Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 28, 1949, Image 1

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public a v i r o : : i
$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 28, 1949
Volume 66-Number 19
Walla Walla Man
Takes Over Task
Of Grain Salvage
Sizeable Outfit
Engaged Clearing
Elevator Property
J. J. Chisholm, of Walla Walla,
whose company Is salvaging the
grain from last Monday's fire
which destroyed Heppner's grain
elevators, today expressed his
gratitude to the lire chief, Charles
Ruggles, Mayor Conley Lanham,
the chief of police and all the
other city officials who were so
quick to offer their cooperation
and facilities in order that the
Joss of grain would not go high
er. Chisholm has had the entire
salvage operation turned over to
kirn by the insurance companies
and the warehousemen.
The salvagers arrived on the
scene of the fire and began to
scrape down the grain on Tues
day afternoon and full salvage
operations were begun the fol
lowing morning, with a great
many men and boys of Heppner
making up the main group of
workers. Road scrapers and oth er
county equipment were press
ed into service In order to clear
and level an area of ground near
the Union Pacific depot for stor
age of salvaged grain and barley.
Other equipment brought in in
cludes a tractor scoop, two scoop,
mobiles and a large clamshell
with a 30 foot boom plus a num
ber of large dump and flatbed
At the peak of salvage opera
tions about sixty men were em
ployed at the site, Including truck
drivers, scoopers and machinists.
The still-smoldering debris is be
ing carted to a safe area within
the city dump, as directed by the
fire chief, where It will be allow
ed to consume itself safely.
Actual salvaging of the wheat
will be completed prior to the end
of this week with cleanup of
debris to take a few days longer.
It is Chisholm's plan to leave a
clean site where the grain eleva
tors and others buildings stood.
Chisholm announced today that
he will be In a position to sell a
great quantity of high and low
grade wheat and barley suitable
for air kinds of poultry and live
stock feeding beginning next
Monday, August 1. There will
Mso be a carload of salt and
mineral blocks as well as granu
lar salt for either wholesale or
retail sale.
The insurance adjustors have
visited Heppner and made their
preliminary surveys and will re
turn after the stock records have
been audited and actual values
have been determined.
Due to interference with salv
age operations it will not be pos
sible for any grain to be sold be
fore Monday. It Is anticipated
that a quantity of low priced
grain will go to local feeders and
stockmen and the remaining por
tion will soon be shipped out.
Parents' Day Held
i$Y Girl Scouts
At Wind Mountain
A visiting day for parents was
held Sunday at camp Wind Moun
tain, the girl scouts' new camp on
Bergen road near Stevenson, Wn.
The following parents from Hepp
ner attended: Mr and Mrs. Ste
phen Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
James Thomson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Conley Lanham, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Becket, and Mrs. Harold
The 160 girls attending sleep
in tents, boat and swim in the
lake, and hike and explore in the
Surrounding woods. Although it
rained much of last week, the
girls have proved to be good
campers, their counsellors say.
The new lodge at Wind Moun
tain is almost completed and Is
now being used as a dining hall
and recreation center.
Heppner girls scouts at the
camp are: Sharon Becket, Sally
Cohn, Nancy Ferguson, Diane
Van Horn, Adella Anderson, Lin
da Bauman, Darleen Connor, San
dra Lanham, Sally Palmer, Judy
Thompson, Peggy Wlghtman,
Kaye Valentine, and Meredith
A burning blanket in the front
scat of a car parked beside Hotel
Heppner routed out the fire de
partment Sunday night at 9:30.
A few hursts of carbon dioxide
snow from the department's
hand-operated extinguisher stop
ped the fire before much damage
was done to the car. The car be
longed to Mildred Veneta Carson,
of Eslacado, Oregon.
