Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 21, 1949, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 21 , 1 949
NATION A I E 0 1 T 0 1 1 A I
It Was SOME Fire !
Heppner is not accustomed to doing things by
halves, especially when it comes to floods and
fires as events proved on February 1 and July IS
of this year 1949. Not that these events are
predestined or foreordained, but when it ocmes to
carrying out disastrous happenings it is doubtful
If they could be planned and executed in more
complete manner. And may it be added that in
the case of Monday's fire there was an element of
luck lurking somewhere about the premises,
otherwise there might have been a much larger
chapter in the town's history to be recorded.
Certainly the stage was all set for a more complete
Job so far as the town was concerned, yet, in the
face of a tremendous blaze fanned by a high wind,
damage outside of the warehouse district wai
It is not our purpose to discuss herewith so
much what happened as how to prevent a similar
occurrence in the future. It must be assumed at
this writing that the concerns involved in the fi;
will rebuild. Once the ground is cleared of the
charred debris it will be possible to paint a more
definite and practical picture of the plants to
replace the old ones, which at the most were a
succession of additions to the original smaller
buildings, some of which had their beginnings
about the time the railroad reached Heppner.
There are examples here and there of similar
groups of buildings that have stood until they
crumbled with age, and it would not have been
surprising if the Heppner plants had done likewise
had the fire not intervened to wipe them out
Enough new material had been woven into the old
to sustain the whole over a long period of years.
It is almost a waste of words to say that the
grouping of the buildings invited disaster, inas
much as In case one plant got on fire the other
was greatly endangered. Plans for rebuilding,
which at least one of the concerns is already con
sidering, doubtless will embrace modern features
which will make for more efficient operation as
well as more fireproof construction. The Morrow
County Grain Growers, Inc. has in mind a nev
location a little farther removed from town, which
favor the best facilties for the handling of bulk
fvaor the best facilities for the handling of bulk
grain and the lines of feeds which have grown to
be an important item at the Heppner plant.
Officials of the Interior Warehouse company had
not visited the fire site when this was being writ,
ten, but if they have plans for rebuilding, they too
will seek more efficient operation and more fire
proof construction.
Fires are bad, but individuals and communities
usually learn a lesson from them. It will be re
called that the fires of 1918 removed many build
ings, Including residences and business structures.
Most of these were wooden structures, particular'y
the business places, and out of their ashes grew
several modern buildings, greatlly enhancing the
appearance of the town. The Heppner Lumber
company of today is a vastly improved plant over
the one destroyed by fire In the eraly part of 1943.
the one destroyed by fire in the early part of 1943.
industries there should be no haphazard prepara
tions for handling it and there will be business,
more and more of it if the concerns Involved are
properly prepared to handle and develop it. The
fire is only a temporary setback and out of it will
come something better.
The City of Heppner also has a part to play In
encouraging the growth and development of these
industries by providing ample water pressure and
fire fighting equipment No amount of equip
ment could have saved the elevators Monday
evening after the fire got well underway. But
there was not enough pressure at first to start in
to fight the fire and steps should be taken to in
sure an abundance of water in that section. The
railhead facilities are of vital Interest to the com
munity and every reasonable safeguard should be
provided to encourage not only the rebuilding of
the eleevators but other industries as well.
The Gazette Times, speaking for the City of
Heppner officially and the community as a whole,
wishes to commend the neighborly spirit displayed
by the several fire departments which responded
wholeheartedly in the town's hour of need. It is
fervently hoped that such response will not be
needed again, at least for a long, long time, but it
is reassuring to know that help is at hand if
Not Duly Appreciated
In years gone by let us call them the horse
and buggy days town and rural folk were accus
xomea to loading up the wagons and hacks, piling
the family on top of the load and heading for the
mountains on a camping trip. Vacations were
spent In this manner to a large degree because
the whole family could enjoy an outing at little
more expense than staying at home. There wes
free pasture for the livestock that was taken
along, which included the horses necessary to
draw the vehicles, a saddle horse or two, and
generally the family milk cow or cows; there was
good fishing in the mountain streams, game birds
and, before game laws were invented to put a
check on the killing of deer out of season, a man
could keep the table supplied with venison
occasionally, that Is to say nothing of huckle
berries, wild raspberries and the like. Might we
lapse into a form of speech termed the vernacular
and remark that "them was the good old days"
without being considered as having arrived at
that point in life when we are living in the past ?
