Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 11, 1949, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 1 1, 1949
The all Masonic picnic ache
duled lor Sunday, Auguit 13.
hers been cancclKl due to the
extreme dryness In the moun-talni.
Mr. and Mrs Jos J Nys are
rationing at Cannon frach lor
two weeks.
Guy Hall has returned to his
home in Rawlins. Wyo. after a
liiirt isil here w ith relatives and
I fuends.
) Douglas Oglctroe motored to
i Monmouth Saturday evening to
1 oin Mrs. Ogletree on a trip to
i ho roast for a two weeks vaca
tion Mrs. Ogletree has been at
u n.imt: the summer sessions at
! Oregon College of Education.
. id
On Famous
Sheets and Cases
81"x99" Siie
81" x 108" Size
42" x 36" CASES
39c ea.
More proof that 'THRIFTY PENNEY'S'
goes all out to keep prices down.
Library Quarters At
lone Redecorated,
Ready for Occupancy
Rebekah lodge at 8 p. m. Aug.
19. EC ol Willows grange at
the hall. Aug. 20. Grange at 8.
The room for the lone Public
library has been redecorated. The
walls are a pale green and the
shelves are ivory The books will
be moved in soon.
Mrs. Sophie Troedson died at
Seattle August 5 She is survived
by two daughters, Mrs. Elva
Tews of Seattle and Mrs. Lillian
Wilkinson of Portland. Funeral
services were held in Portland
August 8, with interment in Rose
City cemetery. Mrs. Troedson was
a resident in the Morgan com
munitv several years ago.
Henry Peterson attended the
Legion convention in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Peterson and
daughter of The Dalles spent the
week-end with relatives here.
The Softball team won both
eames from Herjoner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Earl Morgan of
Portland spent the weekend here.
Work has started on the Wer
ner Rietmann house above town.
Mrs M. E. Cotter assisted with
the luncheon at the Lana Pad
berg home July 26. Her name was
omitted in last week's issue
Those from here attending the
Pomona picnic at Whites in the
mountains were Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Buschke. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Halvorsen, Mrs. Seehafer and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Heliker and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Heliker, and Mrs. Lana Padberg.
Mrs. Sam Pomerantz and son
of Los Angeles are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Wayne Sperry of Los Angeles
is also visiting the ClarKs.
Mrs. Reeina Miller and daugh
ter Lena and Mr. and Mrs. Sol
Brown visited the daughter and
Before you Insulate,
get our prices. Phone 2744
or 2743, Hermiston. Free
Tuesday L
1:30 P. M.
200 Head Cattle Consisting of Cows, Calves, Yearlings,
Fat Cattle, Feeders
John Vomer, Auctioneer Harry Dinges, Clerk
sister. Mrs. Garland Swanson last
Mr. and Mrs. Hamlett of San
Jose, Calif, are vsiting their son,
Adon Hamlett.
The boys 4-H woodworking
class met with their leader, Mrs.
Garland Swanson, Monday, with
a luncheon at noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns and
daughter Dorothy left Wednesday
of last week for Raymond. Wash.
They will also visit at Olympia.
Mr. and Airs, waiter Dobyns
are visiting in Portland and Gre
sham. The Ernest Helikers have com
pleted concrete steps and a patio
at their home on 2nd street.
Allen and Sally Peterson re
turned to their home in The
Dalles after visiting their uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Mrs. G. Hermann gave a birth
day party Sunday inhonor of her
daughter Ingrid. Games were
played and refreshments of birth
day cake, ice cream and punch
were served. Those present were
Barbara Jackson, Lola Ann Mc
Cabe, Ruby Ann Rietmann and
Patricia and Delores Drake.
Mrs Jack Farris upset her car
Sunday evening near the Molla-
han place north of Heppner. The
car was damaged but the driver
was not injured.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lindeken
and daughter Harriet of Rich
mond, Calif, were guests at the
Harry Yaxnell home last week.
Fred Elv was in lone Tuesday.
He reports that Mrs. Ely is in the
hospital at The Dalles.
Mrs. Ida Coleman and daueh
ters left Monday for a trip to the
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan
ae visiting their sons and famil
ies at Estacada and Gresham.
