Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 30, 1949 Page 5 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wanls har vest time job. Call lone 37F3 or write Box 398, Heppner. 14tfc WILL DO custom baling with John Deere wire tying baler. G. Hermann, 37F14, lone. lM5p ESTRAY 3 two-year-old Here ford heifers, (two with Sept. calves, unmarked). Branded CM on right hip, backward B with HP connected on left hip, and lower half crop in right ear. Reward for recovery. B. H. Peck, Lexington. 8tfc FOR SALE -alive. Mrs. Fryers, dressed or G. Hermann, lone. Phone lone 37F14. 1315p 70-ACKE RANCH on Umatilla Meadows west of Stanfield. 12 acres in alfalfa. Good sub-irrigated pasture. Modern house in attraclve setting with nice lawn, shade trees and garden space. Abundance of water at low cost. Water cost is 50 cents per acre per year. Priced at $15,000.00. Terms if desired. For details call or write K. L. Ell ott, co OSCAR SCHULTZ AG ENCY, P. O. Box 684, Pendle ton, Ore. Phone 49. 1416c STRAYED To the Weatherford ranch, black horse branded JNP connected. Please claim. Telephone5F6. lotfc HAVE YOU tried the new Ford feel? IF YOUR cooling system is clog ged with rust let us clean your radiator and motor block with our Brady Electric cleaner. It will make driving a pleasure. Rosewall Motor Company. LOST Saturday night, JunTTl" on Upper Willow creek, end gate from Ford pickup. Leave at Hynd home on Gale street. E. R. Schaffer, Cecil, Ore. 1315 FOR SALE Fryers, dressed or alive; call Lexington 34F3, Mrs. Julian Ranch. LL16c FOR SALE International 10-ft cut level land combine Has cut only 1500 acres. $1200. W. W. Bechdolt & Sons, Hardman, Or. 1415p FOR SALE 115 horse power long wheel base F-7 Ford truck equipped with over load heavy duty springs and 900 x 20 tires. I This truck will haul anything, on the ranch. Rosewall Motor ! Company. WANTED Haying Jobs. Mow, rake, bale and pile, or any one or combination of operations. Weatherford 5F6. 1415c WElX) STEAM CLEANING. We can make dirty oily motors shine like new. If you have heating trouble see us. Rose wall Molor Gompany. WE DO CUSTOM CUTTING. W. A. Heath, Heppner. 14 16p WANTED 100 cars to paint In our DeVilbiss spray booth. Rosewall Motor Company. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Lewis Albert Osmln, deceased, has filed with the Pro bate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, his Final Ac count of his administration of the estate of the said deceased, and the said Court fixed Monday, the 11th day of July. 1919, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., at the courthouse In Heppner, Ore gon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account, and the settlement of said estate, and all persons hav ing objections thereto are requir ed to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 9th day of June, 1919. ALTON L. OSMIN Administrator of the Estate of LEWIS ALBERT OSMIN, deceased. P. W. Mahoney Attorney for the Administrator Hrppncr. Oregon. 1216 NOTICE OF STREET VACATION Notice s hereby given tnai Earl Hogue of Heppner. Oregon, has presented a Petition to the Common Council of the City of Heppner to vacate the following alley within the corporate limits of the City of Heppner, to-wit: ah that nortion of the South east end of Willow Street, lying hetween Lots 26 and 27 in Block 11, Mt. Vernon's Addition to the Cltv of Henpner, in the County of Morrow, State of Or ptrmi. and Morgan Street, and the Common Council has set Tuesday, the 5th nay oi Juiy, 10.10 ni the hour of 7:30 P M. at tiie Council Chambers in said ciiu n the time and place for hoQriniT nhlections or remonstran ces to the vacation thereof and any objections or remonstrances w ne nearu ov -",ltl"UM rvmnMl nt K.-itri lime and nlace, Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 20th day of June, 1!h:i. WALTER BARGER Jr. City Kecorner. wriTirc TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, the Administrator of the estate of .insr.'PH M. HAYES, deceased nnH nil persons having claims nirnlnst the estate of said dcceas nrl are hereby required to present Vim cnrno Hnlv verified with pro per vouchers to the undersigned Administrator ai iiepunur, nfflre nf Jos Nys', within six months from the Hntn hereof. Dated and first published this 9th day of June, 1949. Kit ME HAYES, Administrator Jos. J. Nys fur Administrator Ilnimner. Oregon 1216 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the unrierslirned. Joint -Executors of the Estate of R. M. AKERS, dc ppn sen. hnve filed with the Pro bate Court of the Slate of Oregon for Morrow County, their Final Account of their administration of the estate of said deceased, and the said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 25th day of July, CMff Ms) 1947 CHEV 5 passenger coupe. SSOO.OO in accessories. 1946 FORD coupe thoroughly re conditioned. 1941 BUICK sedan. See this one before you buy. 1936 CHEV Tudor sedan. Runs like a new one. 1947 K-5 International Only 4.000 miles. 1942 CHEV Truck A-1 condition. 