1947 Ford Deluxe tudor with new reconditioned motor. Pay down $470.00. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Modern two-bedroom house, with garden and hot house. Priced to sell. Gordon Grady, Riverside Ave., Hoppner, Ore. 47tfc Pickups 1930 Ford pickup $175.00. . 1932 Ford pickup $200.00 1937 Ford pickup $395.00. Make a small payment down and pay the balance as you drive. Rosewall Motor Co. 1940 Ford Deluxe club coupe. You must see this one to appreciate It. Pay down $412.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 508-Gth St., Independence, Ore. MODERN SEVEN ROOM HOUSE GARAGE, WOODSHED, UTILITY ROOM, NEW GAS RANGE & GAS HOT WATER, DOUBLE PLUMB ING, LOT 56X160, SEVEN YEARS OLD, CONCRETE FOUNDATION. ALL FOR ONLY $4500.00 OR WILL TRADE FOR HEPPNER PROPERTY. TURNER, VAN MARTER & CO. Watch our show windows for the most beautiful cars that ever wheeled the road. Rosewall Motor Company. STRAYED from the Umatilla Na tlonal Forest during the season of 1948, 2 cows and their Calves, branded 32 on right hip, crop and split in left ear, underbit in right ear. $25 reward per head for the recovery of these animals. Ralph Reade, Spray, Oregon. 51tfc We have new and rebuilt Ford motors in stock for immediate installation. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house with 34 basement, automatic oil heat, garage. On corner lot. Chuck Hodge. Tel. 1114. 51tf Has your car had its RPM lubri cation this month? Bring it in for prompt service. Rosewall Motor Company. LEGAL NOTICES CITATION Ho, 1X60 IN THK PROBATK COVRT OF THE STATE OK ORFO.ON FOR THK COUNT- OF MORROW. In Urn Mutter of the Estate of S. J. Dfvine, DtKroasfil. To Mary 1'ewrl Devlne. Claude Dfvlne. Maxlne Nm, laurla Lee Dftvtne, Jam Devine and Joiw-ph Devlne. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby Cited and r i quired to apnenr in the County Court of the State of Oregon, (or the County of Morrow, in the Court Room thereof, ff tp Court limine tn the County of Morrow, on the 11th day of April. 1949. tit the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the fore r.oon of Mid day. then and there to nhow cause. If any yuu have, why an WALT'S Young Broilers & Fryers Phone 2626 Hermiston, Ore. Delivery Each Friday Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 1 12 The Dalles Phone 2635 114 E. tnd St Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FUHNITUHE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytlme" Dance Saturday Evening March 26 Willows Grange Hall - lone Music By SCATTERNOTES Lunch at Midnight Admission $1.25 Tax included CUSTOM SPRAYING Grain, Ditch Banks, Willows, Cattle and Sheep, Home and premise control Phone 33 F 11 J. C. Ransier, lone, Ore. '46 Ford Truck '46 Ford Coupe '37 Ford VzT Pickup '41 Dodge Coupe '37 Dodge Coupe '40 International 3AT Pickup '40 Chevrolet Truck Why gamble? Buy with a guarantee! HODGE CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 403 FOR SALE Two 4-bottom 16-inch John Deere plows; three 12 foot Calkins Weeders, 1 year old. See George Davidson, Richfield Service Station, Hepp. ner. 52-lc Keep your eye on our used car lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Co. Don't wait until war is declared to place your order for a new Ford. 1937 Ford truck, good motor, new rubber, grain bed, two speed order should not be made and entered Dy aaio court, authorizing and direct ing Uie -administratrix of the estate of 8. J. Devine. deceased, to sell the fol lowing described real property, to-wit: NK', of Sec. 2 Tp. 1 S. K. 26 E. W. M. S4 of the NWM, ot Section 26; BVi of NK' of Hectlon 26; W4 of Section 36; In Tp. 1 North. Range 26 E.W.M.. In Morrow County, Bute of Oregon, said real property being the property of the estate of the said S. J. Devlne, deceased. WITNESS the Hon. Garnet Barratt, Judge of the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, with the seal of the Court af filed this 7th dsy of March, 1949. (COURT SEAL) Attest: C. W. BARLOW. Bi t. County Clerk. NOTICE OF riHAI, ACCOUNT Notice is liereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of Guv Hsuton. deceased, has filed his final account with the Probate Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and said Court has set Mon day, the Uth day of April, 1949. at the hour of 10:00 A. M. In the Court Room of the Morrow County Court House aa the time and place for hearing on said final account All persons having objec tions to same are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the date set for said hearing. Dated and first published this lOtn day of March. 