Poge 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 16, 1949 crlllan al itTHCITB DHEUHillSM If you are the victim of and tuffer frfirn the tortimm patni of Arthnlli and RheumMlvm. vou nwt H to vroir- JTai! " " """" podu':t Ai-FA" We Invite you to 'rlte tor our new folder end md what many aatmfied ueere o ALT ANAL have to l.gr. c4anal Co. Bo '1 Shed. Oreioa Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 112 The Dalles Fbon 263S JU E. tad St Insured Cmiet OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "Ve Go Anyu here, Anytime" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM FILMS DEVELOPED and PRINTED S Mail them in. We mail them back. I Two-day Service 1 1 HEPPNER PHOTO STUDIO f I Heppner, Oregon s e TTi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tT A4wm timmmi From where I sit ... Joe Marsh. Don't Fence Yourself In. Every spring. Handy Peterson end Easy Roberts patch up the tone wall that separates their farms. They walk along talking Easy on one side. Handy on the other picking op the fallen stones and patting them back. Afterwards, over a friendly glass of beer, Easy says, "You know, wall-mending is a nice neigh borly custom, but we really don't need that wall. We keep it up just because it happens to be there." "Yes," says Handy, "a lot of walls and fences and boundaries keep on separating people for no good reason. Maybe well all "be better off if some of them were torn down, instead of kept standing." Front where I sit, Handy said a mouthful. Take the "walls of in tolerance" that people build op against each other. I like a tem perate glass of beer now and then, you may prefer buttermilk but that's no reason for me to criticise you, or you, me. Let's live and let live together making more friends and fewer "walls." Copyright, 1949, United States Brewers Foundation H Al L SEASON 4ATE AGAIN .' is here. For rates and other informa tion call collect, or drop in. C. A. RUGGLES BLAINE E. ISOM AGENCY Phone 723 Heppner YOUR BEST BET FOR SUMMER! SHEER RAYON BEMBERGS awfi- Summer Cottons 79 and 89 Charming summer colors are these Bemberg sheers or summer cottons. They'll take you through the hottest days in cool comfort. Pemey's U. S. Forest Service Lifts Campfire Permit Requirements In Five Forests Campfire permits will not be sistance and advice to campers required in 1949 on the Rogue on how to build and put ont a River. Siuslaw, Whitman and ; campfire. Umatilla national forests in Ore- i Andrews praised the public for gon and the Olympic national its cooperation in being careful forest in Washington, according j with fire in the forests. He said to an announcement by H. J. An-1 that the fire prevention record drews, regional forester. Pacific was excellent during the war Northwest region of the U. S. for-' years and that this trend has est service, Portland. I continued since then. If the ex- On the other national forests in ! periments this year indicate that this region, campfire permits will the campfire permit is not need continue to be required during ed to make campers fire consci the period July 1 to September ' ous, It may be possible to ease 30, except on certain specified j this requirement more widely In improved campgrounds. the future. Easement of the camp "The lifting of the campfire fire permit requirement in no permit requirement on these five way relieves the camper from the national forests is on a trial ba-1 necessity of and responsibility sis," Andrews stated. "We hopefor building his campfire in a to be able to use the experience ;safe place and putting it dead out gained this year in determining j before leaving. These are state whether permits for building i and federal requirements that campfires are necessary and jus- j will be rigidly enforced lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllllll TO BUY OR SELL I See Walter Dobyns I Real Estate IONE, OREGON Phon. 4612 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tified as a fire prevention meas ure or whether further easing of requirements can be made." Andrews pointed out that there has zeen a marked decrease in the number of forest fires caused by campfires escaping. During the same period, the use of the Campers using the five forests exempted from the permit re quirements are urged to camp at improved spots where stoves fire places and other facilities have been provided for their safety and enjoyment. Carl Ewing, supervisor of the national forests in this region by j Umatilla National Forest, makes campers Increased from 597,380 i the statement that forest fires on to 739.200. Heavy recreational use I this forest as a result of neglect has caused additional problems ed campfires have dropped from in giving the public adequate ' three in 1940 to none in 1948. He service in the issuance of per- adds that even tnougn no camp- mits for campfires. This year on five national forests, the forest guards who have been spending much of their time at their sta tions issuing permits will be able to give more on-the-ground as- fire permits are necessary this year the no smoking while trav eling rule and the requirement that all campers be equipped with an axe, bucket and shovel will be in effect after July 1. m 4-H CLUB SUMMER SCHOOL Continued from Page 1 Willows