1940 CHEV 2-ton Truck. Will give service of a new one. 1037 CHEV 1 '-ton Truck. Priced to sell 1936 DODGE 2-ton Truck. 5-speed transmission. 1936 CHEV m-ton Truck, factory stake bed. Has Why gamble? Buy with a guarantee! HODGE CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 403 WE HAVE TWO expert body and fender men. If you have and kind of metal work, fender bumping, patch painting or an entire paint job let us furnish you a free estimate. Rosewall MoJorCornpany. FOR SALE Holt combine moun ted on tongue. Has bulk tank, in good shape, motor overhaul ed last year. Weatherford 5F6. 1415c WE HAVE flexible exhaust pipes In several sizes. See us if you need a muffler or flex pipe. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED Living quarters for foreman of hospital plumbing crew. Also quarters for four crew members, three of whom arrive July 15. Foreman has wife, two school-age children. Write Harry Bachofner, Genl. Deli very Jleppner. 15p KEEP YOUR EYE on our big open air show room, corner May and Chase streets for your tanspor tation needs. Rosewall Motor Com pa ny. FOR SALE 20 squares or 80 bun dles of No. 1 clear cedar shing les. O. M. Yeager's Store. 15p 1919. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock of Heppner must obtain permits A. M. at the courthouse In Hepp- 'before starting work. ner. Oregon, as the time and; nffifP nf ritv Riilldlnu Insnw. place for hearing objections to said Final Account, and the sot- lement of said estate, and all persons having objections there-1 ' , . .i. ,. to are reaiiirea to ine uie atiine with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing Dated and firs publishea tins 23rd day of June, 1919. Br-KL, AR-tita ana KENNETH M. AKERS Joint Executors of the Estate of R. M. Akers, deceased. W. Mahoney Attorney for the Executors Hennner. Oregon 1418 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Ordinance 322, passed by the Common Council of the City of Heppner, Oregon and u . . t,t tirsr nn tho approM-u uy - ""; 2()lh day oi . June ; a s s(raceS to the vacation thereof WHlw?Xn?vVtel?i objection, or remon-'-".y. 01 ':.,' K ' 'j" ,i, r,th dav strances will be heard by the ,on,Wd".?Y-U.nnii rhm. Common Council at said time bers in said City, which i. railed for the purpose of in-1 creasing the tax levy of said City of Heppner tor ine nscai " ginning July 1, 19 a1 endl8 June 30. 1950 in the amount of $12,734.00 in excess of the six per cent limltaiion anoweu AHtnto XI of Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Ore gon, said increase is necussaiy for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and repairing of streets and bridges in said Uty. The polls will be open at 8:00 o'clock a. m. of said day and will remain open until o:uu ociuun. y. of fltu (iny BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY Ut HEPPNER, UKM..UN. City Recorder. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TIIE STATE OK UKr-AiUW run int. COUNTY OF MORROW No. 1163 In the Matter of the Estate EVERETT E. SINK, deceased. Notice is hereby given that William B. Adams, Administrator with will annexed of the estate of Everett E. Sink, deceased, has filed in the County court oi inu State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, his final report and ac count, and said Court has by or der appointed Friday, the 22nd day of July, 1919, at the hour of 9-30 A. M. as the time and the Court Room of the above entitled Court in the Morrow County Court House In the City of Heppner, County of Morrow, State of Ore gon, as the place for hearing ob (ectlons to said final account, and for settlement of the same. Date of first publcation, June 23, 1919. Date of Inst publication, July 21, 1949. William B. Adams Administrator of the estate of Everett E. Sink, deceased. F. Brock Miller Attorney for Administrator :m Pnrlflc Building Portland 4. Oregon 14-18 NOTICE All carpenters, plumbers and electricians doing majo repairs electricians doing major repair NOW THAT harvest has started you will find us ready to help you save every bushel of grain. We have a good stock of Ford motors, transmissions, axles, tires, springs and thousands of other genuine Ford parts on hand for your convenience. Kosewalt Motor Company. FOR SALE Come and get these tender milk-fed Austra white fryers. Mrs. Vernon Brown, lone. 15c DOES YOUR CAR SHIMMY? You may need the front and rear wheels balanced. We have the latest type electronic wheel balancer and can balance your wheels on the car. Rosewall Motor Company. LOST One-year-old German short haired pointer; white liv er colored ears and ticks; bob tailed, wearing chain collar with Colorado health tag. Also one English Llewellyn setter, white and black spots, brown and black ticks, long hair. $25 reward. Call Chas. Gomillion. 15c. 1938 PACKARD convertible. See this one if you like a sport job. Pay $200.00 down. Rosewall Motor Company. VACATION with us on World's Longest Beach. Modern furnish ed cottages, good beds. Reason able weekly rates. Write Mid beach Cottages, Ocean Park, Wash. Phone 67616. 