Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 4, 1 949 Page 5 a im COUNTY CLERK'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT, January 1, 1949 to July 1, 1 949 Jan. 1 WE DO STEAM CLEANING. Now is the time to get that dirty j motor cleaned to prevent over heating. Rosewall Motor Com-pany. KOR SALE 3-bedroom home. Leta M. Humphreys, phone 60S. 18tfc COMBINE FOR SALE A self -pro-pelled International ready for the field. See Rosewall Motor Company. BUTANE GAS All white enamel range with enclosed heater, hot water heater, 8 cu ft refrigera tor, console 4-room heater, all excellent conditon, used 1 year. Sell at & price or trade for live stock Will delver 100 miles. Victor Ganguin, Goldendale, Wash. 20p ROSY SAYS: It's surprising the nice cars we have to sell priced from $269.00 to $995.00. Used car prices have come down. Now is the time to step into a better car. CANNING peaches ripe this week, through August, plentiful now, 5c and 6c. Edmonds Orchards, 2 miles west of Umatilla, acoss tracks. ?0p IT'S SMART to drive a Ford. 1947 FOKD 6-cylinder, 4-speed pickup. Pay down $335.00. Rosewall Motor Company. WE HAVE just the paint you need to do the job Anderson's Build ers Supply. Used Car Prices Are Down I 1946 Chevrolet 5-Pass. coupe 1946 Chevrolet S-Pass. coupe Both of these cars are like new and have Radio. Heater and de frosters; also lots of other accessories. 1941 FORD condition. pickup, excellent DOES YOUR CAR shimmy? Let us check it for proper wheel alignment. Rosewall Motor Co. HELP WANTED Woman for wool pressing Heppner Clean ers. 20c IF YOU are having trouble With your car or truck overheating, let us clean the cooling system on our Brady Electric cleaner. We guarantee the job. Rose wall Motor Company. 1947 Chevrolet Truck 1940 Chevrolet Truck 1947 CHEVROLET Fleetline sedan 1936 Chevrolet Sedan WHY GAMBLE? BOY WITH A GUARANTEE I New Trucks and Pickup for Im mediate delivery. Also Cars in the Near Future Place Your Or der Now I HODGE CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 403 IF YOU need fence posts or wood, See Jeff Walker or Orville Gen try, Heppner. 20p NEW horse Briggs and Strat ton gas motor, $59.95. Western Auto. WANTED 100 men and women to try the new Ford feel. Ask to drive our demonstrator. Rose- wall Motor Company DOUBLE UNIT milking machine, gas or electric. Western Auto Supply. 1941 MERCURY six passenger coupe. This one owner car has had excellent care. Has radio and heater and clean as a pin. Pay down $265.00. Rosewall Motor Company. CALLAWAY Grain Loader for wheat and other small grains. 26 feet long, 8-foot removable section. Western Auto. WANT TO TRADE wheat for a new Case five-bottom plow We'll take 350 bushels of wheat delivered Hermiston you take the plow. Hermiston Grain & Feed Co. Phone: Hermiston 3311 or 6106. REDUCED PRICES on air com- pressors. Western Auto Supply. FOR SALE New Hampshire red fryers, 3 pounds or more. Mrs. Addie Salter, lone. 18-20p WE REPAIR all makes of cars. Just drive In and say fix It Rosewall Motor Company. USE A CALKINS Rotary Sub-Sofl- er on your fields after harvest We have one that been a dem onstrator. You can save plenty money on this item. Hermiston Grain & Feed Co Phone: Her miston 3311 or 6406. 18-21c IF YOU are planning on buying a new car or trucK, uatrence Rosewall wants to see you. RELIABLE MAN with car to serve 800 family route. We finance you. Write J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter Ave., Seattle, Wash. 16-21c 1942 CHEVROLET sedan. Pay down $300.00. Rosewall Motor Company. VACATION with us on World's Longest Beach. Modern furnish ed cottages, good beds. Reason able weekly rates. Write Mid beach Cottages. Ocean Park, Wash. Phone 67616. 15-24c WE HAVE trucks ready for the Held. See us lor a real Duy, Rosewall Motor Company FOR SALE Come in and get these tender milk-fed Austra white fryers. Mrs. Vernon Brown, lone. 17tfc KEEP YOUR EYE on our used car lot lor your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Com pany, FOR SALE 12,000 acres; 500 of it cultivated, four nice creeks, two sets buldings, well fenced, two miles from Mitchell; carries Taylor grazing rights; couldn't replace buildings for $50,000; priced far below actual value; price $12.50 per acre. See or write C. M. Dollarride. Mitchell, Oregon. 