Poge2 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 28, 1949 EDITORIAL tfmmim f iiiifi4eyiiTni NATION At EDITORIAL assocAtkJn The Tourist Crop There is one crop not commonly associated with what we term as industry, yet it is one that brings millions of dollars to Oregon each season the tourist crop. Checked to no small degree in ISMS by the un precedented flood waters of the Columbia basin, the tourist crop as an industry is expected to bound back this season and there are forces at work to educate the people up to the idea of cash ing in on this outside money. One of the out Standing features of the educational program is the training of our residents to become hosts to the tourists. There are many angles to this and perhaps the most important one is that of direct ing attention of the residents to the fact that they have an interest in the tourist business, at least to the extent of making or trying to make the vis itor from beyond our borders feel welcome in Oregon. To impress Oregon residents with the import ance of the tourist business. Governor Douglas McKay has designated the week from May 2 through 8 as Tourist Host Week. The Oregon Ad vertising club, through its Tourist Promotion com mittee, is coordinating a statewide program for observance of this week. A tourist week caravan will visit eleven Oregon cities; there will be 15 minute transcriptions featuring the Portland Sym phonic choir, to be played on all Oregon radio stations during the week; window cards, banners and other display materials have been prepared all of which is designed to make Oregonians ap preciate Oregon. The importance of courteous service, accurate information and good accommo dations for tourist guests is being emphasized. It is not likely that this particular region will be overrun by tourists, yet if we make an effort to be good hosts to the few that may come this way we will be laying the foundation for a more extensive visitation from strangers, some of whom may be looking for the very things we have to offer the homeseeker. Needed Improvements Should Not Be Discouraged Residents of Gale and adjacent streets have signed a petition asking for the formation of an improvement district for the purpose of coping with the drainage problem. It is the desire of the petitioners to have Gale street and the streets crossing it graded and to put in curbing. In order to make the job permanent and provide better drainage it will be necessary to pave the street from curb to curb. To leave a strip of unpaved roadway on either side of the present pavement would be to invite recurring damage, both in re spect to the usual quantity of mud in the spring run offs and the probability that the gutters would be washed out In planning the improvement work the city council contemplated doing the paving work from the center strip to the curbs. It later developed that there would have to be an increase in the budget and the budget committee, in session with members of the council Monday evening, did not see fit to include funds for this improvement work or the city's part, to be more specific and unless the petitioners wish to assume the extra assessment it is more than likely none of the work will be done. There is an alternative and that is for the citi zens included in the proposed improvement dis trict to appear before the council and budget committee and ask that funds for the paving be included. That isn't saying that the request will or will not be granted, but it is safe to say that it will not be given consideration unless a show ing is made by those interested in having the im provement made. Other residents should attend the budget hear ing, the date of which will be announced later, and learn the nature of the proposed improve ments. It may appear, without investigating the plans, that the city would be placed in a position of playing favoritism. This is not the case. The city has an obligation to meet when the property owners express a willingness to bear a certain amount of the improvement expense and any other section may petition the same as the Gale street district and the city will be under obliga tion to meet a certain share of the expense. It might be that the grading and curbing could be done this year in the proposed district and anoth er district Chase street, for example could be taken up next year, and so on until the town be comes standardized as to grades and curbing. In any event, citizens interested in street and other improvements will do well to keep in touch with the council. After all, it is not the council's money that is being spent and the city officials are merely trying to spend available funds where they will do the most good. " taV-aTtVy r. rats 30 YEARS A0 Heppner Gazette Times. Thursday, Ma? 1. 1919 Closing exercises by three schools were enjoyed last Friday at Lena. The program preceded a big feed in the grove at the cross roads. Teachers taking part were Misses Josephine McDevitt, Myrtle Miller and Grace Leath ers. The Ladies Civic club gave a program at the Star theater Wed nesday evening. Some films were run through by Mr. Sigsbee and several young women sold can dies and ice cream cones through the audience. The net results were better than S100. The ladies are very much pleased over this, their first venture in raising funds for civic improvement. . Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford returned Tuesday from a visit of I several days at Eugene and Port land. While in Eugene Mr. Craw ford attended a conference of the I newspaper men of the state. Mrs. Oscar Borg departed for Portland Monday to spend a short time visiting in the city. ' Miss Margaret O'Rourke went to Portland Thursday to inter view the federal authorities in regards to her passport for Ire land. Miss O'Rourke had contem plated returning to her home as soon as the war closed but the government discourages ocean travel at present. John Elder returned to Heppner this morning. He returned from France about the first of April. He will go on to Ritter where his folks reside. Alva Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones of this city, reached home from overseas Tuesday ev ening. Alva spent 17 months in France in active service in the army. T. E. Chidsey and wife return ed home Tuesday from Pendle ton. They went over to attend the Oddfellows' cerebration. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Vincent of Butter Creek have been spending the week in Heppner, guests at the home of Mrs. Mattie Adkins. The stock of the Case Furni ture Company is being moved this week from the old Heppner block to the new building just north of the Oddfellows hall. The I. O. O. F. lodge of lone will sponsor a clean-up day at the cemetery on Saturday, May 7. Everyone interested is urged to be on hand at 9 o'clock on that date. Potluck dinner will be serv ed at the lodge hall for participants. STATE OWNED CARS MARKED No more joy rides for state of- fcials or employees In state-own ed cars, says the state board of control. The joint ways and means committee of the state legslature requested the board to see that each car be distinctly marked and any exemptions be approved by the board; that low priced cars be purchased so far as pos sible and exceptions be approved by the board; that each state de partment be responsible for the use of cars under its control and that no car be used for personal Business or pleasure These re commendations were adoted by the board. Others suggested but not adopted were the establish ment of car pools for employees: that cars be painted a special color and that officials and em ployees be prohibited from stor ing cars at their homes. FAIR WEATHER TIMES 'Thirty thousand unemployed were back on the payroll on April 1. "Seasonal decline in unemploy ment has ceased and the Spring recovery is now developing. "Resumption of activity in log ging and lumbering is taking place. "Heavy inventories in consum er goods, particularly household commodities, is resulting in sell ing campaigns to attract buyers and lower their sales resistance.' says John W. Kelly, executive di rector of the post war readjust ment commission in his monthly report to Governor Douglas Mc Kay. Kelly also reports there are $72,000,000 of new projects an nounced, wth millions more to come during the year. Portland has announced $21, 501,3S6; Salem, $3,721,992; Al bany, $753,126; Eugene, $646,000. COMPLETING LEGISLATIVE CHORE Approximately 60 House and Senate bills passed by the legis lature during the closing hours were signed Saturday by Senate President William E. Walsh and Speaker of the House Frank Van Dyke President Walsh became governor pro tempore Sunday when Governor Douglas McKay left the state on his way to Bellingham, Washington, to at tend a meeting of the Pacfic Northwest Trade associatidn. Governor McKay addressed the association banquet Monday eve ning. Walsh and VanDyke left for Sacramento Wednesday to attend a meeting of the Inter state Affairs commission Presi dent and Mrs. Walsh with son William will reestablish their temporary residence in Salem next month. President Walsh must devote much time to the many interim committees meet ing in the capitol and will be governor pro tempore during most of the month of June when Governor McKay will be attend ing to state business at meetings in eastern states. Shrine Rodeo To Draw High Class Talent of West Portland, April 21. (Special) If kids from 8 to 80 get a kick out of horses the Al Kader temple of the Shrine will have plenty to please. Signed for the Shrine Greater Rodeo this week are Roy Roger's famous horse "Trigger Jr.," and his Liberty Horses along with "Red Pony." They are scheduled to appear May 14 to 22 at the Pacific International Exposition buildings in Portland. Red Pony sprang into interna tional fame recently as the star of Republic's motion picture, "The Red Pony" which was written by the famed author, John Stein beck. Roger's Liberty horses also ap peared in that picture and proved a sensation as the eight matched steeds work a complete program med outline without the use of verbal command therefore the name. "Trigger, Jr.," of course is a name familiar to every American boy and girl and his ability to take verbal commands has made him one of the greatest equine stars of the silver screen. Headquarters for the Shrine Greater Rodeo are set up at 430 Southwest Sixth Avenue, Port land 4, Oregon, where mail or ders for tickets are now being taken. Right now is r(r.. t? I -sS FBI I f 9 We'll offer a generous allowance on your old refrigerator when you get a brand new REFRIGERATOR