Judge Garnet Bnrrntt today re
ceived a large quantity of Keep
Oregon Green material for distri
bution in the county. A variety
of window slickers, auto plate
tags, and posters made up the
bulk of the package. He also has
some ash trays for distribution,
Residence Building Activity Attracts Notice
Of Reporter on News Gathering Rounds
Considerable building activity
is being done at present in Hepp
ner's residential district. On Gale
street just north of the Methodist
Church a frame house is being
constructed for the Victor Lov
gren family and just directly
across the street from this, Mari
on Hayden has started work on a
new home which will be of ce
ment blocks. On Hager street,
the P. W. Mahoney house is rapid
ly taking form. Houses which
have been under construction for
some time but are now almost
ready for occupancy are those of
Mrs. Anna Smouse on Hager
street and Miss Leta Humphreys
on North Court street.
According to reports from the
Cecil district, a grass fire has
been raging on the sands be
tween Cecil and Sandhollow for a
number of days and on Tuesday
It was estimated that some 10,000
acres of ground had been burned
over with the fire still going. The
fire Is north of the Lindsay ranch
and the Alpine District and
Wheatland In that section is being
protected by large ditches made
with tractors by the farmers in
the neighborhood. Herbert Hynd
of Cecil, operating one of the
tractors, worked Tuesday to at
tempt to confine the fire to an
unpopulated area.
Mrs. James Estes has resigned
her position in the local tele
phone office and is moving this
week to Portland where Mr. Estes
is attending a school of Mechan
ics. They will live In Fairview
near Troutdale. Miss Janet Spro
uls will replace Mrs. Estes In the
telephone exchange.
Melvln J. Duvall left Friday
morning via United Airlines for
his home in St. Joseph, Missouri
after a three weeks visit here
with his brother and sister-In
law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall.
Mr. Duvall is assistant prosecut
ing attorney in St. Joseph. Dur
ing his visit in Oregon, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Duvall took their guest
on a week's motor trip to Port
land, the Oregon coast and Vic
toria, B. C, returning by way of
Seattle, Grand Coulee Dam and
Spokane. This was Mr. Duvall's
first trip West and he was greatly
Impressed with Oregon's scenic
beauty, the large ranches and
combine operations in the wheat
fields. On the Sunday preceding
his departure for St. Joseph, Mr.
Duvall was honor guest at a fam.
lly reunion at the ranch. Present
for this were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Wickersham and children Lois
and Loren of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Neale Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Duvall and son, Michael of
The Dalles and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Norton and son, Mack of Baker.
Joe Hughes, Jr. and Frank W.
Baker motored to Pendleton Sat
urday to spend the day. Mr.
Baker, is here from Stockton,
Calif, on his first visit to Eastern
Oregon. Both men are employed
on the Morrow County Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thompson
and Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Van
Marter, Jr., motored to Lehman
Springs Saturday afternoon to
spend the weekend.
Mrs. Bud Peterson of Redmond
visited in Heppner the last of the
Ranchmen Prevent
Fire Near Timber
Ranch hands Burrell Slimson:
and Harold Llpix-rt were credited
yesterday by Forester Glen Par
son with having prevented a fire
from spreading to the Umatilla
national forest.
Parson said the men discovered
fire Saturday afternoon in a pas
ture on the Watkins ranch near
Gllman flat. They fought and j
held the blaze until the forest ser-:
vice arrived with equipment to
extinguish it. The fire, which j
was believed to have been started '
by lightning, burned an acre and
a half of pasture that lay about'
100 yards from the forest bound
ary line.
Parsons said the fire was the
second of the year in the Heppner
district of Umatilla forest.
, o
Mrs. Arzola Baker
Dies at Age 86 Years
Mrs. Arzola E. Baker died Sun
day, July 24, in Heppner at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. L. C.
Miles. She was 813 years old at the
time of her death. Funeral ser
vices will be held in Boise, Idaho,
and burial will be In the Boise
Morris Hill cemetery. !
Mrs. Baker was born September
8, 1862 in Des Moines, Iowa. She
had resided in Heppner for about
one year. Surviving her are
three daughters, Lillian Miles, of
Heppner, Clella Smith, of Boise,
and Bessie Lamberson. Ray Ba
ker, a son, lives In Chicago, and
one sister, Ida Jones, resides in
Los Angeles. Helen Bolson,
Boardman, and Ruth Thacher, of
Boise, were Mrs. Baker's nieces.
Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Dick re
turned Wednesday from Portland
where Mrs. Dick underwent den
tal surgery. While the ordeal
was painful she Is happy to havejand E. William Anderson, gov- i
two offending molars removed eminent range specialist, paid an
and is ieeung quite nerseu once
week with her aunt, Mrs. Dur
ward Tash. She was accompanied
by her sister-in-law, Mrs. John
Peterson and two sons, also of
J. C. Payne and Tom Wilson re
turned Friday evening from Red
mond where they attended a spe
cial school on irrigation problems
for several days last week.
Mrs. Pearl Carter motored to
Portland the last of the week to
spend the weekend visiting rela
tives and friends.
Mrs. Ida Grimes is here from
Portland to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Allen Case.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Scouten and
children, Dennis and Sandra, mo
tored to Portland Saturday.
On Wednesday evening, Mrs.
Harry Duvall celebrated her birth.
day with a dinner party at their
home in the Blackhorse section.
Present for the occasion were Mr.
and Mrs. Neil White of Hermis-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian White
and son, Brad of Pilot Rock, Mrs.
Lenna Waid of Stanfield and
Melvin J. Duvall of St. Joseph,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Quackenbush
and daughter, Phyllis, are spend
ing their vacation at East Lake
near Bend. During their absence,
Mrs. Carl Bergstrom is working
in the store.
L. E. Dick of Helena, Montana
is spending several days in Hepp
ner visiting with his sons, Edwin
and Kemp and their families.
Robert Wightman returned Sun
day from Dauphin, Penn. where
he has been visiting since March.
Mrs. Lou Anderson of Condon
is spending several days in Hepp
ner this week. Durng her stay,
she is the houseguest of her cou
sin, Mrs. Ora K. Wyland. On
Monday, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs.
Wyland accompanied Mrs. Merle
Kirk to Pendleton where they
spent the day shopping and visit
ing friends.
Mrs. N. D. Bailey reutrned Mon
day from Monument where she
was called earlier in the week by
the illness of her daughter, Mrs.
Ernest Johnson.
Mrs. Trina Parker and Miss
Dona Barnett of Lexington were
transacting business in Heppner
Dr. and Mrs. Dick O'Shea and
baby arrived in Heppner Monday
evening. This week they are the
quests of his uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Cohn, during
which time, their residence on N.
Main street is being readied for
Mrs. Walter Barger entertained
with a birthday party Tuesday
afternoon at their apartment in
the Case building honoring her
.laughter, Vickl, on the occasion
of her seventh birthday. Twelve
voung guests were present Re
freshments of birthday cake and
ice cream were served.
Harvey Ayers returned to his
home in Portland Monday after
with Mrs. Ayers and son. Mrs.
Ayers is assisting with the care
of her mother, Mrs. Walter Far-
rens. who has been ill at her
home for the past several months.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Morgan of
Del Ray, California visited Satur
day In Heppner with Mrs. Alma
Morgan and other relatives.
Pendleton Youth
Gets Prison Term
Raymond L. Powell, 18-year-old
Pendleton youth, was sentenced
Monday in circuit court to serve
seven and one-half years in the
state penitentiary for violating
the provisions of a circuit court
i probation order. The sentence
jwas pronounced by Judge Homer
I. Watts after evidence had beer,
introduced to show that Powell
had been involved in a fight at a
dance in Echo,
Powell was on probation for the
larceny of a saddle from Jasper
Myers, Buttercreek farmer, in
June of this year. Sheriff C. J. D.
Bauman left Heppner Monaay,
escorting Powell to the state pen
itentiary for committment.
Mrs. Edwin Dick announced
the first of the week that plans
are taking shape for opening a
kindergarten for pre-school chil
dren early in September. The
school is being sponsored by the
Jayt'Ettes and the prospect is
bright for a good enrollment.
The services of Mrs. Dick Mea-
dor, an experienced primary tea-
ciler, have been secured for con
ducting the school. Mrs. Meadi;r
s former member of the Pen-
dleton school system.
