Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 23, 1949 Pag 5 WILL DO custom baling with John Deere wire tying baler. G. Hermann,37F14, one 1 1 - 15p IF YOU are planning on buying a car or truck Clarence Rose- walljwantgjo see you, PAINTING Interior and exter lor. Phone lone 37F4. Welch & Iverson. ll-14p llM5FORD95 Horse Powefecyr inder ton heavy duty Ex press with steel body. See this for a real buy. Rosewall Motor Company. HELP WANTED Experience! silk finisher and mender. Hep- pner Cleaners. 1314c 1937 DODGE truck withllat bed. Pay down $165.00. Rosewall Mo- tor Company. FOR SALE Surplus steel beds, springs and other items. Hotel Heppner. KM4c 1942 OLDSMOBILE sedan with new motor. Here is hydramatic drive in a car you can depend on. See it on Rosewall Motor Company's big open air show room, corner May and Chase streets. EST RAY 3 two-year-old Here ford heifers, (two with Sept. calves, unmarked). Branded CM on right hip, backward B with HP connected on left hip, and lower half crop in right ear. Reward for recovery. B. H. Peck, Lexington. 8tfc ROSY SAYS:It's just as important where you buy as what you buy. See us for a bargain in a dependable car or truck. Rose wall Motor Company's open air show room is full of real bar- gains. FOR SALE t,ate '47 Ford Tudor sedan with radio, heater, fog lights and fender pants, in good condition, good tires. Terms. Phone 37F15, Harold L. Snider, lone. 13-llp FOR SALE Honey extractor, sto rage tank, decapping knife, su pers, cheap. Addle Salter, lone. 13-llp FOR SALE At Lexington: 2 lots, with modern 2 bedroom house. An excellent garden spot with free irrigation, water, some ber ries Good lawn. House in good condition. Price $3,000 cash. Inquire Harry Dinges, Lexing ton, Ore. 12-14p LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. Administrator of the Estate of Lewis Albert Osmln, deceased, has filed with the Pro bate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, his Final Ac count of his administration of the estate of the said deceased, and the said Court fixed Mondav, the 11th day of July. 1919, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., at the courthouse in Heppner, Ore gon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account, and the settlement of said estate, and all persons hav ing objections thereto are requir ed to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 9th day of June, 1919. ALTON L. OSMIN Administrator of the Estate of LEWIS ALBERT OSMIN, deceased. P W. Ma honey Attorney for the Administrator Heppner, Oregon. 1216 NOTICE OF FINALACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Administrator of the estate of ARTHUR D. KEL LER, deceased, has filed with the Probate Court of the State of Or egon, for Morrow County, his Fi nal Account of his administration of the estate of the said deceased, and said Court has fixed Monday, the 27th day of June, 1949, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day at the Court House in Heppner, Oregon as the time and place for hearing ob jections to said Final Account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having objections thereto are required to file the same with said Court on or be fore the time fixed for said hearing-Dated and first published this 26th dav of May, 1949. JOS. J. NYS, Administrator. 10-14 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated May 24, 1949, I am authorized and di rected to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set f,, fiii- All of Section 1, Township 4 North, Range 25 E. W. M. for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. All of Fractional Section 9, Township 4 North, Range 24 E. W. M., less Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, containing 22S.5 acres, for the minimum price of $150 per acre, cash. All of Fractional Section 13, Township 4 North, Range 23, E. W. M., less Lots i, J, ana 4, containing 200 acres, for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. South Half of the Southeast Quarter, less lots 1 and 2, Sec tion 8, Township 4 North, Range 24, E. W. M., containing 80 acres, for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. Tract, DR 31-218, Section 7, Township 4 North, Range 25, E. W. M., containing 14.43 acres, for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Section 9, Township 4 North, Range 24, E. W. M., and Lots 1 and 2, Section 8, Township 4 North, Range 24 E. W. M., containing 98.5 acres, for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Section 13, Township 4 North, Range 23 E. W. M containing 106.5 acres, for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. Tiivnt'iTini.' I will nn the 25th day of June, 1919, at the hour of 1347 CHEV 5 passenger coupe. $500.00 in accessories. 