Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, May 1 9, 1 949 Scholarship Fund Boosted by Dance Saturday Evening Bv Mrs. ("i-oil Jones Thi- danrp for the Lillian C. ; Turner iour;ri'ition was hrlii May j 14 in inn iK-ai gym wnn h pxki i i Local News In Brief I Kuih F. Payne Mr. ami Mrs. John Voile of Ir- incon wore business visitors in Hi'iipiior Tursdav. Thev were en ' 'son house on Jones street. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Keeling land children returned to his sta llion at Opal Butte after spending jlhe week-end here at their home :on Jones street. Amorg Heppner Jaycws mo- HM 'I'loir hnmi' from IhpWal- toring to rn-rmisum rriuay eve low a mountains near Elgin where ,nig to organize a similar club llhev are ranging their sheep for were Edwin Dick. Jack Estberg. summer. Eldon Gentry IS t.ereu iveimiey, j;ick uvonnor, ; herding for the Voiles this vear. (Al Hint, Louis Lyons and Carl Mrs. Josie Jones has returned j Daniels. attendant First was an alumni . from Ponb.nd where she spent tiecuon 01 onicers tor tne en pet together of the pupils of the jthe past 10 days visiting friends, suing year was the chief item of late Mrs. Turner, with several Miss Let a Humphreys returned : inUTOst at the regular business out of town visitors. Some of pundav from Portland where she meeting of the Carnation club at attending were W.xidrow ' attended one dav of the Rexall the home of Mrs. Carmel Broad Tinker Lester Wikvx. Patricia eonvontioji which was held in the foot Thursday evening. Mrs. Ar Wilrox. all of Hermis'oti: Mr. I c,,v last week. jthur Shamblyn was re-elected and Mrs. Dunne Johnson of Pen- i Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailcv de- I president and Mrs. V. F. Barkla dleton, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton parted Saturday for North Bend iwas chosen secretary-treasurer. Davis of Pendleton; Gene Cuts-.where Mrs. Bailey will represent i Plans are being made for a ba forth. Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. jSan Souci Rebekah lodge at the zaar wnich wiu be held early in Ronald Ansted of Echo, nee Aud- ! grand lodge which is in session ! September and following the bus rev Majeske. ithis week. On their return journey !iess session work was done on a khnri meeting wsltw .un t . iit .iotiv. I article for this bazaar. Present held, with George Peck acting as in southern Oregon and near ' were -Mesdames leel 1'ierson, Ar- temporary chairman and Mrs. Ce- ! Portland. ;lhur Shamblyn. Add Moore, John cil Jones temporary secretary.! Mrs. Ted Pierson motored to Bergstrom, Adelle Hannan, J. F. Several letters w ith donations ' Cove Wednesday taking a group Farra, Jack O'Connor, George were received and these were ! of students of the junior class of ;Oertson and her guest, Mrs. read at the meeitng. A board of i Heppner high for their annual ; Wright. Hostesses for the evening directors was elected at this time ."skip" day jaunt ,were Mrs- w- F- Barkla and Mrs- consisting of Paul Brown, five-! R. J. Stephens motored to The j Broadfoot. year term. Danny Dinges four,! Dalles the last of the week to 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parrish mo- Kenneth Peck three and Kenneth I spend the week-end with his jtored to Portland Saturday to at Second Circle Of WSCS Organized A second Ciiele of the Women's Society of Christian Service was organized May 12 when a group of Methodist women met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Keene in the lone section to spend the day with Mrs. W. T. Campell. Mrs. Alfred Troedson was elected pres ident, Mrs. La Dusire vice presi dent and Miss Opal Briggs secretary-treasurer. The group will meet the third Wednesday after noon of each month, the next meeting to be on June 15 at the home of Mrs. Troedson. Making the trip to the Keene farm were Rev. J. Palmer Sorlien, Mrs. S. H. Shannon, Mrs. Maud Hayden, Mrs. Katie Slocum, Miss Ona Gilliam, Mrs. Anne Smouse, Mrs. J. A. Troedson, Mrs. J. O. Hager, Mrs. M. L. Case, Mrs. La Dusire, Mrs Lincoln Nash and daughter Rose Marie, Mrs. Mag gie Hunt and Miss Briggs. Mrs. Roy Campbell joined the group at Lexington. Mrs. Keene. assisted