Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 07, 1949, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 7, 1949
lone School Staff
Entertained At
Buffet Supper
By T.rhn Palmatoor
Mr n Mis B. r. Forsthe en
tcri-'iner! ;;i a buffo! supper Fri
c.iy rvfnir.p of J rtst wk in hon.
iir of the leathers. These prrspnt
were Mr srH Mrs. Francis Ely,
Mr. and Mrs. Krank'.in Ely, Mr.
flirt Mrs A'.poU Lv.mMU Mr. and
Mrs Kirth HPmHicksnr,. Miss
Mary Bracked, S. S'.urrz, Mr.
:'-.) Mrs. Osca, Lundell. Mr. and
Mrs Hordm-kson were presented
wi'li P, &tl.
April S Sn;v meet ing of the
Topic club tt;e Saru McMillan
hor"p in icvinKton.
April, 9 Fond sale at Swan
son's stare at 1 p.m.
April 12 F.asip;n Star meeting.
April H V.aranatha meeting
at the Masonic hall.
April 15 HEC of Willows
cranpe alt day meeting with pot
lurk dinner at noon at the grange
April lfi Willows grange mem
bers will meet with Boardman
prar.ge at Boardman in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamilton and j
daughter spent the week end in
Tort land.
Reoent Terdleton visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. Taul Pettyjohn and
children, Mrs. Cleo Prrke ar.d
daughter Delores. Mrs. E. R. Lun
dell and Mrs. Victor Rietmann
and daughter Ruby Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Lundell spent Sunday at the Al
gol t Lundell home.
The Ladies Aid met at the
home of Mrs. Frank Engelman
last week.
Miss Tatricia Drake was ill a
few days last week.
Ernie Drake cut his hand quite
badly with an axo Saturday.
Miss Francine lity. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Franklin Ely, is em
ployed in the First National bank
in Heppner.
Allen Ely, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Elvin Ely of Boardman, spent a
few days last week with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O.
Ely, at Morgan.
Mrs. Alice FCobinson of Inde
pendence, who is associate grand
conductress of the grand chapter
of Oregon, conducted a school of
instruction at the Masonic hall
Saturday afternoon. Luncheon
was served at noon to about 25
members of the Eastern Star. Mrs.
Robinson is also a teacher in the
Independence schools.
K'wth Hendrickson of Provo.
Utah, is visiting his wife here
this week. Mr. Hendrickson is a
student at the University of Utah.
He an'i Mrs. Hendrickson spent
the wiek end in Walla Walla.
Cleo Drake and son Ernie and
Mr. and Mrs Noel Dobyns are
moving back to their ranch after
spending the winter in the
Whites apartments. They will
still keep their apartment. Louis Buschke went fishing at
Billy Lundell and a boy friend j Cold Springs near Hermiston on
of La Grande visited relatives Sunday.
here Sunday. Charles L. Chapman, 75, for-
Easter Greetings
from Heppner Market & Lockers
For Your F. ASTER DINNER we have
Hams -- by the slice, half, whole
Turkeys Golden Bronze Broad
Fryers -- Corn fed -- Pan ready
Roasting Hens Delicious with
Select Crisp Fresh Vegetables
Quality Groceries
Fresh Frozen Fruits & Vegetables
Heppner Market&Lockers
mcr resident here, died March 25
at Medford. interment was at Sis
kiyou Memorial park there.
Mrs. Larrv Fletcher and son
Melvin James arrived home last
week from The Dalles hospital.
Mrs. G. Hermann is a patient
at the St. Anthony's hospital in
Pendleton following a major op
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lett of Port
land spent the week end at the
Donald Heliker home. They with
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker and
Billy Hayes, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Hayes of Arlington,
spent Sunday at the Ernest Hel
iker cabin near Reed's mill in the
The tinal meeting of the cot
ton dress workshop was held at
the grange hall Thursday, March
3. Those making dresses were
Mrs. Noel Dobyns, Mrs. Wm. See
hafer, Mrs. Walter Corley. Mrs.
