Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 16, 1949, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Hcppner Gozette Times, Thursday, June 16, 1949
Freezes and Stores 290 lbs. of food!
Home Freezer
Saves time and money...
Countr-baloncd top
AlUtool cabinet
S-Yeor Protection Hon
Famous Mtor-Mif nwchonism
Thick, eolod-iot insulation
V: 7
V -
14 tw. ft. wodol
site ethsr slros
Griffith - Haugen
jVows Spoken in
'Portland Church
Expert Radio and Refrigeration Service
Venetian Blinds
Here's enduring beauty for your
home! A single "snap" and each
lit ii free for easy cleaning And
they're clein-quick aluminum
warp-proof, rust-proof, chip-proof
and fireproof I They close tight as
a tick, too! In your choice of
lustrous colors. Priced low
niEPHOM tow '
m ntt tst mum
to .. . .
They re out!
SlYSHiThey're Clean!
$HAF,- They're Bockf
Now a genuine Maytag at these easy-on-the-budget prices!
Join the millions of women who now get real washday satis
faction with the rugged, dependable Maytag!
Eaay term. Liberal trade-in. Come in today for a demonstration.
21 15
ta Maylar. jret priod within
Iwr dollar, of tin- lowe.t
co.t r..k.r. od lb. J 3 4"
Bi. qur pnrctinin tub. Gyra
foam action wuhM
tr f,,t, ,Itr, 549
grandsons and also of a grand- 'end at the Oscar Lundell hnm
daughter at White Salmon. Their Garrison is stationed at Guam
daughter. Miss Gladvs Rrpshpnro qh tu..., ki. i
of Los Aiigelos also visited there, and on their way east to visit
r- f,e t, m nere a,endmB ,he relatives. Mrs. Garrison is a niece
Griffith -Haugen wedding in Port-1 of Mrs .Lundell.
Of eourseyou can
afford a
Heppner Hdw. 6- Electric Co.
Miss June Janet Griffith
ghler of Mrs. Elmer Griffith of
Morgan, was marriod to Dwight
E. Haugen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
O. S. Haugen of Portland at the
Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church
. t 8:30 p. m. Friday June 10. Rev.
Robert K. Russel officiated.
George L. Griffith cave his sis
ter in marriage. She wore a white
iatin gown with lace panels, Vic-
torian collar and a train. Her
bonnet was of matching satin
holding in place a fingertip veil
edged with lace. She carried a
prayer book with a white orchid
and streamers with white sweet
peas. Mrs. Rov W. Lindstrom, sis
ter of the bride, was matron of
honor. She wore a blush pink or
gandy dress The bridesmaids,
Miss Nina Kopp of La Grande
and Miss Dorothy Sharpe of Port
land, wore yellow and green or
gandy frocks. All carried old
fashioned nosegays, with head
dresses of matching sweet peas.
Mrs. Griffith wore a navy blue
ensemble with pink and blue ac
cessories and a corsage ot gar
denas and roses. Mrs. Haugen
'wore a black and white dress
' with black accessories and a cor-
saee of white iris.
I Dennis Ferretta of Corvallis
I was best man and James Conroy
and James Hansen, both of Port
land, were ushers. All three were
fraternity brothers of the groom
at Oregon state college.
Miss Margaret wood 01 rorx
land sang "Because" and "At
Dawning". The church was dec
orated wth white gladiolas, del
phinium. pink peonies and white
stock. Miss Lois Howk, cousin of
the bride, lighted the candles
She wore a Dink frock.
A reception was held in the
church parlor, with Miss Anna
Patinas in charge of the guest
hnok. Mrs. Edna Mather, aunt of
the groom, cut the cake after the
hride and groom cut uie ursi
piece. Miss Dorothy Sharpe pour
ed the punch.
The bride's going away suit
iias toast shade with beige ac
cessories and her orchid. After a
hnnpvmoon to San Krancisco tney
will he at home in Portland. Both
are graduates of Oregon State
college and Mrs. Haugen is a gra
duate of the lone school.
The following officers were
elected at an American Legion
anviliarv meeting June i: rres
irient. Mrs. Walter Corley; first
vice nresident. Mrs. Robert De
Spain; second vice president.
trs Fmpst McCabe: secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Cecil Thome. The
sale of noDDies brought in S39.a5.
Misses Patricia and Dolores
Drake, and Ruby Ann Rietmann
hplned with the poppy sale.
Mrs Cecil Thome and Mrs.
Echo Palmateer were elected as
delegates and Mrs. Walter Corley
as alternate to go to Salem to the
American Legion convention in
August. Lunch was served after
the meeting by Mrs. Henry Clark
and Mrs. Sam Esteb.
P.uby Ann Rietmann and Pa
tricia Drake left Sunday for Sa
lem where they will attend Girls
State week sponsored by the Am
erican Legion auxiliary.
Ross Perry wno is wun ine
Merchant Marine is visiting here.