15-24c FOR SALE 30.06 model 70 Win chester K-4. One .32 special, model 94 carbine Winchester. Remington target rifle, scoped. One Mauser; one Luger. Un- rein Motor Service. 15c JOB WANTED Reliable boy, 18 years, wants work for summer on ranch; experienced in hay and wheat harvest. Mother would cook for small crew. Ad dress Box 141. Arlington, Ore. GOOD NEWS: The Ford strike has ended. Production is in creasing every day. New Ford pickups and cars are on their way to Heppner. See Rosewall Motor Company for delivery date on a new car. MOST SENSATIONAL Home Freezer Values Ever Produced; 123 cu. ft. Walk-in Locker, -HPunit $1,150.00. 15 cu. ft. Upright or Reach In 395.00 12-cu. ft. Reach-in 299.50 8-cu. ft. Reach-in 269.50 See these freezers at L. A. Moore Furniture Store, Hermis ton, Phone 2121. 15-18c 1916 DELUXE FORD TUDOR. Equipped with heater and seat covers. Full price $995.00. Rose wall Motor Company. Rosewall is never undersold. NEED A DEPENDABLE used truck? Look over our stock. We have trucks to fit your budget. Terms can be aranged. Rose wall Motor Company. 2ig Majn S)reet H -------- - - Jr ointti .iivi Notice is hereby given that if,,H Ui'flan Marlnn VavAart Marion .......v.. iUJUu and Edna L. Turner of Heppner, Oregon, have presented a Peti tion to the Common Council of the City of Heppner to vacate the following alley within the cor porate limits of the City of Hepp ner, to-wit: The North 10 feet Immediate, ly adjacent to Lot 7, Block 2 of Johnson's Addition to the City of Heppner, between Gale street and Jones Street, and the Common Council has set Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1949, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. at the Council Chambers in said City as the time and place , hearing nhWtinns or remnn Dated at H Heppner, Oregon, this 20th day of June, 1949. WALTER BARGER Jr. City Recorder. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated May 24, 1949, I am authorized and di rected to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: South half of the Southeast Quarter, less town of Castle Rock, less Lots 1 and 2, Section 8, Township 4 North, Range 24, E W M., containing 49.5 acres for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. Lots 1 and 2. Section 8, Town ship 4 North, Range 24, E. W. M containing 18 acres, for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 30th day of July, 1949, at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the iront aoor oi the Court House in Heppner, Ore. gon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon By Frances Mitchell, Deputy. CITATION IN THE PROBATE COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW In the Matter of the Estate of LAWRENCE L. BEACH, de ceased. TO: Lorraine Beach; Kathryn L. Beach; Dorothy Ann Beach; rntricla Lee Beach; and, Law rence L. Beach, Jr. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OK OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear in the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, within twenty-eight days from the date of first publication of this Cita tion to show cause if any you have why an Order should not be granted to Elsie M. B?ach, Ad ministratrix of the Estate of Law rence L Beach, deceased, to sell the following described real pro perty belonging to the said estate at private sale for the best price obtainable but In no event less than the sum of $2,000.00 An undivided one-third Inter est In the Northeast quarter of Section 3, Township 2 South of APRICOTS will be ready about July 1st. You pick. Bring con tainer. 5c per pound. J. O. Swearingen, Irrigon, Ore. 15c 1948 FORD pjckup equipped with heater. This pickup has the new million dollar cab. Pay down $435.00. Rosewall Motor Com- pany. WANTED Custom combining with Massey-Harris and trucks for hauling. W. C. Seehafer, lone. 15-17c CALL US for American Beauty Venetian binds and hand paint, ed cloth shades Yeager's. 15p 1944 FORD 17-passenger school bus. This job has genuine lea ther upholstery and complies with the State School Bus law. See it at Rosewall Motor Com pany. ONE NEW Skilisander for sale. Yeager's. I5p BUY THE SEIBERLING air cooled tire from Rosewall Motor Com pany. Lifetime guarantee. WE HAVE GLASS for all pur poses, and repair broken win dows and pictures. Yeager's. 15p 1949 HEAVY DUTY -ton Ford Express. See this one for heavy duty pickup work. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 1942 Cob motor Chev rolet, stock and bulk rack. Earl McKinney, lone. 15-16 WE HAVE NEW and Factory Re built Ford motors in stock for immediate installation. Rose wall Motor Company. FOR SALE 3-burner Hotpont au tomatic cabinet style electric range, good condition, $45.00 Phone 432. 15c BEFORE YOU START on your va cation trip trade your old tires to Rosewall Motor Company for a new set of Seiberling or Fire stone tires. . FOR SALE Milk cow fresh four months. Lawrence Becket, Ph. 13F43. 