Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 12, 1949, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette Times
$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, May 12, 1949
Volume 66, Number 8
C BE Cooperative
Lets Contract For
Transmission Line
Troutdale Firm '
Submits Low Offer
On 40-Mile Job
An Oregon firm, Moffat & Brit
ton Electric Co. of Troutdale, was
the successful bidder for con
struction of the Columbia Basin
Electric Cooperative, Inc. 66 KV
transmission line from Hermiston
to Jordan Siding when bids were
opened at the local office of the
cooperative Friday, May 6. Their
bid was $36,791.46. The Washing
ton Electric Co. of Tacoma sub
mitted a bid for $39,826.04 and
the Huenagard Electric Co. of
Portland wanted $41,466.00 for
the job.
Twelve bids in all were receiv
ed on the project, announces Har
old A. Kenncy, acting manager
of the cooperative.
The line consists of three-wire
2F Copperweld conductor 40 miles
in length, running from just north
of Hermiston to Jordan Siding.
Cost of the materials consisting
of copperweld conductor, poles
and pole line hardware will be in
excess of $100,000, Kenney states.
Work is expected to start about
June 1, with completion schedul
ed about September 1
Antique Show On
Week-end Schedule
Highlighting the social calen
dar for this week end wlil be the
benefit tea and antique show
scheduled for 3 to 5 p. m. Satur
day at the Legion hall. This Is
being sponsored by the American
Legion auxiliary and promises to
be a success as a good number
have signified their intention to
display their valued antiques.
Mrs. Ralph Thompson is in
charge of arrangements for the
antique show. Anyone having ar
ticles for display is requested to
submit a brief history with them.
DeMolay boys entertained
with a party Monday evening at
the Civic Center building for
members of the Heppner Rain
how Girls and the Condon De
Molay and Rainbow Girls. Bingo
and dancing was the diversion
of the evening with music sup
plied by the Blue Dreamers
Sponsors for the affair were Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Ruggles and
Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Van Horn.
Refreshments were served.
Recent contributors to the am
bulance fund include Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. French, Dr. and Mrs. L. D.
Tibbies, Ernest Johnson, Mrs.
Trina Parker, Miss Dona Barnett,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hasvold,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckct, Mr.
and Mrs. F. C. Tolleson, Mr. and
Mrs. John Saager, Dr. and Mrs.
A. D. McMurdo.
Rev. Francis McCormack an
nounces that there will be open
house at the rectory, marking
completion of the residence, Sun
day evening. A potluck supper at
6:30 will open the festivities.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miller
announce the engagement and
approaching marriage of their
daughter, Merlene, lo Donald
Peoples, son of Mrs. Laura
Peoples of Heppner. The wed
ding will be an event of Satur
day, June 4 at 4 P.M. at All
Saints Episcopal Church in
Heppner. A reception wlil fol
low in the Parish House. No
formal Invitations are being Is
sued but friends of the bride
and groom are invited to attend
both the wedding and recep
tion. D. E. "Shorty" Hudson is wear
ing a bandage around his head
as the result of an accident. He
was painting at the Alva Jones
residence Wednesday when part
of the scaffolding broke, pitching
him to the ground. In regaining
uis balance he struck his head
gainst a nail, tearing a wound
that necessitated eight stitches
to close.
A card from Mrs. Virgil Hat
field announces their change of
address from Hillsboro to Glide
where her husband is contracting
timber to fall. She suggests if any
. f her friends from up this way
go to Diamond Lake fishing, they
are on Hie new road that is going
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Parker were
quests of their son Vawter and
family at Hood River Inst week
Mrs. C. A. Jones of Pasco is
visiting relatives here, having
come home with the O. G. Craw
fords and C. C. Dunhams Sunday
. evening. She will remain here for
some time for treatments.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gonty and
children have gone to Beaverton
to attend the wedding of Mrs
Gonty's sister. They expect to re
turn Sunday.
