Poge 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 11, 1949 EASTERNERS VISIT (iuctitK tit the Oliver ("reswick home are his brother, Frank Cres wirk, and family, who armed the pant wwk from their home in C'onimirut, Rhode Island. Fiank Creswick is Just out of the navy after a hltrh of several years and in Interested In finrtine a loca tion in the west and his brother, now a full fledged westerner, is anxious to have him stay here. j Anions those from Heppner spending the week end at Bing ham Springs were Mr and Mrs. Robert Dnbhs and daughter Shir- , It-o: Mrs. Alma Morgan, Mrs. Jua- :nita Massey and Mr. and Mrs. , Milton Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tucker moved their household effects to The Dalles Monday. Mr. Tucker . lias secured employment at a I garage there. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS JUNCTION CAFE On highway 30 "A Good Place To Eat" Try our chicken - fried steaks - you can't find better. MRS. JOHN W. JONES, Prop. Cummings Creek Fire Calls 20 Men From Monument By MRS. MILLIE WILSON Mrs Lulu Settle was again call ing on her doctor in John Dav on Friday. She returned home Sun day. According to the record of the weather at the guard station, Sunday, July 31. was the hottest day of the year. The thermome ter stood at 100 degrees. Monument is having more than its share of fires this week. There were five in the vicinity of Ritter and five in the Rudio area. The largest one started Saturday af ternoon near the head of Cum mings creek. It is thought it star ted from a sleeper following the electric storm earlier in the week. Twenty men were called from Monument Saturday evening. An other 20 went out early Sunday morning. By Sunday night it had spread to 160 acres. Mr. and Mrs Guy Shaw of Her miston made a brief call on Mr. and Mrs Chet Brown of this city. They had been at the Ritter hot springs. Now ysui kitchen plans don't lus 3 io waif for a budget . . . LET CASE FURNITURE CO. show you why ffcis new Montag range is such a wonderful buy of only j 66 $169.95 You're right in wanting to cook the electric way. It's so clean ... so fast. Now your plans den't have to give in to a budget any longer. Montag's new full-size economy range is the finest value we have been able to offer in a long, long while. HV ftEAUTY ON YOUR BUDGET. See the smart styling. Look at the smooth, one piece porcelain enamel top . . . it's stainproof. No dirt-catching corners or crevices. Your Montag stays beautiful . . . saves you time and work. "T-K" UNITS COOK FAST . . . ARE EASIEST TO CLEAN. These new cooking elements are proof enough you sacrifice no quality. You see them only on the best ranges. Five speeds on each unit Swing mounted . . . with stainless steel drip pans. EVERYTHING BIG BUT THE PRICE. Big oven . . . no-tilt racks . . . Fiberglas insulation. Big storage space. Big value ... we know you'll agree. Come in right away and find out how easily you can have the modern, electric cooking you want. . . . $199.73 CASE FURNITURE CO. Mttfenzuf Montag WmA Next Sunday is a big day for Jeanne Determann Sunday evening, a little after 8:30 o'clock, the announcer on the Standard Hour will ay . . ."Now, a young artist we believe has 1 great future in music will entertain you Jeanne Determann, soprano from Loi Angeles." And Jeanne, who works as a secretary, will sing for the first time with a great symphony orchestra. ..for an audience of nearly a million people. Vie don't know what this chance will mean to Jeanne, but similar Sunday even ings have been very important in the careers of many singers and musicians Claramae Turner, contralto, and Jerome Mines, basso, both with the Metropolitan Opera Company, Dorothy Vi'arenskjold, soprano with the San Francisco Opera Association, Paulem Carter, concert pianist, and others. For it is our policy on the oldest of all symphony network broadcasts to help talented young people whenever possible ... so that, from time to time, the hour that's yours can also be theirs. II OF CAlFONA ft Mr. and Mis. Tele Christenson of Portland are the proud parents of a baby boy, Martin Lee. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Che tBrown of this citv. Mr. Christenson is on the police force in Portland. Mr. and Mrs Bo Holmes drove to Pendleton Monday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Millie Wil son as far as Echo where she vis ited her new granddaughter, Lin da Sue Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leathers of Top and Mrs. Fay Gay were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson Sunday. Bill Lesley, 'Roy Leathers, Bob Criswell and Oatis Stubblefield left early Monday morning for Deer Lick Springs in California where they expect to spend the next month. Mrs Evelyn Gillianwater, (nee Rue) and two daughters of Pay ette. Ida. and Miss Cora May Rue of Ontario stopped in Monument to visit friends Friday. At one time the Rues lived at Top. Miss Rue is a graduate of the Monu ment high school. Mrs. Gillian water was a Grant county teach er for several years. After visa ing friends and relatives at Top they drove through the mount ains to Heppner. Jim Healy and Cecil Hicks of Heppner installed a butane range and hot water heater in the Geo. Stirritt home Friday. Mr and Mrs. Roy Cork and niece, Donna May Fleming, left for Bend where Donna May will stay to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Mabel Cork. Mr. and Mrs. Cork drove on to Roseburg to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Joe Simas. On their return trip they will visit another son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lesley. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Gilman and son Charles drove to Baker to spend the week-end with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pope. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Enright were business visitors in John Day on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Round are moving from the Daisy Simas house into the Alfred Patzer ap artment. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Gil man will move from the Ethel Schafer house into the one va cated by the Rounds. The school boards held their regular monthly meeting Satur day. It was decided to have school open on the first Monday in Sep tember. Earl Sweek, Mrs. Earl Johns, Mrs. Harlan Shank and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cox were among those attendng to business matters in John Day Monday. Mrs. Kicnard Cox ten last week to visit her father in Eugene. She had received word that he was seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan snank lert the first of the week for Hood River. Mrs. Ellen Stubblefield and Ann Johns are looking after their store. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roach of Long Creek stopped in Monu ment to have some repair work on their trailer. While nere tney visited Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wil son. Mr. and Mrs Clifford Merrill of Eugene were visiting friends in Monument tne tirst 01 tne weeK, On Wednesday they were over night guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. h.d Enright of Top. tsetore returning home they expect to go into the mountains and search tor nuckle berries. CALL FOR BIDS School district No. 1, Heppner, will accept bids for the storage (when necessary) and servicing of motor vehicles from September 1, 1949 to September 1, 1950. Re- Carpentry and Cement Work By Day or Contract Bruce Bothwell Phone 845 Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP Transferring & Hecvy Hauling Padded Moving . Vans Storage Warehouse ' U. Pand N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Th