15-16p vniTR CPM lnhriratinn tnh early this week. Be ready for that trip. Phone 1092 for an ap pointment. Rosewall Motor lompany, LOST Black and white register ed Springer, between Lexing ton and lone. Collar bears name "Chief." Owner, H. D. Martin, Hermiston. Call 6528. Reward. 15p ROSY SAYS: Used car prices have come down. We have some real buys in stock now. It will pay you to look over our stock if you are looking for a dependable car. Rosewall is never under sold. FOR SALE Late '47 Tudor sedan with radio, heater, fog light, fender pants and spotlight, good condition, good tires. $1,-2951-3 down. Phone 37F15. Harold L. Snider, lone. 15p CHOICE ASSIGNMENTS OPEN TO MEN WITH MILITARY EXPERIENCE Current choice assignments for men with previous military serv ice in the army, navy, air force, coast guard or marine corps are open today to qualified appli cants by the regular army. In cluded In the selections offered to veterans are the Airborne, Far East Command, or one of the following arms or services of the regular army armored cavalry, chemical corps, corps of engin eers, corps of military police, Field artillery, Infantry, medical department, ordnance depart ment, quartermaster department, signal corps or transportation corps. Young men entering military service for the first time have a choice of assignment to the Air borne, the Far East Command, or to the regular army unassign ed. These initial choices are au thorized for both veterans and non-veterans who enlist for three, four, five or six year periods. Further information regarding specific regular army assign-. ments as well as enlistment op portunities presently available in the air force may be obtained at the Heppner postoffice on second and fourth Thursday afternoons of each month, according to T Sgt Stanley Slyter, army and air force recruiter for this area. o HERE FROM MEDFORD Visitors at the Clive Huston home for several days last week were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Young and small daughter from Med- ford. Mr. Young, brother of Mrs. Huston, had not visited the coun ty for many years and was pleas antly surprised at the changes he found in Heppner and throu ghout the farming area all for the better, in his opinion. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Range 27, East of the Wlllam ette Meridian. for the purpose of paying costs oi administration, claims against the said estate, and distrbution of the said estate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Honorable Garnet Barratt, Judge of the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mor row, has hereto affixed the seal of the said Court this 29th day of June, 1949. Date of first publication of this Citation is June 30, 1949. ATTEST; C, W. Barlow, Clerk, Kinzua Pine Mills Posts Notice of Summer Vacation By Elsa M. Leathers Vacation notices were posted this week. All departments will be down from Juiy 2 to July 11, both days inclusive. The sawmill will be down until Monday, July 18. The final league game was played Sunday on the local dia mond with Condon. Mortimer pitched the entire game for Kin zua. Half of the game was played before a score was made. Condon scored first and held the lead throughout the game, winning 3. A postponed game In June will be played next Sunday at Con don. Stanley Robinson was injured when he was accidentally hit with a brick by a fellow worker the first of the wek. The doctor at Fossil took four stitches to close the wound in his head. W. H. Welch fell while skating Friday night and sprained his wrist. It was dressed at Fossil. He will be off work for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nelson are the parents of a baby girl born at The Dalles Monday, June 26. This is their second child. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey and daughter Pat were visiting in Kinzua Sunday afternoon from Kent, Wash., with Mr and Mrs. H. N. Adams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Owen H. Leathers Sr. They were on their way to Nipa- win, Sask., Canada but plan to ! spend three weeks there and at various places in Canada. They spent Sunday night at Heppner with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDaniel and Carolyn. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Jurick mo tored to The Dalles Saturday where they attended a farewell dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sudar in honor of Ivan Pavick who left Monday for Cze choslovakia. Both the Sudars and Mr. Pavick are former Kinzuans. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas McDaniel and son of Lonerock were over night visitors here Saturday vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Delvin McDan iel and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kinard McDaniel. Mrs. McDaniel returned home with them. Mrs. Harve Boyer returned home with her daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Harry John son, to Beaverton where she will visit over the vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galyean and daughter Roberta left for their new home at Roseburg Thursday. A moving van took their household goods. Layton Tripp, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Tripp, and Martha Wiley of Warrenton were mar ried at Goldendale, Wash. Satur day, with Richard Greenfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greenfield, and Alice Mae George, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loren George of Fossil also being united in mar riage at the same time. The cou ples spent the week on the coast The Trlpps will make their home here when a house Is available. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Lovgren and Insist on getting WOILLTS CHAMPION VALVI-IN-NIAD INOINI th Ktratffciwit power plant that1 1 tting the trend for the industry. nSHU IODY STYLING AND LUXURY found eieewhere only on higher prioed cart, CINTII.POINT STIUINO Oiving maximum steering ease without fatigue or "car wander" and found else where only on ooetlier cart. Un Hm Da lm iDoai Mm- Wkil. HODGE CHEVROLET CO. MAIN at MAY HEPPNER, OREGON children and Mrs. Glen Merritt Mrs. Homer Davis. (on grading and marketing or and son of Heppner visited here Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson Jr. livestock. Mr. Cook was accomp Sunday with relatives and are visiting her parents, the sen- 'anted by his family and Louis friends.. They also attended the Condon-Kinzua baseball game. Mrs. W. C. Hastings and daugh ter Peggy and Mrs. R. H. Steers! and Guy Hastings of Heppner brought their mother, Mrs. Sam McDaniel Sr, to Kinzua Sunday to spend the week with Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adams. Blanche Davis of Lone Rock is visiting this week at the home of her brother and wife, I!r. and NOW 3 OUT OF 4 TELEPHONE ORDERS FILLED IN A MONTH In some fastest-growing areas the wait still is long-but we're making steady progress 2. Hundreds of miles of telephone cables have been going in at a fast clip. But these voice-highways are still bottlenecked in some places in many of our fastest-growing areas, practically no telephones can be installed for months . . . until the lines and other facilities can catch up with the mushrooming demand. The telephone picture looks better . . . but it's not yet all we want it to be. 4. Huge sums of money have gone to work in the West to make this new equipment possible and your own telephone more val uable. Millions must come not from bills but from people who put savings into the telephone business. To attract these dollars, we must pay a reasonable amount for their use . . . must sell our services at fair, adequate prices. inrwrniBs w i ib tnrr 'Hold Evervthinq until you get these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its field! CIRTI-SAFI HYDRAULIC BRAKES (with DuN-Uf Rlvetlett Brake Linings) ttturirtfl swifter, safer stops for you and your family. LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD, with WIDEST TREAD, as wall giving more room, more riding-comfort, more road-steadiness and safety. j mivnt opIW clutn coi. this week Mr. and Mrs. Claud England went to Portland Monday where they will attend to business and .return home on Thursday. Francis Cook, vocational agri culture instructor in the Heppner school, attended a livestock school sponsored bv Swift Pack- I ing school in Portland over the week-end. Emphasis was placed The - v H l Ji I taf hold of the best 3-INCH WIDI.RASI WHEELS (with Extra Low-PVassura Th) the widest rims in the entire low-price field, providing greater ride-ttabtiity. FISHER UNISTIEL IODY CONSTRUCTION with steel welded to steel alt around you for maximum solidity, quietneet and safety. lor David Petersons from Portland. : I I- 1 Ji ET71 r m m 5ii I Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson and family are visiting In Port- land. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their expressions of sympathy and for their floral of ferings in our recent bereave ment. The Davis family. 1. Installers have been working fast the first half of 1949 . . . keeping up their pace of the postwar years. Here in the West, 145,000 new telephones will have gone into service in the first six months of the year. Although new orders keep pouring in, we're able to take care of them faster. Seventy-two per cent are filled within thirty days that's practically three out of four. 3. Nearly a million and a half tiny soldered connections must be made before new equipment like this can begin working in a medium-sized office. But we're hurrying all we can to make the waiting time shorter still. Your telephone needs are very real to us and we won't be satisfied until everyone . . . everywhere in the West . . . has more and better telephone service than ever before. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Your telephone is one of today's biggest bargains CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY supplying that extra vision which meant extra safety exclusive to Chevrolet in it held. EXTRA ECONOMICAL TO OWN-OPfRATI-MAINTAIN and bringing you more when you trade; for Chevroiett are mostjwanted new or used)