Freddy Graves of Heppner is
staying at the home of his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ired Pet
Mrs. Etta tsristow ana Mrs.
Donald Ball were hostesses for
refreshments at Rebekah lodge
Thursday evening of last week.
Mrs. Cecil Thome and Mrs.
Echo Palmateer returned home
Sunday evening from Salem
where they attended the Ameri
can Legion convention as dele
gates. They reported a very suc
cessful convention. While there
they saw Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Pal
mateer, cousins of Mrs Palmateer
and Mrs. Laxton McMurray, for
mer resident of lone.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer
spent last week in Portland vis
iting relatives. They attended the
Legion convention at Salem Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball and
Mrs. Elsie Peterson of Lexington
left Tuesday morning for Yak
ima to visit Mrs. August Peter
sn who is ill in a hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cannon and
Mrs. Ernest McCabe spent Tues
day in The Dalles.
Mr and Mrs. Richard Sturgell
of Bremerton, Wash, were recent
visitors of her mother Mrs. Addie
Salter. Another daughter and son-
j in-law from California are visit-
! ing at present.
! Mr. and Mrs. Wate Crawford
and Mrs. Carl Tillman and dau
ghter Ruth went to Portland Sun
day. The Tillmans left for their
home in St Louis, Mo. Mr. and
Mrs. Crawford returned home
Tuesday accompanied by their
daughter, Mrs. John Voorhees,
and little daughter Peggy Lou
of Portland
In Heppner Hotel Building
Meals and Pastries
Come in and get Acquainted
Coffee on the House !
Thad Turner s indisposed at
his home. He has been ill the past
few weeks and worked only a
part of this week.
Mr ana Mrs. David Peterson sr.
went to Portland Friday evening
to visit at the David Peterson Jr.
home. They returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Delvin McDanel
left Sunday morning on their
week of vacation. They plan to
visit friends in Portland and va
rious places on the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Riley and
daughter of Oakridge were vis
iting his parents over the week
end here before going to Califor
nia on their vacation. Vi e laleys
are former residents of Kinzua
Mrs. Larry Clfirk Mrs. Cecil
Hopkins and Gertrude Beard went
to Pendleton where Mrs. Clark
received a checkup on her recent
operation in that city. They also
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis went
to eppner Friday afternoon where
he had the stitches removed from
his jaw, following removal of a
wisdom tooth there Monday.
Mrs. Don Bird and son Keith
and Georgie Lee Hoover were
visiting here Thursday frm Fos
Mrs. Vivian Hanna went to
Camp 6 where she met her mo
ther, Mrs. Bill uiibert, and tney
shopped and attended to business
in Heppner on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Jurick and
Mrs. Harlan Adams visited with
Mark Jellick at Rancheria Wed
nesday evening.
Wilfield Miller returned home
this week from The Dalles where
he spent several days in the hos
pital. He had a serious case of
sore throat and believed at first
he also had the mumps.
Mrs. Del Williams was hostess
fo a stork shower Friday evening
honoring Mrs. Glen Williams at
her home. A large number of
friends were present. Refresh
ments were seved.
Mrs Ralph Moore and Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Davis were attending
to business in The Dalles Satur
day. Mrs. Matt Jurick and Mrs. Lou
ie Connie attended the bridal
shower at Mayville Saturday af
ternoon at the lodge hall for
Helen Ingle, whose marriage to
Mrs. Jurick s son, u. perk Jellick,
will be an event in September.
Carl McDaniel and daughter
Carolyn or Heppner wee attend
ing to business here over Satur
day night
Naval Sitton underwent a ma
jor surgical operation in The Dal
les Friday. His bother Jack was
called Saturday to be with him.
His condition was satismactory
on Saturday evening.
Jimmy Hulet went to Portland
Friday to visit his mother, also to
close arrangements for college.
He plans to enter Oregon State
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pate
have returned from a business
trip to Portland. During their ab
sence their daughter, Karen,
staved with Mrs. Ted Pierson.