Suulitd How," 1:30 p.m., luadtr, NBC ATTENTI ON FARMERS! GUARD AGAINST FIRE SEE US ABOUT INSURING YOUR GRAIN IN FARM STORAGE. Turner, Van Marter & COMPANY Phone 152 HEPPNER OREGON DECORATING ? Let us give you an estimate on VMTlANf BLINDS Picture and Window Glass Cut to Order YEAGER'S quirements: Gasoline and oil, tires, tire repair, twoing service, parts, greasing and cleaning, and labor. Bids will be opened August 25. Claudlne Carver, Clerk Heppner, Oregon. Dorothy Gray & iff These telephone men will soon make a damaged long distance cable carry calls again. Come along and see how. THEY GET GOING FAST WHEN TROUBLE STRIKES Telephone repairmen's big job is keeping your calls moving The Original Three-Lipstick Poueh plui tan XL Complete Fall Lipstick Wardrobe! NIWIST SHADISl PORTRAIT PINK ) ( NOSECAT RIGHT RED V Or i SIREN RIPE CHERRIES j I SOUTH AMERICAN The little red pouch duubles as a coin purse! Saager's Pharmacy t 4v K 4u Y h W 1 'KIT ."t..WT. IF . 1 1 1 j. 1 MA J W- 1. When someone's dltch-dlgger bites a chunk out of a long distance cable and it happens now and then repairmen get on the job fast to fix it. Back at a test center, sensitive instruments located the break and splicers hit the road. Almost simultaneously, many calls were routed through other cities to get them through with as little delay as possible. 3. Keeping service reliable makes your tele phone a more valuable servant just as keeping rates low as possible makes service a bargain today. A local call still costs just a few pennies ...and calls to the East Coast at day station rates only $2.50 plus Federal tax. 2. Service restored. ..the hundreds of tiny wires have been spliced temporarily and, even as the workmen stow their tools, calls are speed ing through the cable. Later it will be per manently spliced without interrupting service. Such fast repairs are possible by planning ahead for emergencies, so trained people can be quickly pulled from other jobs. Your telephone is one of tsicy's biggsst barjpis The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Storewide Clearance Sale To cut Inventory to meet New Buyer's Price Houseware ZENITH ELECTRIC WASHER Reg. 129.95 Now $98.00 PLASTIC WASHING MACHINE COVER Regular S3.50. Now $2.50 APARTMENT ELECTRIC WASHER Regular $70.70. Now $39.95 USED WASHING MACHINE $15.00 ZENITH 4-FT. DEEP FREEZE Reg. $229.95 Now $150.00 ZENITH UPRIGHT VACUUM SWEEPER Keg. $49.95. Now $29.95 ZENITH TANK VACUUM SWEEPER with attachments. Keg. $59.95. Now $39.95 CARPET SWEEPER Reg. $6.85. Now $5.50 OAKLAND RANGE INCINERATOR Regular $62.50. Now $52.50 SMALL KITCHEN WOOD AND COAL RANGE (suitable for cabin). Regular $34.50. Now .... $22.50 USED NORGE OIL HEATER Cheap TABLE ELECTRIC OVEN Reg. $22.50 Now $9.95 PROCTOR ELECTRIC ROASTER Regular $45.95. Now $32.94 ALUMINUM AND ENAMELED ROASTERS. Reg. $5.95 and and $1.98. Now $3.95 and $1.50 ARVIN RADIO-PHONOGFAPH Combination Ri g. $79.95. Now $29.95 PRESSURE CANNERS Reduced to cost STEWING KETTLES with Lids Regular 89c. Now 59c ALL ELECTRIC IRONS reduced. Also gas and steam irons DOOR CHIMES Regular $2.29 and $129. Now $1.75 & 95c CONGOLEUM RUGS 9xl0'4. Reg. $9.95. Now $7-25 74x9. Reg. $5.95. Now $4.49 UNO-WALL (slightly damaged) 25c a ft STATIONARY TUBS Reg. $14.95. Now $12.95 STATIONARY TUB STAND Reg, $2.95. Now $2.45 LAUNDRY TUBS on Wheels (dou ble) Reg $18.95. Now $15.95 LAUNDRY TUB on Wheels (single) Reg. $8.50. Now $7.50 BATHTUB Regular $110.70. Now $85.00 BATHROOM SINK Reg. 32.25. Now $15.95 TOILET BOWLS AND TANKS Regular $59.95. Now $36.95 LARGE KITCHEN SINK Reg. $24.95. Now $18.95 COMBINETS Reg. $1.39. Now 99c BABY CHAMBERS Reg. 55c, Now.. '44c Garden Dept. LAWN MOWERS Reg. $22.50 & $21.95. Now $16.50 & $1555 GRASS CATCHERS Reg. $2.25. Now $1.75 8-FT. STEP LADDER Reg. $8.80. Now $6.95 6-FT. STEP LADDER Reg. $6.60. Now $6.95 TOOL RACK Reg. 15c. Now 12c WHEELBARROW Reg. $6.95. Now ... $2.95 CHILDREN'S DOUBLE LAWN SWING CHAIR Reg. $14.95. Now$4.95 Owens Hardware Building Dept. EXTRA HEAVY 3-IN-ONE TAB SHINGLES Reg. 10.00 a sq.. Now $8.95 BARBED WIRE FENCE Reg. $10.25 a spool. Now $8.95 GARDEN FENCE (150 ft. to roll) Reg. $36.00. Now $30.00 6-FT. "T" FENCE POSTS Reg. $1.00. Now ... 