Perrv was a former resident at
Morgan and still owns property
Mrs. Marv Swanson underwent
an appendectomy at the St. An
thonys hospital in Pendleton
Tuesday. She is getting along
' satisfactorily. Her daughter-in-
law, Mrs. Norman Swanson of
Portland, is taking care of her.
Her daughter, Mrs. Elmo McMil
lan of Salem, is also with her.
The Norman Swanson children
are visiting at the Garland Swan
son home.
Meetings are being held this
week at the Full Gospel Mission.
Mrs. Delbert Emert and daugh
ter Mary are visiting relatives in
Mrs. Ida Coleman is working
at one of the Lee Pettyjohn ran
ches near Arlington.
Clifford and Charles Aldrich,
Fayne Ely and Johnny Bristow
went to The Dalles Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and
son Virgil went to The Dalles
Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell
went on a fishing trip by the way
of Canyon City and then to Burns.
Announcements have been re
ceived of the weddng of Miss
Marv Barnett, daughter of Mr.
'and Mrs. Ray Barnett, to Vernon
Howard Aune at the Calvary
.Temple in Seattle, July 2.
I Robert Drake Is home from
Eastern Oregon College.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray were re-
cent visitors at Lyle, Wash, where
thev attended high shcool gradu
ation exercises of their twin
land wore Mrs. Elmer Griffith
and son George of Morgan, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Con
nor and Marjorle, and Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Mason.
Mrs. Warren Crutcher of Bnr.
ing spent the week-end visting
her parents Mr. and Mrs. O. E. !
Mrs. Lester Hook and sons, Al
len and Billy, and Bert Lane of
Bremerton are visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs Fred Ely at Morgan.
Frank Lundell and children,
Norma Lou and Merle, of Port
land spent the week-end here.
Mrs. Lundell home
Lindstrom. They took
Mrs. Ella Davidson received ; wun tnem-
word of the birth of a son to Mr. I The O. E. Lindstrom house near
and Mrs. Lewis Beezley of Duns- Morgan was destroyed by fire
muir, Calif. June 6. Mr. Beezley Wednesday afternoon of last
is a grandson of Mrs. Davidson week, caused by a grass fire,
and the baby is her 13th great They saved a radio, silverware,
grandchild. isome clothing and fancy work.
Home from college this week ' The grandsons, Koy and Arthur
are Bruce Smith, Tommy Doher- Lindstrom, were with them at
ty and Louis Carlson, Oregon the time. The fire destroyed a va
State; Ross Doherty, Whitman cant house nearby and about 160
College, and John Doherty, E.O. , acres of crested wheat grass. The
C.E.. La Grande. ! Lindstroms are staying with
Mrs. W. E. McCov returned last their son Franklin for the time
week from Bremerton where she I being.
visited her son and family, Mr. I
Fenner, Mrs. Francis Ely;
the Highest Hill," Brown
"The Slender Reed," Lynde,
Bert Mason: "Pioneer Preacher.'
Berryman, Mrs. Dixon Smith
"The Doctor Wears Three Faces,'
Bard, Mrs. Charles Carlson; "Wtlh
"On Sunday with his parents, Mr. and visiting his sister, Mrs. Elmer
and and Mrs. Fred Ely. I Griffith at Morgan.
Mrs. ; Those from lone attending the Mr. and Mrs. Artie jacKson ami
annual 4-H summer school at Mr. and Mrs. bd Bergstrom at
Corvallis are Ronald and Duane tended a family reunion at Salem
Baker, Ingrid Hermann,
Jepsen, Herbert Ekstrom,
out Seeng the Dawn," Mrs. Mli-1 Seehafer and Joan Coleman.
ton Morgan; leen-Age Aviation Mr. and Mrs. fiordon Wnte and
Stones,' Sampson. Mrs. E. B.Lkiu ..ju t wmi .
nvi':r?ing oV!16 Wind!"nHen- turned Sunday from Forest Grove
ry, Mrs. Omar Rietmann; "Praise flnrl Pnrtand where thev visited
at Morning," McNeilly and "The
Proud Way," Siefert, Mrs. Victor
Rietmann; "Pilchuch," Hlgman
& Larrlson, Mrs. Clifford Carl
son; 'The Trail Led North," Mc
Keown, Mrs. Elmer Griffith, anl
"Throw Me a Bone," Lothrop, Mrs.
Koy Lindstrom.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ely and
relatives and took in the Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett at
tended the Rose Show In Port
land last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Butts of
Portland were visitors here last
week. Mr Butts owns property
near here which is farmed by Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell at
tended their son Alton's gradua
tion exercises from the University
of Washington Saturday in Seattle.
Wendell Wright of Baker left
Xlrc VarnnF Tnun QM VlPI- Cti 1 1 1 I'll II V fllT ll I S OOmO aller VIS-
mother, Mrs. Georgia Brewster of iting his grandmother, Mrs. Ida
Portland are visiting relatives In Grabill. Mrs. GrabiUs granddau
Chicago. ghler, Janet Keithloy of Heppnev
Lnyn Goodall of Spokane is ; is visiting her now.