Ernest McCabe, Mrs. Lewis Hal
vorsen. Mrs. E. M. Baker, Mrs.
Sam Esteb, Mrs. Robert De Spain.
Mrs. Gordon White, Mrs. W. M.
McCoy. Mrs. Clarence Brenner,
Mrs. Don Heliker, Mrs. Hershal
Townsend. Mrs. W. R. Wentworth
and Mrs. Echo Palmateer. The
leaders and instructors were Mrs.
Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Francis
Ely. Mrs. L. A. McCabe and Mrs.
Sam McMillan. Three days were
spent at the workshop and uie
leaders spent three days with in
structors Myrtle Carter and Lucy
Lane of Corvallis and Mabel Wil
son of Heppner.
Announcements were received
last week of the birth of a daugh
ter, Charlotte Christine, to Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Ausman of Asotin,
Wash., March 29. Mrs. Ausman is
the former Charlotte Sperry.
Mr. and Mrs. Edison Morgan
and family and S. L. Wiles spent
the week end in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed and son of
Pendleton spent Sunday with his
sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Hamilton.
Sue Coleman, small daughter
of Mrs. Ida Coleman, fell from a
Shetland pony and broke both
bones in her left forearm Satur
day afternoon. She was taken to
a physician and had it set.
The lone home extension unit
met at the Congregational church
April 1 in the afternoon. At the
business meeting the following
officers were elected for the com
ing year: President, Mrs. Noel
Dobyns; vice president, Mrs.
Bryce Keene, and secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Sam McMillan. An ar
tide on teeth was read by the
president, Mrs. E. M. Baker. Miss
Mabel Wilson, extension agent,
demonstrated "Lighting for the
Home." Coffee and cookies were
served by Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Noel
Dobyns and Mrs. Omar Riet
mann. The next meeting will be
"Succeeding as a Family." May
6 in the afternoon at the Congre
gational church.
Mrs. Gordon White and chil
ren, Tommy and Lona, returned
home from Forest Grove last
week where they attended the en
gagement announcement party
of her son Charles and Miss Phyl
lis Higby, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs H. B. Higby of Forest Grove.
They will be married in August.
Mrs. White also attended the
first piano quartet concert in
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson
returned home from Salem Sun
day evening with Mrs. Swanson's
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Brown. Mrs. Swan
son spent a week in Salem and
Mr. Swanson flew down Friday.
The auxiliary of the American
Legion rpet Tuesday of last week
and made preparations for a foou
sale Saturday, April 9, also in
itiation April 19. Cake and coffee
were served after the meeting by
Mrs. Ernest McCabe and Mrs.
Robert De Spain.
Henry Clark is building a new
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. White and
Mrs. Gene Mooney are visiting
relatives in Yakima.
Mrs. Clarence Brenner and son
Gary were Hermiston visitors one
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis of Um
atilla spent Saturday evening at
the Gordon White home.
lone high school defeated Echo
in a baseball game here Friday
afternoon of last week.
The town team was defeated at
Echo Sunday in a baseball game.
Several from here attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Healy at
tended Gonzaga university glee
club at Pendleton Saturday night.
Billy Kenny, a cousin of Mrs. Pal
mateer and Mr. Healy, sings in
the glee club.
James Lindsay visited relatives
in Silverton last week.
Mrs. Cecil Thome of Morgan is
visiting relatives at Oaksdale.
Mrs. John Proudfoot and daugh
ter Pamela returned home Mon
day from The Dalles.
Mss Pauline Lindahl of Port
land spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. David Baker.
Mrs. Lester Wilkins of Albany
is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Herbert Ekstrom.
Huston Bryson of Ellensburg
spent the week end with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson.