The Junior chamber of com
merce has arranged a schedule
of dances to be run off during
the summer weather, the first of
which will be the evening of
June 18.
The affairs will be held at the
civic pavllian and to date the
schedule calls for dances the eve
nings of June 18, 25, July 9 and
Barratt Chosen As
Barometer Editor
Jim Barratt, son of Judge J. G.
Barratt, Is doing quite well for
himself down Oregon State way.
Jim has been chosen editor of
the college newspaper, the Daily
Barometer, for the ensuing year,
an honor that can be attained
only through a showing of talent
for the job.
Barratt, junior at OSC, is at
present sports editor and also
covers some of the sports events
for the metropolitan dailies. He
has also made the Blue Key,
men's honorary, being one of 13
top students chosen for this hon
or. Bill Barratt, elder brother, is
the only other Heppner man to
make the Blue Key.
Oregon Cattlemen
To Open Session at
Pendleton May 16
Scheduled to held at Pendleton
May 16, 17 and 18, the annual
meeting of the Oregon Cattle
men's association is expected to
draw many cattlemen from Mor
row county. The meeting is pack
ed full of educational and enter
taining features that are looked
forward to by many stockmen
each year.
The annual meeting is sched
uled to get under way at 9 a. m.
Monday, with the executive com
mittee meeting. Other committee
meetings will be held during the
afternoon of the first day.
At 7:30 p. m. on Monday, a
bull grading demonstration and
quarter horse show will be held
at the Quonset Hut at the Round
up grounds. This promises to be
an interesting evening.
The second day opens with all
stockmen Invited to attend a 6
a. m. cowboy breakfast at 'the
Mustanger club house. Quarter
horse owners will entertain dur
ing the breakfast hour. General
assembly begins at 10 a. m. with
the day devoted to educational
addresses by many prominent
banquet will be held at the Jun
llvestock experts. At 6 p. m. a
ior high school gymnasium fol
lowed by movies and entertain
ment with a cowboy dance later
in the evening.
On Wednesday committee re
ports and election of officers will
be the business, with adjourn
ment at noon.
Two Youths Hurt
In Auto Accident
Jack P I o y h a r received a
broken collar bone and other
minor Injuries in an automobile
accident which occurred Satur
day evening in the Albina dis
trict. The car, driven by Blllv
Snow, failed to negotiate the
curve in the road near the Eg
bert Young place and crashed in
to a telephone pole. The car
was completely demolished.
Snow, owner of the car, and two
other cocupants, Wayne Prock
and J. Keenan, escaped serious
Federal Aid Allotted
For Cricket Control
Word has been received by the
Morrow-Gilliam Cricket Control
association that emergency defi
ciency appropriations have been
made for cricket contol work
here. Such appropriations were
made after the executive com
mittee of the association contact
ed U. S. Senators Morse and Cor
don and Representative Stock
man calling attention to the im
mediate need for funds for con
trol purposes.
The Bureau of Entomology has
put all available equipment and
materials Into the control area
as of May 9. Previous to this, the
Morrow-Gilliam Cricket Control
association had been financing
the program which was being
carried out on a limited scale.
Crickets continue to grow and
migrate. They are now near the
adult stage and the dryness of
the desert has caused migrations
Into more succulent; wheat fields.
Bait materials and ball spreaders
for Individual farm baiting in
these wheat fields can be obtain
ed from storage at Boardman.
Arrangements have been com
pleted for holding a conservation
field tour to observe popular con
servation practices on Morrow
county farms. The tour is sched
uled to be held on Saturday, June
i with extension service, P.M. A.
and Soil Conservation Service
participating in arrangements.
Keep this date in mind and watch
for further Information on the
Rainbow Assembly
Organization Slated
For Sunday P. M.
Condon Assembly
Coming to Initiate
Large Class Here
Sunday afternoon, beginning at
1 o'clock, will mark a red letter
day for some 50 or 60 girls be
tween the ages of 13 and 18 years.
