Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 28, 1949, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 28, 1949
Monument Women
Honored at Stork
Showers Past Week
Two very pretty stork showers
were given this week. The first
was given Wednesday afternoon
Page 3
I at the home of Mrs. Lucy Ann
Broadfoot, In honor of Mrs. Rose
Grigs. The second was given in
the grange hall Thursday after
noon in honor of Mrs. Dane
Broadfoot. Each honoree was the
recipient of many lovely and use
jful gifts. Delcious refreshments
were served by the hostesses.
Frank Davidson of Portland
was in Monument the first of the
week greeting old time friends.
I CL.QL.vf
In t
At one time Mr. Davidson lived
in Monument. He was on his
way to the mountains to spend
some time fishing.
Mrs. Eldon Cave of Eugene,
daughter Jean, son Terry and
nephew Mark Fleming were in
town Thursday. They were try
ing to say hello to as many of
their friends as their limited time
permitted. They had been to
Prairie City to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Cave's uncle, David
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooker of
Heppner were callers at the home
of Mrs. Brooker's sister, Mrs.
Miles Gllman, the first of the
I Fred Shank of the L. S. ranch
'on Cottonwood was attending to
' business matters in John Day
by VuteiTlctj
They're all new...
from delicate pastels
to modern deep shades!
It's the wonder one-coat, oil-base
finish . . . now available in a com
pletely new line of modern wall
colors. No mixing or muss,
Dutch Boy Vi'onsover goes on
"as is".. . leaves a beautiful flat
finish that's really washable.
One coat covers old paint, wall
paper, even kalsomiuc.
From where I sit ... iy Joe Marsh
For The Ladies:
A Diet That Really Works
trust any of those get-thin-quick
diets. Simply cut down on desserts,
bread, butter, sweets and fats but
when you do, even do your cutting
down moderately."
From where I sit, moderation
is the watchword. Moderation
with food, with smoking or with
the enjoyment of a friendly glass
of temperate beer or ale. Actually,
moderation addt to the enjoyment
of just about anything.
We went out visiting the other
night and the ladies were talking
away about weight-reducing diets.
One of them had a special "15-day
Hollywood diet" guaranteed to slim
her down fifteen pounds' worth. An
other was living on bananas and
skim milk!
I might have known the missus
would get the bug, too, and sure
enough the other day she asks me,
"Joe, what kind of a diet do you
think I ought to go on?"
"Mother," I says, "the only diet
I would ever recommend to anyone
is simply moderation. I wouldn't
Copyright, 1949, United States Bremen Foundation
Same Business
New Location
Other Dutch Boy Paints at Prices'
Reduced as much as 16 per cent.
Builders Supply
Phone 232
Full Line of FEEDS and SALT
Across Tracks from Depot
Contact us by same old Phone No. 302
Business Office in Farra Building 5
jaua:uaammmmta:maaa:mttmaasm:tt 5
Morrow County Grain I
Heppner - - Oregon
Lexington News
Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs.
Trina Parker are spending a few
nays in Lexington attending to
ousiness matters from their home
at Camp Sherman.
Dorris and Dick Grant, children
of the Ed Grants in Prineville,
returned to their home there Sun
day with the Bill Van Winkles
The Amiciatia Club met at the
home of Mrs. Thelma Anderson
Wednesday. Election of a presi
dent to fill the unexpired term of
Mrs. Clarence Hays, who recently
moved away, was part of the
business meeting, with Mrs C.
Jones being elected. Prizes were
won by Mrs. Alma Green, high,
ana Mrs. C. C. Jones, low.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wlcklan
der and family of Boardman were
vistiors at the George Graves
home one day last week.
Mrs. W. E. McMillan and dau
ghter, Mrs. George Irvin, were
Pendleton visitors one day last
Visitors at the Joe Woark home
over the week end were their
daughter and her husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Wood from Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Gerard of
.Hood River were visitors at the O.
G. Breeding home one day last
Those attending the Pioneer
picnic near Fossil from Lexington
on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs.