Don't wait for hot lummer weather when old refrigerators break down. It'll cost you too much. Trade in your old refrigerator now! Depending on the age, make and condition of your old refrigerator, we'll make you a generous allowance on a new Frigid aire...with all these newest, modem conveniences. GET WALT'S Broilers and Fryers at The Elks Club O'Donnell's Cafe Central Market Heppner Market in Heppner Victory Cafe Bristow's Red & White Swanson's Mercantile in lone e Meter-Miser mechanism e Exclusive Ouickube Trays e Big Freezer Storage e Glass-lopped Hydrator e Cold Storage Tray e Non-tilt Shelves 1 -Piece Lifetim Porcelain Food Compartment Interior Light Ask About Convenient Terms Heppner Appliance Company The BEST and MOST FOOD For the Price Where you Meet to Eat v Victory Cafe lone, Oregon Roy & Betty Lieuallen Special Sunday Dinners ASTORIA HOSPITAL PASSED UP "Not interested," said the state board of control when the mat ter came up of accepting the As toria Naval hospital for free to be used as a hospital or for edu cational purposes. The same of fer was made to the legislature but that body pigeon-holed the proffer. The Baptist Youth Insti tute has made a request for the property and buildings to be used used as a boarding school for crippled and dependent children PERMANENT CAR PLATES ORDERED Evidently the state board of control estimates there will be a heavy increase in auto licenses in 1950. This week they awarded a contract to a Portland firm to deliver 740,740 pairs of the newt permanent automobile license plates at 27 cents a pair. The next lowest bid was 29.7 cents a pair. The new plates wll be issued each month to groups of owners according to their alphabetical order. NEW HOSPITAL COTTAGES Construction of 12 motor courts to house state employes at the state hospital farm near Salem was approved this week by the slate board of control. Tumble-Weed Beef Club at Boardman Goes Into Action The 4-H Tumble-Weed Beef club met at the home of Delores Carlson Wednesday evening. Members of this club are paying dues of 50 cents for caps and all clubs are saving "Queen Bees" pattern coupons for silverware for the clubhouse. Refreshments of jello and cake were served. Next meeting will be at the home of Jackie and Richard Mulligan. Mrs. LaVern Partlow, seventh and eighth grade teacher, and eight students from the four up per grades motored to Irrigon Wednesday, April 20 to partake in the county spelling contest. Marie Potts, fifth grader, tied for third place. Others going were Delores Carlson, David Miles, Nancy Califf, Viola Worden, Lar ry Thorpe, Marlene Fisk and Georgia Landers. Ladies Aid Missionary met at the home of Mrs. Tim Rippee Thursday. The first quarter fi nance group had charge of the program and served the lunch eon. Chairman in charge was Mrs. Seth Russell, with Mrs. Hugh Brown and Mrs. Ralph Ear wood assisting. Next missionary meeting will be May 18 at 2 p. m. and will be at the home of Mrs. George Gustin. The Boardman Softball team was winner over the Phillips 66 Oilers last week with a score of 25-22. Players for Boardman are pitchers, Russell DeMauro and Gump (Andy) Jones; catcher, Bill Garner; others, Duane Brown Clayton Allen, Ike Murphy. Lloyd Ikey, Frank Colclessor, Bill Mil ler and Alfred Archer. Monday night will be a jamboree for all learns in the league, playing on the Hermiston field. Mrs. Robert Wilson was pleas antly surprised last week when ladies came to wish her a happy birthday. They were Mesdames Jack Mulligan, Ray Brown, Wal ter Wyss, Earl Briggs, Charles Anderegg, Bill Earnberg, Robert Fortner, and Miss Margaret Gllis, county health nurse. Continued on Fm Eight Mrs. M. E. Cotter came up from The Dalles for a few days last week. She reports Mr. Cotter as slowly mproving at the hosptal. The cost of the project was es timated to be $35,000 wtih smoe materials salvaged from the wreckage of an old ward build ing. Also approved was a proposal to advertise for bids on the con structor of a superintendent's ; residence at the Oregon boys' school at Woodburn. Cost is esti ' mated at $16,500. ' i v ' lone Junior-Senior Prom and Banquet Big Social Success DATES TO REMEMBER: April 29 Mother and daughter banquet 6:30 p. m., Congrega tional church. May 7 Clean-up at cemetery. Potluck dinner at noon at I. O. O. F. hall. May 3 Legion and auxiliary meeting 8 p. m. May 4 Eastern Star social meet ing at hall. May 5 Rebekah meeting 8 p. m. May 6 Operetta, "The Gypsy Rover," at gymnasum. April 30 DeMolay dance at Le gion hall. The Junior-Senior banquet and prom were held in the school gym Friday evening, April 22. The theme of the decorations in the gym was "April Showers," which consisted of light blue stieamers, parasols on the ceil ing and pastel streamers on the sides with while picket fences, wheelbarrows loaded with flow ers, a lily pond with model ducks around it. Apple blossoms and lilacs were used over the rooms and spring flowers in the win dow boxes. The menu was pine apple cocktail, crab salad, baked ham, sweet potatoes, green beans rolls, butter, olives, pickles, cel ery, strawberries and ice cream and wafers. The progra mduring the ban quet was as follows: Toastmistress, Lola Ann Mc Cabe; welcome, Robert Peterson; Senior response, Walter Berg Strom; will, Helmuth Hermann; history, Mary