The Heppner assembly of Rain
bow Girls will be instituted at
the Masonic hall under the spon
sorship of Ruth Chapter No. 32,
Order of the Eastern Star.
Only Masons and Eastern
Star members and former Rain
bow Girls will attend the initia
tion ceremony at 1 p. m., but all
persons interested are invited for
the institution of the order and
installation of officers. The list
is as follows: Worthy adviser,
Marcella Shafer; worthy assist
ant adviser, Marlene Du Bois;
Charity, Lorene Mitchell; Hope,
Patricia Drake; Faith, Delight
Blddle; recorder, Constance Rug
gles; treasurer, Eunice Keithley;
chaplain, Joan Reininger; drill
leader, Sally Cohn; Love, Reita
Graves, Religion, Rita Johnson;
Nature, Dorothy Lowry; Immor
tality, Nancy Ferguson; Fidelity,
Lois Key; Patriotism, Lorraine
Swaggart; Service, June Van
Winkle; Confidential Observer,
Betty Wells; Outer Confidential
Observer, Jane Seehafer; musi
cian, Merilyn Miller, and choir
director, Donna Hudson.
The assembly from Condon will
present the initiatory work and
state officers will institute the
P-TA Closed Season
Wednesday Evening
Heppner Parent -Teacher asso
ciation closed its year Wednesday
evening with an outstanding pro
gram which was enjoyed by a
capacity crowd. Miss Marylou
George and her students present
ed an interesting style show. The
girls were not only models but
creators of the articles exhibited.
This was followed by an inspir
ing talk by Mrs. B. C. Forsythe
of lone, former member of the
state P-TA board, who installed
the new officers, Rev. J. Palmer
Sorlien, president; Mrs. J. A.
Woodhall, vice president, and
Mrs. Marvin Wightman, secre
tary. Miss Virginia Bender was
unable to be present and will be
installed as treasurer in the fall.
Corsages were presented to out
going and new officers and Mrs.
To add a festive note, refresh
ments were served ffom a beauti
fully appointed tea table. Pink
and white tapers and flowers
were used and a complete wed
ding party of little waxed figures
which were made by Mrs. Wood-
hall in keeping with the show.
Morrow county's delegation of
4-H members who will attend
summer school at Oregon State
college June 14-24 number 25.
This was the word received from
L. J. Allen, state 4-H club leader,
who stated that this quota was
based on 1948 project comple
tions. This is an increase of four
over the 1948 quota.
Selection of deserving mem
hers to attend summer school was
made by the county 4-H club
council meeting at the county
agent's office May 9. Selection
was made on me oasis oi gen
eral attitude of the member, at
tendance at club meetings, and
cooperating in the club program.
To be selected as a delegate the
club member must be 13 years
of age and have completed two
years of club work.
Selected to attend the 1'J49
summer school were Joan Breed
ing, Yvonne Breeding, Shirley
Hunt, Beverly Nolan, all of Lex
ington; Duane Baker, Ronald Ba
ker, Ingrid Hermann, Herbert Ek
strom, Jane Seehafer, Joan Cole
man, Mary Jepson, of lone; Allen
Hughes, Roger Palmer, Dean
Graves, Reita Graves, Jo Jean
Dlx, Eleatior Rice, Nancy Fergu
son, Billy Jean Privett, and Jim
my Green of Heppner. Several al
ternates were picked if it is im
possible for some of the members
to attend. Selection of Boardman
and Irrigon delegates will be
made soon.
Scholarships which are neces
sary to finance the delegates are
now being accepted by the coun
ty 4-H club council. The scholar
ships are $20.00 this year, which
pays for meals, room, and other
expenses In putting on the sum
mer school. Those donating shco
larships which have been receiv
ed to date are Greenfield grange,
Boardman, Turner, Van Marter &
Co., and Robert Grabill, Heppner.
Attending the council meeting
Monday night were Mr. and Mrs.
