Poge 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 24, 1 949 News From C. A. Office !jt you knew that: 1. Cn-i n wilnuts aie a good iiuifr of V'it;imin C? 2. SpaRhoItl, usually credited to Italy, onuin.'ited in China? 3. You must m-or put banan as in the lofrim-rator because starch (an't chance to sugar to ' make them swept? 4. ("lii'i'so siievs more ea.Mly if you heat the knife slightly be- lure cuttii-.g the cheese? r. (ivcnueight due to overeat-, inp is the greatest single nutri- ! turn j.roblcm today? 6. lee cream cones in various ! coifr? aie on the market? 7. Berries thickened with in- j slant tapioca makes a quick des-1 sen? Kasier fur children to han dle when berries in their own i juice. j 8. That the United States is the j heaviest drinking nation of cof fee in the world? Use Waffle Irons More Often Home makers in Morrow coun ty are being urged to use their waffle irons more often to make other products besides waffles and their variations. "Drop bis cuits. corn bread, cookies, brown ies, cake, and tarts, all, can be marie on your waffle iron," says Mabel Wilson, home demonstra tion agent. Most waff:l irons cost only 2 12 cents per hour to op eratecheap baking! In talking .bout electrical equipment. Miss Wilson urges women to read di rections on use of that price of rnuipment. Proper care of any electrical equipment will Insure better and longer service If small appliances are kept handy, they will probably be used more often. Care Before Wear Many stores today advise washing or at least rinsing new nylon or silk hose beiore wearing them. The idea is to re move any finish used In manu facture at the start and thus help stockings to wear longer. This pre-washing also may make a closer, neater fit the first time the hose are worn. 1 Give new smooth leather shoes a polish before wearing them the I first time. A coat of good wax polish starts shoes out with ex tra protection against spots, stains and scuffing. The same suggestion holds good for smooth leaher purses or pocketbooks. 1 April Abundance j Underscore carrots and oatmeal , on the family food-shopping list for Arpil, the U. S. department of agriculture suggests. Long, ten- UU NEW Latest lu'uDm'i tiiis m the 4-H club ranks are Janet and at 5- paisv wrii'ht. and Rillv Jean and I Week day June Privett, in their newly form ed Clothing I club. Mrs. Walter Wright is their leader. These girls experienced some club progress before. Their ofticers are, presi dent, Billy Jean Privett; vice- president, Fatsy Wright; secre tary, June 1'rivett, and reporter, Janet Wright. 5) CHURCHES ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy communion, 8. Church school, 9:45. Morning prayer and sermon, 11. Kvening prayer and instruction services: Wednes day, holy communion, 10; Friday, holy communion, 7:30. Choir practices: Girls, Wednes day at 4; boys, Thursday at 4; adults, Thursday at 8. ship. Mrs. Carl McDaniel, counsellor. Methodist Youth Fellowship I rally at Hermiston Sunday after-1 noon, March 27, at 3 p.m. Church board of education, third Thursday of each month. Womans Society of Christian Service, the first Wednesday of each month. Special: College of Puget Sound Chorus. March 31, 8 p.m., high school gym. . ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor, Shelby E. Graves. Sunday. 9:45 a.m., Sunday zine subscription Creek grange. from Rhea Alvin Barlow. The congregation is invited to school, Mrs. Ora Wyland, supt. attend this practice. Clothing club mmebers are practicing sewing while main taining good posture. Keet flat on METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, minister. Morning wprship and sermon at 11 a.m. with special music by the choir. Mr. Paul McCoy, Give Your Chicks a$eal Chance the floor and backs straight and director. relaxed. They make long strokes j Church school at 9:45 a.m.. Mr. with their scissors in cutting, and i Thos. W. A;ien, superintendent, always clip their thread with 1 Also Youth Fellowship class, Mr. scissors instead of biting it. They ; Vernon Bohles, counsellor. Adult do hand work using a thimble Bible class at this same hour, and never put pins in their! 6:30 p.m., Junior Youth Fellow- mouth. Abundant vegetables, in addi- The lone Livestock club held i tion to carrots, will include: on- their meeting at the Herbert Ek- j ions, cabbage, Irish potatoes. Strom home in lone on Sunday spinach, canned corn, canned afternoon, March 20. 