Tired of apartment life, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Becket have decided
to once more occupy their lot on
South Court street. On a recent
trip to Portland they bought a
Junisc tent which they will set up
as a residence at least as long as
weather permits. The tent is llix
32 and will be placed on a plat
Robert Brown, government nur
seryman of Pullman, Washington I
oinciai visit to the Heppner soil
I conservation district Monday,
County Announces
New Rental Rates
On Road Equipment
Judge Garnet Barratt announc
ed a new schedule of county
equipment rentals Monday that
was worked out by the county
court at its recent session. The
schedule, which must be followed
whenever Morrow county road
equipment is used on jobs other
than those of benefit to the coun
ty road department, does not in
clude operators' wages or services
The charges are as follows:
Bulldozers D7, $4 per hour
with fuel and essentials; D4, $3
per hour with fuel and essentials.
Shovel yd, $5 per hour with
fuel and essentials. Road patrols,
with fuel and essentials Cater
pillar, $3 per hour; Austin-Western,
$3 per hour; Rome, $3 per
hour. Trucks FWD, $2 per hour;
GMC, $1.50 per hour; Internation
al, $1 per hour. Trailer $3 per
hour without power. Compressor
$2 per hour.
Materials and merchandise,
such as culverts, powder and
miscellaneous supplies, which
cannot be purchased with conve
nience in the county, will be re
sold by the county at cost plus a
10 per cent handling charge un
less otherwise specified. The
court's order on the matter states
that the service is strictly for the
convenience of the general public
and does not mean that a regular
merchandising service is to be
Friends Felicitate
Lucas's on 50th
Anniversary Date
Golden gladioli, golden mari
gold, yellow roses and asters gra
ced the Lucas home Tuesday eve
ning when friends and relatives
gathered to congratulate Fred
and Clothilde upon the occasion
of their 50th wedding anniversa
ry. The rooms were crowded with
the throng who came to enjoy the
hospitality of the Lucas's, who
have spent the major portion of
the 50 years in this area.
A beautiful wedding cake top
ped with golden bells was the
central attraction of the tea ta
ble. Relatives from a distance who
attended were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lucas of Yuma, Ariz.; Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Fortner of Port
land, and Mrs. Mary Crawford of i
Cecil, brother and sisters of the Limn live vaney quaii per uy
Heppner man; Mrs. Robert Fort- land not more than 15 during en
ner of Boardman, their older tire season.'
daughter, and the granddaugh-l General Deer Season: October
ters, Mrs. Clyde Davis of Condon. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lindsay of
inzua. Mrs. James Driscoll of
Heppner is another granddaugh.
Visiting was the order of the
evening interspersed with music
al numbers by Mrs Lucy Peter
son, JoJean Dix, and Eleanor
Rice, with Mrs. El von Tull ac
companying Mrs. Peterson.
Many friends who could not be
in attendance sent cards which
added pleasure to the golden-
weds. They were also the recipi
ents of numerous gifts, among
them a life membership present
ed to Mr. Lucas by the Elks lodge,
Father Francis McCormack mak
ing the presentation.
Miss Clothilde Love and J. Fred
Lucas were married in Wasco Ju
ly 26, 1899 and continued to make
their home there until the spring
ill 1903 when they moved to Mor-
row county to the ranch on Hepp
ner Flat which Fred had purchas
ed in 1902.
Dale, the 2'Vyear-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Adlard, wan
dered away from home Tuesday
morning and caused quite a lot
of excitement for about three
hours. The Adlards are employed
on the Harry Duvall ranch on
Blackhorse, and as soon as Mrs.
Adlard missed the boy she called
the Duvalls and they helped her
search the premises and drove all
over the fields in a vain effort to
find him. Then they called in
their harvest crew and Mr Adlard
went to Lexington after a plane
and soon returned with Orville
Culsiorlh. Some of the men on
foot were following his tracks
leading out across a summer fal
low field when the men in the
plane located him. He was ab
out two and a half miles from
home, playng along a canyon
with his little dog, and very un
concerned about all the commo
Art Goodwin, member of J. J.
Chisholm's salvage crew, said
Monday that ho was enjoying the
salvage operation in Heppner.
