Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 1 1, 1949 Page 3 CALL FOR BIDS Bids will be received by School August 25, 1949, for Domestic Fuel Oil PS300, for school heating District No 1 up to and Including plant. Same to cover one year supply. Claudine Carver, Clerk, Heppner, Oregon. FARMERS Combine Need Welding: If the Job Won't Come Off Let US Come to the Job D. H. Jones & Son Another Bargain Day! ARMOUR PICNIC HAMS 45c Lb. Buy Now! PIONEER CHIP STEAKS-for a Quick Meal-only 19c Pkg. PRODUCE BACON 33C cprrini e By the piece-Pound UU artUIHLS STRAWBERRI ES-Fresh Frozen Offp SNOBOY SPUDS Sliced, Sugar Pocked Pkg. OtlV o. s. no. i WADHAMS COFFEE JQp i n -bs oq 1Pound Tin J-V For Soap Is Going Up BUY NOW? SEACAP TUNA OQ GRAPES 7-Ounce Tin UtJC Malaga Seedless 2Lbs 1 Q Standby Tomato Juice Q for 0 Fof'-VV Try It For a Cold Drink No. 2 Tin Mv watermelon HEPPNER MARKET 2aC Per pound Friday and Saturday Griffifh-Kelsay Nuptials Event of Sunday Morning By DELPHA JONES The Glenn Griffith home was the scene at 9 a. m. Sunday of an informal wedding when Miss Faye Elsine Griffith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Griffith, became the bride of Robert Kelsay, son of Mr. and Mrs William Kelsay of Spray. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Glenn Griffith. Incidental recordings were played preceding the cere mony, after which the bride en tered to the tune of the Lohen grin wedding march. She was lovely in a white rayon and em broidered eyelet street length dress and carried a white prayer book, which was covered with white stephanotis with white streamers. She wore a headdress of bouvardia. The maid of honor, her sister, Beverly Griffith, wore irridescent green street length dress with a corsage of peach colored roses. The best man was Bill Kelsay, brother of the groom. The ceremony was single ring, with Rev Frank Z. Cantrell offic iating. After the ceremony a re ception was held in the dining room of the Griffith home with bride and groom cutting the first niece of the bride's cake, after which Mrs. Glenn Griffith con tinued assisted by Mrs. W H. I. Padberg. The cake was a beauti ful creation of three tiers, with a bride and groom at the top under an arch of orange blossoms. The table was covered with a lovely lace table cloth and pastel color ed napkins. For going away the bride wore a champagne colored suit with same accessories and wore a white corsage. After a trip to the Ochoco mountains they will be at home in Spray. In charge of the guest book was Miss Glenna Griffith, daughter 01 the Glenn Griffiths. Those at tending the wedding other than the family were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Padberg, grandparents of the bride, and Mr. and Mis. W. H. I. Padberg, Lexington; Mrs. Nan etta Griffith and Mr and Mrs. William Kelsay. The rooms were decorated with pastel colored gladiolus in white baskets as well as several bou quets of seasonal flowers. The Lexington depot has re cently been sold to Glenn Grif fith, who is tearing it down and moving it to the lot he owns back of the Peck & Anderson service station. He plans to build a du plex apartment house which he will rent Mrs. Emma Breshears the local postmistress was the first express agent of this com munity, serving in tne year 191 COME IN TODAY AND SEE . . . llliH LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT PROOF-OF-VALUE DEMONSTRATION UlVE-WATER ACTIOH!)m-r . rf ' T:i V REALLY FAST! J Only rrlotdalr. hoi III fftz G.h dorh.1 cl.on.r, rlm.i ,t) f Jf rh.m brlght.r. Waih.. JS 11J 0 0d co)), m. M, dr.rj do,.. In hot, 4y rrrPy 1 W poundi lighter than you'd ivif wot.r oil hS. Ilm.- ylSJrJ M Imagin. poiiibl.. Comt In-you'l not half In, half out fcSPA J "" 4500 Down LKT'OM I T-jr.ieP.y .L DOtS EVERYTHING!) li 2907c TJ TWi "(ertric brain" in doei your entire woth- I Irtg fob automatf- ( tuk pnnteLAiN! ) WwSwjNw Come 'm and see PROOF! Frigidaire Laundry Equipment gives you features and value that can't be found in any other Automatic Washer . . . Electric Clothes Dryer . . . Electric Ironer. Only the Frigidaire Washer gives you all these features! All Porcelain Inside and Out resists rust, grease, soap, solvents. Underwater Suds Distributor elimi nates danger of soap stains. Add Clothes Any Time during washing cycle without stopping Live-Water Action. No Bolting Down vibration is so slight Frigidaire Automatic Washer can be in stalled almost