1946 FORD coupe thoroughly re. conditioned. 1941 BUICK sedan. See this one before you buy. 1936 CHEV Tudor sedan. Runs like a new one. 1947 K-5 International. Only 4,000 miles. 1942 CHEV Truck A-l condition. 1940 CHEV 2-ton Truck. Will give service of a new one. 1937 CHEV 1 'a-ton Truck. Priced to sell 1936 DODGE 2-ton Truck. 5 -speed transmission. 1936 CHEV Hi-ton Truck. Has factory stake bed. Why gamble? Buy with a guarantee! HODGE CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 403 FORD MODEL A club coupe. Pay $125.00 and take the title with you. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE International 10 ft cut level land combine Has cut only 1500 acres. $1200. W. W. Bechdolt & Sons, Hardman, Or. 14-15p WE HAVE the Heil hydaulic hoist in stock. Can be installed on any make truck. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Modern home, fur nished or unfurnished; 4 bed rooms, full basement, large yard, lawn and shade trees, garage. Bert Mason, Ione.Ore. 1115c 10:00 A. M. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon, sell said properly to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. Frances Mitchell, 10-14 Deputy. NOTICE OF SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY NOTICE is hereby given, that pursuant to the terms of that cer. tain mortgage, made and execu ted by Chester Keeton, on the 18th day of July, 1947 and filed in the office of the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, on the 21st day of Julv 1917. I will, on the 5th day of July, 1919, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described personal property, to wit: 1 Crosley Shelvadore Refriger ator (6 Cu. Ft.) 1 Estey piano, for the purpose of satisfying the debt secured by said mortgage, plus Interest and costs of sale. Sale will be held at the dwell ing heretofore owned by Chester Keeton on Lot 11, Blk. 2, Looney's Addition to Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 2nd day of June, 1919. R. B. RICE 1114 Mortgagee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, the Administrator of the estate of JOSEPH M. HAYES, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed are hereby required to present the same duly verified with pro per vouchers to the undersigned Administrator at Heppner, Ore gon, at the law office of Jos J. Nys, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 9th dav of June, 1919. ERBIE HAYES, Administrator Jos. J. Nys Attorney for Administrator Heppner, Oregon 12-1(5 CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the purchase of the Mrs. S P. Devin property on West Baltimore street in Heppner, consisting of the 7-room family home with half basement, a barn and extra large lots, will be re ceived by H. J. Devin, Condon, Oregon on or before July 1, 1949. The right to accept or reject any or all bids is reserved by the recipient. All bids should be ad dressed to: II. J. Devin, Condon, Oregon. Dated this 8th day of June, 1919. 1214 H J Devin CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that School District No. 35, lone, Ore gon, will accept sealed bids on or before the 27th day of June. 1919, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., In the school house at lone, Oregon, for the following school bus routes: South lone 8 pupils: Howton. Klncaid, Townsend, E. M. Baker. North lone 7 pupils: Doherty, Lindstrom, V. Rietmann, D. Riet mann. All bids must be sent to the clerk. Said bids must specify type of bus to be used and must con form to state regulations. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. School District No. 35. Gladys Drake, Clerk 13-14 lone, Oregon. NOTICE OF STREET VACATION Notice is hereby given that Earl Ilogue of Heppner, Oregon, has presented a Petition to the Common Council of the City of Heppner to vacate the following alley within the corporate limits THE 1949 FORD car has been awarded the gold medal for be ing the most fashionable car in America. The women like its outstanding beauty and style. STRAYED To the Weatherford ranch, black horse branded JNP connected. Please claim. Telephone 5F6. lOtfc 1938 FORD sedan, reconditioned motor, new brakes, new paint. Here Is an economical car that has nice appearance. Pay $200 down. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Used Harrsi com bine in perfect condition. Has tag along bulker and new spring mount tongue; also good Case U combine. All V-belteu. Good used set 3 John Deere weeders with hitch. Moon Equipment Co. Wasco, Ore. 1214p HAVE YOU tried the .New Ford feel? LOST Saturday night, June 11, on Upper Willow creek, end gate from Ford pickup. Leave at Hynd home on Gale street. E. R. Schaffer, Cecil, Ore. 13-15 NOW IS the time to have a ring job, valves ground or a new motor installed in your truck and be ready for the rush sea son. Phone 1092 for an appoint ment. Rosewall Motor Company has 12 men eager to serve you. HARVEST WORRIES? Not with these Used Combines: 151 IIT with 16M- header, stiff hitch, ready to harvest a lot of acres Price $1,500.00 1 Model V Case 15-ft. cut, on rubber, stiff hitch, overhauled, ready to thresh. Price $1,350.00 Look the above machines over if you need a good used com bine. Phone 141 or 142. PENDLETON GRAIN GROWERS COOPERATIVE Pendleton 1314c Oregon BUY YOUR requirements of per manent type anti freeze from Rosewall Motor Company now. A word to the wise is sufficient. FOR SALE Fryers, dressed or alive; call Lexington 34F3, Mrs. Julian Rauch. 1116c NOW YOU CAN buy the famous Seiberling tires with the life time guarantee from Rosewall Motor Company. of the City of Heppner, to-wit: All that portion of the South east end of Willow Street, lying between Lots 26 and 27 in Block 11, Mt. Vernon's Addition to the City of Heppner, in the County of Morrow, State of Or egon, and Morgan Street, and the Common Council has set Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1919, at the hour of 7:30 P M. at the Council Chambers in said City as the time and place fsr hearing objections or remonstran ces to the vacation thereof and any objections or remonstrances will be heard by the Common Council at said time and place. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 20th day of June, 1949. WALTER BARGER Jr. City Recorder. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Joint -Executors of the Estate of R. M. AKERS, de ceased, have filed with the Pro bate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, their Final Account of their administration of the estate of said deceased, and the said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 25th day of July, 1949, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the courthouse in Hepp ner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account, and the set tlement of said estate, and all persons having objections there to are required to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 23rd day of June, 1949. BERL AKERS and KENNETH M. AKERS Joint -Executors of the Estate of R. M. Akers, deceased P. W. Ma honey Attorney for the Executors Hennner. Oregon 14-18 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Ordinance 322, passed by the Common Council of the City of Heppner, Oregon and approved by the Mayor on the 20th day of June, 1949, a special election of the legal voters of the City of Heppner, Oregon, will be held on Wednesday, the 6th day of July, 1949 at the Council Cham bers in said City, which election is called for the purpose of in creasing the tax levy of said City of Heppner ior ine nsuai ymi ginning July 1 1949 and ending 30. 1950 in the amount f,m Pacific Building' 4.00 in excess of the six i portland 4, Oregon June 51 9 1X1 ' llmitalinn Allowed t)V I frtlnln XI of Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Ore gon, said increase is necessary or the purpose ui maintaining ana repairing of streets and bridges in said City. ,P1P Z ' ' Z rTv 'and wm remain open until 5:00 o clock p. BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER, OREGON. WALTER BARGER Jr. City Recorder. NOTICE OF HEARING f rtwuT arrotINT IN THE COUNTY IUUK1 ur i porate linlts of , 10 City of IIcpp STATE OF OREGON FOR THE t0.wit. COUNTY OF MORROW No. Ub3 In the Matter of the Estate of EVERETT E. SINK, deceased. Notice is hereby given that William B. Adams, Administrator with will annexed of the estate of Everett E. Sink, deceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, hts final report anu c count, and said Court has by or- der appointed Friday, the izna day of July, 1919, at the hour of 9:30 A. M. as the time and the Court Room of the above entitled Court In the Morrow County Court House in the City ol Heppner, County of Morrow, State of Ore - FOR SALE Fryers, dressed or alive. Mrs. G. Hermann, lone. Phone lone 37F14. 13-15p THE AUTHORIZED representa tive of the Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. will be in Heppner and vicinity June 27th to June 30th. New machines and vac uum cleaners will be deliver ed and orders taken. All makes of sewing machines repaired, all work guaranteed. Free esti mate in your home. Please write to Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. care of General De livery Heppner and our man will call. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., 420 S. Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon. 13-14c WANTED 8 ft. power binder in good condition. Lewis Cason, Box 522 or phone 9F31, Hepp ner. 1214p FOR SALE) Good used Kerosene Electrolux refrigerator. 6-8-12-foot models. Moon Equipment ' Co., Wasco, Ore. 12-14p FOR SALE Girl's bicycle and upright piano. Marlene Du Bois. Phone 2462. 13 14c i FOR SALE New Hampshire Red iryers. fnone Z6r i.5-iic WE HAVE the latest type photo electric head lamp adjuster. If your head lights are too high or too low for safe driving, bring your car to us for a cor rection at once. Rosewall Motor Company. ESTHAYED to my place 10 miles southeast of Heppner over a year ago, one black mare with brand J in U double on left hip; one bay mare, anchor brand on left hip with lazy H on left shoulder; one black colt, no brand. Wilbur Gourley. 12-14C LOST Lady's wrist watch Sat urday night at Civic Center. Re ward Leave at Gazette Times office. 14c MORE PEOPLE are trying the new Ford feel every day. CHRISTMAS CARDS with name, 50 for $1, sell fast! Make up to 100 on $1 "Leader" Christmas, Plastict sensation, Everyday, others. Assortments on approv al, FREE Imprint samples. STYLART, 1310 Santee, Dept. 27, Los Angeles 55, Calif. 14p 1937 FORD pickup. This truck has lots of service in it. Pay down $125.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Spring frvers, dress ed or alive. Call 35F4. Alex Hunt, Lexington. 13-14p WANTED Custom hay binding. W. C. Seehafer, lone, Ore. 1314 WE HAVE 1000x20 fourteen ply All-traction Firestone tires in stock priced at today's market. Rosewall Motor Company. 70-ACRE RANCH on Umatilla Meadows west of Stanfield. 12 acres in alfalfa. Good sub-irrigated pasture. Modern house in attractve setting with nice lawn, shade trees and garden space. Abundance of water at low cost. Water cost is 50 cents per acre per year. Priced at $15,000.00. Terms if desired. For details call or write R. L. Ell ott, co OSCAR SCHULTZ AG ENCY, P. O. Box 684, Pendle ton, Ore. Phone 49. 1416c LET US CLEAN out the cooling system on your car or truck with our Bady Electric cleaner. Rosewall Mot or Company. LET US MEASURE and install the famous Ry-Lock window screens. No frame or painting to do. A flip and they are off and rolled up to store for the winter. See us for prices. Yea ger's. Phone 2752. 14p IF YOUR CAR doesn't run as smooth as you think it should it may be the wheels need bal ancing. We are equipped to balance your wheels on the car with our Electronic wheel bal ancer. Rosewall Motor Co. WE CAN FURNISH you with any color, washable, beautiful hand painted cambric or muslin blinds. Yeager's. Phone 2752. LET US FURNISH you with the famous American Beauty Snap on Venetian blinds. Choice of any beautiful colors. Yeager's. Phone 2752 Up HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wants har vest time job. Call lone 37F3 or write Box 398, Heppner. lltfc gon, as the place for hearing ob jections to said final account, and for settlement of the same. Date of first publcation, June 23, 1919. Date of last publication, July 21, 1949. William B. Adams Administrator of the estate of Everett E. Sink, deceased. 1418 ' NOTICE All carpenters, plumbers and electricians doing majo repairs electricians doing major repairs of Heppner must obtain permits bpfore starUriR work Office of City Building Inspec tor, 219 Main Street. 1117 NOTICE OF STREET VACATION Notice is hereby given that Maud Hayden, Marion Hayden and Edna L. Turner of Heppner, Oregon, have presented a Peti tion to the Common Council of the City of Heppner to vacate the I fnllmirfrtfT allnv i-itliin llin n,T. The North 10 feet immediate ly adjacent to Lot 7. Block 2 of Johnson's Addition to the City of Heppner, between Gale street and Jones Street, and the Common Council has set Tuesday, the 5th dav of July. 1949, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. at the Council Chambers in said City as the time and place for hearing objections or remon strances to the vacation thereof an(j anv objections or remon S(ranP0S will be heard by the common Council at said time ancl ,,.,,, j rjatei at Heppner. Oregon, this 20th day of June, 1949. WALTER BARGER Jr. 1 city Recorder. WANTED Haying jobs. Mow, rake, bale and pile, or any one or combination of operations. Weatherford 5F6. 1415c WE DO CUSTOM CUTTING. W. A. Heath, Heppner. 