20-21p ) GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT Warrants Outstanding $ 5,772.11 Total of 326 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 27,290.99 32,973.10 Total Warrants paid by Treasurer 29,55558 3,417.25 July 1 General Fund Warrants Outstanding GENERAL ROAD FUND ACCOUNT Jan 1 Warrants Outstanding Total of 380 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 98,470.29 $ 5,678.19 $104,148.48 Total Warrants paid by Treasurer 94,121.23 July 1 THE NEW NORGE Automatic washer takes over 18 pounds of clothes per load L. E. Dick, dealer. 20c DON'T BUY an automatic washer until you have seen the Norge on display at Yeager's. L. E. Dick, dealer. 20c LOST Lincoln grease gun, be tween Monahan ranch and city limits. Please return to Jim Monahan. 20p PIANO TUNING I will be in Heppner during August to tune or recondition your piano M. M. Saunders, 1409 Isaacs, Wal la Walla, Wash. 20-21c July 1 General Road Fund Warrants Outstandng $ 10,027.25 DOG FUND ACCOUNT Two claims allowed by County Court and war rants issued 93 60 Warrants paid by Treasurer 33.60 Dog Fund Warrants Outstanding - RODENT FUND ACCOUNT Total of 18 claims allowed by County Court and warrants Issued Total warrants paid by Treasurer 60.00 3561.83 2,957.01 1942 OLDS SEDAN. New motor and ready for miles of carefree driving. Pay down $365.00. Rosewall Motor Company. STRAYED To the Weatherford ranch, black horse branded JNP connected. Please claim. Telephone 5F6. lOtfc 700 X 20 Firestone Standard truck tire, $30.99. Get them from Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 7-room house, full basement, ideal location. Phone 2284. 16tfc 1949 FORD 6-cylinder pickup. Low mileage. Pay down $500.00. Full price $1495.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Trailer house. 1942 1 FOR SALE 6 Cu. Ft. G-E re t.j I .1 ' ri nara t nr U7iito P " rauonai eumuieie, gooa ures, '6"ow. etc. Call 613. 20-22c FOR SALE 1937 Pontiac 6 sedan fair $200; also full size baby crib, $7.00. Lincoln Nash. 20p BODY and FENDER work, paint ing and frame straightening. We have two expert metal men that will make your old car look new again. See us for a free estimate on that repair job. Rosewall Motor Company. Write P. O. Box 63. 19tfc NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow In the Matter of the Estate of LAWRENCE L. BEACH, de- C3 Sod NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Administra- tratrix of the Estate ot Lawrence L. Beach, deceased, will from and after the 29th day of August,, 1949. at the law office of P. W. Mahoney at Heppner, Oregon, of fer for sale at private sale for cash for the best offer, all the following described real property, to wit: An undivided one-third inter est in the Northeast quarter of Section 3, Township 2 South of Range 25, E.W.M., Morrow County, State of Oregon, subject to the approval and con firmation by the aDove entitled Court. Dated and first published this 4th day of August, 1949 20-23 Administratrix. FOR SALE Used John Deere side delivery rake in excellent con dition. Can be seen at Becket Equipment Co. 19-20c WANTED Machinery wash rags. Must be clean and not stringy. Heppner Gazette Times. FOR SALE Case Combine 6-It. cut. This one Is overhauled and ready for the filed. Will trade for barley, oats or wheat Hermiston Grain & Feed Co. Phone: Hermiston 3311 or 6406. HOME GROWN GLADS, $1.50 per dozen. We deliver. Phone 312. Fay Bucknum, 19p PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the unregulated use of certain forest area is, In my Judgment, a men ace to life and property on ac count of an excessive amount of inflammable debris on the ground, and WHEREAS, upon the showing of the State Forester, it appears to me to be necessary to close to unregulated use the fol lowing areas within and adjacent to the Umatilla National Forest, designated as AREA NO. 102-P (MILL CREEK AREA) All that part of the Mill Creek Watershed serving the city of Walla Walla, Washington, south of Oregon Washington Stale line AREA NO. 103-P (BEAR WALLOW ARE") Those parts of T. 4 S Rs. 33 and X-i'i K., lying east of Bear Wallow-Lehman Sprngs road and north of Camas Creek; excepting the Bear Wallow-Lehman Springs road. Permits to enter the above described area may be obtained Bt Ukinh Ranger Station. AREA NO. 104-P (DESOLATION CREEK AREA I Sections 11 to 14 inclusive 23 to 26 inclusive. 