A Mr. and Ms. J. A. Troedson drove to Arlington Wednesday morning to meet their errand. " it s automatic! urnon. Ho fire-tending, noBhoveling of j!? sues. I Iff Cleans No fuel-grime r or airt. If ( Real Automatic Furnace Heatt Powerful heate up to 4 or 6 rooms with "warm-floor" comfort. Needs No Basement No Ducts we can install without "tearing up" your house. Wide Range ef Six end Models to Buit your partic ular needs: See us for the right installation for your home. We're making this offer to Induce you to buy in our slow season instead of in ... 1.'.. 1 1 .... ..I. e ... t save money get tliia Low Down Payment better beat: . Easy Terms! Offer Good Until July 31st Only CASE FURNITURE CO. live-to Action Gets Clothes Cleaner F3a NEW LOW PRICE $29975 TERMS TRADES Heppner Appliance Co. Dependable Radio and Refrigerafion Service PRICE TIRE Cfll A good low priced, high quality lire with a first quality cord body con sf rut I ion. Fail ttop , ping rib tread containing cold rubber and pro-dipped cords ... safety wire beads. Every feature makes for Positive Traction, Greater Safety and Longer Wear. Take advantage ot this Great Offer tummir Driving. Cot Sale Price on JUMBO TUBE SALE Under-lnfloCon ruins tireii "JUMBO" Bulyl Tub.t hold air 10 limes longer, adding Imm.otureably lo Hit nrvice lift of your llrei, "Jumbo" Tubes "Tailor Fit" your Tiro. 475500-19 N0W $193 600-16 NOW $9.29 Reg. $2.25 ' Reg. $2.60 525550-17 Now $2-19 650, 670-1 6 now $9.59 Reg. $2.55 A Reg. $2.95 F.d.ral Excite Tox Extra Aik oboul low pricoi on olhor ili.i. Plaitlc Steering WHEEL COVER Reg. 69c 59c Made of reveniblt quilled Plailic and comet In a variely of colon. Coven all lypet of ileerlng wh.oli. BABY'S AUTO SEAT Reg. $2.49 VlsiZS"'!?! Strong heavy Quality - Merchandise j , 1 Lowest Possible if children, Carol and Lee Putman of Oregon Cily, who will spend ,.,,.,? k. " "l 1 Floor Furnaces ' " ' '1 .J " . i.,.. mini THE ALL-PORCELAIN, Automatic Washer Excluiivs Frlgidair liv-Watr action washes clothe. cUorter, rinf thtra brighter) And th Rapidry-Spin dries them pounds lighter . . . some ready for Ironing) Com lit ... a demonstration) WA - II J.Sy , MlWrtil I lerBllt Iii7llll-iftftriiir4r(n'(l.i FIRST LINE e e FIRST QUALITY You buy on Western Giant Double Duty Tire at this low tale price and get a toe nd Tire for ya Price. (623 650-16) On Tlr Second Tlr (am six) $17.65 $8.83 Both Tires $2648 Plus Federal Excise Tax ond replace worn Tires for Care-free other iliel. "VALET" COAT HANGER Reg. 65c Keeps clothes neal while driving. Adjustable lo almost alt siioi of car windows No window Interference Holds 6 garments. $1.98 denim padded Aulo Seal with CONLEY LANHAM Owner r r I n II II I KrWHW-Kft VflVIK LUfJIIUVV UUH I UWJ Spoken Saturday at Boardman Church By MRS. FLOSSIE COATS The wedding of Miss Chloe Biirlow, daughter of Mrs. Crystal Bnrlow, of Pendleton, Oregon, to Albert Ball, son of Mr. and Mrs. itoy Ball Sr., was a very pretty candlelight ceremony at the Boardman Community Church Saturday evening 7:30 p. m. July 9, the Rev. Charles Eble perform ing the ceremony. The bride's wedding gown was her Mali school graduating, full length dreb of white nylon net omt s.Min, with long sleeves and high neck line. She wore a fin gcrtip veil of nyl,?r. net, made by her mother, and Mrried a white n'lde with streamer.' of pink ros? buds and carnations, the bible being one of h?r Irandmother Ferguson's and a g'ft to the bride. She was giver, b, marriage b; her mother Ma'd of honor wia Miss Maxine Ely. Bridesmaids were Miss E.nabellu Peck and Mary Ann Ra-ids. ach in full length gowns of istel shades and carrying corsages of carna tions. Little Ilene Ely, sister o? Miss Maxine Ely, was flower eirl. and Dicky Lilly of Birnhart was ring bearer. Russell DeMauro of Pendleton vas best man, Delbert and Roy Ball Jr., brothers of the groom and Eldon Lilly of l.aOrande were ushers. Mrs. Russell DeMauro of Pen dleton sang two numbers, "Be cause" and "I Love You Truly", accompanied by Miss Mildred Miller, who also played the wed ding marches. The two kneeling pillows, the ring pillow and the flower basket were of white satin with ruffles of nylon net, all handiwork of the bride's mother. At the reception in the grange hall the bride and groom cut the liist piece of a beautifully deoor ?ted three tiered wedding cake. Finishing the cutting and serv ing was Mrs. Elvin Ely. Pouring was Mrs. Russell Miller, cousin of the groom, Mrs. Seth Russell iind M.