14-IGd CHECK YOUR lights, check your nrahes, cneck your horn, checK your windshield wipers, check accidents. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Holt combine moun ted on tongue. Has bulk tank, in good shape, motor overhaul ed last year. Weatherford 5F6. 14-15c 145 H.P. F-7 long wheelbase Ford truck. This truck will move anything on the ranch. See it. at RosewallMotor Company. FOR SALE Large barn; Majestic wood and coal burning range and 30-gallon tank; camp bed ding; bird cage and stand. Blanche Brown, phone 462. J.4c I WANT to borrow $3,500 from private party, for remodeling, etc. Very good security. O. M. Yeager. 14p TO TRADE John Deere combine No. 36 Extreme Hillside; 85 bu. tank; stiff tongue; rubber tires, A-l shape, for Massey-Harris, draper preferred. Gene Logan, Phone 6F2, Arlington, Ore. 14c Mrs. George Smith and son Bil ly, and Mrs. Lud Smith visited in Portland last week. Returning home with them on Friday was Arthur Thomas. He was working for his grandfather and ran a nail in his foot, causing blood poison ing. He will be able to return to his work soon. Esten Stevens visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adams over Tuesday and Wednesday from Arlington. He had the misfortune to have his depot cafe burn down lately and will be there only un til his business is settled. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Farrens and children of Kimberley were in Kinzua Sunday afternoon and visited Mr. and Mrs. Delvin Mc Daniel. Clara Lou of Tacoma has come to stay at the home of her bro ther and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnes through the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Cook and family and Mrs. Robert Carey and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Matteson visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis at Lonerock Sun day. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor From Lighl Top-volume production brings you top-value features! -SPUD SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSION Chevrolet1! new, imoother and easier operating Iransminion, In 3800 series and heavier duty models. SPLINED REAR AXLE HUB CONNECTION This unique hub connection adds to rear axle strength and dura bility. OTHER ADVANCS-OESKiN FMTURES . . . The Flexl-Mounted Cab e Uniweld, all-steel cab construction e All round visibility with rear-corner windows Full-floating Hypoid rear axles In Series 3600 and heavier duty models Hydrovac power brakes on Series 5000 and 6000 models e Ball-bearing steering Wide-base wheels e Multiple color options. Hatin0 end vvnh'foftng iyifm and ror-corrr wMdowi with d fu tqvipmuti optional at txfra coir. MAIN at MAY Miss Mildred dowry of Fort Collins, Colo, spent several days in Heppner this week visiting friends. During her stay she was the guest of Mrs. Rena Quacken-bush. "A Dairy at Your Door7 HOME DELIVERY ...brings you the finest of country-fresh Dairy Products right to your door on regular scheduled deliveries. I ( I .1 t , 1 I . ' A03Ufn iMljUSm 01 at your Door - Dufy Carriers THE CAI THAT "BREATHES" Outside air is drown in and used air forced out! Heated in cold weather. POWERFUL VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINES Chevrolet's Thrift Master and Load-Master engines are the world's most economical for their siiel Load-Master engines in Series 5000-6000 models. HODGE CHEVROLET A six and one-half pound Bon was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baker at their country home on Heppner Hill Saturday. Guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wilson were her Every Mayflower home delivery truck is a complete dairy products store on wheels. Take advantage of this convenient way to buy milk, cream, butter, cheese and other dairy products. to Heavy-Duty Haulers AMERICA'S No. 1 3EWISLlTlT ADVANCE DESIGN Your preference .JBS.U trucks only waits one. Right then and there, you'll know why more people use Chevrolet trucks than any other make. Youll like their power, stamina and giant-size load capacity. You'll like their sturdy quality and their comfort and convenience. And you'll also prefer them for their prize-winning economy, for these trucks have 3 VVAY THRIFT lower operating costs, lower upkeep costs and the lowest list prices in the entire truck field! Come in and let us discuss your delivery and hauling needs. uncle and sunt, Mr. and Mr. Henry Vance of Toppenish, Wh. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dick mt the parents of a daughter born Sunday at St Anthony'! hoaplUI in Pendleton. TRUCKS for Chevrolet Advance-Design on the moment when you drive CO. HEPPNER, OREGON