Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, May 12, 1949 Page 3 Proclamation National White Cane Week has been designated as May 15 to May 21 in clusive. It has been the practice in the State of Oregon that the Governor and Mayors of all cities proclaim that this week be recognized as National White Cane Week. Following are some of the reasons for calling attention to the white cane: 1 . Because any person carrying a white cane is either blind or seriously handicapped and many people who recognize this will be inclined to offer them assistance in crossing streets or giving them information that will be helpful. 2. The white cane is a signal to drivers of all types of vehicles that the person carrying it is without vision and the law provides that such per son has right of way in crossing streets and that drivers will stop their vehicles and not advance until the visually handicapped person has ar rived at the point of safety. 3. It is important from a social point of view to call attention to the problems of the blind and this can most easily be done through some nationally recognized week. Now, therefore, as Mayor of the City of Heppner, I hereby proclaim that the period May 1 5 to May 21 inclusive be recognized as National White Cane Week and recommend that our citizens observe in every way the rules and regulations governing motor traffic as pertaining to protection to the blind or those afflicted with deficient sight and to practice care and consid eration for them at all times.. Dated this 12th day of May, 1949. CONLEY LANHAM Mayor of the City of Heppner, Oregon This Spring.. . it seems everybody's fancy is turning to fic most Bean (it WW of itt . . . a?rf te reason is, itgires so tniici a no" costs so itie to operate andmaintain The most Beautiful BUY for Styling All your friends will say, "What a beauty; w lint a buy!" For thin car luis a Hoily by Fisher exclusive to Chevrolet and higher-priced curs. The most Beautiful BUY for Driving and Riding Ease Chevrolet's new Cciiter-IViiit Design including Ccnlcr-l'oint Steering, Center Point Scaling, Lower ('enter of (iravily without loss of road clear ance, and ('enlcr-I'oint Hear Sus pensiongives entirely now driving and filling case. The most Beautiful BUY for Thrills and Thrift Yes, so groat is the donmiul for new Chevrolcts this spring that it scorns everybody's fancy is turning to this mod beautiful buy of all! All America is thrilling to the fleet, flashing linos anil colors of Chevrolet's Uodies by Fisher ... to the sparkling anil spirited performance of its Valve-in-Head Engine . . . and to the extraordinary new driving and riding results imparted by its famous Center-Point Design. And all America is agreeing that Chevrolet is the only car that offers all these advantages of highest-priced cars and costs so little to buy, operate and maintain! flUL mm w FIRST P DUALITY AT LOWEST COST AMERICA'S CHOICE FOR tt YEARS HODGE CHEVROLET CO. MAIN at MAY - ... HEPPNER, OREGON Th FUttlint D Lux 4-Do or Sdan , Whlft $idwail lint optional of Mfre coif. Dance Scheduled Saturday Evening To Aid Loan Fund I The Lillian Turner loan fund committee had a meeting one night last week and made the final plans for a dance which will be held May 14 at the gym, with the Rimrock Serenaders fur nishing the music and the P-TA doing its part for the cause with the serving of the refreshments. At a recent date it was discov ered that Mrs. Turner left a bond for the purpose of creating a stu dent loan fund for the Lexington community. It being small the committee knew that something would have to be done to add to it. In order to make a loan fund such as Mrs. Turner wanted it was found necessary to form an alumni association of the Lex ington students who had the pri vilege of attending school under her. The first meeting will be May 14 at 8 p m. at the school gym in Lexington with George Peck as speaker. Present plans are to make this an annual date with, the proceeds going into the loan fund. It is the honest desire of the association to help this go forth successfully and it is hoped that there will be cooperation from ail of her former students. A family gathering was held at the Bert Breeding home Sunday, honoring Mother's Day. Those at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Butch Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Livingston and children of Spray, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davies and sons of La Grande, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Darnielle of Mosier, Buster Shoun of Lexington, Mrs. Bur! Maynord and children of Kim berley, Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Breed ing and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Breeding, Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin of Lexington and Mrs. Fre da Mathews and son of Pendle ton. Mrs. Nannetta Griffith has re turned to her home in Spray af ter an extended visit with the Glenn Griffith family. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Burch of La Grande were visitors at the O. G. Breeding home this wek. Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin (nee Jo McMillan) returned Tuesday from a trip lo eastern Oregon fol lowing their wedding last Saturday. Miss Betty Griffin and Miss Garnet Buchanan were hostesses I at a wedding shower honoring Mrs. George Irvin at the ranch : hfimi(if hfr liyppntt Mr cnl 1r W. K McMillan rw.r r,ri waul won by Mrs. Carl Breeding. The honoree received many lovely and useful gifts. Refreshments of angel food canke and punch were served. Mrs. Bill Mathews and small son of Pendleton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Ereeding at their home in Le::ington. At a special school board meet ing Thursday night of last weei the board accepted the resigna tion of Miss Joy Gerharz, music director in the local school. Miss Gerharz left Saturday for her home in Billings, Mont., being taken to Pendleton to the plane by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and Mrs. W. E. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan jentertained with a dinner last jWednesday honoring Miss Joy Gerharz who left Saturday. After the dinner Miss Gerharz enter tained the guests with her violin, Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and children. Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin, Mr. and Mrs. Orris Pad berg and son Charlie, Mr. and Mrs. James Bloodsworth and the honoree, Miss Gerharz. Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs. Trina Parker spent the week-end at their summer home at Camp Sherman on the Metolius. Mrs. Nettie Davis is reported quite ill at her home in Lexing ton. Her daughter, Mrs. Pointer from Chehalis, Wash, is attend ing her. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMillan of Portland spent Mother's Day at the home of his mother, Mrs. Fan nie McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Darnielle re turned to Lexington Wednesday Irorn a winter spent in Cotton wood, Calif, where they went for Mrs. Darnielle's health. The most Beautiful BUY for Comfort You'll be truly comfortable, even if you ride all day long, thanks to s Super Size Interior deep, form-fitting "Five-Foot Seats" and extra-generous head, leg and elbow room. The most Beautiful BUY for All-Round Safety with new Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes with Dubl-Life brake linings; extra-strong Fisher Unistccl liody; Panoramic Visibility; Safety Plate Glass throughout; and the super safe Unitized Knee-Action Ride. '.mmrj'jtrm J 2991 II HEPPNER HDW. I mi fc .-. . m Come in and see the difference between "just a freezer" and a Maytag. Fit right into your kitchen. Quickly pays fur itaelf in savings through quantity buying of food. low monthly payment. Com in today te too ft actio. GET OUR ESTIMATES on Roofing - Siding - Painting Paper Hanging Before placing an order for any of this work We Guarantee Our Work Burke Cr Pettyjohn Roofing H AI S E A S 0 N (1MB Amm ! is here. For rates and other informa tion call collect, or drop in. C. A. RUGGLES BLAINE E. ISOM AGENCY Phone 723 Heppner Sale Press Take advantage of our Re duction Sale on Wash Dresses Friday the 13th and Satur day the 14th and be Lucky See our new Mojud Hosiery with Slenderizing Black Seam Anderson & Wilson Women Appearl I ; Am Pi1 r ' I . . : : . "V J i r V, "iU TT - 1 ! I i AT STUD Jeohal A.H.C. 3657 Sire, Islam 1709 Dam, Rustalla 2207 Foaled Feb. 16, 1946 FEE $50.00. Return privilege for '49 season. Accommodations for mares. Sandhollow Hereford Ranch Merlyn Robinson 2F33 Heppner Contract Wiring Service Special Low Prices on Wiring Material Wall Outlets - 18c to 50c each Wall Switches 30c to 50c each Settles Electric Service Corner Chase and Willow Shop phone 2253 Residence phone 2542 Heppner Oregon 0 Sunday, May 15, 2:30 lone at Heppner 1 ?&r Head start to SUCCESS... ivith an ELGIN Limn ft Imxp. 17 merit, ajjustnl. 10K nilurn fi'ldfilM iappnl niw. ml tp. cm( m al. i;M fillrj Uitkti bond. ft.".5l Kltin Te luxr. I Tjtwrlt, adjutlM. 10K nnliira nMjilM rnW . (,(, curml ctyj. lu. A i Im cord. (MK00 . . . other Hum jrom I.N.ra. Vrictt imfuj. t nitroi lax. GraJiiation U m en J aud a begiuuini;, and a time never to be forgotten because jou gave the tr.nlition.il (tift an Klpn atili. Vpn ia a gift of confident timekeeping the only watch with the Dural'owcr Maiinpriu; that eliininatei ") ';' of Match repairs due to atccl uiainnpring failurea. Conivntenl term. Only ELGIN has the DoroPower Mainspring