Grange, Pettyjohn Gar age, Jordan Elevator, W. R. Went, worth, Roy Lieuallen, Bristow's Red and White, Swanson's Store, Omar Rietmann and Valby Luth eran Church, all of lone. Blaine E. Isom Agency, Chamber of Com merce, Robert Grabill, Elks Club, Soroptimlst Club of Heppner, J. C. Penney Company, Turner, Van Marter & Co., Merle Becket, all of Heppner. Pomona Grange, Rhea Creek Grange, Lexington Grange, Padberg Tractor Repair, Glenn Griffith Cafe, Van Horn's Store, Klinger Pastime, Peck and Anderson Service, Lexington La dies Aid, Three Links Club, Lex ington Oil Co-op., and La Verne Henderson, all of Lexington. Greenfield Grange and merchants of Boardman; REA and merch ants of Irrigon; State Fair and Safeway Stores. Club members leaving Tuesday morning were Duane and Ron ald Baker, Herbert Ekstrom, In grid Hermann, Mary Jepson, and Jane Seehafer, lone; Marilyn Bar ham, Marlene Fisk, Grace Miller, Viola Worden and Wilma Hug, Boardman; Helen Steagall and Ronald Berger, Irrigon; Lorene Mitchell, Jo Jean Dix, Nancy Fer guson, Reita Graves, Eleanor Rice, Ronald Currin, Allen Hugh es, Dean Graves, Rodger Palmer, Heppner; Shirley Hunt, Beverly Nolan, and Yvonne Breeding, I'Lexington HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $300 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor mm DANCE DANCE DANCE Heppner Civic Pavilion Dancing also June 25-July 9 and 23 HEPPNER JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Farmers . . You ca nremove combine front wheel and install New Spring Mounted Tongue which makes handling 100' easier. Down hill turns wit hease . . .Brakes no longer needed . . absorbs all vibration ... no jar crossing ditches. Installed by Moon Equipment Co. Wasco, Oregon 1 PRESSURE CANNING ADVISED Vegetables canned in a pres sure canner are the most likely to be free from harmful bacteria, says Mabel Wilson, home dem onstration agent. Pressure can ners (7 quart capacity) are avail able for loan from the county agent's office. Any homemaker may borrow them free of charge. Mrs. Randall Martin, Lexington, borrowed one to can some meat last Friday. She has been busy with her garden crops of straw berries, peas, and rhubarb. It ap pears like there'll be some migh ty fine eating at the Martin ranch next winter. . . Morrow county's delegation of club members attending summer school left for the Oregon State college campus Tuesday morn ing at 6. They will spend 10 days there attending classes and hav- I Widths 20-26-30-40 ft. Any length you require. Completely pre-cut. Bolted 2x6 wood frames. Heavy .024 aluminum. All parts and plans num bered. t Designed for you to erect. Please send me your illustrated pamphlet Name Route Box City State ing fun. Club members who stay- led home will want to hear the j Morrow county 4-H broadcast irom k.uai; wnicn win lane piace on Saturday evening, June 18. The broadcast will be made at 7:30-8, daylight saving time or 6:30-7 our time. STAR nn REPORTER Tax .10, Total SSo. Trtrj ebild oocnpjrlug a ml aat have a ticket. Ataantaa yrlees aftenaon aad earning, anleae ap. eWeally advarelsed to ke oUenrleet Children I Bat, Frio JT, Tt4. Tax AO, Total Kc; (trade and High Sekaet Vaadeata 11 yeara aad even Bit. Frlee .4a, red. in .IS, Total Mo Alain i Bat. Frel .6c, red. Starting the tint Saturday in Hay and continuing through the maimer months, the Saturday evening ahows will atari at T p. m, Sunday afternoon ahows will oontlnu to tart at 1 p. m. and othar evening alum, bealdaa Saturday, at TiSO p. m. Sunday ahowa oontlnuona atartlng at 1 p-m. All othar ahowa atarat at 7i30 p.m. Boxoffloa open aranlng! until p-m. The 1949 Opportunity Drive is on. Buy United States Savings Bonds lor your future security. Thursday-Friday-Saturday, June 16-17-18 The Red Pony Robert Mitch am. Hyrni Ioy, Louis Oalhwo, Bhepperd Stradwlck, Pester Miles, Met.rg.vrot Hamilton. John Steinbeck's great American story, photo graphed in Technicolor, about a sensitive boy and hla attachment to his red puny. PLUS The Gay Intruders John Emery, Tanuum Gava, Lelf Erickson in a humorous domestic comedy. Sunday-Monday, June 19-20 Take Me Out To The BALLGAME Either Williams, Prank Sinatra. Oene Kelly, Betty Garrett, Edward Arnold, Jules Mnnsnln This one hits a home run! A giddy-tuneful mu sical. In Technicolor, that Is sheer entertainment! June 19 U Father's Day. We pause a moment to say "Best Wishes Dad' on Your Big Day I Tuesday -Wednesday, June 21-22 Let's Live a Little Hsdy Lamarr, Bobart Cummlnga, Anna Stan Thla is a laugh-affair! (Note to the ladlea: The lavlah sets and stunning costumes worn by the actresses are additional attraction). Thursday-Frday-Saturday, June 23-24-25 Adventures of Gallant Bess Oallant Base, Cameron Mitch all, Audrey Long, Fully KDlght New adventures of the wonder-horee Gallant Beaa. photographed In color, agalnat a back ground of scenic grandeur. PLUS Jinx Money Lao Ooroey, Hunta Ball and the Bowery Boys In one of their harum-acarum adventureit! Talking Magpies Cartoon. mMamia.tmmm fm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu aim o Sfoiry But I irue Good PRINTING Conveys a True Message Completely Equiped to Give You Service on Your Needs What Are Th ey If Its Printing or Engraving of Quality Ph one 882 Heppner Gazette Times - - Good Printing