Poge 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 9, 1 949 IONE NEWS Continued from Tape 1 (Irablll is now isitir.fj at tho horrif of hfr dauKhii'r Mrs. Kvcr pti KelthU-y in U'ijmr, Milton Moreen rclurnod frnm Klamath Falls .Suinl.iv in his plane. Hp a'lcni;,.,! ihc'KIks cin vention hcro a. a (ic,(-ate iium Heppnor Vui'.gp No. ."U The Lpjzk. i Uiji h.nl a dance in ihf'ir hall Saturday evening, win Jimmy Wl-.nmotp of Port land playing. Mrs. Watr e'ra"!ord roturnod from Tor'i.'ind last work whore she visited her sun Arthur who is recovering from a major opc-ia-tion Miss Mary Bracket! donated a larpe collection of books to the lone Public library. A birthday party was given af ter the regular Rebekah lodge j meeting Thursday evening of last I w eek. Those present having birthdays were Mrs. Mary Swan ;son. Mrs. Aden Hamlett. Mrs. Sam thstcb. Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Cieo make Mrs. H. O. Elv. Mrs. tl,.,iles O'Connor. Mrs. Donald l"..'i .mil Mrs. Harvey Ring. Host esses were Mrs. Taiil lVuvjohn. Mrs Mii'en Morgan. Mrs. "Lewis Bad and Mrs. E. K. Lundell. ; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell j entertained at a birthday dinner .Sunday in honor of Mrs. Algott LiMtuell. i Mrs. Earl MeKinney was host 'ess at a stork shower at her home i Wednesday of last week in honor i of Mrs. Barton Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lett of ! Portland and Mrs. Jane Morford of Silverton were guests at the j Ernest Heliker home last week. They all spent the week end in the mountains. I The HEC of Willows grange j will meet at the grange hall in 'the afternoon of Friday June 17. I The roll call will he a suggestion on raising money for the club, j Several from here are attend l ing the -i-H fat stock show at The Dalles this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner re turned from Beaverton where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Normoyle. They brought Dennis Normoyle home with them. Miss Le Greta Bloom of Pendleton is visiting at the Beck ner home. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mat thews returned Tuesday from Roseburg where they visited relatives. 1 Gifts from W a 5sJ renneys Cord Tone Broadcloths A NEW STYLE NOTE 1 EXCLUSIVE WITH PENNEY'S V ANEW! ABETTER! Towncraft White Shirts 2.98 At the same Low Price You get 220 fine combed, long staple cotton threads to the square Inch 24 more than before! You get peaTl buttons. You get higher quality throughout Sanforized! Mer ceriied, Nu Craft collars. 14 to 17. A neat cord effect in those sensational new pastel colers! Sanfoi izedf, mer cerized". WittapreaJ col lars. Dad vill love them! Buy a couple for Father's Day. 14 to 17. TOWNCRAFT TIES. 98c Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. fShriokage will not exceed Ribbed Rayon Sport Shirts Towncraft First for Style, j OA Comfort and Value! 'jO Our No. 1 sport shirt value- Check the fea tures . . . Long roll collar, two flap pockets, new pastel colors I Buy now for all summer. Wonderful gifts for Dad. Small Medum Largs ttA Dairy at Your Door" Him 7. SE3 r (Mmwm HOME DELIVERY ...brings you the finest of country-fresh Dairy Products right to your door on regular scheduled deliveries. Every Mayflower home delivery truck is a complele dairy products store on wheels. Take advantage of this convenient way to buy milk, cream, butter, cheese and other dairy products. I RANDOM THOTS... j Continued from 1'ajje 1 i there It consists of a platform about 2 feet in length, uiuter ! noath which are six rotary blades ! u hii'h rut the stuMile rff at nhnnt six inches above the ground. This reduces the stubble to a state where the discs can chop it up and work it into the surface of the ground. (This is getting a little too technical, so with the suggestion that you, gentle read er, go out and see the machine in operation, we will pass to another subject). Newt O'Harra has a field of yellow clover in the creek bot tom back of his residence at Lex ington which proves the wisdom of diversifying crops. Grown with. out irrigation, the clover has made a heavy