Page 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 7, 1949 WINS STATE HONOR Carolyn S..iks, niece ol Ervin Anderson of liincr and prand riauj.'hUT ol Mix .Nellie Anderson of Hcrm 11 on. was one of a group of ritrht pirls awarded the state (!epr"e at a stale mi-cling of Fu ture Homemakers of America held recently at Oregon State col lepe. This is a signal honor for members of tlie KHA. Carolyn, dauphter of lee Sparks of Gil ham county, is a student at Sic Lauphlin high school, Milton-Ireewater. P-TA MEETING 13TH The rcpular meeting of the Par en; T a cher association which will be Apiil l.i in the high school auditorium, should be attended by everv parent and every friend of the school. The subject chosen is "I Adults Need Education?" Mr. Tctz will again explain the importance c.t the budget meet ing to be held April IS. At this time we are given the privilege of voting tn the county-wide school budget. Another feature of the program will be a court of honor conducted by the local Boy Siut troop. o Mrs. Carmel Broadfoot and small daughter Sherry Valda are i home from Si. Anthony's hospit jal in Pendleton where the child I was born. Mrs. Broadfoot express j ed great happiness over receiving ! so many cards and gifts from her j friends, to ail of whom she feels jvery grateful. I MEMBERSHIP DRIVE NETS $1,886.01 UP TO TRESENT Receipts of Sl.SSiU'S are report, ed by Frank W. Turner, finance chairman of the annual Red Cross membership drive. This is con siderably over the quota set up for this year locally. The funds collected represent the entire county, excepting in one or two instances w here work ers have not turned in their col lections. Turner expects the total to go well above SI. WO by the time returns are all In. ! Miss Francine Kly of lone is the latest addition to the clerical i force at the First National Bank of Portland. Heppner branch. She ; is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , Francis Ely and a graduate of the j lone high school. ClearenceSale Starting Friday, April 8 Zenith Major Appliances Pressure Canners Electric Roaster Arvin Radio Conaoleum Rugs Large Mirrors Toasters (r Irons Silverware Sets Dishes, Utensils, etc Owens Hardware Your Marshall-Wells Store Dr. J. D. Palmer and family en joyed a week-end visit from his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Palmer of Vancouver, Wash., who came Friday and remained until Monday morning. Seeing the plant of the Heppner Lumber company as they drove in, the elder Palmers were somewhat mystified about the log supply and part of their entertainment while here was a trip to the mountains to see the tall trees grow. Business visitors in Heppner today from Irrigon were D. 3. Phillips and Ralph W. Lawson. who had matters to attend to at the courthouse. street, Tuesday. They have been living in the house which Mrs. Kdna Turner purchased early in the fall from Oral Wright. This house is undergoing extensive re pair and remodeling, woiki.u'ii uning started the Job Wednes day. Darl Hudson is in charge of the work. Harry O'Donnell Sr., who has CHURCHES ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the Is and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and been a patient in St Anthotn s 1 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd hospital following an operation , and 4th at 9 a.m some time ago, returned home Tuesday evening and is much im proved at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Ted ralmateer of tone were business visitors in Heppner Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Healy who arrived here recentlv from the oast have moved into the Case 0F apartments. Mr. Healv will work I in the Morrow County Grain! Pastor, Shelby E. Graves. Growers warehouse in the posi- Sunday, 9:13 a.m., Sunday tion formerly occupied by Wil-! school, Mrs. Ora Wyland. super iiam Richards who has been intendent; lesson topic, "The Cru- Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month' in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. News About Town . . . Llovd Mover returned Tuesday evening from Portland where he went for a trailer unit for his log sing truck. Mr. Moyer will haul lumber from the Big Four Lum ber company in Monument dur ing the summer season. Mrs. Mabel Davidson of lone was a business visitor in Hepp ner Tuesday. j Mrs. Austin Devin motored to ' Boardman Sunday to visit with IMr. Devin who is near there with ' the Wilkinson sheep. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCoy mm--: ed into the back apartment of ' the former Case home on Center transferred to a like position in Lexington. Recent guests at the Alex Green 'tome were their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haggerman of La Grande. Mrs. Albert Massey and chil Iron returned Monday evening from, Wash., where they aient the week end at the home of her brother and sister-in-law-, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Morgan. Mrs. Delia Duran and Shelley Baldwin of Lmatilla were over- Sunday visitors in Heppner. cifixion of Christ." 