Goodwin was born on 1 1n it riilL'i1
in Morrow county, and, although
he moved away 53 years ago, lie
has met a
whom he knew while living here.
Game Commission
Sets Up Official '49
Hunting Schedules
After holding the regular sec
ond public hearing Saturday, Ju
ly 23, the Oregon State Game
Commission made the final hunt
ing regulations for 1949. The
regulations were set as previous
ly announced in the tentative
regulations with five relatively
minor changes. The changes
made were as follows:
1. The extended elk season in
the Baker, Oregon area will close
on December 31 instead of on
January 31 as was announced in
the tentative regulations.
2. The portion of Douglas Coun
ty lying east of U. S. Route 99 will
be closed to elk hunting.
3. The Mountain Sheep Game
Refuge in Wallowa County will
be open to waterfowl hunting
4. The Myrtle Park Game Ref
uge in Harney County will be
closed to hunting.
5. Sherman County will be clos.
ed to deer hunting.
The Commission hopes to have
the hunting regulations out in
the regular printed form before
the first of September.
The commission passed one
special regulation relative to up
land game seasons. Any upland
game birds to be transported thru
or possessed in a closed area or
area of lesser bag limit must be
checked by a state officer in the
area in which they were legally
taken. Said officer will record
the date and county of kill on the
hunter's license. It shall be un
lawful to possess more than the
legal limit of upland birds in any
area unless license is marked to
indicate that the birds in posses
sion were killed in an area where
such a possession limit is legal.
Limits may be checked at any
game commission or state police
station or by any state officer in
the field within the county or
area where such bag limits apply.
The season on Ring-neck phea
sants extends from noon, October
21 through October 30 in area II,
including Josephine, Jackson, De
schutes, Crook, Hood River, Was
co. Sherman. Gilliam, Wheeler,
Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallo
wa, Baker, Grant, Harney and
that portion of Jefferson county
outside the Madras irrigation pro
ject. Bag limit three cock phea
sants per day and not more than
nine during the entire season.
Valley Quail: Noon, October 21
through October 30 in all counties
as above except, Baker, Union,
Wallowa and Harney counties.
1 to October 20, inclusive, in 11
counties ior DiacK-iau ano muic-
deer having not less than lorkeo
antlers. Bag limit one deer ha
ving not less man iorKea anueis.
General Elk Season: Eastern
Oregon October 25 to November
20, inclusive. Bag limti one elk
of either sex in the area east of
U. S. Highway No. 97.
Rodeo Tickets To
Be Up For Sale
Saturday Evening
Merle Becket, ticket sales chair
man, said yesterday that Morrow
county rodeo tickets will go on
wale for the first time at the fair
and rodeo kick-off dance Satur
day night at Heppner civic center.
This year the rodeo commttee
hopes to obtain a volume of pre
show ticket sales. To encourage
volume sales the committee re
duced the prices on season tick
ets well below last year's figures.
In the grandstand a reserved seat
in one of the first five rows will
be sold for $6. or Sl-05 less than
the total of daily admission prices
for the same seat. The next
three rows of reserved grand
stand seats will be sold for the
season for $4.50, or $2.55 less
than if sold daily. General ad
mission tickets to the bleachers
will be sold for $3 for the season,
$2.55 less than the total daily
sale prices.
Becket said that after the open
in K day of sales, season
tickets 1
for the rodeo will be available at
the following business houses:
In lone. Maddens' Victory cafe
and Jack Ferris's; in Lexington,
Harry Van Horn's, Red and White
store, and Klinger's tavern; in
Heppner, Heppner hotel, Turner
and Van Marter, Saager's phar
macy. Cal's tavern, Aiken's, and
the bank.
Becket said arrangements will
be made to handle all mail orders
he receives for season tickets.
Mr. and Mrs. Del Smith of Con
don were shopping in Heppner
Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Richard Lawrence of Pen
dleton spent Monday in Heppner
visiting with Mrs. Agnes Curran
and other friends. I
Mrs. Burt Cason of Lonerock
entertainment at Janton
Clergy of District Gather Here
For Jackson Gilliam Ordination
"Whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honorable,
whatsoever things are just, what-
soever things are pure, whatso -
ever things are lovely, whatsoev -
er things are of good report; if
there be any virtue, and if there
be praise, think on these things."