stand. It also has made it difficult for weeds to get much of a start in the field. Since this is the second year and the clover will grow only two years to a seeding. Newt will be able to put the land into spinach or cucmbers in the spring, if he so desires. E. R. Jackman, without whom a field tour In Oregon would not be a complete success, was com menting on the value of treating fence posts before "planting." He told about riding around the pas. ture with Ike Weatherford when all of a sudden Ike cut loose with a mild oath, stopped the car and pointed to some new fencing the hired man had been putting in "See what that blanket-blank hired man did? About half of those posts were put in with the treated end up!" Jackman said he thought it was essential, to get the best results, to put the treated end of the post in the ground. As a parting comment, we would like to suggest that when the next annual field tour is scheduled there be several busi ness men in the group. Nels An derson assures us they will be welcome, as well as more farm ers, and it is not a bad idea for business men to keep pace with the progress in agriculture. It is the basic industry in this region and as farming practices improve so will business be placed on a more stable basis. o TROEDSONS ATTEND Vi REUNION AT BOYD Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson attended the Marvel reunion held May 29 at the home of Ted Mar vel, Boyd, Sherman county. There were about 50 present. A sumptuous dinner was served at the noon hour, after which pic tures were taken and much visit ing enjoyed. The original Marvel family were all rpesent, includ ing Mrs. Molly Marvel Atkinson, Portland; Arthur Marvel, Dufur; Frank, Roosevelt, Wash.; Charley, Rock Creek; Rae, Friend; Mrs. .Nellie Chapman, Portland; Mrs. Ruth Greenlee, Hood River, and Charlotte Adkisson, The Dalles. The Marvel children and crand children also were present. ine Troedson s staved at the Ted Marvel home until Tuesday wnen tney went on to Clackamas to visit their daughter, Mrs. R C. t'uiman. o NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed Dy tne rrooate court ot the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, the Administrator oi tne estate ot JOSEPH M. HAYES, deceased. and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed are hereby required to present the same duly verified with pro per voucners to tne unaersignea Administrator at Heppner, Ore gon, at the law office of Jos J. Nys, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 9th day of June, 1949. ERBIE HAYES, Administrator Jos. J. Nys Attorney for Administrator Heppner, Oregon 12-16 ty here to attend the Joe Hayes funeral wish to express their ap preciation to the City of Heppner for the special parking privileges granted during their brief stay. Such courtesy will not soon be forgotten. Erbie Hayes. CARD OF THANKS We wish to convey our thanks to our many frfends for their kind expressions of sympathy and for the beautiful floral offerings in our recent bereavement. J. M. Yocom and family. CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the purchase of the Mrs. S P. Devin property on West Baltimore street in Heppner, consisting of the 7-room family home with half basement, a barn and extra large lots, will be re ceived by H. J. Devin, Condon, Oregon on or before July 1, 19-19. The right to accept or reject any or all bids is reserved by the recipient. All bids should be ad dressed to: H. J. Devin, Condon, Oregon. Dated this 8th day of June, 1949. 12-14 H J Devin WORD OF APPRECIATION All of the members of our par- HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Lit 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 in ii i i ii ii ii if 1 1 1 if i j ti ii i n 1 1 i nun mini 111 I TO BUY OR SELL See I Walter Dobyns I I Real Estate f I IONE, OREGON Phone 4612 Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiim hi iiimiiiiiimiii iiiiiiiiimmi i iminii DANCE DANCE DANCE Heppner Civic Pavilion Dancing also June 25-July 9 and 23 HEPPNER JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Farmers . . You ca nremove combine front wheel and install New Spring Mounted Tongue which makes handling 100 easier. Down hill turns wit hease . . .Brakes no longer needed . . absorbs all vibration ... no jar crossing ditches. Installed by Moon Equipment Co. Wasco, Oregon STAR US REPORTER AdmiMloa prioei afternoon and Mvnlng, nnluaa apa olfloaJJy admtliwl to ba otharwlaal Children I Eat. Frloa .17, Fed. Tax .03, Total too; Orada and High School Btndenti U yean and overt Bit. Prloe .