Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 30, 1949 Pendleton Woman Union Missionary By Ruth rne Miss Mary Johns of Pendleton was the gut's! siwaker at the quarterly mooting of the Wom en's Union Missionary society at the Mrthodist church Thursday afternoon. Miss Johns chose as her subject, "Christian-Social Re. lations." Mrs. Josephine Mahon ey, librarian of the Heppner Pub lic library, led the book discus sion after which the organization voted to present the book, 'The Big Fisherman," by Lloyd C. Guest Speaker At Society Meeting Douglas, to the library. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames Alex Green. Emma Evans and R. A. Thompson. Mrs. Elizabeth Dlx has return ed from Portland where she at tended the grand chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Pix is grand representative for the state of New Mexico. Follow ing the meeting she continued on to Seattle where she spent some time visiting with her daughter, Virginia. Mrs. Edward Green of Portland is visiting in Heppner with her mother. Mrs. Agnes turran. I Mr. and Mrs. Ted Plerson mo tored to White Salmon, Wash. Saturday evening to spend Sun day with his mother and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Pirl Howell mot ored to Tendleton Saturday to spend the week-end with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Howell and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bennett mo tored to the mountains Saturday evenine where they spent the 'week-end at the Howell cabin. 1 Mrs. Wallace Green of Gresh- A MIW CAR- iflll I llUi bi REALS W I v l La Mi IB? See the difference! See why the New York Fashion Academy judged Ford the "Fashion Car of the Year." See the luxury of tine and the rich Interior fabrics. See those "Sofa-Wide" seats. They offer you more hip and shoulder room than any other car In Ford's field. Feel the difference! Feel how Ford's "Magic Action" Brakes stop you 35 easier. Feel bumps dis appear 'neath "Hydra-Coil" Springs. And feel that surging "Equa-Poise" Power. Only Ford in its field offers you a 100-horsepower V-8 engine. Only Ford In its field offers you your choice of V-8 or Six, I Save the difference! Where else can so little buy you so much car? And you save up to 10 on gas, too . . . up to 25 with Ford's new Overdrive. See for yourself. Ask your dealer for a ride and you'll order your Ford today. 0?ttonol al ilro colli so; X Take the wheel . . . try the new FORD at your Ford Dealer's White sijtwail fires ovaihbl at erfro Cost. Rosewall Motor Co. AlVT-rD TI!E FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AS THE "FASHION CAR OF THE YEAS'' 7 . How safety -circle' driving cuts down accidents "Know your safety-circle!" is an important lesson taught Standard of California driv ers. ..and perhaps it can be helpful to you. Your safety-circle is the distance you Deed to meet an emergency situation-a car stopping suddenly ahead, for example. Our drivers get a special test which tells them exactly how fast they react, but in general, it takes the average person a full second to see a hazard, think what to do and act. So, driving on a clear road, at 30 miles an hour, you should stay at least 7 car lengths behind the car ahead; when you drive 45 miles an hour, stay behind 13 car lengths. More than 5,000 Standard drivers have Studied tin and many other safety princi ples in our Driver Training Program, besides passing thorough visual examina tions. Last year, they drove 41 million miles with an accident rate 60 X lower than the national trucking fleet average. JnOAto oil cornel jjl of California h jam spent several days here the ,jiast week visiting with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green. jOn Sunday, Wallace Green and children, Deloris and Richard, !came up after Mrs. Green. Other guests at the Green home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green and children of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fortner re turned to their home in Portland the last of the week after a few days visit here with her brother, J. Fred Lucas, and Mrs. Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Becket and Mrs. Walter Becket motored to Pendleton Thursday to spend the day shopping and looking af ter business matters. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bisbee re turned Friday from East Lake near Bend where they spent sev eral days fishing. They were ac companied by their son Orrin, of San Francisco and daughter, Kathrine, of Oregon City. At Biggs Junction the young people continued on to Portland where Orrin took the plane to his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Murdock of Kahler Basin were week-end vis itors in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munkers and Mrs. Alice Gentry motored to Pendleton Thursday where they spent the day shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Attebury of Echo are moving their household effects to Heppner this week. They will live in the Davidson house on Aiken street. Mrs. Edna Hamlin and daugh ter, Marlene DuBois, and their house guests, Mrs. Mary Hadd and daughter Flo Anne, motored to Pendleton Thursday. Steward Guthrie of Condon was a business visitor in Heppner Monday. Albert Bowker of San Diego, Calif, spent several days here the last of the week renewing ac quaintances and visiting friends. Mr. Bowker at one time operated a garage in Heppner and