89c 39" CATTLE FENCE Reg. $15.00. Now $13.50 CARPENTERS APRONS Reg. $3.75, $2.45, $1.75, $1.30, $1.20. Now $2.50, $1.65. $1.20, 90c and 85c SCREW HOOK & STRAP HINGES (for large gates), Rcg.$1.50 pair. Now . . 95c 12" STRAP HINGES Reg. $4.98. Now . $3.95 8" T HINGES Reg. $1.20 & 55e. Now ... 90c and 45c 2'4" SASH PULLEYS Reg. 33c. Now 25c STEEL LATCH for a Swinging Door Reg. 70o. Now 60c LOCK SET for Entrance Door Reg. $18.50. Now $15.00 DOOR CLOSERS Reg. $2.30 & $1.45. Now $1.75 & 95c DOOR LATCH SETS Reg. $2.70, & $2.40. Now $1.95 & $1.75 DOOR LOCK SETS Reg. $3.20 & $3.10. Now $2.95 & S2.85 SCREEN DOOR LATCHES Reg. $1.35. Now $1.00 CUPBOARD CATCHES Reg. 65c. 57c & 45c. Now 55c, 45c, & 35c E-Z LATCHES Reg. $1.25. Now 85c CUPBOARD HINGES Reg. 50c. Now 40c DRAWER PULLS Keg. 25c. Now 20c Marshall-Wells Paint Prices Reduced-Some as much as 10 Per Cent. Tool Dept. WOOD WORKER'S BENCH VISE Regular $18.75. Now $3.95 BENCH VISES Reg. $12.95, $9.29, $5.95 & $2.65. Now $8.95, $6.25, $4.25 & $1.95 PIPE VISES Reg. $15.95 & $8.35. Now $10.95 & S5.95 H.P. ELECTRIC MOTOR Reg. $37.50. Now $22.95 HAND GRINDER Reg. $5.95. Now $4.25 WOOD LATHE Reg. $42.95 Now $29.95 ELECTRIC COMPRSESOR Reg. $47.65. Now $32.95 PIPE CLAMP FIXTURE Reg. $3.25 Now $2.25 EMERY WHEEL Reg. $11.50. Now $7.95 ELECTRIC SAW Reg. $115.00. Now $85.00 ELECTRIC CARVER and Tool Marker Reg. $7.50. Now $5.50 6-FT. FOLDING RULES $150. Now $1.15 LARGE TAPE RULE Reg. $7.30. Now $4.95 ELECTRIC DRILLS Reg. $34.95 & $18.95. Now $24.95 & $13.25 HAND DRILLS Reg. $6.25, $5.25, $3.47, $2.19 & $1.35. Now$4.98, $3.75, $2.50, $1.75 & 95c BREAST DRILLS Reg $3.95. Now . $2.95 BIT STOCK DRILL Keg. $2.25. Now $1.98 SHANK DRILL SET Reg. $6.95. NowSS.95 SAW FILER Reg. $2.95. Now $2.45 SAW SET Reg. $2.10. Now $1.80 SPIRAL RATCHET SCREW DRIVER Reg. $0,60. Now $4,95 10" RATCHET BIT BRACE Reg. SH15. Now $5.95 10" BIT BRACES Reg. $5.25 A $6.09. Now $3.75 4 $4.30 12" BIT BRACES Reg. $6 30. Now $4.50 BIT EXTENSION Reg. $3.00. Now $2.25 8" ANGLE WRENCHES Keg. $1.10. Now 85c RATCHET SETS Reg. $13.00 & $27.50. Now $8.95 & $18.95 SOCKET SETS Reg. $3.45. $9.98, $13 45 & $27.50. Now $6.25, $7.25, $9.25 & $21.50. CLIPPING HEAD for a Shearmaster Regular $13.50. Now $9.95 LONG GRIP REAMER Reg. $11.35. Now $7.95 HACK SAWS Reg. 79c. Now 60c ADJUSTABLE VALVE SPRING LIFTER Reg. $2.65. Now $2.05 Auto Dept. BABY CAR SEAT Reg. $3.65. Now $2.95 ZENITH TIRES & TUBES Cut onc-fouth In price. GRILLE GUARDS Reg. $4.75. Now $2.98 COMBINATION STOP AND TAIL LAMP Reg. $2.25. Now $1.65 FOGLITES Reg. $4.45. Now $3.45 SPOT LIGHT Reg. $18.95. Now $13.95 AUTO TOP CARRIER Reg. $1.75. Now $3.45 TIRE PUMPS Reg. $2.95, $2.25, $1.39. Now $1.98, $1.50, and 95c GRAPHITE GUNS Reg. 15c. Now 12c WINDSHIELD WIPER BLADES Reg. 35c. Now 25c BUMPER JACK Reg. $7.95. Now".... $5.95 TRAILER CLAMP Keg. $6.49. Now . $4.98 AUTO KING MOTOR OIL 5 gal. $4.50. Now $3 80 2 gal. Reg. $1.89. Now $1.50 Sports Section MARTIN OUTBOARD MOTOR Reg. $155.45. Now $135.00 TRICYCLE Keg. $13.95. Now $10.95 JR. BICYCLE Reg. $45.95. Now $40.95 BOY'S DELUXE BICYCLE Reg. $49.95. Now $44.95 GIRL'S DELUXE BICYCLE Reg. $49.95. Now $44.95 BICYCLE LIGHTS Reg. $1.05 and 60c. Now 80c and 45c BICYCLE TROUSER GUARDS Reg. 15c. Now 12c ARCHERY SETS Reg. $10.45, $5.25, and $4.35. Now $6.95, $3.75, & $2.95 ARCHERY HUNTING BOW Reg. $10. Now $30.00 FISHING ROD CARRIER Reg. $3.95. Now $1.95 GUN CLEANING RODS Reg. 85c. Now 25c DUCK DECOYS Reg. $1.50. Now 95c Your Marshall-Wells Store