Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 14, 1949, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 14, 1949
Page 5
News From
C. A. Office
Resuhdemonstrallons on the
use of IPC and TCA, two new
chemicals for weed control, were
made during the week at the W.
E. Hughes ranch on Butter creek
and the Loyd Howton ranch near
While these new chemicals are
not readily available on the mar
ket they are being used, exper
imentally, on control of cheat
grass in alfalfa and for the con
trol of quackgrass. Unlike 2, 4-D,
they are effective on grasses for
selective control in broadleaf
Application was made on these
plots at the rate of 7 12 and 15
pounds per acre in the case of
TCA with 3 and 6 pounds per
acre of IPC used
Results of the demonstrations
will be made available when
checks are made.
E. R. Jackman, farm crops spe
cialist, OSC, perhaps the most
noted authority on grasses and
grass-legume seed mixtures in
the Pacific northwest has recent
ly announced that a greatly en
larged seed demand is in pros
pect for Crested Wheatgrass. Pos
sibilities of wheat careage allot
ments is sure to keep the de
mand high.
Since Morrow county has a
large acreage of crested wheat
grass, much of it could be cut for
seed if growers planned ahead
of time. This acreage would ben
efit from a timely nitrogen appli
cation if made now. He recom
mends an application of two hun
dred pounds of ammonium sul
fate to the acre. There's lots of
moisture, Jackman says, but a
lack of nitrogen will limit seed
A lot of interest is being shown
in sod waterway seedings lately.
Regardless of conservation mea
sures, there are times when there
will be a surface runoff from
sloping land. This was well il
lustrated this past winter Unless
this runoff can be confined to
protected channels considerable
gullying will be the outcome. Sod
waterways can be used for this
control of erosoln in many sec
tions of Morrow county.
Grasses being used for these
sod waterway seedings are in
termediate wheat grass, pubes
coat ' wheat grass, big bluegrass,
and sheep fescue. The wheat
grasses mentoned are most ideal
due to their sod forming char
acteristics While there are sever
al waterways being seeded this
spring, these could be seeded
well in the fall of the year. There
is an AAA practice payment of
70 per cent of the cost not to ex
ceed 10 cenl3 per cubic yard for
earth moved in reshaping and
filling the waterways. A payment
of 75 cents per 1000 square feet
in seeding the waterway to grass
is also made. We will be glad
Vl NV Ask for these V.
1 t ' ' Standard Milk and Cream -JK
v 7 A V Homogenized Milk
: ,' Buttermilk Butter B
. ' - A Whipping and Table Cream tfSSSO
, i ' ' Ice Cream Chocolate Drink tf'V'W
1 - ' flFi Cheddar Cheese - Cottage Cheese B
to hold your plan and supervise
the sod waterway on your farm.
One of the office callers this
week was Mrs. Annie Smouse for
house-plan suggestions, particu
larly kitchens. Among the helps
given her was a mimeograph, HE
7-401 ... A Step Saving U Kit
chen. Some of the features are
handy storage potato and veg
etable bins above the sink; re
volving cupboards in often awk
ward corners (for pots and pans
as well as spices); Ian built in
above the refrigerator to carry
off objectionable odors; pull-out
boards that lock, and asbestos
padded shelves above stove. Cop
ies may be secured at the county
agent's office.
Mrs W. C. Van Winkle asked
for help with cleverly designed
pockets for blouses and dresses.
PHONE 2682
Mailing of Cancer '
Funds Simplified
By P.O. Department
A new arrangement for mail
ing contributions to the Ameri
can Cancer Society has" been ap
proved by the post office depart
ment, it was announced.
The post office department ex
plained that persons writing to
the society need only to address
the letter to CANCER in care of
their local postoffices. In Hepp
ner such a letter would be ad
dressed as follows:
"Cancer, Heppner, Ore."
Such a letter would be deliver
ed to the Oregon division head
quarters of the society at 429 S.