1 peas lower grades. Mabel Wilson gave the club t Corn products and honey will members some training in par- lalso be plentiful. liamentary procedure, in how to I conduct proper club meetings. I Peel Protection CARD OF THANKS I am truly grateful to my friends for their thoughtfulness during my recent illness. The many cards, letters and the flow ers made my stay in the hospital more endurable. James Lindsay. Lesson topic, The Smallest Man A story that is very interesting to all ages. 11 a.m., worship hour. Do you believe Jesus is soon to appear in the clouds for those that are horn again? The signs all around us say so. Hear these messages that you might be ready when lie conies. 7 p.m., Christ's Ambassadors. 7:4") p.m.; a good lively song service, testimonies and preach ing of the word. Thursday, 7:4a p.m., Bible study and prayer meeting. Friday, 7:30, prayer meeting in lone. If you aren't attending services some place, we give you a hearty welcome to attend our church where you are a stranger only once. "For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but right- leousness, and peace and joy in CARD OF THANKS We take this means of thank ing neighbors and friends for their kindly assistance and many expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement, and for the beautiful floral tributes to the memory of our brother. Arthur and Gus Johnson. FOR SALE Modern house, lot aiid 5 acres adjoining, in Hepp ner. Dan Bishop, box 394, lone. l-3p TION 11, ARTICLE XI, STATE CONSTITUTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held In Morrow County, April 18, 1949, by the Rural School District of Morrow County, State of Oregon, In all competent school districts of said Rural School District. The election will begin at 2:30 P.M. and will be held in the school house in each of said com petent districts. The purpose of the election is to submit to the legal voters of the rural school district the question of Increasing ty, Oregon, for the fiscal year be ginning July 1, 1949, is vsM.iyj.. 56. Dated this 24th day of March, 1949.- J. J. NYS, Chairman, Rural School Board. HENRY E. TETZ, Secretary, Rural School Board. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Sec. 111-908, O.C.L.A., to the legal voters of School District No 1 of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that a SPECIAL SCHOOL MliKlinu oi the tax levy for the fiscal year said District will be held at CITY NOTICE OF SCHOOL EJECTION THE RURAL DISTRICT OF MORROW COUNTY, OREGON UPON QUESTION OF IN CREASING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY SEC- school district of Morrow Coun Good chicks can make good pullets if you follow the Larro Pullet Plan. Start them on Larro "Farm-tested" Chick Builder, the nutritious, well-balanced feed that helps keep them growing. The simple 2-mash Larro plan supplies the right nutrients at the right time saws time and work. So this year start with Larro and stay with Larro. ctrro 1 i N. C. Anderson spoKe 10 xne . To peei or not t0 pec, before t r.hntv At-p vmi rpallv club on the value of demonstra-icooking is one of the modern inappv in jesus? Read Romans trttiic that rnuld he i ..; ; . i HtJ iiuiia. auu ivpivj vsiv tiuM'iviir a uuca tons hiiuiii hi- worked into demonstrations. It paring root vegetables like the Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc. Heppner - - Lexington Syasiis.'i Wl m f . W,aiijsiJIMJaswi 1 was deciaea mar. rue emu uuiu potatoes and carrots, now plenti give some demonstrations-on de- ; fui on markets, horning methods, feeding live-1 p0tato skin is a great protec stock, building salt and mineral tjon against loss of nutrients in boxes for stock. Mr. Anderson al- cooking. Not so, however, with so gave instruction on beef show-; carrot s(jn- manship. ! Potatoes, boiled or baked in Members present at the meet- ; their jackets offer important di ing were Leland and Malcolm yidends over paring before cook McKinney, Duane, Ronald and mg if vou want t0 sorve pota. Mardine Baker, Herbert and ' toes without their skin, remove Dickie Ekstrom, and Joanne Cole- jt after cooking rather than be man. Refreshments were served , fore This may save time as well to the group by Mrs Ekstrom fol- ,as nutritive value, because skin- lowing the meeting. der, new-crop carrots and oat meal that sturdy item for por ridge, breads, and cookies lead off the department's list of plen- Listed also are the plentiful I v'" , , ,7, . f hj pared carrots were about equal protein foods to consider for bud. T ,ltHtivp ...,. in ,ho ' ; get main uisnea. uiuntia emu fryers on markets east of the Mississippi; eggs, fresh and fro zen fish, especially rose fish or ocean perch; also, processed dai-. from the ranch to their new home ry products, butter, cheese, evap- I jn Heppner which they recently orated milk and non-fat dry milk ; purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Os solids; also peanut butter and i car George. The Georges are do dried peas and beans. j ing over the Greener house whirh j