John Graves, Mrs. E. O. Fergu
Continued on page six
V.F.W. Circular Letter Gets
Results For Ambulance Fund
During the past week-end the
local post of the Veterans of For
eign Wars placed in the mails a
circular letter which included a
short explanation of the purpose
of the current campaign to ac
quire an ambulance for this lo
cality, and an appeal for immed
iate contributions. This method
of reaching the people of the
county was withheld until all
preparations were completed for
acquiring and operating the am
bulance. At the present time there
are a number of qualified driv
ers. The ambulance is completed
and in storage awaiting delivery.
The difference between the to
tal contributions to date and the
cost of the ambulance could be
financed through a loan agency.
However it is felt that it would
be undesirable to use the peo
ple's money to meet financing
costs which would offer no re
turns in service to the commun
ity. The only answer is for ev
eryone to express his desire for
local ambulance service in cash
A number of persons have vol
unteered contributions during the
last few months, and their ex
pression of interest is greatly ap
preciated. Now the whole-hearted
cooperation of everyone is ur
gently needed. The generosity of
the people of Morrow county In
helping their more distant neigh
bors has often been shown. It is
hardly to be expected that they
will now fail to provide this com
fort and protection for their next-
door neighbors and themselves.
The benefits of this plan for
an ambulance are that there will
Week's Round-up of News Brings Many Items
Of Interest About People of the Community
By Ruth Payne
B.P.O. Elks Officers wives, as
sisted by Mrs. Sadie M. Sigsbee
and Mrs. Agnes Curran, were
hostesses for a ladies' night
card party Thursday evening.
Five tables of bridge and six
tables of pinochle were in play
with high score in bridge being
received by Mrs. Richard Wells
and second by Mrs. Conley Lan
ham. In pinochle, Mrs. John
Bergstrom received high and
Mrs. Robert Dobbs received the
door prize.
A delegation of members from
Willows Lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F.
motored to Pendleton Tuesday
evening taking four candidates,
C. H. Privett, Charles Hasvold,
Victor Groshens and C. Ervin
Anderson, who were given the
first degree ceremonies. Otheis
making the trip included. Jesse
Payne, Tom Wells, Lee Howell,
Cornett Green, Manuel Easter.
Ted Peirson, Frank Rumble, and
N. D. Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aiken re
turned the first of the week from
Portland where Mr. Aiken has
been receiving medical atten
tion. Mrs. A. D. McMurdo returned
Tuesday from Portland where
she spent the past week looking
after her grandchildren while
their parents, Mr. and Mm.
Charles E. (Ted) McMurdo took
a brief vacation.
Mrs. Venice Stiles left for
Portland the last of the week to
be with her mother Mrs. Josie
Jones who has been in the cilj
for quite some time.
Mrs. Phil Griffin and Mrs. Sie
Walker motored to Hermiston
Tuesday after their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Mead, who will
remain here for a time with
Mrs. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Mead
have been staying with another
daughter, Mrs. Flora Moyer.
while in Hermiston.
Mrs. Ethel Brock returned to
her home in Portland Tuesday .
after spending several days in
Heppner visiting with her
brother, Mack Gentry and other
relatives. During her visit, Mrs.
Brock was the houseguest of
Mrs. Alice Gentry. She was
taken to Arlington by Many
Munkers and took the train
from there.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and
daughter, Maryanne, expect to
leave Tuesday by motor for
New York City and other east
ern points. They will be ac
companied by Mrs. Molly As
quinaga of Salem and George
"Bud" Peck. In New York, the
party will visit Mrs. Hunt's and
Mrs. Azquinaga's parents. They
expect to return to Heppner m
about six weeks.
Glenn McMurtry, telegraph
operator at Echo, spent Monday
in Heppner with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McMurtry.
Mr. McMurtry took delivery on
a new Chevrolet car during his
visit here.
The Heppner F.F.A. stock
judging team received founli
place in competition with other
(earns of the district In the con
test at Pendleton Friday. Mem
bers of the team include Allen
Hughes, Elwayne Bergstrom.
