Poge 6 CHURCHES ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL 1 CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy communion H a. m. i hurch school, 9.4 a. m. Holy communion and sermon, 11 a m. Work Day Services: Wednesday, Holy communion 10 a. m. Friday, Holv communion, 7:30 a. m. Choir practice Thursday eve ning at 8. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Summer schedule (June 1-Octo-ber 1). Hcppner: Masses on first and third Sundnvs at S a. m Masses Heppner Gozette Times, Thursday, June 30, 1949 on second and fourth Sundays at 9.30 a. m. Mass on fifth Sunday al 9 a. rn. lone: Masses on first and third Sundays at 9:30 a. m. Masses on second and fourth Sundays at 8 a. m. Holydays of obligation: Mass in Hcppner at 7:30 a. m. lone 9 a. m. First Fridays: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a. m. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Morning worship and sermon, 11 o'clock. Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m. with classes for all ages. Woman's Society of Christian (Service meets at 8 p. m. first .Wednesday of each month. Circle I No. 2 meets at 2:30 p. m. hird Dream kitchens with wished-for price tags "7ovVk seen them in the leading national maga 1 zin?s and newspapers gorgeous Youngstown Kitchens like the one pictured here. Xow, visit our showroom and inspect this identical kitchen. See every one of the many Youngstown features. Check the marvelous Youngstown Kitchen aider cabinet sink the spacious base and wall cabinets. Be sure to ask about the price. It's the kind of price you've wished for! We'll show you a host of other kitchen plans. Youngstown units are engineered to fit any kitchen area old home or new. Stop in and see this Youngstown Kitchen soon. Learn how easy it is to own the kitchen of your dreams. V BY MTJLLINS at- GILLIAM & BISBEE Your Friendly Dealer MOW t, Percales THE SAME HIGH QUALITY THAT HAS MADE RONDO THE MOST POPULAR OF FINE PERCALES ALL NEW. . Tli is is not a clearance or a dot -out but a new lower price level.. ALL NEW COLORS . . . M dear. bo ell -blended they take your breath away!. ALL NEW DESIGNSt. . stripes, plaids, checks, tiny florals plus many, many other neM -tluK-M-aMit) patterns. 1 Hondo comiK in a Rainbow of solid colors toot. KM U. S. Pat. OtI. atPENNEY'S LEXINGTON . . . By Delpha Jones Mr. and Mrs. William Van Winkle Jr. are the parents of a baby son born Sunday, June 26. at the Corda Saling home in Heppner. A family reunion was held Sunday at the Ed Livingston home in Spray, with several from Lexington attending, including Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davies and enn rtl f a Pranda' XT i ,1 ( r Ivan Donivan and son. Rhea bf'"? lo M?.r- Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Burl County Agent News . . All inspected seed was approv ed Friday by Harold Sather and Elmer Johnson, seed certification specialists from Oregon State col lege, after they had inspected the fields of seven Morrow county farmers. Orfed wheat and creeping al falfa belonging to Lloyd Howton, Heppner, nd creeping alfalfa be longing to Harold Wright, Hepp ner, was approved. Potato fields May- nard, Cle Elum, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mathews and son of Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Livingston and daughter, Spray; Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Breeding, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding and sons, and Mrs. Bert Breeding and fam ily, all of Lexington, and Mr. and Mrs. Ewing Colvin of Mt. Vernon, Wash. Betty Lou Messenger, Beverley Nolan and Shirlee Hunt were the three Rainbow girls from Lexing ton who attended the banquet in La Grande Monday evening. The Amicitia club met at the home of Mrs. C. C. Carmichael June 22. After an enjoyable eve ning spent playing pinochle, de licious refreshments of angel food cake, ice cream and coffee were served. Janitor Joe Thornburg of the local school returned home last week from attending janitor school at La Grande. This was a two-day meeting, with janitors from all over the state attending. Miss Ramona McDaniel of Wal la Walla, bride elect of Bud Mar shall, visited at the K. K. Mar shall home Sunday. Miss Dona Barnett and Trina ert Miller and Charles Dillon, all of Boardman, were approved. Rex wheat belonging to Kenneth Smouse and Denward Bergevin was approved. Peach varieties that do not turn brown, and that are other wise suitable for freezing, arc listed in Bulletin No. 532, "Peach Varieties for Oregon," that can be obtained from the county ex tension agent's office or from Oregon State college. The circular gives the ripening characteristics, fleshing color, and stone adherence of more than 100 peach varieties. CARD OF THANKS We take this means to sincere ly thank the people of Lexington for their courteous and prompt assistance in