by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bryce Keene, served refreshments. WHO'LL BE NEXT? Recent contributors to the ef fort to obtain local ambulance service include: Pendleton, Ethel E. Wheeler; Hermiston, Frank Young; Lone Rock, J S. Boyer; Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindstrom; lone, Harvey Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker, Otto RiPtmann, Werner Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. McCabe; Lex ington, Chas. A. Marquardt. Nor man Nelson, Mrs. Kenneth Kline- ler. Olive E. Swaggart; Heppner, j Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Cole, Mr. and I Mrs. Wm, Cowins, John HauHon. I Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Smtih, Tom j and Dolly Fraters, Mr. runt Mrs IRufus Pieper, Bill Beck, Mr. and ' Mrs. Peter Lennon, L. D. Brown, j 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graves, J. G. i Thomson Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Dee, Cox, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Fergu son, John A. Pfeiffer, Whitmer G. Wright, Lucy E. Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Doolittle, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rasmus, Grace Cleveland, ; Hugh B. and Ida F. Smith, Lottie j Kilkenny, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gree nup, Miss Katie Minert. Your Home Town Pa per Only 3.00 a year Palmer two. and Mrs. Al Fetsch i family. I tend the christening ceremonies as secretary-treasurer for a term j Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse fr 'heir young grandson, Rich- of one year. After the meeting and children motored to Portland there wps a dance with the Rim-1 1 he first of the week to spend a rock Sercnaders furnishing the j few days on usinessand pleasure, music, and the Lexington P.-T.A. Much building activity is De served refreshments in the school ing done towards the remodeling basement. The gym was decorat ed Saturday afternoon by a com mittee including Mrs. C. C. Car michael, Mrs. C. C. Jones and Mrs. Sam McMillan. Mrs. Turner made a service flag of red, white and blue red border with a white center on which were appliqued blue stars one for each of the boys who were in the service in World War II, with three gold stars in the middle for the three who lost their lives. Ths flag was display ed at one end of the gym with Mrs Turner's name written be neath and below this was the bronze plaque given last year to the school by the graduating class. Inscribed on the plaque are the names of the three boys who gave their all Kenneth Warner, Stanley Way and Clyde Edwards. Also in the gym were vases of flowers sitting about. The tempo rary committee responsible for this first alumni get-together and dance was composed of Orville ard Raymond Parrish, at All Saints Episcopal church of Port land Sunday. I Work was started Monday on ;the reconditioning of the race of several residences along Gale! track and leveling Of the arena and Jones streets at the present a' the rodeo field under the di tmie. Mrs. Ida Zinter is having rection of the Rodeo association, additional rooms built along the Considerable damage was done south side of her house. The north j' the entire field in the Febru west room of the Frank Ayers 'ary food- The work is being done residence is heincr pnlarc-prl and I by Richard Meador. work has been finished on the new addition to the Alena Ander- visitors one day last week. Mrs. Grace Hughes of Heppner was a Sunday visitor at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hughes. Glenn Davis returned to his home in Bend after a visit at the home of his mother, Mrs. Nettie Davis, who is ill. Mrs. Loto Calloway of Corval- lis and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cop- Ralph Potter and Orva Dyer of Condon were business visitors in Heppner the last of the week. E. F. Keffer of Spokane, region al representative of the Rural Electrification Administration, was a business visitor in Hepp ner Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCoy and children departed Monday for South Dakota to spend a fort night's vacation visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fraters re turned Saturday from a few days