W. 4th avenue, Portland.
The same arrangement will be
in effect the year-around, the
post office department reported,
explaining this is not merely an
arrangement for the month of Ap
ril when the society's annual
fund-raising program is in pro
gress. Walter W R. May of Oregon
City, state campaign chairman,
welcomed the arrangement as "a
fine gesture" on the part of the
post office department and ex
pressed the belief it would facil
itate mail contributions to the
The society has set a goal of
$130,145 for Oregon, and May
has urged an all-out effort to
raise this sum so the vast re
search and educational projects
or the society can be pursued
without curtailment.
Every Oregon driver's license
with a "5R" serial number will
have expired by the end of April
Secretary of State Earl T. New
bry has announced.
Stressing that the old permits
with serial numbers beginning
with "5R" have been expiring in
consecutive blocks since June,
1947, regardless of the date print
ed on the license, the secretary
warned that state and local po
lice are citing many drivers who
failed to renew on schedule.
As a result of intensified police
checks a flood of current and
delayed "5R" renewals is pouring
into the license department,
Jumping from 17,676 in February
to 30,438 in March. They are re
placed wtih new permits which
expire according to the holder's
birth date.
Pointing out that an expired
license is the same as no license
at all, Newbry urged all holders
of 5R permits to file renewal
applications immediately. Fee
schedules may be obtained from
the sheriff or police department
or from any drivers' license examiner.
Live Stock Insecticides
Cattle Grubs
Cattle Lice
Airplane Application Available
o -
Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc.
Heppner Lexington lone
Hi-Ways to
Ada R. Maryne
,H"" (iimiMii iiiHirrtmiimiMiitii!
"E" Stands for Eastpr anrl nlcn
for eggs and the two are cer
tainly synonymous with spring.
Eggs can't reallv hp ralL.H e.
sonal but with Easter on its way,
eggs seem to take on renewed
interest and flavor.
Eggs are one of the most nour
ishing and versatile foods we can
use. Teamed ud with cheese thpv
can double for meat any time.
t-ggs furnish excellent protein
necessary for growth, vitamin A,
vitamin D, thiamine and ribofla
vin, and two imoortant minerals
iron and phosphorous.
ideal spring luncheon or sup
Der dishes feature ppps rrimhinprl
with cream sauce, vegetables and
cneese. Eees Benedict is a rlpli.
cious dish yet very easy to pre
pare. It is substantial enough for
Sunday supper when served with
a Green veeetahle. a tart salaH
and dessert. Baked Egg Casserole
combines mushrooms, chopped
green pepper and potato chips in
a cream sauce, the whole thing
DODDed into a casserole and hak-
ed. This is a grand way to use
leftover Easter eggs, too.
Eggs Benedict
(Serves 6)
6 thin slices nam
3 English muffins, round buns and stir into beaten egg yolks.
or toast slices iCook over boiling water 3 min-
6 eggs poached utes, stirring constantly. Add
2 cups cheese sauce or mock mustard and blend. Makes 2
hollandai.se sauce cups.
Lexington Cafe
We will feature
All Day Sunday
Price Per Plate
All Other Meals
Will Be Lower
In Price
Due to Lower Meat Prices
Pan broil ham until lightly
brown and edges curl slightly.
Split muffins or buns, spread
with butter and toast halves.
Place slice of ham on each half
and then a poached egg. Serve
hot topped with mock holland
aise sauce. Garnish with minced
Mock Hollandaise Sauce
2 Tbsp butter
3 12 Tbsp flour
1 tsp salt
2 cups milk
2 egg yolks, beaten
2 Tbsp lemon Juice
1 tsp dry mustard or dash cay
enne Melt butter in top of boiler; add
flour and salt and blend. Grad
ually add milk, stirring constant
ly until thick and smooth. Re
move from heat, add lemon juice
Baked Egg Casserole
(Serves 6)
1 small can mushrooms
1 Tbsp chopped green pepper
2 Tbsp butter
4 Tbsp flour
12 tsp salt
2 cups milk
1 cup potato chips, crushed
6 hard cooked eggs
Saute mushrooms and green pep
per in butter. Add flour and salt
r nd blend. Add milk and cook,
stirring constantly until smooth
and thickened. Sprinkle half of
crushed potato chips In bottom
of a greased casserole. Cut eggs
in halves lengthwise and place
cut side down on chips. Top with
remaining potato chips. Pour
white sauce over all. Bake for 20
minutes in a moderate oven, 350
Accident Prevention
Power Company Aim
Pacific Power & Light company
will help prevent arcidents on
the farm by assisting wherever
a hay derrick must be moved
under power lines, according to
J. R. Huffman, local manager,
Huffman said a request by tel
ephone or mail to the nearest
P. P. & L. office will bring a ser
vice man who will either raise
electric wires or open a line
switch to provide safe clearance
for the derrick. The company
makes no charge for the service.