Gerald Bergstrom, Clyde AUstotl.
and Lynn Rill. Instructor is
Francis Cooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrel Ronge
motored lo Gold Beach Friday
where they planned to do a little
salmon fishing.
Mrs. Mary Stevens returned
be no charge for drivers' services,
and that the cost of operation
will be the only factor determin
ing the charge for its use. It will
not be an instrument to augment
the income of any person or in
stitution; a factor that would be
a big step toward preventing the
financial disaster that sickness
or accident bring to many famil
ies. Acceptance or rejection of
this plan is now entirely in the
hands of the people of the
Recent contributions to the
fund were received from Port
land: Leonard M. Floan, Janet P.
Floan, Elizabeth P. Binney, Grace
P. Maxwell, Helen P. Wilson, and
Lucy W. Peters; Condon: Vern
Dalzell; lone: Echo Palmateer,
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe, Mr. and
Mrs. Burl Akers, Mrs. Mary Beck
ner, Ms. Mary Swanson, Mr. and
Mrs. Garland Swanson, Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mr. and
Mrs. Verner Troedson, Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Mathews, lone high
school student body, Jesse War
field, Mrs. Ida Grabill, Delia M.
Corson; Lexington: L. A. Palmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall;
Heppner: Mrs. George Hayden,
Marion Hayden, Katie Slocum,
George Currin, Mr. and Mrs. O.
M. Yeager, Elmer Palmer, Henry
Stotts, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatfield,
Mary and Harold Wright, J. H.
Padberg, Mrs. Anna Bayless,
Martha Van Schoiack, Mrs. E. R.
Huston, Mrs. B. G. Sigsbee, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul C. Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Gilman, Blaine E.
llson Agency, Bruce Bothwell.
from Portland Wednesday after
spending several days in the
city on business and pleasure.
During her absence Mrs. B. C. I
Forsythe of lone looked after the
flower shop.
Word has been received of the
birth of a son, Anthony Loren,
to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Marshall
(Ellen Hughes) May 10 at Mc
Minnville Hospital. He weigh
ed 9 lbs. 11 oz. Grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hughes of
Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Marshall of McMinnvlile. Mrs.
I Hughes plans to go to McMinn
vlile Friday to spend a weeK
with the Marshalls.
Ralph Potter, Orva Dyer and
C. K. Barker were over from
Condon Friday transacting busi
ness in Heppner.
John J. Wgihtman has return
ed from a trip to Harrisburg, Pa.,
where he and his brother, Robert,
were called by the death of a
sister. Robert remained in Penn
sylvania and according to word
received by the family this week,
will remain east most of the
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rugg, long
time residents of the Rhea Creek
district, completed moving their
household effects to Hermiston
this week. Mr. Rugg is contem
plating building a new home in
Hermiston with construction to
begin next week. The farm on
Rhea Creek has been leased to
O. E. Baker who will take oc
cupancy the last of the week.
,Mrs. Harry Nelson and daugh
ters, Georgia and Wanda, of
Portland are visiting here with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Parker. Mr. Nelson brought
them up Snuday and returned to
the city.
Bobby Steagall, young son of
Mr .and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall of
Lexington, received a badly
sprained ankle Tuesday evening
when the horse he was ridmg
fell on him. X-ray revealed no
broken bones, he was treated at
the office of a local physician.
E. Markham Baker of lone was
a business visitor in Heppner
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munkers
motored to Milton Friday even
ing to spend the weekend with
relatives. Sunday they spent at
Tollgate where they encountered
considerable snow.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner
motored to Pendleton Friday to
attend the funeral services for
his grandfather, the late Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Perry
of Pendleton were over-Sunday
guests of her son, J. C. Payne.
Frank Fraters and Joe Dela
meter returned Friday from
John Day and Ritter Springs.
Loy McFerrln returned home
Thursday from St. Anthony's
hospital where he recently un
derwent a major operatoin. Mr.