Using the quotation from Phfl
ippians 4:8, Rev. Stanley Moore
opened his sermon at the ordina
tion service which elevated Jack
son Gilliam to the priest-hood in
the Episcopal church Wednesday
morning at the All Saints Memor
ial church in Heppner. The min
ister said he could think of no
more appropriate scripture for the
occasion and cited it as a pattern
or guidepost to the young minis
ter who was about to be ordained.
The sermon was followed by
the ordination service conducted
by the Right Reverend Lane W.
Barton, Bishop of Eastern Oregon.
The candidate was presented by
the Reverend Elvon Tull, vicar of
All Saints. The Reverend F. C.
Wissenbach of Klamath Falls
read the Litany; the epistle was
read by the Reverend G. R. V.
Bolster of Trinity church, Bend
and the Gospel by the Reverend
M. J. B. Gill, retired. Assisting
besides the ministers named were
Rev. Arthur Beckwith, Burns; Rev.
Clarence Kopp, La Grande; Rev.
Lloyd Thomas, Hood River, and
Rev. Raymond E. Gale of Milton.
The first service conducted by
Cowboy Clothes
To Brighten Dance,
Board Decides
The Morrow
county fair and i
rodeo board decided last night j
that cowboy and cowgirl garb '.
should be worn by everyone at
tending the kick-off dance Satur
day night. Ralph Currin, dance
chairman, told the board that
Leader Jimmie Whetmorp had nf.
fered to dress his orchestra in I ture instead of living in the past,
what ever manner the board de- j Journeying through life together
sired. Currin said he would noti-! for 50 years is not an unusual
fy Whetmore of the Board's de-1 occurrence, as a good many peo
cision. I pie attain that record, but it is
Jack Loyd, who will be in evidence of a successful married
charge of concessions this year, I life, the accomplishment of which
said he had already been ap-1 entitles the contracting parties to
proached by business men wish
ing to buy space for cotton candy
and popcorn stands. The board
authorized Loyd to sell space for
stands without consulting its
members further. Loyd also told ,
the board that fair and rodeo dec-1
uiatiuns win ue nung ai tne
grounds and in Heppner prior to
September 2.
A site for the Redwood Empire
shows was discussed, but the
board did not decide where the
carnival could best be placed.
Members present at the meeting
last night were: Bill Smethurst
Ray Ferguson, Lee Beckner, Har
lan McCurdy, Harold Erwin, Jack
Loyd, Gerald Swaggart, Ralph
Currin, Merle Becket, and Nelson
County, State Go
Over Quotas in E
Savings Bond Drive
Over-subscription of Oregon's
state quota in the recent Oppor
tunity Savings Bond Drive was
announced today by E. C. Sam
mons, State Advisory Chairman
of the Treasury Savings Bonds
Division. Total E Bond sales for
the Drive were $10,955,066. Ore
gon's quota was $9,790,000 which
was over-subscribed by $1,165,
066 or 11. In commenting on
the Drive, Sammons stated: "Co
ming after one of the hardest
winters in Oregon's history, this
is particularly noteworthy.
"These heavy purchases", saia
Sammons, "have increased the
rich backlog of private savings in
Oregon which has over $500,
000.000 of privately owned U. S.
Savings Bonds alone. This back
log is proof that Oregonians be
lieve in thrift as a habit and way
of life. It also is stored-up pur
chasing power representing an
'insurance policy' covering busin.
ess against any future poor
Federal Reserve Bank figures
show that 33 Oregon counties met
or over-subscribed their quotas. '
Mnrrnur Pnnnlv Phiirmin Mr-
1.,,,;... r-....- , .-... tr
Liniiic ji-mt;t: omitru iiiai luirtl i
i Bond sales in this county were
$49,161 during this six - week nad to be nursP as well and he
drive. This represents 115 of I frequently drove miles into the
the assigned quota. j hlIls t0 ,ake C!UP f a sick person,
Mrs. George extended her remaining until the patient was
thanks to the many volunteers in out of danger.