35, 36, T. 7 S., i., T. 8 S., K. 14, T. 6 S., R. 26 E., excepting Kin- zua Highway. Permits to enter the above-described area may be obtained at Heppner Ranger Sta tion, Opal, Tupper and Bull Prai rie diiard stations AREA NO. 107 P (JOHNSON CREEK AREA) Sec tions 27, 28, 33, 34, T. 6 S., R, 26 E.; E&E14 Section 6. WttNWVi Section 1, Section 2, T. 7 S R. 26 fc. Permits to enter the above described area may be obtained at Heppner Ranger Station, Opal, Tupper and Bull Prairie Guard Stations. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Douglas McKay, Governor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority vested in me under the provisions of Section 107-210, Or egon Compiled Laws Annotated, as amended by Chapter 252, Or egon Laws, 1945, do hereby pro and conditional sale to the high est bidder and at the expiration of said preference right period, if no such right has been assert ed, the highest bidder will be de clared the purchaser of the land. CARL F. SPAULDING, 20-24 Assistant Manager. July 1 Rodent Fund Warrants Outstanding $ 304.82 COYOTE BOUNTY FUND ACCOUNT Total of 11 claims presented and warrants issued $ 81.00 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 78.00 July 1 Coyote Bounty Warrants Outstanding 3.00 TAYLOH GRAZING FUND Jan. 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 30.00 One claim allowed by County Court and warrant issued 50.35 Land Sales 25,440.11 Clerk's Office Fees 1,443.95 Dog Licenses 315.00 Sheriff's Fees and Mileage 185.31 Sheriff's Temporary Auto Permits 182.75 Realty Rentals 1,240.96 Sales and Rentals, Road Department 840.06 Miscellaneous Fines, Costs, Etc .- 1,679.25 Interest on War Bonds 325.00 Motor License Funds 11,390.88 Basic School Support 1,614.05 Interest on Time Deposits at Bank 250.00 Secretary of Irrigation District 2,459.33 Donations to Hospital Equipment Fund 2.245.55 Forest Reserve Rentals and Sales 2.693.50 Second Half 1948-49 County School Fund 6,080.00 Miscellaneous Refunds - 98572 For Taylor Grazng Act 60.61 Secretary of State for Fair Fund 649.99 Alcohol Beverage Tax 254-31 General Miscellaneous 263.11 DISBURSEMENTS: . a. General County Expenses 29,fi05.85 General County Roads 94,809-29 County School Fund. 6,369 .90 Rural School Fund : A 380.60 City Specials School Districts UUW.IT Hospital Construction Fund - 22,056.40 Non-Hign scnooi Districts - Jiiriz o coo 01 County Fair una - f'XSTxi Irrigation District Orders - ?,074.97 County Bonds Redeemed - 8,500.00 County Bond interest rata - ''iSs ,? Forest Fire Patrol 5,536.75 Rural Fire Protection District 7 - "S'sl Sent State Game Commission (Fines) J 37.50 Rodent Control - Coyote Bounty Dog Fund - CJ.J $120,320.33 $632,534.38 80.35 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 80.35 COUNTY HOSPITAL FUND Total of 28 claims allowed by County Court and warrants issued --- $ 63,09-24 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 22,056.40 July 1 Hospital Fund Warrants Outstanding $ 41,0414 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Vt MUHHUW bUUflll. uniiuun, July 1. 1949 Less County Owned Properties ASSETS Cash in hands of Treasurer $308,524.92 ItnltsH States Rntuto 26,000.00 Taxes Receivable (Delinquent) - 192?"?1 Taxes Receivable (Current) , 33,935.43 $378,785.18 LIABILITIES Warrants Outstanding (General Fund) $ 3,417.25 Warrants Outstanding (General Roads) 10,027-jB Warrants Outstanding (Dog Fund) 60.00 Warrants Outstanding (Rodent Fund) , Warrants Outstanding (Coyote Bounty) ?'? Warrants Outstanding (Hospital Fund) - IS oS'Si Estimated Revenues (Taxes) .... 44HU0 Current Surplus (includes amounts due all funds, in- cludng School Districts) 279,670.76 $378,785.18 Outstanding Road Bonds $104,000.00 Respectfully submitted, C. W. Barlow, County Clerk. COUNTY TREASURER'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT lm,,. 1. 1Q1H tn Tiilv 1. 1949 Balance on hand January 1st, 1949 $512,214.05 RECEIVED FROM moo Taxes from Sheriff's Office $59,720.89 Taylor Grazing Act Balance July 1, 1949 ... $298,009.46 $334,524.92 L W. BRIGGS Morrow County Treasurer. COUNTY SHERIFF'S SEMI-ANNUAL HEPOBT, January I. 1949 to July 1. 1949 TAX COLLECTIONS On Hand and on Deposit, December 31, 1948 - $31,973.16 1948-49 Taxes - 1947-48 Taxes - 1,I2co 1946-47 Taxes Z22 1945-46 Taxes 278.75 1944-45 Taxes HIS 1943-44 Taxes 1935 and Prior - Land Sales - - - - Total on Hand and Received DISBURSEMENTS: Turned over to County Treasurer. On Depost in Bank.. On Hand, June 30, 1949 ...$198.88 ...