11 a.m., worship hour. 7 p.m., Christ's Ambassadors service. 7:45 p.m., Evangelist Freddy Versolenko, converted Russian, will begin a series of meetings and on through each night. Prophetic messages on Russia. Special musical and vocal numbers. We are not preaching Chris tianity, we are preaching Christ, iind His presence 'n the heart oroduces true Christianity in the Bible school, 9:1.1 a.m., C. W. Barlow, superintendent. Morning worship and commun ion service, 11 a.m. Sermon theme 'The Language of the Sears." Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p.m. Evening service, 7:30 p.m. Ser mon theme, "Whom Will Ye That I Release Unto You?" ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy communion, 8. Church school, 9:45. Morning prayer and sermon, 11. Evening prayer and instruction at 5. Senior Y.P.F., G:30. Week-day services: Wednes days, holy communion 10; Fri days, holy communion, 7:30. Choir practices: Girls, Wednis- day at 4; boys, Thursday at 4; LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Your Community Church If you have no other plans, why not visit our services next Sunday. Yes, Christianity is a MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR MIRT E. HARRIS Memorial services for Mirt E. Harris, dislrlet manager for the Standard Oil company, whose personal mutter, and It is a life I death occurred March 23 at Con and not a theory, for It deals ! don, were held at the fongrega- tonal church In that city at 1 o'clock p.m. Saturday, March 2b The Rev. W. Thomas Applebee, with the man rather than with the mass. And you have a per sonal invitation to all our ser vices. EQUALIZATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 3, 19-19, at 7:30 f.m., the Directors of the West Extension Irrigation District, act ing as a of Equalization, will meet it the office of the adults, Thursday at 8. The mem- J District in Irrigon, Oregon, to re hers of the congregation are in ; view and correct the annual as- Church school, 10 a.m. Worship 1 assisted by officers of Heppner and preaching, 11 a.m. Singing ' lodge No. 358, B P. O. E officla and precahing, 7:45 p.m. I ted. Interment was on the follow. Hanklln iantrell, minister, j lng Tuesday at Tacoma, Wash. A native Oregonian, Mr. Harris sessment for the period from July 1, 1919 to June 30, 1950, lev ied by the Board April 2, 1919. In the meantime the assessment roll vited to attend this practice of music of the church. Holy Week services: In addi tion to the usual schedule, holy communion on maundy 1 tiurs- is on me in the District oltiee for : he was stationed as sales rep day (April 11) at 7:30 and 10, 1 inspection of all icrsons inter- resentatlve ot the company. He and on Good Friday, meditations ested. was a member of Heppner lodge on the seven words from the A. C HOUGHTON, I No. 358, B.l'.O.K. and of tin- was born June 17, 1890 at Lake view, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mart Harris. He received most of his education In Tacoma. While working in western Washington he met Miss Edna Lindholm and married her in Seattle in 1908. The following year their only son, Martin, was born. Mr. Harris went to work for the Standard Oil company in 1922 and in 1938 he and Mrs. Harris came to live In Condon, where Mrs. Elbert Cox left Monday life- "or Portland where she will wi-l I i few riavs looking nfter business , METHODIST CHURCH cross, from 12 noon to 3 p.m. 3e Secretary. I Knights of Pythias. FOX CUTTERS and CROP BLOWERS The fastest way to put up hay, grass ind com ensilage. Available with PICK-UP, MOVi ER BAR and CORN HARVEST ING CNITS, easily and quickly changed (rom one to the other . . . Complete equipment to mechanize grass ensilage ban est . . . V. AGON'S POWER UNLOADERS MOLASSES PUMPS MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT. Write for Information J.A. FREEMAN and SON 5034 N.W. 27lh Ttrttmi. OragM! matters and visiting her riaugh er. Mrs. Marie Campbell, who is a patient at the veterans hospital. Clyde Denny is up from Tort land this week looking after pro perty interests in Morrow county. Miss Leta Humphreys returned from Portland the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rosewall -T'otorod to Pasco and Richland. Wash., Sunday to spend the day visiting relatives and friends. An eight pound son was born !o Mr. and Mrs. Burt Corbin on March 31 at their home on S. Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aiken and Leslie Matlock leturned the first of the week from Portland. Mr Aiken has been a patient at St Vincent's hospital for quite some time following a serious opera tion there several weeks ago. FOR SALE Buzz saw with mo tor, rigged for sharpening posts cutting shingles or cut-off saw. Has two saws. S60. Dan Bishop, lone, Oregon. 3p J. Palmer Sorlien, minister. Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. with special music by the choir, Mr. Paul McCoy, direc tor. Church school at.9:45 a.m., Mr. Thos. W. Allen, superintendent. Adult Bible class, also Youth Fel lowship class. Mr. Vernon Bohles. counsellor. You are welcome to I our church school. 6:30 p.m., Junior Youth Fellow ship, Mrs. Carl McDaniel, coun- sellor. Wednesday, the Womans Soci ety of Christian Service meets the first Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. j mursday, Choir practice at 7:30 p.m. The church board of education meets Thursday, April 7, at 8:30 p.m. at the church. Saturday, bazaar and lunch at the church beginning at 2 p.m. by the Womans Society for Chris tian Service. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner, minster. It is with mixed emotions that we announce to the public hat we have sold the Phelps Funeral Home and for a time at least we will be away from Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Creswick of Baker have purchased the establishment and have taken immediate possession. We bespeak. for them the same friendly relations with the people of Morrow County which we have enjoyed and for which we are grateful. THE PHELPS FUNERAL HOME STAR REPORTER Admission price litcrnoon and ternlng, nnXeM ip dfloalif ftdvertle a to b othcrwla: Children: Ert. Prtc .17, Ft-d. Tax .03, Total 0c; Grids ud Hiffli School BtucUnti 13 jmuy and overt Est. Pric .40. r4, Tu .10, Total 60c; AdaiUi Ett. ProU ,64, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c Evtry child occupying a mnit hT a ticket. Sandaj ihowi con tin a on starting at 1 p.m. All other nowi itarat at 7:30 p.m. Boxoffice open evenings until 9 p.m. Thnis.Frtday-Saturday, April 7-8-9 THE PLUNDERERS &od Cameron, Ilona Muity, Adrian Booth, For. rest Tucker, Grant WiOurs. Taylor Holmes. This western has everything the niig:brih fan take their bu- i and Baddies or leave 'ern alone could p'-Kf ibiy dwlre and even those who can wil Iind it a highly aocejAJible parcel of enter tainment I'hnU'jirajjhed in cl,r. SHEP COMES HOME Iiiuiiu of a BtHt-herti-d dog . Die great Hinder , . . umfy. . grandeur of Sunday-Monday, April 10-11 Don't Trust Your Husband Fred MacMurrsy, Madaleiu Carroll, Buddy Mof rs. Bits Johnson. ItouUe Albrltten, Alan Mow. bray. Add this one to I hat memorithle list of superb DMiiantli- cuiiadit of itiHriaitie at Its merriest. Oul t muling' among a group of excellent short subjects ott this program is Walt Disney's fam ous "Ugly ueklin.' Tuesday-Wednesday, April 12-13 JUNGLE BOOK Bud yard Kipling's never-to-be-forgotten "Jungls Book" starring Saba never grows old, never fail to be the best in entertainment. A reinitue. For a make-believe trip away from home, the Hhort fubjecta on this program will really do the trick: One film shows you the NIGHTLIFE ITS CHICAGO, in another Fete Smith takes you to the IC EC A FADES and in the third you are taken to old landmarks and new In a wihtt'eeing' bus tour of New York's FIFTH AVENUE. Thurs.-Friday-Saturday, April 14-1516 MARSHAL OF AMARILLO Rocky Lane and his Bullion Black Jack see thrill ing adventure in rugged Texas. PLUS Smart Girls Don't Talk Vlrfinia Mayo, Bruce Bennett, Robert Hatton, Tom D Andrea is the attractive at of this good gambler-arid guns drama. It it our sincere wish that this will be the most joyous Easter you have ever experienced. atP ENNEY'S i 1 n ft - f f X iff f i n k i )X fit I f'i: : U'h 'A' (t I i: ; s. v i i 'i i I : . -VI ' , rl' Budget Proof All Wool or Rayon and Wool GABARDINE . . . For your New SPRING SUIT 75 A A 75 11 Oi Nice simplicity in this pair of little suits that go tailor ed, go dress, with a change of acces sories. Gray, jade green, summer brown or black-or All-wool Tweeds -sizes 10-18. NEW FOR SPRING HANDBAGS 2.98 4.98 Plastic pati'M or plastic grains npw colors. Famous "Bobby Burns" half sizes suits in all - wool sheer Gabardine -Gray and Black -sizes 6Vio20Vi. NEW SHADES FOR SPRING 51 Gauge 15 Denier Sheer NYLON HOSE 1.15 Price Pebble, Carmel or Sunsjiarkle Sizes 8 12 to 10 12 New Low IA----- 'l-fnY z?My- I r We Offer to the Particular Buyer COATS, SUITS BETTER DRESSES Handbags, Gage Hats, Mojud Hosiery, Nylon and Fabric Gloves in Dark and Pastel Shades, Sheer Print and Plain Dresses ... Just arrived a new shipment of Hand kerchiefs' for Easter Now Colors and Designs Anderson & Wilson Vomen's Apparel it Court Street Eiarket Friday - Saturday - Monday FLOUR Gold Medal or Drifted Snow 50 lb. Bag $4.09 DURKEE OLHO 1 lb. Reg. Pkg 29c PREM 12 Oi. Tin 39c Shurfine Grapefruit a J 46 Oi. uice Tin LA VORA PEAS No. 2 Tin 3 for 25c IDA DELL CORN -- No. 2 Tin 2 for 29c PLEASE DOG FOOD - 15 oz. Tin. .3 for 25c Canned Milk Ific' Case Price $5.95 Wesson Oil o'' 59c Gerber's BABY FOOD 4i2 oz. Tin, 3 for 25c Gill Nefters whole Pacific Oysters, 1 0 oz. 43c Doumaker MARSHMALLOW, 1 2 oz. 2 - 3 5c Meat Department Sliced Bacon, lb. 55c Pot Roast, lb. 49c Swift's Short Shank Picnics lb. 47c Select Steer Beef Pure Lard ... lb. 15c Pork Shoulder Roast lb. 45c Produce Green Onions, 5c Bu. Tomatoes, Ruby Radishes 5c Bu. Green .. 29c Tube Oranges, 2 lbs. 49c Celery lb. 15c