Holtz; prophecy, Clifford Aldrich. The tables were decorated in the class colors, crimson and gold, with gold candles and tal isman roses. A Pendleton orch estra played for the prom and during intermission little Linda Ha Worsen gave a recitation and song, and two numbers were rendered by the girls glee club, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Hen- dnckson. Punch and cookies were served at this time. The lone PTA served the banquet. The seniors are Clifford Aldrich, Helen Fay Baker, Walter Berg strom, Fayne Ely, Helmuth Her mann, Mary Holtz, Gene Ransier, and Arthur W'arren. Among those from here at tending the Flying Farmers meeting at Lexington airport Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Ballentyne, Mrs. Mary Hendrick son, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan son and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. For sythe. A potluck dinner was serv ed at noon. The Misses Janet Mason and Jean Ann Swanson were hostess es at an Easter party last week at the Garland Swanson home where they entertained the pre school children. They served Jel lo, cookies and punch. The 1 11 Beef club met at the E. M. Baker ranch Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson An derson and children and E. S. Stultz attended the meeting Re freshments were served after the meeting. TIRES STRONG SAFE LONG-WEARING BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES I Hodge Chevrolet Co. I Pht 403 HePPner 0re. ( I May 8th is Mother's Day Do You Know Exactly WHAT YOUR MOTHER WANTS AS A olFT r If you do not, come in and let us help you Choose Something Personal O HANDBAGS O LINGERIE O HOSIERY O HANDKERCHIEFS ANDERSON O WILSON Women's A f feral Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Mrs. Victor Rietmann left for Portland Sunday. They will attend the state P-TA convention at Eugene this week as delegates from lone. Rev. Edwin D. Kellogg of Clackamas gave the sermon at the Co-operative church Sunday morning In the absence of Rev. Alfred Shirley. Rev. Kellogg is the father of Mrs. Feathers of Lexington. He was accompanied by his wife. Rev. Shirley filled the pulpit of the Clackamas Con gregational church Sunday. Jack Ball, son of Elmer Ball, was badly bruised when a trac tor which he was driving for Bill Seehafer tipped over on him. Among those going to Pendle ton last week were Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake and son Ernie, Mrs. Ida Coleman, Mrs. Hazel Beers, Mrs. Echo Palmateer, Mrs. Del bert Emert and Mrs. Mary Emert. Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Meara and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aldrich and son Charles visited Mr. O Mear a's brother in Wasco Sunday. The social meeting of the Top ic club met at the home of Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Saturday after noon where the members were entertained at dessert bridge. Four tables were in play. Win ning prizes were, high, Mrs. Cleo Drake; second. Mrs. Victor Riet mann; jack high, Mrs. Paul Pet tyjohn. Hostesses were Mrs. R. E. Lundell, Mrs. Sam McMillan and Mrs. McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. Crcston Black from near Portland are staying at the Oscar Lundell home. Mr. Black is an electrician and they are opening up an electrical ap pliance shop adjacent to the Swanson store. Mrs. Black has been clerking at the Swanson store during the illness of Mrs. Doris Gollyhorn. The auxiliary of the American Legion held Initiation at the reg ular meeting April 19, when six members were received. The Le gionnaires were guests. A pro gram was given as follows: A talk on Child Welfare, Mrs. Vic tor Rietmann; talk by James Barnett, commander; songs by Patricia and Delores Drake, ac companied by Mrs. Cleo Drake; reading by RubyAnn Rietmann, and a talk by Mrs. Eldon Pad berg, auxiliary president. Lunch eon was sened in the dining room from tables decorated with candles and daffodils. The re Miss Francine Ely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely and Delmar Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wate Crawford, were mar Frday, April 22 at Stevenson, Wash., Ilev. J. II. Avery officiat ing. Mr and Mrs. George S. Schmidt of Portland were the at tendants. Mrs. Schmidt is a cou sin of the groom. The bride wore a pink wool suit, a pink hat, black accessories and a purple orchid. Mrs. Crawford is a grad uate of the lone schools and is employed at the Heppner bank. Mr. Crawford also attended the lone schools and was wth the U. S. navy. They will live in the new Case apartments in Hepp ner. Mrs. Crawford will continue her work at the bank and Mr. Crawford will help his father on the farm near lone. Word was received of the death of the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myers of Mis souri last week. Contract Wiring Service Special Low Prices on Wiring Material Wall Outlets 18c to 50c each Wall Switches - 30c to 50c each Settles Electric Service Corner Chase and Willow Shop phone 2253 Residence phone 2542 Heppner Oregon NO NUT is too hard to crack! No problem is too hard to solve! Not many of them, anyway! We know we're being immodest . . . but we hope we're also reassuring whe nwe say we haven't found an insurance problem we couldn't solve. All kinds of insurance BLAINE E. ISOM AGENCY