Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 14, 1949, Page Page 10, Image 10

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Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 14, 1949
More Acres Under Cultivation
: 1
. . ; 5
This is a picture ol the Crum
Bros.' land leveling equipment
ot work in the Vernon Brown
field midwoy between Lexing
ton and lone. The tield com
prises approximately 13 acres.
4500 yards ol dirt were moved
at the rate of over 115 yards
per hour. Fhotographer Louis
Lyons snapped the picture as
Brown was discussing the job
with Johnny Rea, operator oi
the outfit Engneering for the
work was dene by the Heppner
Soil Consevration district.
Irrigon 4-H cooking clubs v. ore
pleasantly surprised Saturday
ternoon after their regular lesson
on fruits. .Mrs. Paul Slaughter
served refreshments. An E.ster
egg hunt was the recreation for
the afternoon. Miss Mabel Wil
son was present to load the 27
club members in singing 4-H club
The Junior Stockrr.ens 4-H club
met at the Vernon Munkers home
near Lexington on Sunday. April
10. The meeting was called to or
der by Vice President Sally Pal
mer, with club members Joan
Wilson. Marilyn Munkers. Jean
Marie Graham, Jim Wightman.
Roger Palmer and George Her
mann present.
Instruction on dairy judging
ws given by N. C. Anderson,
county agent. A wiener and
marshmallow roast was held af
ter the club meeting.
Reporter. Jean Marie Graham.
Oregon 4-H club members are
igain being offered the oppor
tunity to raise pheasants for the
Oregon State Game commission.
State Club Leader L. J. Allen has
Eggs will be shipped prepaid
to any 4-H club member in Ore
gon w ho has the approval of his
Mun'y extension agent to parti
cipate in the project. The game
commission will pay club mem
bers one dollar apiece for all
birds raised to condition for re
lease at age 10 weeks.
Young pheasants will be re
leased by an agent of the game
commission with some of the
birds to be freed on the ciub
member's property if environ
mental conditions permit. Allen
The purpose of the project is
to teach club members apprecia
tion of wild life resources and to
encourage interest in wildlife
; conservation, Allen adds. County
extension agents have complete
details concerning the project.
New 4-H Club Organized
Saturday. April 9. Mrs. Jojin
i Graves gathered together a group
of girls and started a new 4-H
'club. Sixteen girls enrolled anr
five ladies were present. The
members are Shirley Hunt, Joan
Breeding. Betty Messenger, Glen
ina Griffith, Marilyn Munkers.
Birdie Cantrell, Deanna and Pat
I Steagall. Marlene and Nanette
Griffith. Beverly and Phyllis No
; lan, Janet and Judy Howton. and
, Patricia and Shirley Peck. Mrs
Graves presided over the meeting
until a president was elected. The
officers were elected as follows:
President. Shirley Hunt; vice
president, Janet Howton; secre-
. J H i
- -f , ,
' f : f
i ' i
All Wool
44 75
All Wool
Fussy Spring
n Whites
29.8 &
51 Gauge 15 Denier
Sheer Nylon
45 Gauge 30 Denier
Daytime Sheer
Glenn Warner, minister.
Union Sunrise service, 6:00 a.m.
Bible school. 9:45 a.m., C. W.
Barlow, superintendent.
- Morning worship and commun.
ion, 11:00 a.m. Sermon theme,
"Daybreak on a Dark Road."
Christian Kndcavor, 6:30 p.m.
Evening service, 7:30 p.m. Ser
mon theme, "The Angel's Mes
sage from the Tomb."
CHURCH (Episcopal)
Holy communion. 8 a.m
Church school, 9:45 a.m.
Holy communion and sermon.
11 a.m.
Choral vespers and presenta
tion of the children's Mite Box
offering, 5 p.m.
Senior Y. P. F., 6:30 p.m.
Meditations on the Seven
Words from the Cross, 12 noon to
3 p.m. This service is divided into
sections so that any who find it
impossible to remain for the en
tire service can enter or leave at
their convenience.
Easter Eve (Saturday) Easter
party for children of the church
school, 2:30 in the parish house.
Baptisms from 4 to 5.
The afternoon of Easter day.
baptisms by appointment from 3
to 4:30 and during the vesper ser
Wednesday Holy communion.
10 a.m.
Friday Holy communion, 7:30
Choir Practices Girls, Wednes
day at 4; boys, Thursday at 4;
adults. Thursday at 8.
tary, Beverly Nolan, and report
er. Patricia Peck.
The club is a sewing and cook
ing club Thirteen girls enrolled
for sewing and three for cooking.
The club chose for a name, 'The
Singing Stitchers and Cooks."
The meeting ended with refresh
ments served by Mrs. Hunt. The
next meeting will be held at the
Loyd Howton ranch on Saturday,
April 16. at 2 p.m. Reporter, Pat
ricia Peck. '
Now is the. time to market hens
and pullers with yellow beaks
and shanks. Watch for early
moultors; they are usually low
producers. Remember market pri
ces for old hens are usually bet
ter at this time of the year than
luring midsummer!
