Page 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 14, 1949 Community of lone Dated Up Solid For Balance of Month CATtS TO f EMEMFtH of Willows i lurk dinner April 35 liB' pranur Kt hall: p" at noon. April 16 Willows pranpe mora, hcrv wii1 to Bo.irriman and jnprt with Greenfield prance in ine evening. April lfi A mora club food mIo ii 2 pm. Bristol's s'oro. Apr tl 17 Easter program of the Co-operative Church of lone: Sunrise service af 5 a m. on hill pnijth of lone, followed by break fast at F M Baker home. At 10 o'clock children present their pro pram: 11 o'clock. Kastor worship service with special music by the 'choir. The pastor's theme will be "Immortality the Present Tene": " .11 p m.. Easter cantata. "The Divine Redeemer," by the choir. This cantata is a special arrangement of some of the best known compositions by i 'har'es ui umid. Kveryone welcome to at tend these sorv ices. April IS Regular meeting of lone P-TA. It will be open house, a propam by third and fourth grades, moving picture by Mr. and Mrs. (inland Swanson. elec tion of officers. April 19 Meeting of Legion and Auxiliary, initiation by Aux iliary. April -0 Homemakers festival at Rhea Creek. April 21 Regular meeting of Rehekahs. April 22 Junior-Senior ban quet and prom. April 23 lone Cleanup day. April 23 Social meeting of Topic club. The Social club of the Eastern Star met at the home of Mrs. K. M. Baker Wednesday afternoon of last week with around 14 members present. Refreshmnets were served by Mrs. Baker. Henry Peterson spent the week end at home from Salem where he is serving in the lower house of the legislature. The city council discussed im provements to be made in the town. April 23 was set lor oe..n up day and the propertv -w -- e urged to clean up their lots. The study meeting of the Ti,u. club was held at the Sam MoM't home in Lexington Friday afternoon of last week. The roll call was housekeeping p before 1900. Some very interest ing experiences were given. An article on "Skeletons in the Med icine Chest" was read by Mrs. Kr: neis Kly The bo. ' : ' Me Great Pleasure," by Emily Kimbrough. was reviewea oy Mrs. Sam McMillan who imper- U. P. Elects Two New V. P.s We Offer. . . CM WE For all Chevrolet Owners. We are offering a complete car inspection free of charge! Good only during April. Our expert me chanics will completely check the inside and outside of your car. No obligation, no delay. Bring Your Chevrolet fa Hodge Chevrolet Company Phone 403 Heppner, Oregon YUt , Ling O-go- '. j A J. SEITZ W. T. BURNS of pr1 c A. J. Seitz, above, vice presi dent of traffic for Union Pacific has been elected executive vice president by the railroad's board of directors at New York City. At the same time three other key promotions at I'nion Paci fic's Omaha headquarters were announced: W. T. Burns, generii freight traffic manager, to sue ceed Mr. Seiti as traffic vice president; J. K. MacAnally, as sistant freight traffic manager, to succeed Mr. Burns as gener ii MacANALLY MARVIN freight traffic manager, and N.vlce president in 1946, B. Marvin, assistant to the tral fic vice president, as assistant freight traffic manager. Mr. Seitz, a railroad man since 1911, joined I'nion Pacific m 1!H9 and rose through a succes sion of important traffic depart "-nt posts to become traffic Mr. Burns started with Union Pacific following World War I in the stores department, be coming associated with freight traffic in 1926. Mr. MacAnally and Mr. Mar vin have been with the company sine: 19-6 and 1925, respective'v sonated Miss Kimbrough in the review. Refreshments were serv ed -by Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs. Harlan McCurdy and Mrs. McMil lan. lone beat Heppner by a large score, in a baseball game here Sunday afternoon. This vas the first home game of the season on the turfed field. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward o! Portland were visitors at the Bert Mason home Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Salter and daughter Joyce went to Pendleton Monday where Mrs. Salter consulted a phvsician. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe were Pendleton visitors Monday. Mrs. H. C. Woods of Portland was a week-end guest at the Lana Paduerg home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell entertained the following guests at a dinner Thursday evening of last week: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hendrickson, Mr. and Mrs. Gar land Swanson and family, Mrs. Mary Swanson and Miss Mary Brackett. Keith Hendrickson left Sunday morning for Provo, Utah, after spending a week here. Harry Wartenke, carpenter on the Ga'r'and Swanson residence, spent the week end at his home in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs Harry Yarnell i spent a couple of days last week ; in Biekleton, Sunnyside and Yak ima, Wash. I Oscar Lundell is bulding a 1 brick fence on his place. Omar Rietmann is mnking a great improvement on their back lots and putting up a wire fence. John Bryson is having some trees cut down on his property. The volleyball girls were en tertained at a dinner at the school house Tuesday evening ot last week. The guests were the high school girls, the teachers and the girls' mothers. The tables were decorated in keeping with Easter. The hostesses were Mrs. Wallace Matthews, Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn, Mrs. Cleo Drake. Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs. L. A. McCabe and Mrs. Francis Ely. Miss Mary Brackett accompan ied Delores Drake, Ingrid Her mann, Lola Ann McCabe and Ruby Ann Rietmann to Pendle ton to a tri-state girls' league convention Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and children spent the week end in Walla Walla. Pendleton vsitors last week were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hend rickson, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palma teer and Mrs. Jack Healy and daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and Mrs. Pete Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCabe gave a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of her father, E. W. Bris tow. The Bristow family was pre sent. The Legion boys gave a dance Saturday night and the auxiliary served the lunch. They also auc tioned a cake which brought $10. This will go to the child's wel fare. Over $3") was taken in at the auxiliary food sale Saturday afternoon. This will go toward sending at least two girls to Girl's State in Salem in June Merle Baker underwent a ma lor operation at the Providence hospital in Portland last week. Mrs. Baker plans to go down after him this week. Arthur Stefan! Jr. is building an 8-foot addition to their house which will enlarge a bedroom, the living room and utility room. He plans to build a fire place and is, also, building a brick garage. Miss Jean Ronald of Portland spent the week end with Miss Shirley McGreer at the Vernon Troedson home. Her father, Rob ert Ronald spent a few days at the Troedson home last week. Mrs. R. L. Brewster of Portland Is vsiting her daughter, Mrs. Ver ner Troedson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nottage of Portland spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson. Miss Betty MCormiek of Eugene is visiting at the home of her aunt, I Mrs. H. O. Ely, at Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bell of The Dalles were visitors here Friday and Saturday of last week. They visited her daughter, Mrs. Jerol Bailey. Mrs. Hazel Beers of Eagle Creek is visiting her sister, Mrs. Echo Palmateer, and is also helping paper at the Ted Palmateer ranch. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary Sunday. Mrs. Edith Nichoson and G. A. Petteys were Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, Mrs. Doris Gollyhorn and son sH-nt Sunday in the mountains. Miss Alice Nichoson of Port land spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Edith Nichoson. She entertained at a b.irihday party for her mother Sunday af ternoon. Those present were Mis. Frank Engelman, Mrs. C. V. Swanson, Mrs. Walter Roberts, Mrs. Clell Rea and children, Johnny and Kalherine; Mrs. Lloyd Morgan, Mrs. Waller Dob yns, Mrs. Kenneth Smouse, Mrs. Delia Corson, Mrs. Minnie Forbes, Mrs. D. M. Ward, Mrs. E. R. Lun dell and Mrs. Bert Mason. Birth day cake which was made by Mrs. C. W. Swanson was served Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White are remodeling their apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tiee of Pendleton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson and daughter, Mrs. Leola Tucker, ' of Prossor spent the week end at the home of his sister, Mrs. T. M. White. Mrs. Clarence. Brenner and son Gary were Hermiston visitors last week where Gary had some den tal work done. The Log Ion and their auxiliary held their regular meeting Tues day evening of last week. Re freshments were served after the meeting by Mrs. W. E. McCoy and Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Mrs. Dora Pierrot of Port land is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Franklin Ely. At the regular meeting of the Rebekahs Tuesday evening o' last week Mrs. Cleo Drake an.' Mrs. E. R. Lundell were eleeied as delegates and Mrs. Etta Bris tow and Mrs. Mary Swanson i's alternates to go to the Rebekah , assembly at .North Bona in May. Mrs. Francis Ely will attend a. I district deputy president. Alter the meeting refreshments were I served by Mrs. C. W. Swanson. I Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mrs. Wal lace Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cheney ami children of Portland spent a few days this week at the Garland Swanson home. Mr. Cheney is the owner of the Palais Royal and i.s a dancing instructor. H. G. Helmbigner of Odessa, Wash., is visiting at the home of his son, Ray Heimbignor. The Heimbigners were The Dalles vis itors Saturday. Miss Froncine Ely was hostess at a dinner party Vednerd:'.v evening of last week at her home cal scenes at the P-TA meeting hospital Monday. Her daughters, at the school house Monday eve-! Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom arid ning, April S, at 8 p.m. Among Mrs. C. D. McCabe, are with her. them will be pictures of the local She is reported to be getting weddings durings the past year, 'along satisfactorily, harvest scenes, and many others j Mrs. John Eubanks and Miss of interest to the people in Hit.' : wilma Dalzell are also patients community. jn T,e Dalles hospital. Miss Dal Mrs. Ethel Stewart underwent zell received Injuries in a recent a major operation at The Dalles ' automobile accident. "Vfestinghouse 'anes (WE AMAZING, NEW 0 dinner guests. The 7th and 8th grades gave a I in honr of ,he birthdays of her play and seued lunch to their ' brother, Fayne Ely, and of Miss parents Friday evening of last KUU rtnn "'eimann. wuiers pie- week at the school house. Those in the play, 'Dumb Dora," were Shirley McGreer, Joan Coleman. Jerry Bristow, Ralph Kincaid Beverly Jacskon. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. Algott and Oscar Lun dell and John Botts furnished the music. sent were the Misses Ingrid Her mann, Patricia Drake. Helen Fa Baker, Kern Jones, Lola Ann Me- : Cabe, Messrs. James Pettyjohn. ' Delmar Crawford, John Bristow. Arthur Wanen, Helmuth Her- j mann and Walter Bergstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson will show motion pictures of lo- See the big, new Westinghouse Commander with such even heat you can bake perfectly anywhere in its spacious Miracle Oven! Enjoy its new surface cooking capacity, with bonus working space for large utensils . . .Try its simplified cooking controls that never make you reach over hot utensils! OTHER MODELS FROM 1 8995 to 37495 w can h SMB.. if its WSUllllOUSC GONTY'S Phone 2353 IM1 SUE M '168440 (Delivered Here, License and State Tax Extra) 1W 11 mi FORD SIX TUDOR SEDAN This delivered price Includes transportation from the factory, federal taxes and an oil filter and air filter, too. And it Includes that wonderful new Ford "feel" ... the feel of Ford's "Mid Ship" Ride ... the feel of Ford's "Magic Action" Brakes . . the feel of new "Hydra-Coll" and "Para-Flex" Springs that smooth the bumps . , . "Fingertip" Steering. Come In and drive the '49 Ford. You'll want to order right now. in your future v Eosewall Motor Company FASHION ACADEMY OF HEW YORK SELECTS THE ' FORD AS "FASHION CAR OF THE TEAR"-