pnhappn and family nf Portland were TvinPton visitors nv-er the . business trip to Portland week-end The Woman's Auxiliary of All Mrs. Earl Warner and Mrs. Saints Episcopal church met Alonzo Henderson motored to Thursday afternoon at the parish North Bend where they are dele gates to the Rebekah State As- house. A report on Convocation which was held recently at Hood Cutsforth. Mrs. Cecil Jones, Mrs. jsembly from the Lexington lodge. jRiver was made by Mrs. Richard Potluck Dinner on George Lawn Plan Of Wrangler Club Wrangler members assembled at the Civic Center building at 8 p. m. May 10 under the leader ship of Bill Smethurst, president. Discussion of the plans for a week May event led to the decision to have a potluck dinner on the lawn at the Oscar George place on May 22, and thereafter all co operate in a work day. to build on the barn designated for Wran glers at the rodeo grounds. Com mittee appointed to formulate WISCONSIN CENTENNIAL PAGEANT FILM TO BE SHOWN HERE TOMORROW One of the most impressive features of the Wisconsin Centen nial Exposition, held at Milwau kee last August, is being brought here for public showing May 20 by the Becket Equipment Co. Playing to packed stands and overflow crowds every day for a the Case "March of Ma- amies" and "Parade of Plows" was witnesses by thousands who came from practically every state cf this country and province of Canada, plus visitors from foreign lands. Inspired by its enthusias tic reception at the Centennial, snonsors nf the natreant made previous plans and outline work j olor movies of the entire per. are Bill Smethurst, Howard Bry-, formance. Thafg how scores of ant, Cornett Green, Bobby Gam-1.,, r.orfnrmors vnv nf Storm Warning HAIL Weather is here - - - You may not get hall often, but suppose your crops are ruined this yearl You will lose the money you have Invested in production costs. And you will lose your expected income. Play safe t! is year. Buy Hail Insurat ;c. See or call us now. No obligation, , TURNER, VAN MARTER & COMPANY Phone 152 Heppner Oregon Scott Furlong who is employed at the Big Four Lumber company mill in Monument spent the week-end in Heppner with Mrs. Furlong. Mrs. Elvin Miller underwent an appendectomy at the Mid-Columbia hospital in The Dalles Monday. WANTED Unfurnished house or apartment. See Anderson Hayes at Central Market. 910 WANTED Buyers from Morrow county to attend the 4-H Live stock Show and Sale, The Dalles, June 6-8. Buyers who want wheat fattened stock grown by the 4-H boys and girls of their own county. 9-llc When Shopping for Graduation Gifts . . Costume Jewelry Lingerie Hosiery Handbags Scarfs Handkerchiefs NORAH'S SHOP mell, Merle Becket and Don Rob inson. Plans for the June show as for mulated by the entertainment committee, Archie Murchison, Bob Grabill and Merlyn Robin son, were read and approved. Merle Becket, who is in charge oxen and teams of horses, ancient implements and quaint machines can be shown here. Also in color is a cartoon-sequence film, "Saga of Sawdust Sam," an easy-to-take lesson in farm safety. Completing the full program will be one of the Case on the necessity of cooperation in making a success of this fac tor. of drill team possibilities, spoke SOUnd-movies on soil conserva tion practices, chosen for its suit ability for the methods and con ditions prevailing in this com munity. While the show is being arranged primarily for farmers, it is of general interest and ev erybody will be welcome to the limit of seating capacity C. C. Carmichael. Mrs. Clarence j Hayes and Forrest (Pine) Thorn- burg. I .ur. anu .Mrs. uruie vuisiurin were Portland visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael were Portland visitors last week. Mrs. Carl Whillock motored to j Gene Cutsforth spent the week The Dalles after her mother, Mrs. , end here with his parents Mr. Emma Breshears, who spent sev- ' and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth. Gene eral days there attending the j makes his home in Portland, postmasters convention. Mrs. J. Palmer Sorlien took the Bobby Steagall had the mis- : first st-cond and third grades on fortune to sprain his ankle quite a field day to the Cutsforth ranch badly