrs. Llovd Morgan and family left last week for Portland and seaside. Mr. ana Mrs. Raymond Lundell and fam ily are also vacationing at the coast. Tho lonn Pnhlip lihrarv is ODen fnr hncinpec in the new head- quarters in the Swanson building. Patrons are urged to come in and sign their borrower cards. Books have been received irom Mrs o. Hermann, Heppner Public library, and the Monmouth library. The Elks lodge of Heppner gave $100 to the library to buy children's books. School will start September 12. Thnco mino tn T.priman SDrines Miss Khirlpp Smouse and Miss Joyce Salter, and Har old Snider and Carl Marquardt. Keiauves coming nuin a vxa tanm for t hp Mr Richard Peter son funeral August 10 were Rich ard Peterson and daugnter fern of Corvallis. Mr and Mrs. Gustave Peterson of John Day, Lonnie and Ralph and Sherman Wilcox of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson of The Dalles. Mrs Henry Peterson and sons and Miss Lydia Anderson are spending a week visiting rela tives in Seattle. Mrs Ted Palmateer was a Pen dleton visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grimes who have been visiting her moth er left Wednesday for their home in California. Little Cherlyn Lindi of Pendle ton is staying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert De- Spain. to keep rust away LET CASE FURNITURE CO. Show you how Mon- tag s new Electric . Coal . Wood . Range does double duty for you! FEEDERS At the site of the burned elevator at Heppner we have for sale WHILE IT LASTS BLOCK SALT 1c Pound BROKEN SALT BLOCKS ...'Ac Pound REG. PULVERIZED SALT. Vic Pound MINERAL BLOCKS lc Pound WHEAT From $20 ton to $50 ton Wheat Screenings (chicken or hog feed) $5.00 ton Ask for Mr. Goodwin FOR MSID! Jfa OSi "THERMO-KLEEN" elements are the most easily cleaned surface units made AUTOMATIC oven timer and thermostat BIG OVEN, with safe, no-tilt racks STAIN-PROOF, one-piece porcelain ena mel top GENUINE FIBERGLAS INSULATION Case Furniture Co. ri mm 1 i CHAPCO stocks in thr lhkfcftt - ' I'l", 316", 4" in e k r dimwiioni. HOME! BETTER EASIER CHEAPER THE NEW HARDBOARD OF 1001 USES O For wallboartl ,0 For wainscoting f? ..) For built-in shtlvts icStflL O For Dortitiom j0 For sub-flooring For cLset h'ntrs -You'll save because CHAPCO BOARD works - easier, constructs faster, takes any paint finish. Save money nowwi CHAPCO BOARD TUM-A-LUMLUMBERCO. COME IN TODAY AND SEE LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PR00F-0F-VALUE DEMONSTRATION Mi eJPM UlVB'WATBR ACTIOH!)-- Only Frigidaire kai HI JkL, if " this W3V Geti dorhei cleaner, rlniei fltj ' fr J I Jp them brighter. Waihei f -and doth., come out drier, do)hJ h M wdy AfifcjJlip&tZy W P0"" nh,er H,a" roud vw U.UI, water oH Hie Hme CgiLjU. 7 Imagine pouible. Come In-youl telfMf- JX to. much drierl ' 5 DoyZ- SIECT'0'9IM I Thh ")ctrlc broin" ii io your ntir waih- I 1 i ui ing fob ovtonMH- ( WS PORKLMHI ) EY - LAST I A Product of Standard of California Ye8,this is the easy way to protect machinery, orchard-heaters, all metal surfaces against corrosion. Just paint (or spray) with Stand ard Utility Coating. Or simply dip smaller equipment. Protects from rust throughout the year! DISTRIBUTORS L. E. DICK HEPPNER GORDON WHITE IONE Come in and see PROOF I Frigidaire Laundry Equipment gives you features and value that can't be found in any other Automatic Washer . . . Electric Clothes Dryer , . . Electric Ironer. Only the Frigidaire Washer gives you all these features I All Porcelain Inside and Owl resists rust, grease, soap, solvents. Underwater Suds Distributor elimi nates danger of soap stains. Add Clothes Any Tim during washing cycle without stopping Live-Water Action. No Bolting Down vibration is so slight Frigidaire Automatic Washer can be in stalled almost anywhere. Loads from Top and full width of the top. No stooping, bending. Clog-Proof Pump eliminates trouble from lint, soap scum. Self-cleaning when wash, rinse and spin-dry ore done, washer cleans itself automatically. Stays fresh and sweet. Water-Heal Control for finer things, just set the dial and water is mixed to right temperature ; . , automatically. ALSO SEE NEW fdlCIOAIf E AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER AND ELECTRIC IRONER I Regiiter at our Prool-Of. Value Denomtraltoe and get Ihll lart-looking oyol ub hry owt... Ideal fa Bower. Heppner Appliance Co. Dependable Radio and Refrigeration Service