putting out the grass fire at the airport Monday noon, saving thousands of dollars in damage. Noble Hampton Loyd Burkenbine Jack and Erma Forsythe CARD OF THANKS We take this means of thank ing our many friends for their Mrs. Ithoughtfulness in our recent be rarner moiorea to camp reavement. we appreciate your Sherman last Wednesday where they will spend the summer at their cottage on the Metolius. Billy Griffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffin, who has been stationed in Germany, is home with his parents for a short fur lough after which he will be sta tioned in the States. Mrs. Laura Scott is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes recently sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Campbell who will take possession soon. The Wednesday. July 10, special service at 11 a. m., with potluck dinner at noon. Honoring L. W. Briggs on his 90th birthday. expressions of sympathy and are grateful. The Keithley family. Hayes family has not selected a home site, but plan to do so soon. Jack O'Harra of Klamath Falls is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra There will be a meeting in the I. O. O. F. hall Friday night for the purpose of reviving the pio neer reunion in Lexington and all interested are urged to attend this meeting. There will be a school election in Lexington Friday to elect a new school director replacing Millard Nolan, who was elected last election and felt he could not accept the position. This meeting will be in the afternoon. News About Town . . . were guests oi the La oranue Croup Monday evening as part of their hospitality week festivities. Twenty-four girls made the trip. Mr. and Mrs. William f. Barratt returned the last of the week from a fortnight's motor trip east. In Detroit they purchased a new car. In Chicago they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nickerson and family. Mrs. Cyrene Barratt of Corvallis looked after the chil dren during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Runnion made a business trip to Pendleton Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn and daugh ter, Nancy Lee, of lone were bus iness visitors in Heppner Tues day. The Hynd residence on Gale street is undergoing considerable improvement this week. A new sun deck and railing have been erected atop the front porch and new steps leading to the front door have been added. The house is being painted white, adding much to the appearance of the property. Mrs. Clara B. Gertson was guest speaker at the meeting of the De gree of Honor Tuesday evening. Mrs. Gertson, who has just re cently returned from St Paul, Minn., where she was guest of honor at the national convention of the order, gave a resume of her trip, recounting many inter esting and worthwhile ideas gleaned from her contact with other delegates from all over the nation. Mrs. Wilbur Steagall of Lexington and Mrs. J. I. Farra deceived prizes for their ability in the old fashioned "spelling ,bee." Hostesses for the evening were Mesdames Paul McCoy, Ted Pierson and Jesse C. Payne. Stanley Minor returned Sunday from The Dalles and Portland where he visited relatives the past two weeks. He returned home with Mrs. Mary Stevens who motored to The Dalles Sat urday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierson of Hermiston were overnight guests Tuesday of his brother, Ted Pier son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McLachlan motored to Pendleton Wednesday. F. W. Turner returned Tuesday evening from a business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Estberg and family are vacationing in Rich mond and other California points. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson of Gooseberry were business vis itors in Heppner Tuesday. DR. J. D. PALMER Dentist Rms. 11-12 1st Nat Bank Bldg. Ph.: Office 783, Home 932 Heppner: Monday, Tuesday. Friday, Saturday. Arlington: Wed. and Thurs. S100.00 REWARD Ralph Crum, lone, Oregon, of fes the sum of $100.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the theft destruction of real and personal property on his property, the for mer Fred Mankln place, north of lone, Oregon. 