when a horse he was riding Tuesday. All report a lovely time, fell on him. .with hiking, viewing of the live- Mrs. Emma Breshears and Mrs. I stock and a boat ride. Wilbur Steagall were Pendleton j Baccalaureate services will be visitors, taking Marie Steagall i held next Sunday night in the back to school in that city. j Lexington Christian church, with Vernon Scott of Portland andithe Rev. Z. Franklin Cantrell de Marvin Glasscock were Lexington , livering the address. The two se visitors one day last week. Theyiniors graduating this year are flew up and Vernon visited his! Franklin Messenger, son of Mr. mother, Mrs. Laura Scott 'and Mrs. Truman Messenger Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt and land Jo Irvin. daughter of Mr. and daughter Shirlee were The Dalles !Mrs. W. E. McMillan. Mia mm DRESS MUI, fi. 7.90 8.90 8.90 YOUR TAILORED WOVEN CORD STAYS TRIM LOOKING! One anil two iie vmiona of thrsc wilt-resisting casuals, jimmr. half !. Triced Carnival-low , . in llllnM'H , It SMART... BUY TWO! r at FEME Y 8 Wells. Plans were made for the annual birthday party which is scheduled for June 2 at 1 p. m. There will be a luncheon after which cards will be played. Mrs. O. G. Crawford out-going presi dent of the Woman's Auxiliary of the District, was presented a gift by the auxiliary. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. W. H. Cleveland and Mrs. A. D. Mc- Murdo. Rev J. Palmer Sorlien motored to North Bend the last of the week where he will attend grand lodge as a delegate of Willows Lodge No. 66 I. O. O. F. Rev. Sor lien will be installed as grand chaplain of Oregon Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. at this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Keene of the Rhea Creek district were shopping in Heppner Saturday rM. and Mrs. Edmond Gonty and children returned Monday from Beaverton where they at tended the wedding of Mrs. Gon ty's sister, Miss Eunice Hemricfi and Bernard Altinshin, an event of Sunday, May 15, at the Roman Catholic church in Beaverton. Miss Hemrich is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hemrich, for mer Heppner residents. Virginia Gonty was Junior bridesmaid and Tommy Gonty was ring-bearer for the occasion. Among other guests well-known locally were Mrs. Anne Holboke and Miss Margaret Holboke of Beaverton and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gonty and children of McMinnville. Mrs. Phil Griffin of Gooseberry was a business visitor in Heppner Tuesday. Verl Farrens of Hermiston was a business visitor in Heppner Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marlatt were over the last of the week from their farm in Kahler Basin district looking after business matters in Heppner. Chester Saling of Haines visit ed Heppner the last, of the week. During his stay here he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Fisher. Mrs. Claude Graham and her father J. J. Wightman made a business trip to The Dalles Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Farrens have returned totheir home in Portland after spending several days here and in Pendleton with his mother, Mrs. Walter Farrens, who is a patient at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. Word has been received of the death of Elmer Cummings, pion eer resident of Morrow county. Funeral services were held Mon day in Vancouver, Wash. At one time Mr. Cummings farmed in the Clark's Canyon area with his brother-in-law, Ty Brown. Mr. and Mrs. James Hams of Rood Canyon were transacting business in Heppner Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wright are moving to Prairie City where they have purchased a small farm. During the past winter the Wrights resided at the Rugg place on Rhea Creek using the former store for living quarters. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hasting- were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harshman at their ranch on Rock creek. They en Joyed a" bit of trout fishing dur ing their visit. RANDOM THOTS . . . Continued from Page 1 Are we too modest, or just merely asleep? Last Friday a man who has held an important post the greater part of a lifetime but who has gone into semi re tirement paid Heppner a visit. He had spent the night in Pen dleton and was headed back to the western part of the state. He had heard of Heppner but didn't know just where it was located. Coming to the Echo Junction on Highway 30 he saw a sign read ing, "Heppner 49 miles." He de cided that was the time to visit the place so he turned off the main line and headed this way. He was greatly surprised to find a fine sawmill plant nestled in the hills with no timber in sight. He Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cason and sons of Lonerock were business visitors in Heppner Tuesday. David and William Hynd made a business visit to Pendleton Tuesday. FOR SALE Registered Palomino saddle mare, eight years old. Price $200.00 or will trade for good Hereford cow. Norman Nelson, Lexington, Ore. 7-llp peared to be busy, happy and prosperous. "You people are hid ing your light under a bushel," he exclaimed. Perhaps he is right. was pleasantly surprised toiVVe should make more of the find a thriving little city where, j right kind of noise throw our as lie expres e.l it everybody ap- I weight around a little, as it were. J WggifjCUT v. Astin&house Steele See the new Westinghouse Commander with heat so even, results are perfect regardless of where food is placed in its spacious Miracle Oven, With new sur face cooking capacity . . . New, simplified cooking controls out of the Steam Zone! OTHER MODELS FROM to Yctixnk fmz.jftiWcslm blouse o GONTY'S "52 . every morning, Monday through Ptldaf , , , AIC Ntfantrl TUNC IN TED MAIONC S-DR-422S A Sound Investment! Protect your valuable papers, jewelry end keep sakes from loss by fire, theft and disappearance by using our Safe Deposit Box Facilities at a nominal charge. ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF BOXES AVAILABLE Be Wise! Act NOW! HEPPNER BRANCH First National Bank of Portland Heppner American Legion Hall Saturday, May 21 DAN with the Blue Dreamers SUPPER SERVED CE STAR DS REPORTER Admission prloes afternoon and evning', unless spe cifically advertised to b otherwise I Children I Est. Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, Total 30a; Grade and High School Students 11 years and oven Est. Price .40. Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c; Adults i Est. Prole .60, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c mast have a ticket. Every child occupying- a seat Sunday shows continuous starting at 1 p.m. All other shows starat at 7i30 p.m. Boxoffloe open evenings until 9 p.m. Starting the first Saturday In May and continuing through the summer months, the Saturday evening shows will start at 7 p. m. Sunday afternoon shows will oontlnue to start at 1 p. m. and other evening shews, besides Saturday, at 7:30 p. m. Thursday-Friday-Saturday, May 19-20-21 The Hills of Home Edmund Gwen, Donald Crisp, Tom Drake, Reginald Owen, Janet Leigh Beautifully filmed In T:hnicijur, this chapter (n the life of LaaHle (a working doff who doesn't like to net his feet wet) adds up to excellent fimlly entertainment. PLUS Cowboy Cavalier Jimmy Wakeley and Cannonhall Taylor In a film of action and excitement blended with pleaaant saKobruah Bonus. (and who In thene United .States hasn't IuilKlied Sunday-Monday, May 22-23 You Gotta Stay Happy Joan Fontaine, James Stewart, Eddie Albert, Roland Young, Willard Parker, Percy Kilbride, Marcy McGuire This croHH-country romp Is packed witli comedy, human intersnt touches and peopled with amuH Inff down-to-carlh characters. Tuesday-Wednesday, May 24-25 Drums In Technicolor, with Sahu, . Raymond Maasoy, Valerie Hohson....a reissue of the mighty of conquest on India's frontier. Thursday-Friday-Saturday, May 26-27-28 Angel's Alley Leo Goreey and the Bowery Boys In another of their hilarious comedies. I'LUS Outdoor Melodrama (Title to be announced later) Sunday-Monday, May 29-30 Command Decision Clark Gable, Walter Pldgeon, Van Johnson Brian Donlevy, Charles Bickford, John Hodiak, Edward Arnold, Richard Quine This is a drama on the wide scale of power politics, but a drama proaonted In such down-to-earth human terms that It In Intensely personal. It Is SUI'Rltlon and especially appropriate for this Memorial Day Program. 1 C RT