The New Fall and
Fashion Frocks
I will be glad to call at your
home and show you these
new dress samples. Ameri
ca's best values in dress
Phone 2682
Mail them in. We mail them back.
Two-day Service
Heppner, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice and Mr.
and Mrs. Darrell Padberg and
their families are vacationing on
the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan
and children were Pendleton vis
itors Monday.
M. E. Cotter had his house re
wired last week.
Protect Yourself and Child
Stop at all school crossings
and give children the
right-of-way. II you don't
stop, there may be an
accident. You might become
involved in a costly dam
age suit or subject to crim
inal prosecution. Whaff
worse, a child may lose his
life or his happiness.
See us for all types of
Bla ine E. Isom Insurance Agency
Phone 723 Heppner
Summer Clearance
on Cotton Dresses
in sizes 10-40- 18'2-242
Here's your golden opportunity to
pick up an extra wash dress to bright
en the work hours. They are priced
to go because we need their space.
Formerly priced Now
$4.95 $3.00
5.95 3.95
6.95 4.50
7.95 4.95
8.95 5.95
9.95 6.95
10.95 7.50
11.95 8.50
12.95 9.50
Also a Close Out on Cotton Skirts
Sizes 23 to 29
ndmUaion prloM afternoon and svaning, unless ipe
ollloally adver tiled to be otherwise i Children t Bit.
Frloa .17, Fed. tu JO, Total 20o; (trade and High
Bohool Students It years and ovari Bit. Price At,
Fed. Tax .10, Total 50o; Adulta: Est. Prlo .600, Pod.
Tax .10, Total too. Brary child oooupylng a aeat
nut havs a tlokst.
abowi itart at Tl30 p.m. Boxofflos open evening!
Sunday ahowi oontinuous starting at 1 p.m. All other,
until I p-m.
Tha schedule during August will be aa follows: Same program Sunday and Monday, Sunday allows
oontinuoua from 1 p.m. Bama program Tuaaday, Wednesday and Thursday. Double-bill program
Friday and Saturday, Saturday show starts at 7 p.m.
Sun.-Mon., Aug U-1S
Adventures in Baltimore
Robert Young, Shirley Temple, John Agar,
Albert Sharpe, Josephine Hutchinson
A yarn about a lovable gal who keeps
herself and her family in hot water be
cause of viewpoints considered too mod
ern for the times , . a wholesome and
enjoyable comedy.
Tue.-Wed-Thu.. Aug. 16-17-18
Flamingo Road
Joan Crawford, Zachary Scott, Sydney
Greenstreet Gladys George, David Brian
A dramatic wallop with the lush produc
tion and skillful direction typical of all
La Crawford films.
Fri.-Sot Aug. 19-20
Big Jack
Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main, Edward
Arnold, Richard Conte, Vanessa Brown,
Charles Dingle
Plenty of shoot-'em-up action and a
steady strain of rough'n-ready comedy
went into the making of this final Beery
film. Plus
Trouble Makers
Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall and the Bowery
Boys in another of their hilarious
Monahan Ranch
I mile S. E. of Heppner
1 John Deer Weeder
1 Walking plow
2 Gang plows
1 2-way hydraulic plow
1 400-gallon galvanized
water tank
Water pipe
1 Horse binder
1 Leveler
4 Mowing machines
1 Grain drill
1 Wagon
Sheep panels
1 Fresno scraper
4 Hay wagons
Woven wire, barbed wire
1 Springtooth 3 sections
Cable wire
80 feet 6-inch pipe
1 Camp stove
1 Crosscut saw
2 horse hay rakes
2 Harrows
25 gallons wood preserver
1 McC'm'k-DVg side deliv
ery rake on rubber. New.
Log chains
Harness and collars
Log chans
250 pounds hay salt
1 Safe
Seed barley
1 Hog vat
Meat barrels
1 Model H Farmall
Mowing machine attach
ment 2 Milk cows
2 Saddle horses, 1 work
Small articles too numer
ous to mention
Wood cook stove
60 ewes 1-2 Cr 4 years.
1 Lincoln Rambouillet 2-yr.
old buck
Cream Separator
Lard press
20-gallon lard kettle
BOB RUNNION, Auctioneer