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total too; Adnltal Eat. Prole .60, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60o. Every child oocupylng a aeat mnat have a ticket. Sunday ahowi continuous itortlng- at 1 p.m. All other ahows itarat at 7:30 p.m. Boxollico open evening! untU 9 p.m. Starting the flrit Saturday in May and continuing through the summer monthe, the Saturday eveulug ahowa will itart at 7 p. m. Sunday afternoon ahowa will oontlnue to start at 1 p. m. and other evening snows, besides Eaturday, at 7:30 p. m. The 1949 Opportunity Drive is on. Buy United States Savings Bonds for your future security. Thursday-Friday-Saturday, June 9-10-11 Song of India 8abu, Oail Russell, Turhan Bey in a Jungle ad venture with some good wild-life scenes. PLUS Denver Kid A Rocky Lane western. Sunday-Monday, June 12-13 Whispering Smith Alan Ladd, Robert Preston, Brenua Marshall, Donald Crisp, Wtluam SeMarest Thrilling western made from a sweeping action novel by popular Frank Spearman, photographed in Technicolor. Tuesday-Wednesday, June 14-15 The Accused Loretta Yonng, Robert Cummlngs, Wendell Cor. ey, Douglas Dick, Sam Jaffa Htory ... performances ... production ... everything points to THIS ACCUKKU us one of the grout suspense pictures! Superbly done In every de partment. . . June 14 is Flag Dayl Let's pay homage to the world's great symbol of Democracy. Let's buy V. S. SAVINGS BONDS I Thursday-Friday-Saturday, June 16-17-18 The Red Pony Robert Mitchum, Myrna Loy, Louis Calhern, Shepperd Etrodwlck, Peter Miles, Margaret Hamilton. t John Steinbeck':; g.cat American story, photo graphed in Techni olor. about a sensitive boy and his attachme.it to bis red pony. PLUS The Giy Intruders John Emery, T:irx'a Qava, Lelf Erlckson in a humorous domestic comedy. , oinor unity I JV Itt US JvKtt fiiP3 -'illlllliiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i mil..,,, , H,,,ml,m"1"""" "lllllll!illljllllljjUJjH Public Wed A UCtE nesday June I o'clock p. m. Guy Huston Ranch, in 8 mile Community. 18 miles S-W Heppner, on Condon Highway i I i i i 6 2 Caterpillar D-4 Tractor John Deere 35 Combine on rubberfwith V-belt drive 16VL' foot header Diesel 550 fuel tank, pump 1948 heavy duty Dodge 2 ton truck, stock - grain bed 5-bottom 16-inch Massey Harris plow John Deere 10-foot disc-tiller Sections weed hog spring tooth harrow and hitch Section spiketooth harrow John Deere 12-ft. weedcrs 4-wheeled rubber tired wa gon with new bed and stake rack Sections new John Deere rotary hoe John Deere grain drills 18 openings, 7-inch spacing disc drills New Ford-Dearborn tractor New plow and cultivator goes with tractor Several other pieces of ma chinery go with tractor Gas pumps 1 Calkins wheat treating machine 1 One-ton chain hoist Several log chains 1 Gas generator ond cutting and welding outfit 1 5HP Wisconsin gas engine 1 International 2' LHP engine and pump jack 1 Set of farm tools 1 40-fcot grain elevator 1 high pressure Prodel pump 1 rubber tired wheelbarrow Chicken feeders and water troughs Hog feeders and water trough Ercmd new Zenith radio-Phonograph, electric 1 Console battery or electric Zenith radio New Spark heater-large, nev er used, with 50 feet copper tubing 1 Coal heater Other household articles New 15-inch tree Snyder spe cial roping saddle Curtis air compressor, 2-stage Alcmite air pressure grease also hand grease gun Full shop equipment and other crticles too numerous to mention TERMS: can be given on truck, tractor and combine. All other articles cash. I WOODROW HUSTON, Owner At your Store or at your Door n i n DOD Kunnion Auctioneer Harry Dinges I Clerk n m I