the county who helped during o
o Mrs. Alena Anderson and her
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers had as her i 8-year-old daughter, Carol, suf
guests this week Mrs. Maybelle fered shock and bruises Saturday
Romig and Mrs. Fluvia Nlchol of j afternoon when the car in which
Baker. they were riding collided at
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Wightman ; Church and Gale streets w ith a
and children motored to John;-'r driven by Elmer J. Kennedy
Day Sunday. of Condon. Erwin Anderson, dri-
Kenneth Easter and LaVerne ver of the car in which Mrs
Keithley returned Monday from 1
Portland where they spent
weekend as the guests of
Oregon Journal. One of the high
lights of this all expense trip was
the newly ordained priest was
that of baptizing his niece, Mary
Joanne Gilliam, daughter of Mr.
jand Mrs. Howard Gilliam. This
1 took place immediately following
the ordination and was witnessed
by most of the people attending
that service,
The Women's auxiliary of All
Saints served a luncheon in the
parish hall to all out-of-town
guests, augmented by a few local
Many relatives and friends of
the Reverend Gilliam were in
attendance at the service. In ad
dtion to members of the local
congregation, a goodly number of
the members of the St. John
mission at Hermiston were pres
ent Bishop Barton was accom
panied by Mrs. Barton, Lane Jr.
and Katy, and his mother from
Bend. Accompanying her hus
band and Rev. Gill was Mrs. Bol
ster, and Mrs. Beckwith accom
panied her husband from Burns.
Here, too, with her husband to
greet old friends was Mrs. Stanley
Moore. Mr. Wissenbach was ac
companied by his daughter Edith
from Klamath Falls, and also
from the same place was Miss
Hazel Morrison, director of youth
and rural work in the distrct
From Seattle came Miss Cather
ine Peterson, former youth and
rural director in Eastern Oregon
at the time Jackson Gilliam was
(in school here.
Random Thoughts...
This column wishes to felici
tate Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas up
on the occasion of their golden
wedding anniversary, which was
observed Tuesday evening when
practically the whole community
turned out to pay them honor.
Time flits by so hurriedly in this
busy, bustling world that we are
inclined to lose count of the
years and a half century passes
before we are aware of it This is
especially true when people re-
imain active and look tn thp fu
rest on their oars and take the
remainder of the Journey in peace
and contentment
While on the subject of felicita-
tions it is highly appropriate to
present the orchids to the Hepp-
ner native son who yesterday was
tirdained to priesthood in the
Episcopal church the Reverend
Jackson Gilliam, vicar of St
John's church of Hermiston. His
ordination was likewise a me
morable occasion for the All
Saints congregation of Heppner,
for here it was that Jackson got
his early training and as a little
boy expressed a desire to become
a minister. In these days of high
(living costs most young people
planning on a college education
look forward to a career in the
more lucrative technical fields
and it requires courage and an
earnestness of purpose for one to
deliberately plan on serving in a
field where financial remunera
tion is of secondary considera-,
lion. To the minister of the gos-
! pel it is more important to know
that he is contributing something
to the betterment of mankind
than it is to realize a certain
stipend for that w-ork. Being
human he must of necessity have
remuneration in the form of this
world's goods, but a good minis
ter usually seeks the larger field
because it affords more opportun
ity for the use of his talents.
Heppner is proud of Jackson
Gilliam and the community as a
whole wishes him unbounded
success in his chosen field.
Heppner's elevator fire has
caused some speculations regard
ing the age of the original build
ings in the Interior Warehouse
company group. Mrs. Charlotte
Scherzinger has recalled that her
father once owned five acres of
property where the ill-fated ele
vators stood. He sold the proper
ty to Henry Heppner shortly after
the railroad came in 1SSS. Inci
dentally, Mrs. Scherzinger's fa-
,ner- Ule la,e ur- Shipley, was the
UlSt licensed DhVSlcian in Hpnn-
ner. and that was ft nprinH in thio
t who
section's history when the doctor
Anderson and Carol were rldlnp,
was not injured. Both cars wee
badly damaged.