; Wilbur Steagall and family, Mr.
and Mrs. O. G. Breeding and fam
ily, and Guy Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Stotts have
brought their infant daughter
home with them from the hospit
al In Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall
were Spray visitors over the week
Mrs. C. C. Jones and daughter
were dinner guests at the Ralph
Crum home in lone on Monday.
Mrs. Laura Scott has returned
to her home from a visit with her
daughter and family in The Dal
les, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steagall and
family from Seneca were visiting
their relatives, the George and
Wilbur Steagall families and the
O. G. Breeding family.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker have sold
the Tom Barnett home to Mr. and
Mrs. Winters and famly who have
taken possession.
Miss Edith Edwards, teacher at
Kinman business college in Spo
kane, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Edwards. Mrs.
Edwards is ill at her home and
will have to remain in bed for an
indefinite period of time.
To the firemen and citizens
who worked so faithfully and ef
fectively to save my residence
property during the big elevator
fire July 18, 1 want to express my
sincere thanks. Mr. and Mrs.
McLachlan have already said
"thank you", but I want you to
know that I, too, am deeply grate
ful. Sincerely yours,
A baby girl weighing seven and
one half pounds was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Barratt Saturday
mornnig, July 23, at the Good
Samaritan hospital in Corvallis.
She has been named Brenda Kay.
Mr. and Mrs. George Morgan
are the parents of a baby daugh
ter born at 8:15 p.m. July 21 in
the Riverside hospital at Pendle
ton. The baby weighed six
pounds, six ounces, and has been
named Mickey Marlene.
Billie Lee Adams si visiting at
the Jake Thompson home this
week from Camp 5.
Fords haul 6ERyFHlNG...
including the Kitchen sink
r...' " ' .' r 6 for 1949 with
HanJrd tick body. Availabh
h 9 l. end 12 ft. notfu. Up lo
"0 lb, O.V.W.
Anything GOB in ford Trucks
We have yet to see the load
that Ford Trucks can't pull!
'iiaLcvcr you haul, wherever you haul it, we've
got the right kind of truck 'for your work. The
1949 Fords truck everything! As a matter of fact,
we have yet to see the loading dock that has
strained to a load that Ford Trucks can't pull. Here's
why Ford Trucks haul everything: first because each
Ford is Bonus Built with extra strength to give it
a wider work range. Second, we give you a choice
of over 139 different Ford Truck models for 1949.
These, multiplied by scores of chassis options, give
a job coverage practically without limit. Come in
and get the facts from us on wide Ford job cover
age. Check on the scores of exclusive Ford Truck
features available in no other truck built!
Tout Ford Dealar ImrltH yoo to flltm to IKl Fred Allan Show, Sunday Ennlnn-NBC Network,
listen to tho Ford t hwttr, Friday Evenings CBS Network,
Sm your nwipipir lor tlma and nation.
Rose wall Motor Company
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patteson
and daughter Phyllis were In
John Day the first of the week.
Mrs. Lulu Settle who has been
staying with her daughter, Moya
Gilman at Top, was taken to John
Day for a medical checkup last
Wednesday. She will spend some
time at the home of Mrs. Jessie
Batty before returning home.
Orval Wyland has resigned as
janitor of the Monument schools.
Miles Gilman has taken over and
is busy gettng the schoolhouse
ready for the opening of school
this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Saddler
of Top were seen on the street
of John Day Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Gilman, ac
companied by Mrs. Chance Wil
son, drove to John Day Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Enright and
Mrs. Ivan Enright drove to John
Day Saturday.
Myron Pogue, radio man from
Salem, was at the guard station
a few days checking over the
F. M. Henderson, district war
den of Sisters, accompanied by
his wife, spent Wednesday and
Thursday at the guard station,
going over the district with War
den Chet Brown.
The road maintenance crew of
Sisters that is here doing road
work has gone to work at Black
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman and
wife and son of Heppner called
on the Chester Browns one day
last week. The sheriff is Mrs.
Brown's brother.
Mrs. Pearl Beale of Prineville is
visiting her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
Thomas, who are on the Rudio
There was a small lightning fire
on the Watkins ranch northeast
of Monument Saturday afternoon.