McFerrin is recovering satisfac
torily at this time according to
reports from the family.
Sunday guests of Mrs. Cardia
Saling were her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Waller
Scott and family of Stanfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans and
son motored to Portland to spend
(he weekend with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs.
Recent guests of Mrs. Bertha
Johnson were her brother, T. H.
Deen of Oregon City and his
sun find daughter-in-law, M'.
and Mrs. Delbert N. Dean of Ar
lington. Paul McCoy left Saturday for
Summer Program
For Recreation Set
Up By Committee
Several Activities .
Planned To Start
A recreation program for Hepp
ner and surrounding communi
ties got under way Tuesday eve
ning with the meeting of the re
creation organization group,
Henry Tetz, chairman of the
youth recreation planning com
mittee, presented the committee
report and led the discussion of
17 representatives of community
organizations, including the chur
ches, school, lodges, and civic
and service groups.
An immediate summer pro
gram will include skating, ten
nis, badminton, Softball, a mar
ble tournament, soapbox derby,
street dancing, and other activi
ties for which there is a demand.
Each activity will be sponsored
by a community organization
A committee consisting of Ed
Dick, Harlan McCurdy Jr. and
Mrs. Fay Bucknum was elected
to complete plans and oversee
the summer program. Mrs. Will
iam Labhart was employed as
coordinator of all activities.
Radio Man Fined
On Assault Count
William A. Davidson, radio re
pair mechanic, paid a fine of $50
and costs of $4.50 in the justice
court Tuesday on a charge of as
sault and battery. Complaint was
filed by Crockett Sprowls, David
son's former employer.
The two men became engaged
in an altercation. Davidson
knocked Sprowls down once and
when he knocked him down a
second time Sprowls fell in such
a manner as to break his leg at
the ankle.
Laying of a new concrete floor
in the kitchen will necessitate
shutting down the dining room
service at the Elkhorn restaurant
for a few days next week. The
kitchen will be out of service
from Monday night the 16th un
til Saturday morning, May 21.
In the meantime fountain ser
vice will be maintained and light
lunches will be served.
Morrow County Health assoc
iation announces a dinner meet
ing for 6:30 Monday evening at
the Elkhorn restaurant. Election
of officers is on the agenda
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Gibb of
Seattle are the parents of a baby
girl, Sharon Lynn, Born May 8
at the Doctors' hospital, Seattle.
Mr. Gibb is the son of Alex Gibb
of Stanfeld.
Portland where he will spend
the week in attendance at the
northwest Rexall convention.
Mr. McCoy planned to visit rela
tives in Salem during his au
sence. Mr. McCoy and family plan
to leave for the middle west
Sunday where they will spend a
vacation of thre weeks.
Mrs. Marvin R. Wightman re
turned from Harbor the last of
the week where she has been
with her mother, Mrs. L. Hum
phrey, who has been ill.
Arch Redding and Carl Klind-
smith of Ellensburg. Wn.. were
overnight guests Sunday of Mr.
Redding's niece, Mrs. Alena An
derson. The gentlemen are pros
pectors and were touring aoout
looking over the country.
Frank Collins of Cottage Grove
and Roy Norlin of Tacoma weie
weekend houseguests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Collins.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Scouten and
children, Dennis and Sandra,
relumed Sunday evening from
The Dalles where they spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Collins.
Ray Attebury of Echo was a
business visitor in Heppner Fri
day. Russell Brady, of Walla Walla.
REA district Engineer, paid an
official visit to Heppner Friday.
Mrs. Fred Parrish entertained
the members of the Bookworms
Club at her home on Jones
Street, Tuesday evening. Mrs.
James Thomson reviewed the
book, "The Big Fisherman" by
Lloyd C. Douglas. Others present
included Mrs. Lucy Rodgers. Mrs.
Edwin Dick, Mrs. Sara McNamor,
Miss Lulu Hager, Mrs. Cornett
Green. Mrs. Frances Mitchell,
Mrs. Floyd Jones and Mrs. Lucy
Mrs. R. B. Rice and Mrs. W. E.