1949. FRANK 8. rAKKBK, Administrator. J. O. Turner, Attorney, Heppner, Oregon. Dl-a. IOTICI OF TVSUm ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given Unit the un dersigned. Administratrix and Admin istrator of the estate of NEIL DOHER TY. deceased, has filed with the Pro bate Court of Uie stste ot uregon. tor Morrow County their Klnal Account of thir Administrstlon of the estate of anld deceased, and said Court has fixed Monday, the 18th day of April, 1M9, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon as the time and place for hearing objections to said final Acceiint and the settlement of said es tate, and persons having objections tnereto are requirea 10 uie uie cmue with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 17th day of March. 1949. HAHUB.K I Wnftllll, Administratrix, CHARLES 3. DOHERTT, Administrator. Jos. J. Nys. Attorney. Heppner, Oregon. ft2-4 NOTICE TO OBDITOBS Notice is hereby alven that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator or tne estate 01 j. i. air. Milan, deceased, bv the Probate Court of the State ol Oregon for Morrow County, and has accepted aucn trust. All persons having claims against said estate are herehv reaulred to present the same to the administrator, wtfh proper vouchers attached, at the office or J. o. Turner in neppner, uregon, Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. axle. See this one if yo;i want a truck that will do a job for a small investment, Rosewall Motor Company. 1937 Ford pickup. Pay down $115. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE One International 4- bottom cast plow, Excellent condition. Chris Brown, Hepp ner. 52-lc Remember if your brakes are not working properly you are only a foot from trouble. Let us ad Just your brakes for safer driv ing. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Three new 10ti Massey-Harris disc drills com plete with hitch. Also new Cal kins grain feeder. Can be seen at Spring Hollow ranch. Frank Holub. 51-52-lp 1940 Ford Deluxe tudor, new re conditioned motor. Pay down $412.00. Rosewall Motor Co. The 1949 Ford car has been aw arded the gold medal for be ing America's most fashionable car. FOR SALE Three M.M. 8 ft. disc plows with hitch. Good condi tion. John Proudfoot, lone, Ore. 51-52-lc If you are planning on buying a new car or truck Clarence Rosewall wants to see you. FOR SALE Several old pieces of glass and chinaware; pictures and frames; 6-plece jewelite plastic dresser. Esther Thomp son. Phone 2552. 52-lp Do your headlights bother on coming cars with too high a light beam? Let us adjust your headlights on our photo elec tric headlight adjuster. Be safe. Rosewall Motor Company. DON'T WAIT until fly time to have your screen doors Install ed. Order them now. Made to order, any size. N. D. Bailey. 51tfc We have white tire rims for the new 15 inch wheels. Rosewall Motor Company. make to have the wheels bal anced on your car. We balance wheels on the ' car with our electronic wheel balancer. Rosewall Motor Company. on or before six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 17th day of March, 1949. sam g. McMillan, Administrator. J. O. Turner, attorney. 62-4 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. NOEL K. DOBYNS and EVELYN E. DOBYNS, husband and wife. Plaintiffs, vs. IDA B. ROLFSON. formerly Ida B. Cochran and John Doe Rolfson, her husband, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs: and the unknown heirs of Ida B. Rolfson, if deceased. Also, any and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right. line, nen. estate or interest in the real estate described In the complaint herein; also the Full Gospel Mission of lone, Oregon, Defendants. To: Ida B. Rolfson, formerly Ida B. Cochran and John Doe Rolfson, her husband, whose true .name is un known to plaintiffs; and the un known heirs of Ida B. Rolfson, If de ceased. Also, any and all other per sons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or In terest in the real