Plentiful fruit items are: or-jthev now own and are staying . anges. canned citrus fruit juices. : with Mrs. George's mother, Mrs. ; canned grapetruit sections, and Sadie Sigsbee, ' dried prunes and raisins. home is ready. beginning July 1, 1919, over the amount limited by Section 11. Article XI of the Constitution. The reasons for Increasing such levy are: The combined lev ying bases of all school districts in the county amounts to but $90,557.44. The required tax levy for all school districts of the county is $380,051.00. The differ ence between the required levy and the base levy is $289,493.5ti. The amount of tax, in excess of the six per cent limitation pro posed to be levied by the rural HALL, on the 18th day of April, 1919, at 2:30 o'clock in the alter noon, for the following objects: To vote upon the proposed tax levy for all of the school districts of the county. Dated this 24th (lay of March, 1949. J. I. NYS, Chairman, Eoard of Direc tors, Morrow Cotmty Rural School District. HENRY E. TETZ, District Clerk, Morrow County Rural School District. I ning a hot boiled potato is quick ler and easier than paring a raw 'one. I With carrots, the story is dif ferent. Carrot skin seems to give ; little or no protection to nutritive I Mr. and Mrs. Lee Scrivner are moving their household goods 14:17. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the Is and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank neighbors and friends for their thoughtful ness during our recent bereave ment and for the many floral of ferings to the memory of our be loved Gussie. Wendell Aldrich, and the Cox family, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Griffin and Mr. and Mrs Sie Walker. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my neighbors for their thoughtfulness during until their new my- recent illness for the tele I phone calls, and for the maga- STAR tug REPORTER Admission prices afternoon and seralng. unless spe cifically advertised to be otherwise i Children: Est Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, Total 20c; Grade and High School Students 12 years and overt Bst Price .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c; Adnltsi Est. Prole .50, Fed. Tax .10, Total 80c Every oh'ld occupying a seat mast have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous starting at 1 p.m. All other shows starat at 7:30 p.m. Boxofllce open evenings until 9 p.m. M II THURS.-FRI.-SAT.. MARCH 24-25-26 TIMBER STAMPEDE A (toorg- O'Brien western. PLUS EMBRACEABLE YOU Dane Clark, Geraldiue Brooks, S. Z. SakaU, Wal lace Ford. There Is plenty of action packed into this melo drama. Alfo, a return engagement of the splendid Walt Disney cartoon, "Wynken, Blynken and Nod. SUNDAY-MONDAY, MARCH 2723 Adventures of Don Juon Errol Flynu, Viveca Lindfors, Bobert Douglai, Alan Hale. Romney Brent, Ann Bntherford. A plot that would do justice action-wife to any western, exceptionally good Technicolor. Dashing chariftprizntlfinfl, TUES.-WEDS., MARCH 23-30 Texas, Brooklyn and Heaven Guy Madison, Diana Lynn, James Dunn, Lionel Stander. The tale of life among out-of-thc-ordlnary Brook lyn characters has a serlaj of amusing incidents. Also. WHO'S DELINQUENT? and RUBIN OFF AND HIS VIOLIN THURS.-FRI.-SAT MARCH 31APRIL 1-2 THUNDERHOOF Preston Foster, Mary Smart, William Bishop, Thunderhoof. Desert drama of a savage horse. PLUS Jiggs and Maggie in Society Joe Yule, Benle Blano, Dale Carnegie, Arthur Surrey, Snellen Oraham, Tim Byan. Broad comedy based on the beet-loved of all comic Btllp characters. Every Sunday & Monday: An excellent Newsreel with news while it is still news! The Methodist Church of Heppner Sponsor - - - - Invites You to Hear The Adelphian Concert Choir of the College of Puget Sound Thursday Evening March 31 at Eight O'Clock Heppner School Gvm Auditorium NOTICKETS NO RESERVATIONS v t ff'f f 4 0e,&kf0ryt An All-College Choir of More Than 40 Voices In a Program of Religious and Secular Music, featuring ensemble, vocal and instrumental soloists. The All-College Adelphian Choir of the College of Puget Sound Clyde Keutzer, Conductor Admission No Charge Just Your Free Will Offering This Advertisement sponsored by the following business concerns and individuals of Heppner Alice & Jeanne's Beauty Shop 0. M. Yeager's Store Heppner Market Central Market & Grocery Anderson & Wilson Women's Apparel J. 0. Turner O'Donnell's Cafe Central Meat Market Key's Barber Shop Turner, Van Marter & Co. Elkhorn Cafe Becket's Blacksmith Shop Thomson Bros Heppner Bakery Heppner Garage Conley Lanham J.J. Nys Gilliam & Bisbee Heppner Red & White Store Farley Pontiac Co. Gonty's McBridc's Body Shop Heppner Laundry Bailey's Cabinet Shop Morrow County Grain Growers