Davis entertained with a linen
shower Monday evening at the
Rice residence on Chase Street
complimenting Miss Jlerlene
Miller whose wedding to Don
Peoples will be an event of early
June. Guests were Mrs. Anna
Bayliss, Mrs. P. A. Mollahan,
Mrs. Elvon Tull, Nell Hemdon,
Mrs. Lucy Teterson, Mrs. Merle
Miller. Gifts were sent by sev
eral persons unable to be present.
In order to finish the tennis
courts. 30 to 40 men ore needed
Sunday morning at 6:30. This
is a community project to be
used for tennis, skating and'
many other things. Your help
will be appreciated.
Work on Hospital
Moving Along In
Satisfactory Manner
Satisfactory progress is being
made on construction of the Mor
row county hospital, according
to Judge J. G. Barratt Excavation
for the basement is nearing com
pletion and it is planned to ex
cavate for the south wing while
the equipment js on hand. The
contract calls for excavation for
the main building and the north
wing but the court has decided
to excavate for the south wing
now and save added expense in
the event the wing can be built
in the near future.
Dan Malarkey Jr. of the firm
of Malarkey and Moore is in
town today going over the job
and it is expected he will be able
to give figures on the cost of the
south wing. It is desirable to have
this addition as it will give four
extra basement rooms and allow
for 12 extra beds on the main
Mrs. Oscar George
New President of
Soroptimist Club
Election of officers for the new
club year which begins July 1
was the main item of interest at
the regular business meeting of
the Soroptimist Club of Heppner
last Thursday. Mrs. Oscar George
is the incoming president, Mrs.
Fay Bucknum, vice president,
Mrs. Conley Lanham, recording
secretary, Mrs. John Saager cor
responding secretary and Mrs.
Frances Mitchell treasurer. Mrs.
Mary Stevens is the new member
of the board of directors. Mrs. O.
G. Crawford served the club as
president for its first year, now
just closing.
Since one of the principle pro
jects of Soroptimists is the as
sisting of girls, the club voted a
scholarship of $100 for one of the
girls of the graduating class. It
was also voted to tax each mem
ber five dollars for this fund and
the money must be earned by
some other means than from the
member's classification. Earning
of the five dollar contributions is
causing much merriment and the
members are displaying much
ingenuity in planning things to
do to make money. June 30 is the
deadline on the project.
The officers-elect will be in
stalled at an evening meeting in
the latter part of June.
A new straight-away quarter
mile track has just been comple
ted at the Pendleton airbase by
Morrison Knudsen and Russell
Olsen, contractors for the North
west Quarter Horse association.
This track will be inaugurated in
conjunction with the Northwest
Quarter Horse association s an
nual show and sale to held on
May 12 through May 15 at Pen
The track was built especially
for quarter horses on which will
be run short races of 220 330, and
440 yards. Pari-mutuel betting on
quarter horse races is now legal
in both Oregon and Washington
and it is understood that there
will be pari-mutuel betting at
this meet. The track will in the
future have an additional one
half mile circular for longer dis
tances. The halter classes will be judg
ed at the Pendleton Roundup
grounds at 8 p. m. May 12 and
13, consisting of 14 classes. Rib
bons and trophies will be award
ed to the 6th place.
The Quarter Horse sale will be
held on Saturday evening, May 14
and working classes will be judg
ed at 1:30 p. m. Sunday the 15th.
Troop Mothers were guest of
honor at a picnic for which
Brownie Girl Scout Troop No. 3
was host at the Wightman farm
north of town Monday evening
after school. Forty-four mothers
and Brownies were present. Mrs.
John Farra is troop leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Add Moore re
turned Tuesday from Monument
where they spent the weekend
with their son, Emory Moore
and family. During their visit
they attended the festivities in
cident to the opening of the Big
Four Lumber Co. Mill on Mon
day. Mrs. Sara McNamer and Mrs.