$657.89 $54,105.34 $86,080.50 $85,161.00 $856.77 Under Collections - Total Disbursements and Balance on Hand TEMPORARY AUTO PERMITS Receipts, $182.75 Disbursements, $1 82.75 CIVIL FEES AND MILEAGE $185.31 S185.31 PISTOL PERMITS $14.00 , J Respectfully submitted, C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff 62.73 $86,08050 By Frances Mitchell, Deputy claim the unregulated use of the SWViNW. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sale. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Man agement, Oregon District Land Office, Portland 18, Oregon, July 22, 1949. Notice is hereby given that un der provisions of section 2455, R. S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat., 1274), and pursuant to the appli cation of Olive E. Swaggart, Ser ial No Oregon 0774, there will be offered, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.00 per acre, at a public sale to be held at 2:00 o'clock p m., on the 22nd day of September next, at this office, the following tracts of land: T. 1 S., K. 26 E., W. M., Oregon, Sec. 12, above-described areas to be un lawful and that said areas should be subject to entry only through permit to be issued by the State Forester, or a fire warden, under which permit entrant shall com- ply withtany and all of the fol- (l) To re frain from smoking except in places designated as safe in said permit. (2) To build no open fires except in places designated as safe in said permit. (3) To have as part of his or her equipment when using campfires, except when traveling as a pedestrian andor camping at Improved, des ignated and posted campgrounds, tools as specified by the forester suitable for extinguishing fires. This proclamation shall be effect ive from and after the 30th day of July, 1949, and shall remain In full force and effect until the 31st day of December, 1949. Done at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon, this Doug- R 31 E .: Sections 1 31 E.; T. 7 S., R. 32 E.; Sections 1 1 lowing requementsi to 6 Inclusive, 10, 11, it, l. s &., k. 32. E.; that part of T. 6 S., R. 32 K... lying south of the North Fork John Day River. Permits to enter the above-described area may be obtained at Dale Ranger Station. AREA NO. 105-P (TUPPER AREA) SMi Sections 3 and 4, Section 8, VV. Sections 9 and 16, E4 and NWH Section 17, NENE' Sec tion 20, NEVi, NI4NWV4 and N4 SEi'4 and NkSE Section 21, W 1 and SEV4 Section 22, T. 6 S., R. 27E.; excepting Western Route Road, Red Hill Road, Little Wall Creek Road, and Kinzua Highway. Permits to enter the above-described area may be obtained at Heppner Ranger Station, Opal, 26th day of July, 1949. (s Tupper and Hull t'rairie i.uiira las McKay, Governor. Stations. AREA NO. 106-P (BIG ATTEST: Earl T. Newbry, Secre- ROCK FLAT AREA) Etyi Section ' tary of State. Bids may be made by the prin cipal or his agent, either person ally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be con sidered only If received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. These bids must be ac companied by certifed checks or post-office money orders for the amounts ot tne mas ana musi oe enclosed in sealed envelopes. The envelopes must be marked In the lower left-hand corner substan tially as follows: "Public sale bid. Serial No. Oregon 0774, Sale, 2:00 p m., Sept, 22, 1949. The person making the highest bid will be required to pay Im mediately the amount thereof. Any persons claiming aaverselv the above-descrioea tana are ao. vised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated ior saie. Anv nerson entitled to claim a preference right under the first proviso to said section 14 as an owner of contiguous land must assert his claim within 30 days from the date of public ottering Look . S avings Armour STAR Bacon Pound 5Qp (Limited quantities) VV PORK CHOPS Lean, tender Pound 69C OLEOMARGARINE Pound 29C CHIP STEAKS Package Value comes from Volume Chevrolet offers you the most value because Chevrolet builds the most trucks! Grapefruit - Stanby - 8 oz. can 2 cans 23c ICE COLD WATERMELON Pound SEEDLESS GRAPES-2 Pounds 29C CANTALOUPE Fancy-Ripe 2 for - 13C Heppner Market & Lockers nryjgr-y,,,.-) World's biggest builder of trucks-that's Chevrolet! And Chevrolet volume helps cut production costs . . . makes possible bigger truck values at lower prices. That's why you get more truck for your money when you buy Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks. Come in and let us help you select the right truck for your delivery or handling requirements. ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS HODGE CHEVROLET CO. MAIN at MAY HEPPNER, OREGON