We are not thinking of "the good old days" in
relation to another oft-repeated remark "them
days is gone forever." Living conditions have
changed, the mode of transportation has changed,
there have been numerous necessary regulations
imposed, and doubtless the present generation
has been softened somewhat by modern livinc;
conditions, but the mountains are still there with
their cool, sparkling streams, shaded campsites,
wild game, and occasionally some huckleberries,
and above all, their bracing, pine-scented atmos
phere that is a welcome relief from the parched
summer air of hills and valleys. Our own Blue
mountains, regardless of timber operations, have
lost none of that wealth of enjoyment for which
they were noted in days gone by. It is the peopie
who have changed. Those ageless wooded hills
are rich in potential wealth if we are but alert to
our opportunities and meet the challenge they
Local residents are beginning to appreciate the
mountains once more. A few own cabins not to
far removed from town. Others, groups of them,
are spending week-ends, either in cabins or camp
ing out while still others find it a rare pleasure to
drive out for picnics or to spend a day. To that
extent they are appreciated but no thought has
been given to the possibility of getting people in
great numbers to appreciate them. Perhaps sug
gestion of such a possibility is not wanted, yet we
can not expect to go from year to year without an
idea cropping out occasionally, and since there is
not a single public resort in the county the moun
tains offer the best outlet for recreation and
likewise the most feasible locality for a summer
resort or an all-year resort for that matter.
Having more than just a passing acquaintance
with some of the better known resorts of the state,
we feel in position to make the statement that the
Blues right here in Morrow county suffer little by
comparison with the other mountains of the state.
It remains for someone with the capital to come
along and develop, or start the development of tht
region as a summer playground Its all-year
possibilities will follow in proper order.
Don't Be Taken In
This newspaper is in receipt of a communica
tion from Father Nicholas H. Wegner, director of
Boys Town, Nebraska, telling of a magazine racket
that is being carried on in various communities
throughout the United States in which the good
name of the famous Juvenile community is being
Says Father Wegner: I would appreciate it
very much if within your newspaper columns you
would warn your readers to beware of any maga
zine solicitors identifying themselves as having
any connection whatsoever with Boys Town We
have no authorized representatives selling book or
magazine subscriptions. None of our boys are
permitted to do so and we have no arrangements
with any solicitors whereby a portion of their
commissions are turned over to Boys Town.
"Any magazine solicitor who represents him
self as a Boys Town citizen, a former Boys Town
citizen, or claims to represent Boys Town In ar
way whatsoever, Is using the good name of Boya
Town to promote his own personal ends."
Bear this warning in mind and lend no support
to anyone claiming to represent Boys Town, and
for that matter, any other concern not known to
you as a legitimate business or organization.
There are many "agents" and "representatives"
traveling around the country who can not produce
proper credentials when pinned down. In other
words, they are plain irauas mis applies w
advertising rackets as well as subscription deals.
When in doubt, don't bite!
. . v.' si ill . ik--"i m i
r Vtiyro T
i -A 1 -"' " til
v ad. vy
In 1930 while flying over what
is now known as Tillamook
burn" we realized that next tc
spread of green timber we were
the sky or the sea, the next great
looking at constituted the largest
expanse of one color we had ever
Within three years the greatest
timber fires of the century des
troyed approximately 431 thous
and acres of this timber, then
considered the largest stand in
the United States The value of
the destroyed timber, it is estim
ated, would now be over $100,-
000,000 and the payrols lost to
the state by this destructior.
would total $200,000,000.
On Monday of this week tim
bermen, foresters, state officials
and interested citizens assembled
at Owl Camp Grove on the Wilson
river highway for inaugural cere
monies of what is considered the
world's largest reforestation proj
ect, at the 'Tillamook burn." The
plan includes modern methods on
725,000 acres. The project was
made possible by $10,000,000 in
bonds voted by the people of the
state at the November election.
Hope you have not had reason
to notice it but there are 353
more laws on the statute books of
Oregon than there were last Fri
day. They became effective Sat
urday, July 16, ninety days after
the adjournment of the legislat
ure which created them, 124 oth
ers which carried the emergency
clause became law when passed
and signed by the governor. Five
more will not become effective
until January 1, 1950.