By Advertising In
Thi Newspaper JL y
- n c
New 949
1 JN
m mm
The Most Beautiful Thing on Wheels!
We are, of course, very proud and happy
Xjf that people everywhere are calling the
Js new Pontiac "the most beautiful thing on
wheels." Pontiac is a brilliantly beautiful automobile
as handsome a car as ever rolled over America's
streets and highways.
But Pontiac's real beauty cannot be fully appreciated
until you drive the car yourself. For the new Pontiac
iaheautifullv engineered, too to give you a completely
different kind of automobile performance that simply
must be experienced in order to be believed.
Pontiac for 1949 offers a totally hew kind of ride a
ride as smooth and effortless and eomfortable as a
car can be. And either of Pontiac's famous engines,
six- or eight-cylinder, is a sweetheart for power.
Remember, too, Pontiac is the low est -priced ear
in the world offering the ease of Hydra-Matic
Drive. Available on all models at extra cost.
Take a longlook at the next new Pontiae you see then
come in and give the car a really thorough exami
nation. That's the way really to appreciate hy people
are calling Pontiac"themost beautiful thingon wheels.''
Your first thrill is seeing if. . .
Your greatest thrill is driving it !
Th Stylelin D Lux 2-Door Svdan
While tidtwall Htm optional at xtra eot
Tie nmBcmdjit 'MXpW
now made even more attractive by new lower prices !
Tfc. motf Beautiful BUY for Styling. Yes,
it has smoother, smarter lines front,
ton, side and rear! Add to this the glowing
color harmonies, the luxurious fittings and
fabrics of its Itodics by Fisher, and you'll
understand why people call Chevrolet
Die most beautiful of ears.
The most Beautiful BUY for Driving
and (tiding Eat. with new ('enter-Point
Design. This great 4-way engineering
advance including Center-Point Steer
ing, Center-Point Seating, Lower Center
of Oravity without loss of road clearance,
and Center-Point Hear Suspension
brings you a brand new kiml of driving and
riding ea.se exclusive to Chevrolet and
higher-priced ears.
The most Beautiful BUY for Talk about thrills!
Performance with Economy ?!U.'U ,he,b,ifft
triple-thrill tn
motoring out of seeing, driving, and saving money
with this new Chevrolet the most beautiful buy
of all now available at new lower prices!
And, while you'll naturally be happy to know
it's the beauty-leader, we believe you'll get your
greatest thrill out of driving it. You'll experience
amazing new handling ease and riding ease, thrill
ing acceleration, and outstanding hill-climbing
ability plus typical Chevrolet economy. For
here's the only low-priced car with a world's
champion Valve-In-Head engine of the type
now being used on more and more higher-priced
Give yourself and your family the biggest
"triple-thrill" in motoring see, drive and save
with Chevrolet the most beautiful buy of all!
The matt Beautiful BUY for Comfort.
Enjoy the lounging restfulness of a Super
Size Interior with extra-wide "Five-Foot
Seats," extra-generous head, leg and
elbowroom, and the advanced heating
and ventilating system of a "ear tliat
breathes." "Heater and defroster optional
at extra cost.)
The most Beautiful BUY for Ail-Round
Safety. Featuring: (1) CertiSafe (Irakis
with "Dubl-I.ife" rivetless brake linings
() Kxtra-Strong Fisher I'liisti-el Hody
(S) runoramie Visibility (4) Safety Plate
Glass in all windows, and (.5) the smjkt
safe Unitized Knee-Action Hide.
.If,1 (P
AMERICA'S c HOIl i rot
li riAis