estate described In the complaint herein; also the Full Gospel Mission of lone, Oregon, Defendants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby reaulred to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint filed against you n me aoove eniniea t.ourt witnin four weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and If you fall to so appear or answer, for want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for In their complaint, to-wit: ror a decree Quieting line in nan- tiffs In and to the following described real property, situate In the City of lone. County of Morrow and State of Oregon, to-wit: The East 160 feet of Block 17. Will's Addition to the City of lone, Mor row County. State of Oregon. and that plaintiffs be adjudged to be the owners or said property In tee slmle and that whatever claim you may have In said real property Is null and void, and that you and each or you be rorever barred or and rrom anv and all right title, estate, lien or Interest in said real property and that plain- tins nave sucn otner ana runner re lief as may be just and equitable. This summons is served upon vou by publication thereof for four suc cessive weeks In the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circula tion, published In Mrorow County, Ore gon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. Garnet Barratt, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, which order Is dated March 16. 1949. and the date or the first publication of this summons Is March 24th. 1949. J. O. TURNER Attorney for Plaintiffs, Post Office Address and 1-B residence. Heppner, Ore, NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated March 17, 1949, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth; All of Section 33 in Township 4 North of Range 26 E.WM. for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash, All of Section 36 in Township 3 North of Range 23, E.W.M. for the minimum price of $960.00, cash. All that portion of Section 13, Township 4 North of Range 25, E. W. M. lying South and East of the Canal, except the HEPPNER. GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, FOR SALE My small band of Rambouillet heavy shearing sheep, including registered buck from the John Withers Rambouillet Breeding ranch, Paisley, Oregon. Frank H. Llnd sey, Morgan, Oregon. 52c If you are one of those high speed drivers it will surprise you what a difference it will FOR SALE Whte Monarch range with coils, $50. Phone 503. l-2p We have new 1 12 ton and 2 ton Ford Bonus Built trucks in stock for immediate delivery. Rosewall Motor Company. YOU can buy boys' Levi's from waist 22 up at Wilson's Men's Wear. FOR SALE Davenport and chair set, looks like new. Must sell because of allergy to wool. L. L. Pate, Heppner. lc Take the wheel and try the new '49 Ford feel: Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Chest drawers, bed springs mattress, table, chair, electric hot plates. E. P. Day, lone. lc Wanted 100 cars to paint in our DeVilbiss spray booth. Rose wall Motor Cmopany. FOR SALE or Trade for cheap pickup, Model A sedan. Jac Van Winkle. lc Your car has had a long tough cold winter. Give it a spring: motor tune-up for more plea sant driving. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 11 acres in city lim its; 3 under cultivation; water right, fruits and berries, 7 room house and other build ings. Merle Miller, Phone 1064, Heppner. lp Let us underseal your new car against rust, dust and road noise. Rosewall Motor Co. CONTRACT PAINTING Interior and exterior. Paperhanging and linoleum work. Workmanship guaranteed. Write Modern Painters, Hermiston, or call Heppner 2392. l-2p Join the Ford convertible club. Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, thereof, containing approxi m a t e 1 y 396.63 acres for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. Therefore, I will on the 23rd day of April, 1949 at the hour of 10KX) i A.M., at the front door of the j Court House in Heppner, Oregon sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. FRANCES MITCHELL, 1-5 Deputy. "Any car without new individual, front shock suspension is out fe , ... k Engineered (or less bounce over bumps Less side-sway on turves! To a new distribution of mass and load has boon added a sturdy new frame, an engine to vibration-free you can scarcely hear it, finger-tip steering, new, longer springs. Inside you'll find wide, wide scats, deep and soft . . . These are just a few of the 103 new features in the 1949 Kaiser . . . backed by the RUGGED RELIABILITY proved by 330,000 owners in over three billion miles of postwar driving. Most copied cars in America KAISER-FRAZER Dealers everywhere you go mm-THEN DECIDE! Hilt! Htltt Hurt U'nCiUUCneivIX ti! Sunilr...l!Tit l'r.,..limi HlliMl HEPPNER MOTORS News From C. A. Office Lessons on proper care and op eration of a 16 mm projector were given to representatives of farm organizations at a training meet ing held at Lexington grange hall Monday evening, March 21. Lead ing the discussion on the use of projectors was W. Curtis Reid, from the department of visual instruction, Oregon Slate college. The meeting which was arrang ed by the subordinate grange agricultural committee, as one of their projects of the year, was held to instruct individuals who plan to operate the projector pur chased cooperatively by subor dinate granges, Farm Bureau and the 4-H club council. N. C. An derson, county agent, has been operating the projector since its purchase. Attending the training meeting were Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, Mrs. Herschal Townsend, Willows grange; Baiton Clark, Gerald Bergstrom, Rhea Creek grange; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth, Armon Wihlon, Lexington grange and Herman Wallace, John Grav es, Morrow County Farm Bureau. Mabel I. Wlson and N. C. Ander son, county agents, were also present. Portland's booming 4-H club program recently drew verbal plaudits as the result of an ad dress by Mayor H. Kennelly of Chicago, who wished aloud that "we had 4-H clubs in the big cities." An article appearing in the Dixon, 111., Evening Telegraph followed the speech by pointing out to his honor that Portland. Oregon, is rated as a "big city" and that 4-H club work has been firmly established there. Port land is the only large American city where 4-H club work thrives. Club work was established in Portland, the article states, as a direct outcome of World War I Victory Gardens Approximately 3,000 Portland youngsters are ac tive in club work, with Ed L. Shannon as their supervisor. They have such projects as flower gar dening, poultry, rabbits, and the customary home economics. An example of the value of nitrogen fertilizer in promot I g " I? r or;' h "ition near Burns. these past few days of spring ! Collaborating in the study weather on the Orville Cutsforth were W. A. Sawyer, superintend farm near Lexington. The wheat ent, Squaw Butte station, and Do You Have Enough FIRE INSURANCE? Check with BLAINE E. IS0M AGENCY Heppner Phone 723 l8"!1 comfort! Drive the Mar. 24, 1 949 I field directly across the road ifrom the Cutsforth farm home 'was fertilized late last December with 20 percent nitrogen 100 pounds per acre making an ac tual 20 pounds of ntrogen appli ed. In watching the field this spring, it was one of the first to start growing, while many of the fields in Morrow county are mak ing slow growth. This field is growing excellently. Mr. Cuts forth purchased a broadcaster type fertilizer spreader last fall and the fertilizer was applied with it. Taking a 32 foot swath, it was but a short job to cover the field a3 the spreader was mounted on a farm truck, operat ed at from 10 to 20 miles per hour. Fifty tons of ammonium sul fate, the nitrogen fertilizer used by Mr. Cutsforth was sold thru the Morrow County Grain Grow ers last winter and will be used primarily on dry land wheat in Morrow county This practice is becoming popular each year as above-normal rainfall has leach ed much of the available nitro gen from the top soil. Rates of application vary , from 10-20 pounds of actual nitrogen per acre, depending upon the aver age rainfall in the area in which it is being used Russian knapweed, a noxious weed prevalent in Morrow coun ty is the subject of a new ex tension bulletin, No. 693, now ready for distribution through this office or by writing direct to Oregon State college. The bul letin points out that seed con taining seeds of Russian knap weed may not legally be offered for sale in Oregon. Russian knap weed does not, as yet, have