follow ing that farmed extensively in the Social Ridge and Alpine areas. Chester Saling of John Day spent Thursday in Heppner tran sacting business. He has only re cently returned from California and at the conclusion of his bus iness transactions in eastern Or egon expects to return Jo that state. Oscar George and Lynn Rill made a business trip to La Gran de the last of the week. Mrs. Earle Gilliam spent Mon day in Pendleton. . Mr. and Mrs. Suprean Marciel and Elmer Burnside of San Lean- dro, Calif, arrived the last of the week for a visit with her father, Frank Fraters and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fraters. Charles Fraters of Elgin also spent the week-end here with the family. Betty Lovgren has returned to her duties at the First National bank after a two weeks' vacation in Delano, Calif, where she visit ed her sister, Mrs. Frank Stradley and family. Allen Case and Alex Thompson made a business trip to Portland the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom are moving their household ef fects from the Case apartments to the Allstott house on Aiken street. The Bergstroms will spend the summer at the ranch in Eight Mile but will return to Heppner to spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner and Mrs. Floyd N. Adams returned Monday evening from a week- end motor trip to Kingsgate, B. I0NE NEWS Continued on Page Three The Dalles visitors during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews and Mr. and Ms. Gordon White. A strawberry and ice cream feed was held at the I.O.O.F. hall at Morgan Thursday evening of last week, with about 40 people present. Mrs. Verner Troedson and her mother, Mrs. Georgia Brewster, of Portland, returned Fiday mor ning from a trip to Chicago and Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wright and Wendell and Kenneth Wright of Baker visited their grandmother, Mrs. Ida Grabill, Sunday. Word was received of the death of Mrs. Eunice Keithley at Pen dleton. She was a former resident here. Mrs. Anne Smouse of Heppner was an lone visitor Sunday. She stated that her daughter, Shirlee, has arrived in Hawaii by plane. About 30 other students of the University of Oregon also went there. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hillary of Vancouver, B. C. were week end visitors at the homes of his cousins, Edmond Bristow and Mrs. David Rietmann. Am GEORGE WASHINGTON and how they admired the paper on Mount Vernon's walls! Today, you can have ' the same pattern in your home. Ask to see the "George Washington." Distinctive-Early American truly American! said f n Show ou' "papenn- 1 lor estimates, call WILLARD HERBISON Phone 2734 or TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Phone 912 SET I ' ----- to start in a flash - mi this way with CASOUuE A Product cf Standard of Caiifoir.'u Next best thing to put ting a new engine under the hood is puttiiu; Chevron Supreme in the tank! For this gree t blend of clean-burnin.'T gasolines is climate tai lored to suit your local driving conditions... assuring you faster pick-up . . . smoother driving ... more pep... ever more miler.! L. E. DICK Heppner GORDON WHITE lone On the return journey they .topped at Kellogg, Idaho to pick kip Mrs. Adams' daughter, Nancy, ho has been visiting there with her sister, Mrs. John Roscoe. Mrs. Dean Negus and daughter, Gerene, of Redmond are visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Acton at their country home in the Lena district. Mrs. Acton and her guests were shop ping in Heppner Tuesday. Mrs. Elbert Cox is working at Penney's during the summer months. Mrs. Helen Carter spent Mon day and Tuesday in Portland vis iting friends and looking after property interests. The Heppner Rainbow Girls Continued on page six cMtJc JOHN DEERE Hillside Combine Big-capacity harvesting with low operating k and upkeep expense that's why the John Deere Hillside Combine slices harvesting costs to a minimum. It's a rugged combine . . . quality-built with plenty of strength to stay on the job, season after season, giving thoroughly dependable, grain-saving service. The John Deere is easy to operate . . . con venient to service. Adjustments and controls are simple to understand . . . are arranged for convenient, speedy, and safe operation. Its husky leveling device levels on grades up to 550 uphill and 35 downhill. Such fundamental features as the big capacity, all-steel, spike-tooth threshing cyl inder . . . the rotary method of straw separa tion... the cell-belt grain carrier ... the large capacity, adjustable cleaning units . . . the flexible header in sizes ranging from 12 to 20 feet . . and the heavy, sturdily-built frame contribute to the lasting satisfaction owners enjoy with a John Deere. It's a time-proved combine that will give you more value for your money. Let us tell you all about the John Deere Hillside Com bine the next time you're in town. BRADEN TRACTOR CO. Your Catapillar Dealer Uj ftUttA.m I EeillllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM FOR SALE Harvest 300 acres and save the price of this machine 22-3 3 Harris 16 foot header. New V-belt main and fan drives; roller chain other drives. 85 bush el bulker. Extra draper; new el vator ready to go. Price $1200 E.M.BAKER Phone 35F22 lone, Oregon OPE N AIR IP f Rod Esselstyn And His ORCHESTRA lone Tennis Court J duly $1.25 per Person Weather not Permitting, will be Held in Legion Hall