At the study meeting of the
'Topic club at the home of Mrs.
I Oscar Lundell June 10, the fol
lowing officers were elected for
I the ensuing year: President, Mrs.
I Harlan McCurdy; vice president,
Mrs. Sam McMillan; secretary-
and Mrs. William Huntington.
Among tnose going to The
Dalles last week were Mr. and
Mrs. David Rietmann, Mrs. Etta
Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palm
ateer and Mrs. Ernest McCabe.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely were
Hermiston visitors one day last treasurer, Mrs. Verner Troedson.
week. The hook. "Africa. I Presume." hv i
The Maranathas met at the ! Allan Reeve was reviewed by
Congregational church Wednes-IMrs. Charles Carlson. A book;
day, June 8, with Mrs. Dale Ray I shower was given for the public '
and Mrs. Wate Crawford as host- library, including the following
esses. Mrs. Raymond Benton re- books and donors: "The Greatest
ceived the door prize. Story Ever Told, ' Uursier, given
Alicia Swales, granddaughter by Mrs. M. L. cotter; Davy
of Mr and Mrs. Henry Clark, .Crockett, ioung i Kitleman,- Gag-
broke a bone in her left forearm gm. ana. digni into uanger,
Thursday of last week. She was
taken to a physician who put the
injured member in a cast.
Attending grand chapter of the
r- c.n. I. Dn.tlnnj tv.;
,m- 1 . r-t IMS:
J, V mC ' MiHan; "How to Stop Worrying
Mrs. W. R. Wentworth, Mrs. Omar iH c t , ., ,. nJa ro,ip
Mason, given by Mrs. Noel Dob-
yns; "Cheaper by the Dozen, i
Gilbreth, Mrs. B. C. Forsythe; 1
"Shannon's Way," Cronin, Mrs. i
Mary Swanson; Can You Top
given by Mrs. bam Mc
Rietmann, Mrs. James Lindsay
and Mrs. Carl Linn. Mrs. Linn is
a grand page.
Clara Ann and Alicia Swales
spent the week-end with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Martin of Hermiston.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Garrison and
sons of Guam spent the week-
and Start Living," Dale Carnegie,
Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Sr -"Asylum
for the Queen," Knopf, Mrs.
Oscar Lundell; "Mar Wakefield,"
Mazo De La R(ocke and "Prairie
Avenue," Meeker, Mrs. Echo Pal.
mateer; "Toward the Morning,"
Allen and "Son of the Black Stal.
lion," Farley, Mrs. Verner Troed
son; "Horses, Horses, Horses,"
Every Day is Father's Day
'une 19 is Specie
If you know what you want to give
that fine Dad of yours, come in and
get it . . .
If you don't have an idea on the sub
ject, come in and we'll help you find
one. To mention a few:
Pen and Pencil Sets, Grooming Essen-
i..tials, Ronson Lighter, Pipe cr Tobacco
Saager's Pharmacy
Lengthen The Life of
Coats and Dresses or Home
by having us clean them. Our ser
vice is thorough and reliable.
Give Us a Ring 2592
Heppner Cleaners
The Savings Bond
is on!
Look to your future! Buy extra U.S. Savings Bonds during
the "OPPORTUNH Y DRIVE" May 16 to June 30
Financial security and independence are the
dream and hope of every American.
NOW is the chance to help make your own
dream come true!
NOW-while the "Opportunity Drive" is un
der way!
NOW is the opportunity to put away extra
money for the futnre!
NOW is the opportunity to invest in the
world's finest and safest investment!
NOW is the time to secure the years ahead
. . . daring the two months of the "Oppor
tunity Drive."
If you are buying U. S. Savings Bonds regu
larly, purchase more above and beyond your
regular purchases while this drive for your
future independence is going on.
If you are not investing in Savings Bonds,
start off your savings plans with a bang by
signing up during the "Opportunity Drive."
Sign up now at your office, at your plant or
mill, or at y.-ur bank. If a volunteer worker
rings your bell to explain about the "Oppor
tunity Drive," take out your pen and sign on
the dotted line , . . you'll be signing up for
security in your future!
Don't let this golden chance pass you by.
Buy extra Bonds now for years of indepeod- j
ence later!
Put more Opportunity in your Future t
This advortisoment Is sponsored by th fallowing organizations to which the Morrow County Com
mittee extendi Its sincere than Its:
B P O E No. 358 Junior Chamber of Commerce
Soroptimist Club of Heppner J-C-Ettes
Heppner Chamber of Commerce Heppner Wranglers
J. TVsstmr .fr.rt;mnr - pttptml uM.r s.pef of 7Vary Dprrirfi arxf AdrtrtMnj Cotmeff.