-o. Ronald Black. Ir. charge of the guest book was Mis. Claud Coats, and tho gifts a at Mrs. Zearl Gillespie, aunis of the bride. Assisting with The sc.ving were Maxine '' M.iry : r..i Rands and Mis. Mildred Mi i. The bride's mother wore a soft .summer silk print with white accessories, while the groom's mother wore a two piece summer suit with blan accessories, each wearing corsage? of carnations. The bride's going away outfit was a navy su;t with navy acces sories. Both Mr. and Mis. Ball 'are graduates of Boardman high 'school, the oide having spent ! her entire life in Boardman until j two years ago when .-she with her j mother moved to Pendleton. The groom has also spent much of his : life in Boradman. j After a few days v.?dding trip ilie young couple will move to Mi-lake, Oreg., where they with : Mrs. Barlow will own and operate i a motel. j Out of town guesls here for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Bili I M.ircniardt, Lexington; Mr. and i Mrs. Berl Akers and family, lone; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lilly and fam ily of Barnhart; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barels, Mr. and Don't FAIR & RODEO Wheat exhibits for the fair should be selected now. Vegetables and house hold exhibits should be planned with out delay. We'll see you all at a Bigger and Better 1949 Fair & Rodeo Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July Mrs. Thomas A. Jobe, Mrs. Miles Remillard, Edith Christensen, Mrs. Frances Krentz, Fannie Vau ghn, and Mrs. Delos Long, all of Pendleton. The potato harvest is getting well underway on the project. The Hugh and Chas. Dillons are now digging, with a very good yield. The Miller Bros, will start July 15th. The Chuck Anderegg Melon stand Is now open for the public, just west of Boardman. This is a good place to stop for your mel ons and ice cream, as the stand is all screened in with tables and modern equipment, where one avoids the usual bugs and pests. Clyde Tannehill had the mis fortune to wreck his car Saturday whlie on way to the Mail Carriers convention. The accident occur red on the summit of the McKen zie Pass. The Tannehill car was sideswiped by a car with a Cali fornia license. Mrs. Tannehill suffered a broken left arm below the elbow and other wise bruised and shaken up. She was treated in Eugene. Tannehill was only able to attend one hour of the convention. They were brought home Sunday by Mail Carrier Bill and Mrs. Penney of Echo. On arrival home the Tannehill's found friends Mr. and Mrs. Will ard Budd Lettercarrier, of Glen dale, Calif., awaiting their re turn. The Budd's continued their trip Monday. Mrs. John Patterson left for her home in The Dalles after a week's visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nickerson. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Briggs were Mrs. Briggs son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Campbell and children of Pullman, Wn., and her son W. D. Maxwell of Portland. Week end guests of the Leroy Fussell family was Fussell's bro ther and wife Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fussell of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Willett of The Dalles were guests Saturday and Sunday of Mrs. Willett's fa ther Mr. E. T. Messenger. Satur day evening Messengers grand son, Edwin Sharp of Vancouver arrived and was an overnight guest. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aiton have finished the outside fo their sum mer home on the west end with stone and brick veneer. This makes a very picturesque home on the project. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brown was Mr. Browns bro ther and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brown, their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Greg, also Mrs. Lydia Porter all of Corvallis. Week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Briggs was Mr. Briggs sister Mrs. Flora Schroeder of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderegg and daughter Barbara returned from a week spent at the coast and valley points. Mrs. Nora Ransier left Monday for Helix, where she will be em ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of Kinzua, Camp 5 spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe were host and hostess Sunday afternoon to the 4H Pig, Beef, and Dairy Clubs in the form of a pic nic. Present were club members, leaders, Leo Potts, and Lee Pear son, also County Agent Anderson from Heppner. Mr. Anderson in structed and assisted the mem bers in demonstration work. Mrs. Lowell Shattuck returned home this week after a few days Forget MORROW COUNTY Big Days spent with her mother Mrs. Delia Faulkner of Goldendale, Wn. Bill Garrivson of Oregon City, Oregon is spending some time at Storm Warning HAIL Weather is here - - - You may nol get hail often, but uppoie your crop are ruined lliil year! You will lote the money you have Invested in production costs. And you will loee your expected income. Flay sr :'e (his year. Buy Hail lnsur.ir.ee. See or call us now. No obligation. , TURNER, VAN MARTER & COMPANY Phone 152 Heppner Oregon that's a SNAP Telephone Todey for fktt istimais! YEAGER Some like 'em MtV, A.M.'PicfcB.O.V.W. 400 . Chofc. ef twt gtai, V4 er . Wm hMeraf . lyee We have a I i7frTtr Whatever you haul, wherever you haul it, we've got the right kind of truck for your work. Fords truck everything! Here's why! First, each individual Ford Truck can do more kinds of jobs. That's because it is Bonus Built with extra strength to give it a wider work range. Second, we offer over 139 different Ford Truck models. These, 14, 1949 the home of his stepfather and mother Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ande regg, and is assisting Mr. Ande regg on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Crawford took their departure Monday mcr ning after a visit of two weeks with relatives and friends in Heppner. They returned to Hood j River to spend the rest of the week with the Vawter Parker family and will go fiom there to Wenatehee to visit a brother ol Mrs. Crawford's before starting back to Texas by way of Montana and the various parts of the Rocky mountains. The Texans accompanied Mrs. F. S. Parker, Mrs. Maude Jones and O. G. Crawford to Waitsburg Friday where the group visited a short time with Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Conover and then drove to Pasco to leave Mrs. Jones at her home after two months spent here visit ing and receiving treatments. ance Lexington Grange Hall Saturday CL July lO Music by The Rythmairs $1.50 per couple SUPPER SERVED Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. (FOR 810 $s Ford tor you.. .whatever you haul X , x milllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMM j TO BUY OR SELL I See I Walter Dobyns 1 Real Estate 1 IONE, OREGON Phone 4612 TlllllllllMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM PIANOS Baldwin Acrosonic, Wurlitzer and Hammond Solovox Also Good Reconditioned Pianos IS "?V PiMiV) At We Invite You in to . . Examine the New . . . HOTPOINT Automatic Washer A Few of Its Features: 1- Top opening lid 2- Hot, warm, or cold water 3- Fluid drive 4- No bolting to floor And many other features you should see Price $299.95 TUM-A-LUM Lumber Company Some like 'em multiplied by scores of chassis options, give a job cover age practically without limit. That's what's back of our contention that the hading dock hasn't been built which has strained to had that Ford Trucks can't pull. Come in and get the facts from us on wide Ford job coverage. Check on the scores of exclusive Ford Truck features available in no other truck built! BUIT STRONGER USIN0 IATIST IIOISTIATION DATA ON 1,444,000 TIUCKf, IIM INSUIANCI IXPIRTS HOVI FOtO TIUCKI LAIT 10N9III Page 3 For Sale or Rent on Easy Terms We Par Cash for Good Used Pianos Jack Mulligan, Pianos the Pendleton Music House (WW MS4w UO XM. niwi.o-Mie.v.w.r v WOO h. 0.1. rukf m Me nrwoow SrJ.AD.IL (FOR SMALL LOADS) TO LAST LONGER Prices ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. "llKITNEIl