One of this group of laws may
land right in your lap any hot
day now. It's about ice crean:
and is supposed to guarantee the
consumer a better product. If
you are a good bacteria counter
and don't mind carrying a pair of
scales around in your shopping
bag you may get a break by the
new law that requires that a gal-
Ion of ice cream must weight at
least 4vfe pounds, a quart 18 oun
ces and a pint not less than 9
ounces. That should end the
freezing of inflated ice cream to
make the package attractive by
bulk. Ice cream made in Oregon
now must contain not more than
75,000 bacteria per millimeter.
This standard applies to all other
frozen dairy products. Some fro.
zen dairy products formerly sold
as ice cream must now be labeled
as ice milk products.
The recently appointed agricul
tural board, created by the 1919
legislature, met in Slem Monday
electing Fred Cockell, Milwaukie,
temporary chairman of the board
and Thomas L. Ohlsen, Portland,
acting administrator of the Ore
gon Milk Marketing act.
Harry Dorman, Oregon's new
budget director, put his finger on
some extravagant spending thai
he will endeavor to curtail. Heads
of various state departments and
their agents have spent $292,582
for out-of-state travel expenses
between July 1, 1947 and April 30,
1949 or more than $600.00 for
each state working day.
Instructions have been issued
by Dorman that hereafter all
travel requests other than those
of an emergency nature, must be
submitted to his office not less
than 15 days prior to the trip.
This will give the budget depart
ment time in which to investigate
the necessity of the proposed
The board of higher education
Padberg is getting his ranch pret
ty well stocked up with hogs,
having purchased 600 head the
last few weeks, and there are now
1000 head of these porcine money
makers grazing on the Padebrg i headed the list of state agencies
fields. in travel during the past two
Ralph Benge returned Sunday years with expenditures of $100,
from Salem where he has been 557, more than one third of the
spending several weeks. Mrs. 'total of the expenditures of all
Benge is still in the capital city, state agencies.
Heppner Gazette Times,
July 24, 1919
The seventh annual Morrow
County Fair is on the wing and
from present Indications gives ev
idence of being far ahead of pre
vious years.
The complete plans for Hepp
ner' new three-story hotel build
ing were accepted by the Heppner
Hotel association at a meeting in
the office of Woodson & Sweek
Friday evening. . . . About $34,
000 of the stock has been sub
scribed. Total cost of building
and furnishings is estimated at
A large number of deer are
feeding in the foothills on upper
Willow creek, according to a re
port brought down from there by
W. O. Minor, who says a big buck
got in the middle of the road
near Thomsonville (the James
Thomson camp) recently and ds
puted the right of automobiles to
pass that way. After some show
of authority, the buck finally de
cided that the gas wagons could
come on, and he bounced away
into the brush.
While showing one of his hired
men how to turn on the windmill
at his home five miles southwest
of Heppner on Heppner Flat Wed
nesday noon, Fred Lucas lost his
footing and fell from the top of
the mill to the ground, a distance
of 30 feet, suffering a broken
Campers in the mountains are
being urged by Forest Supervisor
Cryder to exert more than ordin
ary caution this year on account
of the extreme dryness which ex
ists there.
Will Hynd, one of Morrow coun
ty's large sheepmen, was a Sat
urday business visitor in Hepp
ner from the Rose Lawn ranch In
Sand Hollow.
The new building on Willow
street which Frank Roberts has
under construction for the Elk
horn restaurant is now complete.
Manager Ed Chinn of the Elkhorn
is now busy moving In his equip
ment, all of which is new and
thoroughly modern.
Howard Lane and Wm. H. Pad
berg made a hog buying trip into
Grant county the past week. Mr,
n P ' ""If !SIIIL:'
in Ln(l
lit f 1 y I . Il.liii in lilhUJ
rtiemoomJ&tdmff O
(This space has been paid for by
your Morrow County Health
& Tuberculosis Association in
order that factual material re
garding health may be
brought to you each week).