They all spent Sunday at the Les
lie Roundy home at Kennewick,
The Parker twins of Pendleton
are giving tap dancing and bal
let lessons at the grange hall ev
ery Monday 'afternoon. About 30
children started taking lessons
Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirlev
were Pendleton and Walla Walla
visitors one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray and
Bert Mason were visitors at The
Dalles Monday. Mrs. Clara Kin
caid. who has been convalescing
Science's Fight on Cancer To Be
Told in April Series of Articles
Ever see a 30-foot, 1,000 pound
man? You probably won't but
by injecting pure growth hor
mone extracted from the pitui
tary gland they're growing heal
thy rats up to five times their nor.
ma I size.
Ever think that an extra 40
pounds would give you a 25 per
cent greater
These and other phenomena
are being looked inlo by scient
ists supported by the American
Cancer Society A series of arti
cles to appear during April will
outline what research has found
about cancer.
Give for cancer research today!
of spleen extract.
Ever think a human cancer
patient, dying in great pain,
could be sent back to a normal
existence by injecting a poison
gas? That happens ocasionally
but the results, so far, are tem
porary. Ever think that such innocent
things as the sun's rays, x-rays,
v chance of hav- soot, oil, constant physical irfita-
X RESEARCH ng cancer than Hons and continual burning of
Xl FIGHTS if you were un-1 certain tissues could cause can-
derweight? It cer? Under some conditions they
would, accora- will.
ing to statistic, j Ever think that many of the
al studies of , things that cause cancer are used
cancer. to treat cancer radiations and
Ever see a certain chemicals, for example?
man walking Ever know that by repeats'
with, by vol-' brother-to-sister matines of can-
ume, most of his abdominal or-1 cerous mice, cancer - bearing
g.ins removed? They do thanks strains can be developed?
to new surgical techniques. Ever know that cancer.fr(,e
Ever think there was a rela mice can be nursed by mothers
tionship between nerves and can- with. breast cancer, and the younf
cer? By cutting a sympathetic mice wiu develoD canopr?
Ever know that cancer can be
caused in the offsprng by merely
1 mating two" particular kinds of
lone Turf Field
Sunday, April 19
Game called at 2 p. m.
Admission 50c
A Pre-Season Game
nerve, one scientist causes tre
mendous cancers to develop in
one type ol giant cocKroacn.
Ever think a virus could re
main harmless for long periods
killer because an infinitely small 5 s
amount of calcium is added to E is
the solution in which it exists?
It does.
Ever think a mouse could be
dying a massive, ugly cancer
and be apparently healthy and
frisky, with the tumor gone, a
couple of days later? That's hap
pening . . . thanks to injections
at the Jesse Mason home in The
Dalles, returned to her home with
Bert Mason. :
CHINA BOAR-18 Months Old
4 Junior Boars, 5 months old
$50.00. Each
Boardman, Oregon
American Legion Hall
Saturday, April 16
Music by the
Blue Dreamers
Lunch Will be Served
U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M I ! 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ll
Spring Weather
Gives Us the Urge to Make Garden
Fix the Lawn . . .
and Repair and Brighten Up
the Home . . .
You will find all your needs in our
When you think of this activity
your thoughts naturally turn to
the right kind of tools and this
turns your thoughts to the old re
liable Hardware Store
ample stocks
Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers,
Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, House
Tools, etc.
in Bulk
Co -Op April Specials
Here is a Deal to Save You Money
Co -Op Washing Machine
Housewives want a Washing Machine that Takes a
large wash Washes thoroughly and quickly --Handles
clothes gently Gives long service.
Regular Price $119.50
During Co-Op's . OJJ50
April Special Ox
Sale Closes Positively on April 30
SAVE $45.00 '4phi
Your Co-Op Store is Featuring
A New De Luxe 9 Cubic Foot
Refrigerator Not the Stripped Model
Regulat Price $269.50 $ Q 50
April Sale Price ONLY d
Replace Your Old Refrigerator Now
See Your Co-Op
Lexington Oil Co-Operative