News About Town . . .
Mrs. Cleo Drake was up from
lone Tuesday looking after bus
iness matters in Heppner.
j Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson of
I the Gooseberry section were in
Heppner Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs
eterson expected to go to Port
land Wednesday to take their
daugter, Eunice, there for a
medical check up.
j Glenn Griffith of Lexington
! was looking after business mat
ters in Heppner Monday,
i Mrs. W. H. Cleveland and Mrs,
i A. D. McMurdo motored to Port
land Saturday to spend a week
visiting relatives. Mrs. McMurdo
will visit her sons, Ted and fam
ily. and Scott.
Alex Green underwent a major
operation at The Dalles hospital
Friday and is reportedly recov
ering satisfactorily at this time.
Mrs. Green is in The Dalles to be
near him.
Everett Harshman, who recent
ly underwent an operation at the
St, Anthony's hospital in Pendle
ton, is convalescing at the home
of Mr. and Mr, H. D. McCurdy in
Mrs. Earl Gilliam has returned
from a business trip to Portland.
Mrs. M,. R. Wightman and chil
dren, Marvin and Peggy, return
ed Sunday evening from a several
aays trip to Portland.
Mrs. Carl Bergstrom has resign,
ed her position as clerk at the
Red and White store and moved
to the farm in Eightmilo. At the
close of school, Miss Jean Hanna
will work In the store.
. J Palmer Sorlien, minister.
Morning worship and sermon
at 11 a.m. with special Easter
music by the choir, Paul McCoy,
Church school at 9:45 a.m.,
Thos. W. Allen, superintendent.
We have a class for every ar;e.
Youth Fellowship class, Ver.on
Bohles, counsellor.
Junior Youth Fellowship at G:30
p.m., Mrs. Carl McDaniel, coun
sellor. Womans Society of Christian
Service meets the first Wednes
day of each month at 8 p.m.
Church school teachers meet
ing third Thursday of each month
at 8:30 p.m.
Choir practice Thursday at 7:30
Bishop Gerald Kennedy of the
Portland area will speak at the
Pendleton Methodist church Sun
day at 7:30 p.m.
Good Friday service at 7:30
p.m. Sermon topic: The Seven
Words from the Cross.
Sunrise Easter service at the
Church of Christ. This is a union
service at S a.m. Fred Verson
lenko will deliver the sermon.
Pastor, Shelby E. Graves.
Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday
school, Mrs. Ora Wyland, supt.
Lesson topic, "The Resurrection
of Christ."
11 a.m., worship hour. Evan
gelist Fred Versolenko will bring
the Easter message. At the noon
hour a picnic lunch will be en
joyed in the city park.
7 p.m., Christ's Ambassador's
7:45 p.m., Evangelist Fred Ver
solenko will be the speaker and
on throughout the week every
night except Monday, 7:45 p.m.
He is a converted Russian and
will be speaking along the lines
of Russia and the day in which
we are living. We not only in
vite but urge you to attend these
services and hear these messages
for yourself.
Boys and girls, young people
and adults, all enjoy them and
the good singing and music.
Schedule of services:
Mass In Heppier on the Is
and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30
Mass in lone on the 1st and
3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd
and 4th at 9 a.m.
Mass on the fifth Sunday one
mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m
on the 2nd and 4th.
Holy days of obligation: Mass
in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass
First Fridays of the month
in lone at 9 a.m.
Mass in Heppner at 7:30.
Your Community Church
In these days of hustle and
hurry, do you ever stop and
think? Why are you in such a
nurry? Where are you going
What will you do when you get
merer wnat will you answer
when God says to you, "Son, re
member?" What about Steward
ship in the matters God has en
trusted to you? You know, sooner
or later we will all have to open
an account to the audit of the
God Judge. So why not get ac
quainted with Him now by meet
ing with Him in His church?
Church school, 10 a.m. Worship
and preaching, 11 a.m. Singing
and preaching, 7:45 p.m.
Z. Franklin Cantrell, minister.
ment In the loss of our beloved
husband and brother.
Mrs. Waldon R. Straight,
and the Straight family.
AMERICA'S leading magazines
feature Avon Cosmetics. Help
us supply the families In your
neighborhood with products of
guaranteed quality. An Imme
diate money-making opportun
ity Write Mrs. Dorothy B. Lea
hy, District Manager, 1429 Kim-
ball Avenue, Richland, Wash.
FOR SALE Cattle and sheep fer
tilizer; fine for gardens and
lawns. Will deliver in or near
Heppner. J. E. Craber, Rte. 2,
Heppner. 4-5p
I wish by this means to express
my deep gratitude to my friends
for the cards, messages and
flowers sent me during my re
cent hospitalization. It is such
remembrances that make the bat-
tie back to health more endur
Harry T. O'Donnell.
We wish to sincerely thank our
friends for the many beautiful
floral tributes, the comforting
words of sympathy, and the
many acts of kindness tendered
us during our recent bereave
Whether you garden for fun or make a busi
ness of it, our store is sprouting values on all
supplies you need. See our big, fresh stocks.