1516c Carpentry and Cement Work By Day or Contract Bruce Bothwell Phone 845 YOU. MADE A SOLEMN AGREEMENT With Your Merchant, Doctor, Hospital When You ASKED FOR CREDIT This is the same as asking for a personal loan. You also asked for his Confidence and Trust in You. When you received that courtesy wasn't it a grand and glorious feeling? NOW Have you betrayed that confidence, by not either paying or part paying or satis factorily arranging to take care of that courtesy when it became due? Have you betrayed that confidence and trust you so solemnly asked for? If you have been careless why not at once answer ycur PIONEER SERVICE COUNTY CREDIT BOARD letter that you have received. Co in and Pay, Part Pay or Satis, factorily Arrange to Pay and keep that promise good I Remember the man who Pays is welcome everywhere and holds that confidence he asked for and received But the man who doesn't pay soon becomes a social outcast loses his character rating. ' NO COMMISSIONS CHARGED ON COLLECTIONS ALL MONIES PAID DIRECT TO YOUR CREDITOR NO DOCKET FEES. NO FILING FEES t) NO CONTRACTS TO SIGN AND REGRET YOUR ACCOUNTS REMAIN IN YOUR HANDS AT ALL TIMES Pioneer Service County Credit Board Information Most Valuable! The Largest Business Men's Organization In the Northwest Pioneer Service Co., Inc. (Established Since 1926) IDAHO - OREGON UTAH . NEVADA DIVISION Division Office, I. O. O. F. Building, Box 471, Eugene, Oregon THE BEST AND CHEAPEST COLLECTION SERVICE IN AMERICA Watch lor Green and Black Handbills with Accounts for Salel Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue . Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. (3fiH3H Gives Gleaming New Beauty Q woodwork And Furniture 0 On coat corers (or Enameling everything In and about the horn. Waterspar Is easily op pUd drlM quickly to a smooth, high gloM finish and If easily cleaned. The out It reasonable and th finish will lail lor years. IS beautiful colors to chooie bam. $7.74 GALLON Heppner Hardware 6- Electric Co. Com bi today (or FSEE booklet, "Color Dynamic for Your Horn." STAR GS REPORTER .10, Total too. I T. ttokot. BTory child oooapyl&f tort Admlralom prloo. tftonooa and ruing, nuleu ipo. etfloaUy adratlaod to bo othanrlaal Chlldranl Bit. Prloo OT, Fed. Tax .03, Total tOo Orad and Blfh okool Btndanta IS raara and ovari Bit. Prloo .40. -IKi Total Mo Adultai Bit Prola Mi, Pod. Starting th. fliit Saturday In May and continuing through th. aununor months, th. Saturday oronlng ahowa will start at 7 p. m. Sunday afternoon shows will oontlnuo to start at 1 p. m. and other avonlng shows, besides Saturday, at T:30 p. m. Sunday shows oontlnnous starting at 1 p.m. Ail other shows starat at 7)30 p-m. Boxoiflce open evenings until pm. The 1949 Opportunity Drive is on. Buy United States Savings Bonds for your future security. Thurs.-Fri.-Sat, June 30-JuIy 1-2 Sixteen Fathoms Deep Lon Chaney, Arthur Lake, Lloyd Bridges An outdoor special In color . .filmed entirely at Tarpon Springs, Florida, the underwater photo rraphy Is magnificent. PLUS Outlaw Brand Jimmy Wakely and Cannonball Taylor give a bad time to the bed men! Sunday-Monday, July 3-4 Barkleys of Broadway Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire joyously reunited in a new Technicolor musical, with Oscar Levant, Billie Burke, Gale Robbins. Sunday show starts at 1 p. m. Tuesday-Wednesday, July 5-6 Caught Barbara Del Geddes, Robert Ryan, James Mason. Something unique In story handling wilh sincere performances by a topline cast. Thursday-Friday-Saturday, July 7-8-9 Red Canyon Ann Blyth, Howard Duff, George Brent, Edgar Buchanan, Jane Darwell, Chill Wills and John Mclntire in an action packed screenplay designed not only for western fans but also those who demand good screen entertainment! Based on ZANE GREY'S famous novel "Wildfire" and further enhanced by Technicolor pho tography which has captured the rugged beauty of the impressive OREGON coun try. Plus The Decision of Christopher Blake Ted Donaldson, Alexis Smith, Robert Dou glas, Cecil Kellaway. Moss Hart's fine play about a hoy of 12 and his reactions to adult problems Popeye Cartoon Saturday show starts at 7 p. m. Thursday and Friday at 7:30. This New Monfag Electric Range is only $19975at Case Furniture Co. r.'TTr?. sr----,,... wa?i ".aaoA' ' " ' rrti ' lei , r ' j y X ' 1 FOR THl MONEY. You haven't seen a value like It since before the War. Take it from us, Montag cuts no corners on quality or workmanship in this full size range. Its amazing new warp-proof "T-K" elements are the easiest to clean of any made. The oven is big, has safe, no-tilt racks, is Fiberglaa insulated all around. Come in soon; ask about all its features. 3 FOR THl IHOW. You'll want to put on a show the minute this beauty takes the stage in your kitchen. The hard, smooth porcelain enamel finish stays beautiful. Look It over; see how the one-piece top with no grooves or corners saves work. 3 TO on READY. What do you mean, Get ready? Here's smooth cooking that's ALWAYS ready ... at the click of a switch. 4 TOOOl Meals really go, with "T-K" units. Four FAST, full-size elements, each with five perfectly controlled speeds, give you cooking heat instantly. Case Furniture r Company Maybe you think we're enthusiastic about this new Montag economy range. We are, And you will be too when you see all you get for so little. Don't let a limited budget put a limit on your kitchen plans. Come on in right away and see how easy it is to have the clean, electric cooking you want. , . $199,71 MfdfwKtd Montag caeep i BUT IS ALWAYS A GOOD