Parents have reason to dread
infantile paralysis, or poliomyeli
tis. Besides the possibility ol
death, they fear that the child
who gets "polio might be per
manently crippled. Some also
feel helpless against the disease
because there is still no prevent
ive or cure for it and the exact
method of its transmission is still
not known.
But we do know that prompt
treatment under medical advice
may prevent even temporary crip
pling, or decrease the seriousness
of permanent crippling, which is
sometimes a complication of po
lio. If the disease causes tempor
ary paralysis, it is still often pos
sible to avoid permanent crippl
ing through one of the newer
methods of treatment.
The disease's popular name,
"infantile paralysis", can be mis
leading. Although many cases
approximately 60 reported are
in children under ten years, polio
can attack pedple at any age.
Besides, paralysis occurs in only
a fraction of the total number of
cases, and about 80 of polio
cases reported recover without
any permanent crippling effects.
Polio is caused by a virus a
disease-producing organism so
tiny that it cannot be seen thru
an ordinary microscope. Paraly
sis can occur when the virus in
jures or destroys certain nerve
cells which control muscular ac
The disease may occur at any
time of the year, but it strikes
most frequently in summer. Po
lio "outbreaks", or epidemics, us
ually reach their peak in late
August or early September.
Early symptoms of polio in
elude headache, slight fever, up
set stomach, or those symptoms
commonly associated with a cold
At the slightest suspicion of po
lio, the doctor should be called at
once. While waiting for the doc
tor, the sick person should be put
in a room by himself and be kept
as quiet and as comfortable as
While we still have a lot to
learn about polio, there are cer
tain precautions that can and
should be taken against the dis
ease, particularly when there is
an outbreak in the community.
Children should be kept out of
crowds at this time, and away
from anyone who appears to have
even the slightest illness it is
believed that the polio virus Is
spread from person to person. It
is wise to avoid physical strain
fatigue or chill, since these seem
to make people vulnerable to the
disease. Doctors also advise post
poning tonsil and adenoid opera
tions during a polio epidemic as
an extra precaution.
Parents are wise to seek full
information on polio. This can
be obtained from their family
doctor, their local chapter of the
National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis, or the national office
of the Foundation at 120 Broad
way, New York 5, N.Y.
Tratle maik of Oneida Ltd,
Never before a pattern like this I
So excitingly modern with its
lovely long, lithe lines! So excit
ingly different: the charming, ro
mantic motif of tender new buds!
Love it, use it every meal of your
life. Being solid silver, it won't
eliow wear. Start now to own this
thrilling possession. We'll arrange
. - :r f ..i-
j'uyineni pian, u you wisn.
(Ftdtiii Tix included) Only Mm Mm
The first synthetic fishing par-
adise for youth in Oregon became
a reality last Saturday. Mill
creek, a stream that rambles for
20 miles from the high hills of
the Santiam country down to Sa
lem, was set aside by the 1949
legislature exclusively for angl
ers under 18 years of age. The
law creating the recreational area
became operative July 16. The
state game commission saw to it
that the youngsters were not dis
appointed. The day before the
opening 1104 one-year-old trout
averaging 8 inches in length
were liberated in the stream.
The commissioners state that 9000
more trout will be liberated in
Mill creek before the fishing sea.
son closes.
The problem of maintaining
good relationship with property
owners along the stream and
strict observation of the game
code was advanced as a citizen
ship schooling for minors, pro
ponents of the bill told legislators
when the bill was being considered.
Peterson's Jewelers
An Interested visitor here Mon
day was Leander L. Pavid of
Sacramento, Calif., who was a
Heppner resident In his boyhood
days. He is visiting at the home
of his cousin, Mrs. Omar Riet
mann at lone, and came up to see
how the old home town is prog
ressing. A graduate of Heppner
high school in the class of 1911,
Mr. Pavid is instructor of French
in the Sacramento Junior college.
He taught French In the Universi
ty of California for four years
prior to joining the faculty at
WASHINGTON. D. C They tell
the storv of the football coach
who, while instructing his quart
erbacks in a strategy meeting one
day, ordered:
"When in doubt, punt !"
President Truman, from his
messages to Congress last Janu
ary and again a few days ago on
the economic condition oi me
nation, must have gotten some
what the same orders from his
$45,000 worth of economic advisors:
"When in doubt, spend !"