anywhere. Loads from Top and full width of the top. No stooping, bending. Clog -Proof Pump eliminates trouble from lint, soap scum. Self-cleaning when wash, rinse and spin-dry are done, washer cleans itself automatically. Stays fresh and sweet. Water-Heal Control for finer things, just set the dial and water is mixed to right temperature . , . automatically. ALSO SEE NEW FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER AND ELECTRIC IRONER I HQr at our Proof-Of-Valu Demonstration and get thli amart-looking v Koyai Kuby ivy Bowl . . v. Ideal for flowers. plantt, tmall Heppner Appliance Co. Dependable Radio and Refrigeration Service Other people serving In the posi tion and who will be remember ed in the community were Mr. Slocum, Gladys George, Mr. Guil lem and several others. Griffith owns and operates the Lexington cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Klineer. Mr. and Mrs. George Peck and the L. L. Howtons all took deliv ey on new cars during the week. The Bill VanWinkle Jr. family returned Monday from a vacation in the mountains. Billy Steagall son of the Wil bur Steagalls, is working at the Kenneth Peck ranch. Mrs. Earl Warner returned Sunday from two weeks in Cor- vallis and Portland. She was a guest at the Clarence Hayes and uit warner nomes. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Darnielle and children were visitors at The Dalles over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Rickman returned from a vacation spent in Califor nia and way points. Mrs. Harold Van Buskirk of Walla Walla was a guest at the E. Leonard home last week. Mrs Herman Green entertained the Amicitia club at her home Wednesday of last week. Dates were drawn for further enter taining and the evening was spent in playing pinochle. Guests were Betty Groves and Roberta Schmaltz. High was won by Bet ty Groves and second high by Juanita Carmichael. Mrs. Fannie McMillan is a pa tient in the Mid Columbia hos pital in The Dalles, having un dergone a major operation there. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding left the first of the week for Lake City, Calif, where they will visit for a while and for Prineville where they will also spend a few days. Those attending the family re union at the French place Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall and son Buster Shoun, Mr. and Mrs O. G. Breeding and family, Guy Hast ings, all of Lexington; Mrs. Dave Catlin and son of Lake City, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steagall of Seneca, Mr. and Mrs. Strudgeon of Portland, Mrs. Cora Argobright and daughter Irene of Spray, Mrs. Don McQuinn and son of Wind lock, Dr. D. A. Shoun of Canon City, Col., who is a brother of Buster Shoun and Ms. Argo bright. Mrs. Dave Catlin and son Ell wayne of Lake City, Calif, were week-end guests at the Wilbur Steagall home. Friday night the Steagall fami lies, 0. G. Breeding family, Mrs. Argobright, Ms. Dave Catlin and Dr. Shoun were guests at a pot luck dinner at the O. G. Breeding home. Saturday they were all guests at the Wilbur Steagall home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bresh ears were Pendleton visitors Sat urday night and attended the outdoor theater there. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle Hender son and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Claude White have left for a two weeks trip to Grand Coulee, Yellowstone Park and way points. Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin and Dewey Irvin were, business visit ors in Bend over the week-end. Betty Griffen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffen, left Mon day night for Los Angeles whai they will visit her brother and family. ii p MAYFLOWER (SHuecyoD (SCueeae Here is cheese at its best. The same natural Mayflower Cheddar Cheese formerly sold in the wheel now cut, trimmed and wrap ped for your convenience. Rich, fully aged flavor perfect for sandwiches, snacks, sal ads or cooking. Sold in half-, one-, two- and five-pound wraps. DON'T FORGET Mayflower Cottage Cheese le Country or Cream ifyl.t Pint sn Half hat AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR m Willows Grange Hall-lone Saturday Night, Aug. 13 -I If" , n5 if i r vv h iM.. MlikiS Princess Ingrid of lone Invites You to Attend the SECOND PRINCESS DANCE Cliff Slack's Orchestra of Hood River Admission, $l.25 per Person D9T3c0lnto f; From 1:30 Refreshments