Page A Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 14, 1949 hiyirc 0 SOITH1 j Go IS.. 1 These Churches Invite YOU HEPPNER CHURCHES All Saints Memorial (Episcopal) First Methodist Church Heppner Church of Christ St. Patrick's Catholic Church The Assembly of God LEXINGTON Lexington Church of Christ IONE Co-Operative Church of lone St. Williams Catholic Church BOARDMAN Community Church IRRIGON Assembly of God Baptist Community Church aljr iflranhtg at Eastrr On the morning of Easter the Christians of an earlier day used to exchange this greeting : "The Lord is risen," and the an swer: "He is risen indeed"-a statement not simply of an event in time, but of a process in eternity. And the great missionary apostle wrote n his letter to the Colossian Christians, "If (or since) ye be risen with Christ, seek these things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right, hand of God," and adds, that the way to accomplish it is to "set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth." These words seem to suggest a little as to the meaning of Easter: The setting forth of an eternal fact, and just a hint as to the interpretation and personal appli cation of that fact. The friends of the Crucifixion had giv en the world a picture of death, of dark ness, of despair. The Hope of the world nailed to the cross and dying between two thieves. The disciples, who trusted that He it was who would redeem Israel, broken hearted, scattered, defeated. Abruptly, completely, the scene changes and Easter Day gives a picture that makes hope live again. Something has transpired that transforms defeat into victory, something that transforms the beaten, defected, disillusioned disci ples into a dynamic, courageous body that carried the gospel message throughout the length and breadth of the great em pire of Rome, and that within three-quarters of a century. Easter brings a cross that is empty; a tomb that is empty, and a message from the Eternal Truth that tells of Light and Life. Easter tells us that death is not a wall, but a door; a door into a shadowy passageway that leads through darkness into light the light of God's presence. In the words of one of the greatest of all war-time chaplains: "I know There is no death. 'Tis but a phantom fear That haunts thesoul apart from God. Christ rose! The stone was rolled away, and echoing His voice startled Death's sentry guards. "Behold I live forever, and have cast the keys Of Hell into the bottomless abyss." Lift up your heads, ye golden gates, for all To enter in who will to walk the way. Christ lives! And round the living Christ, new worlds Burn to their birth in light; new triumph songs Make music 'mid the silent stars, and swell Like ocean's thunder on a sounding shore. Life! Life! More Life! Christ lives for-evermore." The Following Merchants Sponsor This Page Heppner Photo Farley Pontiac Co. Studio A FINE CAH MADE FINER SNAPSHOTS at EASTERTIME NOW ON DISPLAY wm Keep Forev Heppner, Oregon LOUIS LYONS Heppner, Oregon Heppner Bakery ElkhornCafe Decorated Easter Eggi SPECIAL EASTER DINNER with Name vVe Cater to Familiei CAKE EASTER HATS Heppner, Oregon Saager's Pharmacy 1 HeppnerCleaners Heppner, Oregon Turner, Noroh'sShop von Matter & Co. Ladles 'and Children's Apparel REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Heppner, Oregon Heppner, Oregon Heppner Humphrey's Red & White n r Drug Company StOre Heppner, Oregon Heppner, Oregon Archer-Daniels Central Market Midand Co & Grocery ' Grain Buying Grain Storage Heppner, Oregon lone, Oregon Owens Hardware Heppner Garage Your Mar.haii wen. sto Heppner, Oregon firs ii r Thomson Bros. 0 Donnell s Cafe Groceries & Produce Heppner, Oregon Heppner, Oregon I Pacific Power & C. A. Ruggles Light Co. BLAINE e. isom agency Your Partner in Progress Since P. O. Box 611 1910 Heppner, Oregon The Heppner Gazette Times Join these Merchants in Urging Your Attend ance at Church Sunday