At any rate, one who reads the
twn messages gathers that Mr.
Truman feels that deficit spend
ing will cure all evils.
For example, in his message of
January 7, 1949, just six months
ago, the President said:
"Expectations of continued in
flation have added to the incen
tives for business investment,
while the price rise has acted as
a brake on the demand of con
sumers with relatively fixed in
'The proportion of consumer
expenditures in the total nation
al product has never been lower
in any peacetime year for which
statistics are available.
"This is not an immediate pro
blem so long as the sum of Gov
ernment expenditures, business
expenditures and net foreign in
vestment is still rising."
That was his answer to threat
ened inflation six months ago.
Here is his answer to threaten
ed deflation now:
'These and other Government
policies are providing strong sup
port to business activity and are
enlarging the opportunities of
private business.
"The fact that public expendi
tures of Federal, State and Local
Governments are running at a
rate of close to $60 billion a year
is itself an element of great sta
bility in the present situation."
In his budget message last Jan
uary, the President said "a pros
perous country cannot afford an
unbalanced budget" Then, he
proceeded to introduce a budget
wheh he admitted was at least
$600,000,000 out of balance and It
turned out to be at least $1,800,
000,000 out of balance.
In his message a few days ago
the President said:
"Balancing the budget and re
ducing the national debt are ob
jectives to be achieved at the
earliest feasible time.
Rnt thnso nhlectives cannot be
achieved without regard . to the
general state ol tne nation s econ
omy." Then he adds:
"We cannot expect to achieve a
budget surplus in a declining na
tional economy."
This raises the question of
when can we expect to achieve a
budget surplus if it cannot be
done in prosperous years and can
not hope to be done in a declin
ing economy ?
George Washington said in his
farewell address:
"As a very Important source of
strength and security, cherish
public credit. One method of
preserving it is to use it as spar
ingly as possible. . . ."
Visitors here for a short time
Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Adklns of Cottage Grove.
They drove to Heppner from Top-
penish, Wash., where they visited
a hrnther of Mrs. Adklns. This
office acknowledges a call from
Mrs. Adklns, who is a member of
the staff of the Cottage Grove
Sentinel. They are former resi
dents of Heppner.
mis was
"guy ''-z
Peters Bldg., Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Latest Jewelry 6 Gift Goods
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds
Expert Watch & Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
Veterans of Foreign
Meetings 2nd & 4th Mondays
at 8:00 p.m. In Legion Hall
General Insurance
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Saw Filing &
Picture Framing
Jack A. Woodhall
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Dffice First Floor Bank Bldg.
Phone 2342 Heppner
Turnar, Van Marler
and Company
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician 6 Surgeon
First National Bank Building
Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492
Phelps Funeral
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332 Heppner, Oregon
A.D.McMurdo, M.D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner City
Counril ' Flrt Monday
Citizens having matters for
discussion, please bring them
before the Council, Phone 2572
j 1 aw
The More Folkt You Tell
The More Goods You Sell
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office No. 4 Center St
House Cals Made
Home Phone 2583 Office 2572
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
OfflM Is PiUn BiUOlnf
C. A. RUGGLES Representing
Blaine E. Isom
Insurance Agency
Phone 723 Heppner. Ore.
Call Settles Electric
for all kinds of electrical work.
New and repair.
Phone 2542 or 1423
Dr. J. D. Palmer
Office upstairs Rooms 11-12
First National Bank Bldg.
Phones: Office 783, Home 932
Heppner, Oregon
First National Bank Bldg.
Phone 2632
Cabinet Shop
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Sewing Machines Repaired
Phone 1485 for appointment
or call at shop.
Morrow County
Court Met" 'lit WadnMdajr
ol Boh Month
County Jndira Ofdc. Honnl
Holiday, Wodnmday, frlday a.m.
to B p.m.
TMday, Tlmriday, Saturday rora.
son only
Walter B. Hinkle
Farms, Buslnes, Income Prop
erty. Trades for Valley k Coast
Income Tax Returns
Arlington, Oregon
DR. J. D. PALMER Dentist
Rms. 11-12 lit Nat Bank Bldg.
Ph.: Office 783. Home M2
Heppner: Monday, Tuesday.
Friday, Saturday.
Arlington: Wed. and Thurs.