Mr. and Mrs. TlpvplnnH ,ilanl
are the parents of a girl, Claudia
'June, oorn juiv is.
Laying Of Water
Main to Hospital
Now in Progress
6-inch Pipe From
County Reservoir
To Carry Supply
Workmen have begun the two-
Aveek task of laying a six-inch
pipe line from the county reser
voir to the site of the new county
hospital, and a four-inch water
line will also be laid from the
hospital site to the rodeo grounds,
Judge Garnet Barratt said Mon
day. Both lines will be paid for
out of refunds the county earned
by doing its own excavating at
the hospital site.
Judge Barratt also said that
contrary to rumor the county's
water supply definitely is ade
quate to supply the hospital and
other county installations. He
said the county water supply is
tested monthly by the county
nurse, and that to date Its bac
teria count has been lower than
that of the city's water.
The judge said he wished to
spike another current rumor ab
out the new hospital. Before
federal approval was granted on
hospital construction, it was ne
cessary to prove that sufficient
money was on hand to carry the
project through. The county has
the money to complete the hospi
tal all the way to keys for the
doors, Judge Barratt said, and it
definitely will be completed as
soon as possible.
Masons began laying the walls
of the new hospital Monday mor
ning. The work had been delay
ed because of mill strikes in the
Willamette valley. Now that the
Strikes have ended, door and win
dow facings are available and
the masonry is going up rapidly.
Dick Maude, construction super
intendent, had previously estim
ated that 10 days would be re
quired to complete the work.
Progress is evident at the hos
pital site. Most of the studding
is now in place, and a great deal
of preliminary plumbing work
has been done.
P. M: A: Officials
Outline Next Year's
Wheat Allotments
Wheat Allotments for 1949 was
the subject for discussion by far
mer P.M.A. committeemen, ad
ministrative officials and county
agents at a meeting held in Pen
dleton on July 22, when E. Har
vey Miller, State Chairman, P.M.
A. Arnold Bodker, Farmer Field
man, P.M.A., and Charles W.
Smith, Assistant Director. Exten-
sion Service, outlined needs for
allotments and explained how
they would function.
Charles W. Smith, of the Exten
sion Service, explained the need
for wheat allotments when he
pointed out that crop surpluses
have built up the national carry
over to three hundred thirty eight
million bushels. These surpluses
are brought about by an increas
ed acerage during the last seven
years since wheat allotments
have not been in effect. The 1949
national wheat acreage of 81,500,
000 exceeds considerably the 68,
944,000 acreage which has been
declared by the Secretary of Ag
riculture as sufficient to provide
wheat for domestic use, exports,
and a 30 carryover yearly. Price
supports can be maintained on
an acreage which supplies these
needs. At the present it is easy
to see that excess wheat produc
tion if continued, will prohibit
price support.
Explaining further the wheat
allotment program E. Harvey
Miller, State Chairman, P.M.A.,
stated that each wheat producing
county has been notified of their
allotment as set up from county
wheat acreage and Bureau of Ag
ricultural Economics figures.
Morrow County's allotment of
134.6S1 acres represents an ap
proximate 21 cut which is
slightly under Oregon's cut in
wheat acreage based on seedings
of the past four years. Individu
al allotments will be made by
county and community P.M.A.
committeemen and each operator
mailed his allotment by August
15. Appeals on these allotments
will be received by the county
P.M.A. office up to the September
1 deadline date.
Attending this meeting from
Morrow County was Loyd How
ton, and R. S. Thompson, County
P.M.A. committeemen, Basil
Burnstad and Bill Padherg of the
local P.M.A. otfice and N. C.
Anderson, county agent, who are
in a position to discuss the vari
ous aspects of the program by
calling at the P.M.A. or county
agent's office.
Gary Vaughan. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Vaughan of Pen
dleton, is visiting for a time here
with his aunt, Mrs. Eddie Thorpe.
E. E. Adklns and William Fur-
1 long motored to Pendleton FrI