Emma Evans returned Friday
from a pleasant trpl into southern
California where they visited for
several weeks. Some time was
spent with Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Feldman at Sunnyvale, who ac
companied them into Mexico
on a sightseeing jaunt. The la
dles report a delightful trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell were
In Portland for Mother's Day, re
turning late Sunday evening.
Big Four Sawmill
At Monument Set
In Motion Monday
About 80 People
From Heppner on
Hand for Opening
Approximately 80 Heppner
people drove to Monument Mon
day afternoon to participate in
official opening ceremonies of
the Broadfoot Bros. Big Four
Lumber Co. sawmill. Principal
showing made by the visitors
was the Heppner school band,
directed by Robert Collins, which
enlivened the occasion .and gave
the Monument people some of
the first band music heard in
their community in a number
of years.
Sponsored by the Heppner
chamber of commerce, no less
than 20 cars were employed to
carry the band, CC members and
other interested citizens. The
caravan arrived at the new little
industrial center by 3 p.m. and
after personal inspection of
plant, pond, and for some of the
younger folks, the town itself,
assembled in the sawing plant
for a brief program. The Monu
ment school was dismissed a
little early and school children
and residents of the town and
surrounding country gathered
at the mill to participate in the
ceremonies. It was estimated
that approximately 550 people
were present
Following three numbers by
the band, O. G. Crawford, presi
dent of the Heppner chamber of
commerce, extended greetings
from that organization and then
introduced Judge Garnet Bar
ratt who, capably expressed the
good will of Morrow county to
the people of Monument and vi
cinity. "This has always been
known as a great sheep and cat
tle country and until recent
years no thought was given to
the timber and the part it would
play in the future development
of the region," he said "And
now we are witnessing the start
of an industry that will be very
much in the foreground in the
years to come." The judge ex
pressed the hope that closer re
lationship will be established
between the two communities-
and that eventually the distance
will be lessened by construction
of a more direct route.
Henry Tetz said he had never
understood how Monument got
its name. A monument, he said,
was usually erected to com-
jnemorate something or other.
"Now you have erected a monu
ment to the future," he con
Demsey Boyer, long time resi
dent of Monument and one of
the leading business men of
that part of Grant county, re
sponded for his community. It
was a great pleasure to him to
have Heppner turn out on this
happy occasion for Monument
as he spent his boyhood and at
tended school at Heppner. While
the school could not boast of a
band in his day, he was proud
of the showing made by Mr. Col
lins and his young musicians
and expressed his deep appreci
ation for the visitation of band
and citizens.
At the request of the Broad-
foot Bros., Judge Barratt pressed
the button or something that set
the big diesel engine going and
then pulled the cord to blow the
whistle. The machinery was run
for a few minutes for the bene
fit of the spectators and then
the brief party was over, but noi
until band members, school
children and some of the adults
had partaken of refreshments
provided by the Big Four.
People making the drive over
are firmly convinced that some
thing should be done to the
highway between Hardman and
Spray Junction. Better still,
most of them think completion
of a road between the mouth ot
Chapin creek and Monument
via the Wall ceeks is not only
greatly to be desired but some
thing coming under the heading
of necessity. Realization of sueh
a route would mean closer re
lationship between the two sec
tions, and sentiment expressed
at Monument Monday afternoon
was for more neighborliness.
The Oregon state board of
health announced this week that
a restaurant sanitation school for
owners and all employees will be
held at Heppner May 16 and 17.
The classes are under the direc
tion of Paul Howen and William
B. Culham, state sanitarians.
The classes will meet in the
reading room of (lie Elks temple
from 10-11 a. m. and 8 9 p. rn.
on the days scheduled.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkinson
announce the engagement of
their daughter Shirley to George
R. Rugg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lo
well Rugg of Pendleton. The wed
ding date will be made known
later. Both young people are for
mer students at Oregon State col
lege and Mr. Kugg Is a veteran.