It did not take long to get it
under control.
Rov Leathers who has been at
Wheeler for medical aid for the
past two weeks, returned home
by bus Sunday. His wife and dau
ghter mot him at Rock Creek
Trella Beiges of Fort land ana
Mr. and Mrs. George Robison and
children of Los Angeles are vis
iting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rex Sweek. Sunday they had a
Picnic lunch and a family reun
ion at the Pioneer penic grounds
on Service Creek. There were 2.
of the Sweek family present.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Gilman
.pent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Gentry on Rhea Creek.
Lyle Van Dusen of Top was a
business visitor in Monument
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mellor and
Airs. Roy Bowman were attend
ing to business matters in John
Day Saturday.
Guests last week at the Dur
ward Tash home were friends
from Redmond, Including Mrs.
Loyd Peterson and Mrs. John
Peterson and sons, Leo, Francis
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. PandN.P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Turner,Van Marter
Phone 152
Stockman Seeking
Aid For Counties
From U. S. Forests
Congressman Lowell Stockman
of the Second District of Oregon
has Introduced a bill to pay an
nually 2 per cent of the fair val
ue of National Forest lands to the
states for distribution to the coun
ties in which the lands are locat
ed. In speaking of the bill Repre
sentative Stockman said, "The
National Forest lands of the Uni
ted States are generally estimat
ed to be valued at about $800 mil
lion, and they are lands on which
no taxes are collected by the
counties. While the Federal gov
ernment pays to the states, for
distribution to the counties, 25
of all National Forest receipts,
there has been criticism of this
plan, due to the inadequacy of
the funds and also because the
contributions are apt to be least
when prices are depressed and
the need of the counties is the
The Congressman further add
ed: "I believe the bill I am in
troducing would establish a larg
er measure of both stability and
equity of contribution to the
I counties. Each county would
know at the beginning of each
decade approximately the sum it
would receive during the ensuing
ten years from the then existing
National Forest lands. Long-term
county budgets or financial pro
grams thus could be formulated
with a far greater degree of as
surance than is possible under
the present 25 plan."
Representative Stockman ex
plained that he was particularly
interested in this legislation since
the percentage of area under For
est Service administration in the
counties of the district he repre
sents is as follows: Baker 32.05;
Crook 22.73; Deschutes 49.09;
Grant 53.05; Harney 7.83; Hood
River 61.74; Jefferson 13.97; Kla
math 29.56; Lake 18.96; Malheur
.06; Morrow 10.31; Umatilla 19.27;
Union 45.94; Wallowa 56.00;
Wasco 13.73; and Wheeler 15.11.
Mr. and Mrs. Cachot Therkel-
sen, former owners of Hotel Hepp
ner, were overnight guests in
Heppner Tuesday. They attend
ed the golden wedding celebra
tion honoring Mr. and Mrs 3.
Fred Lucas, and returned to their
home in Portland Wednesday
Mr and Mrs. Bob Lauglin and
son Bobby spent the week-end at
Camas, Wash, where they visited
relatives and friends.
A f f J' j 1
, , 4 v
o ' . )
Floor Furnaces
WiAme motto Burnt oil, No
fire-tending, no shoveling of
Iff clean No fuel-grime
or dirt.
Iff Real Automatic Fmt
Heott Powerful heats up
to 4 or 6 rooms with
"warm-floor" comfort.
Needs No COHaaat No
Ducti we can install
without "tearing up" your
Wlda) Roitgo of Sim onaf
Models to suit your partic
ular needs : See us for the
right installation for your
We're making Mils offer to
induce you to buy in our
slow season instead of in
cur Fall rush. See us now
save money get this
hotter heat:
Low Down Payment
Easy Terms I
Offer Good Until July 31st Only
Phone Heppner 862
ftA Dairy at Your Door'7
...brings you the finest
of country-fresh Dairy-
Products right to
your door on regular
scheduled deliveries.
Every Mayflower home delivery truck a complete
dairy products store on wheels. Take advantage
of this convenient way to buy milk, cream, butter,
cheese and other dairy products.
h II J M-V- x- or at your Door
and Billy.