Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 23, 1949 Page 3 WHAT CHURCH MAN U it something to put up with? Is it all right ior the women and children? 13 it a good place to send your children on Sunday morning so that you can relax? OR Is it one place you can go and ieel refreshed and strengthened (rom having worshipped Cod? Is it the placo where you can gain surcease from a "aUt ' conscience and the bondage of sin? Is it the place where you can go as a family group uu laid t.i-t it draws your family closer together in GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY! CHURCH of CHRIST Corner C-lo and Center Streets L tf i Automolki Burns oil. No fire-tending, no shoveling of shea, Ift cImoi No fuel-grime or dirt, lti RmI Automatic Sumac Hti Powerful heats up to 4 or 6 rooms witn "warm-floor" comfort. Ncd Ne ICMMirt No Dectt we can install without "tearing up" your house, WW Ik f iIim cmcI MaU to suit your partic ular needs : See us lor the wit at installation for your borne. W.'r. Mlctafl tils offer to induct you to buy in our low season instead of in our Fall rush. See us now save, money-get this ' ccatj Offer Good Until July 31st Only Case Furniture Co. :;iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiitiiii.'i STOP-IN A tall glass of a delicious cooling drink ... an ice cream soda ... or a sundae that makes life worth while! Take a breather . get a lift and cool off while you relax a few minutes at our fountain. The Most Popular Spot in Town Saager's Pharmacy ill 1 is ft Rk Floor Furnaces J & Low Down Payment -Easy Terms I lone Library Sets . Up For Business In Librarian's Home June 24 Three Links club of Re- bckahs meet at the hall. June 25 Social meeting of Topic club at Mrs. O. L. Lundell's. Anyone having books that be long lo the lone Public library or any books to donate kindly leave them at the home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer Mondays and Tues days, between the hours of 3 and 5 p. m. Books may also be bor rowed there on those days and hours until a place can be found to start a new library. Mrs. Klla Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Jr. and daughters attended the wedding of Miss Bonny Hood and William Hies at the Christian Congrega tional church in Toppenish, Wn. at 2 p. m. Sunday. Mr. Ries is the ,v,ii of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ries and a grandson of Mrs. Davidson. Mrs. Davidson also received word of the installation of her granddaughter, Treva Davidson cf Los Angeles, as Junior Princess of Job's Daughters on June 4. Mrs. Jalmer Koski and daugh ter, Milly Jane, of Vashon, Wash. and another daughter, Mrs. Levi1 Johnston of Spokane, spent the week-end at the Frank Engelman home. Mrs. Koski is a niece of Mrs. Engelman. Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Rietmann met them at Pasco Friday and took them back to lT-cn Sunday. Miss Alice Nichoson of Portland visited her mother. Mrs. Edith Nichoson over the week-end. Jack Baily of Corvallis visited at the Ernest Heliker home last Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley were Portland visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCabe went to The Dalles Monday. Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann and Mrs. Etta Bristow visited rel atives in Walla Walla Sunday. Mrs. Bristow will remain there awhile Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bverson and son of Portland were guests I at the t harles Carlson nome last arnnl 4re ITt-iarcnn waR a fnrmpr teacher in the lone schools. I Mrs. Elisha Sperrv of Portland visited in lone one day last week. Mrs. Mary Swanson is home t from the St. Anthony s nospnai in Pendleton. Mrs. Raymond Lundell under went a major surgical operation at the St. Anthony's hospital this week. Mr. and Mrs. Argott Lundell returned from a fishing trip last week. They visited the Peterson rock gardens near Redmond. While at Bend they visited with Miss Beth Lamb, a former Mor row county resident. Miss Lamb was married Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Curtis and daughter of Cecil attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roth of Al bany were guests at the Oscar Lundell home Sunday. Mrs. Roth is the former Barbara Spellman and was a resident here. Dr Harry Brians of Salem was a visitor at the John Bryson home Friday evening of last week. Dr. Bryan's lived in this community over 40 years ago. Keith Roundy of Kennewick, Wn. is visiting at the Bryson home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley are in Portland where he will enter the veterans hospital for a check up. The Ameca club met at the home of Mrs. Earl McKinney Wednesday, June 15. Mrs John Proudfoot assisted with the en tertaining. The 1IEC of Willows grange sponsored a father and son ban quet at the hall Saturday even ing. There were over 80 fathers and sons present The tables were decorated in yellow and green and spring flowers. Edmund Bris tow was toastmaster for the fol lowing program: Solo, Adon Ham lett, accompanied by Mrs. Cleo Drake; welcome to fathers, by Clifford Aldrich; response, W. R. Wentworth; reading by Robert Hubbard; speech by Rev. Alfred Shirley; singing led by Mr. Ham lett and movies were shown up stairs after the banquet. The HEC of Willows grange met at the hall Friday. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Louis Ball, Mrs. Ada Salter and Mrs. Vernon Brown. Regular meeting of Willows grange was held Saturday eve ning. Orville Cutsforth and Don lad Heliker told of some of the hlnhllo-hta nf tliplr trin In Port. land, Maine. Henry Baker told of Mo trin In Hawaii last jAnimrv. eruption of the volcano Mauno Loa. Nelson Anderson also show ed movies on safety,- Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Oscar Lundell, Mrs. Hershall Townsend and Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Miss Barbara Smith and Miss Shirlee Smouse came home last week from the University of Ore gon. Miss Smouse left Sunday for Hawaii where she will attend summer school. Miss Smith will attend summer school at the Uni versity of Oregon. Donald Peterson Is home from Oregon State college. Miss Mary Barnett of Seattle is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer enteretained the following guests at dinner Sunday, Jnue 2: Mr and Mrs. E. M. Baker and family, Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and family. Mrs. Don Shaffer and sons of Portland were guests at the Don ald Heliker home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pettyjohn and son of The Dalles were vis itors here last week. Mrs. Gordon White and child ren, Mr. Larry Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Tom White and Mrs. Imo gene Mooney attended a pioneer picnic at Cleveland, Wash. June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles of Grass Valley visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Earl McKinney, last week. Miss Patricia Drake and Miss Ruby Ann Rietmann returned Sunday from Girls' State at Sa lem. They reported a wonderful lime. Mrs. James Lindsay, Mrs. W. R. Wentworth. Mrs. Lewis Halvor sen and Mrs. Walter Dobyns re turned the last of the week from Portland with Mr. Wentworth where they attended grand chap ter of the Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Omar Rietmann also attended and went on to Cali fornia from Portland. The baseball team was beaten at Arlington Sunday, 24-0. The Softball team was also defea(ed at Heppner by one point S. L. Wiles has moved into his new house on upper Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Don Heliker and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth spent Sunday at Walla Walla. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell and son Alton returned from Seattle Wednesday of last week. Alton graduated from the University of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and children will go to The Dal les Wednesday where their dau ghter Judy will undergo a ton sillectomy. c4lanal rot IWf of Brnitan ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM If you are the victim of and suffer from the tortuous pains of Arthritis and Rheumatism, vou owe it to your self to try the new product, ALFA NAL. We invite you to write for our new folder and read what many satisfied users of ALFANAL have to say. c4lanal Co. Box 71 Shedd, Oregon American SNAP-SLAT Venetian Blinds Here'i enduring beauty (or your home I A singlt "snap" and each slat ii free (or easy cleaning. And they're tlctn-qultk aluminum warp-proof, rut-proof,chip-proof and fireproof I They cloae tight ai a tick, tool In your choice of luitroui colon. Priced f0 f(i iSTMATtt Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Synopsis of Annual Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 1948, of the HOMB INSUBAWCB CO MP A NT of New York, in the State of New York, made to the InBurance Commis sioner of the State of Oregon, pursu ant to law: INCOME Net premiums received. Including perpetual deposits $134,790,197.33 Total Interest, d I v 1 - (lends end real estate income 8,303,339.51 Income from other sources 97,230,838.11 Total Income J240.374.374. 65 UlSbCRSEMKNTS Net amount paid for losses $ 66,258,760.85 Loss adjustment ex penses 4,842,712.91 Underwriting expenses. 64.'ji 7.57 7.10 I Dividends paid to stock- I holders (Cash, 4, 17,171.85; stock, None-) 4.397.171.85 Dividends paid or cred ited to policyholders None All other expenditures (Including Invest- nient expanses, None) 16,406,055.36 1 Total disbursements. $145, 901,268.07 ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate ow lied ( market val ue) $ 4,330,868.09 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. . . 1,126.58 Value of bonds owned (amortieed) 135,302,649.71 Value of stocks owned (convention value) .. 101,056,766.16 Cash In banks and on hand 11,027,607.07 Premiums In course of collection written since September 80, 1948 10.811,751.20 Interest and rents due and accrued 632,057.18 Other assets (net) .... 2,081,612.09 Total admitted assets S2S5.24S.43S.10 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims ..I 2,3 19,062.00 Estimated loss adjust ment expense for un paid claims 1,(60,800.00 Total unearned preml- urns 141,729,167.00 All other liabilities ... 15,7S9,14.0 Total liabilities, ex cept capital 1191,408,323.02 Capital paid up I 20,011,595.49 Special surplus funds. Nona Unassigned funds (sur plus) 7S.S2J.619.69 Surplus as regards pol icyholders I 93.SJ7.116.08 Total 1286,846.438.10 Business la Oregon for ths T.ar Net premiums received I 1,273. 902. 27 Net losses paid 439,660.76 Dividends paid or cred ited to policyholders None Principal office In Oregon, Lumber men's Bldg., Portland. 62 BLAINE B. ISOBf AGESCY P. O. Box 611 Tel. 723 Heppner, Oregon JlrYin .A They're Clean! SHAH's-w-toM rap YEAGER iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiitr He also showed movies of the