Fresh Guaranteed Vegetables
and Flower Seeds
Garden Cultivator... 7.50
Grass Catcher 2.15
Grass Shears 1.50
Long Handled Grass
Shears 3.50
Friday . Saturday . Monday
Snowdrift, Crisco, Spry 3 lbs. 99c
Zee Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 29c
Patty Dae Catsup 1 4 oz. bottle 1 5c
Franco American Spaghetti 3 tins 47c
Doumak Marshmallows 12 oz. pkg. 17c
EASTER HAMS Vz or whole 59c lb.
Oriole SLICED BACON 49c lb.
PURE LARD 4 lbs. 59c
Boneless VEAL ROASTS 59c lb.
Celery 1 1 c lb. New Peas ... 2 lbs. 45c
Green Onions - 5c bu. Radishes 5c bu.
Asparagus. .2 lbs. 27c Rhubarb. .2 lbs. 25c
Admlulon pries. ftmioon u e.ynlng, anl.H ip.
dflcillj .Jvertlied to b. oth.rwl.. I ChUdreai Bit
Frio. .17, Pt4. Tx .03, Total 10c; Qrtd. nd High
School Stud.nti la run and oyn Ert. Frio. .40,
PL Tai .10, Total 50o ; Adnltii E.t. Prcla .so, P.d.
Ta .10, Total ftOo. Btstj ahjd oooupjlnf a mi
h.r. a Uck.t.
Sunday ahowi oontlnnoua tartlnf at 1 p.m. All oth.r
abowi atarat at Ti30 p. in. Boxofflo. op.n .v.nlur.
ontU I p.m.
Thur3..Friday. Saturday, April M-15-16
Eocky Lan. ana his stallion Black Jack nee thrill
ing lulventure in rucBeil Texas.
Smart Girls Don't Talk
Virginia Kayo, Brae Benn.tt, Bob.rt Hntton.
Tom D'Androa Is the attractive cast of this
good gamblcr-and-guns drama.
It is our sincere wish that this will be
the most joyous Easter you have ever
Sunday-Monday, April 17-18
We greet Eustter . . . the year's happiest aeoson
. . . with one of the season's happiest pictures:
Alexandra Duraaa'
(In Technicolor)
Lana Tnrnar, Gen Kelly, Jun. Allyion, Van
Heflln, Angela Lansbary, Frank Morgan, Vin
cent Price, Xeenan Wynn, John Sutton, Dig
Every facet of this exciting story of love and
on action and color:
adventure Is perfectly executed . . . with acrei t
Tuesday-Wednesday, Aprl 19-20
Introducing Scott Brady with Jeff Corey, Whit
Bisaell. Warden Boy Best, himself.
It's five o'tliH-k. Tuesday. Dec. 30, 1M7. The
people of Canon City. Colorado, are preparing
for another quiet winter evening . . . suddenly II
happens! A siren screams at the mate Peniten
tiary on the edge of town: The most spectacular
Jallbreaklng of our time filmed the way it
happened! A depiction of the utter hopelessness
of crtme!
Also, Behind the scenes of a COUNTY FAB with
4-H boys and girls; and fiom Mt. Whitney, the
tallest peak in North America, we begin a visit
to the famous missions of Southern California.
rhurs.-Friday-Saturday, April 21-22-23
Sonny Tufta, B&rbtur Brit ton, Oftbby Hiyw,
Edffar Bnoh&nu, WlUlAm Bishop.
A cl Decolor outdoor dnuna based on a Saturday
Evening Poet glory with thrills, action and
Those BamitMda are at It aaln and In Ju.it a
hliarinufl a fashion as usual.
IOLID BRONZI tank ? ' I I j
and ttttlnai fight rait, k 1 j
teal., corroilon. Glv. tf .'I Jfy$JrY)f
yeyLlf.-Lonai.rvlc., 'f SWl
ClMn.whlt. Bok.d.n- f ' 'flV
nil stars baeuMul , Vi it. I, ' !
: . VI !
This is why you never worry about rust,
corrosion or scale when a Montag supplies
the hot water you need: Its tank is SOLID
BRONZE. It can't rust or corrode.
Solid Bronxt mokot your Montag Hi
LIFE-LONG heoter.
Solid Bronie lets Montag give you Hi
LONGEST guarantee of any automatic
water heater made 28 years!
Protect your investment. See us now for
the automatic water heater that gives you
more years of service Montag, with a
LIFE-LONG solid bronze tank. A guaran
tee like Montag's is real economy for years.
lulotien lav.i ell th.
loot. Save current.
Fiberolai can't Mttl.,
rot, or go to pieces.
TWO direct - heating
l.m.nttwork FAST In
water. Hove hot water
on tap oil Hi. time.
Montag makes the lis.
yoa n..d. 40- and 52
gollon capacity means
your family hat pl.n
ty .f hot wat.r
Lift-long Automatic fecfrc Wafer Heaters . Automatic Oil or Vectric Home Healing
ffecfric Ranges
Case Furniture Company
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