a hold in western Oregon, but it is believed that it would flourish ,if introduced through imports of improperly cleaned alfalfa seed or by other means. Continuous cultivation over a period ol two or three years is the most econ omical control method to'eradi cate this weed. There are other effective methods of control. Eight-year-old Hereford range cows weaned heaviest calves in comparison with cows of other ages, Dr. Ralph Bogart, O.S.C. experiment station staff member, has announced as a result of tests carried on over a six-year period at the Squaw Butte-Har ney branch range experiment sta- inner-spring - of - date!" roughest roads! In a Kaiser you Ret more for your money! You'll be surprised to learn how little it costs you to drive a Kaiser Ih. Kaiser Traveler $2088.48 The Koiser Special $2328.57 The Kaiser De Luxe $2509.01 A new Kainer model, now In production avftiUble noon. White aidewall tire available at extra cost. I'rirea include fjictory-inalalltH. ae retworiea . . . READY TO DRIVI. Transortation, state and local taxes tif any) extra. Trices sub ject to change without nolle. Leonard M. Oloufa, O.S.C. grad uate student. Dr. Bogard learned that two- year-old heifers with their first calves weaned the lightest calves of any age group, 272 pounds. An arbitrary 32-week weaning time was used for all animals included in the study. Weaning weights grew progressively heav ier with age of the cow until the eight year calf was weaned. Av erage weight of weaners from eight-year-old cows was 355 pounds. From then on weaning weights gradually tapered off as the cow aged. Heaviest calves at weaning time will most likely go on to be the heaviest market animals in any given period of time, Dr. Bogart points out. Although milk supply of the mother cow is the most import ant consideration in calf wean ing weight, heredity and envir onment are also important. The George Webb Hereford ranch, Mayville, is cooperating with the college in a bull efficiency study. Last year, Webb learned that two registered Hereford bulls sired calves that differed approximate ly one-half pound per day in weight gained. By the tirne cows in the Squaw Butte test were four-year-olds, they weaned calves that were but little below the maximum weight to be expected later. Larger cows weaned heavier calves, Dr. Bogart states. Cows weighing 1000 pounds, for exam ple, weaned calves weighing an average of 35 pounds more than Everybody's invited! fteroanraifon Month McCLINTOCK'S Heppner, Oregon Featuring special action displays of the famous FARM HAND Hydraulic Loader and attachments, and the all new FARMHAND "90" Wagon. Don't miss 'em! SEE IT IN ACTION ... the only loader that combines 3,000 lb. lift . . . 21-foot reach . . . "Wrist-Action" leverage . . . to save you time, money, work on more than 50 farm jobs ! Ns; ' L J : WATCH 'EM WORK... the FARMHAND Loader attach ments that perform miracle jobs of lifting, loading, stack ing, moving and carrying. You'll discover dozens of ways this great loader and attachments can help on the farm! Ill xOA 1 AND TAKE A GOOD LOOK at the next wagon you'll be buying . . . the FARMHAND "90" that gives you full 90" angle turns . . . Quick Hitch coupling . . . adjustable bolster and reach ... a host of new features you want ! See this big working display now during FARMHAND Demonstration Month McCLINTOCK'S Page 7 those produced by 900 pound cows. It appears then, according to Dr. Bogart, that range beef producers must keep large cows in order to produce heavy wean ers. Cows from 2 to 14 years of age were included in the study. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Parker have as their guests fhis week Mrs. Parker's mother, Mrs. Julia Cypert of Walla Walla, Wash., and her sister, Mrs. Grace Mitch ell of Tacoma, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gilliam are spending spring vacation In Heppner with relatives. Mr. Gil liam, a student at Oregon Slate college, will graduate this spring. ATTENTION ! Salesmen or Sales Ladies, if you are ambitious and willing to work REXAIR has a Job for you. Good pay fast promotion. Also school teachers and ministers who would like extra income write the Rexair Division 109 No. 6th St, Boise, Idaho for information or personal intervew. Everybody's coming! (iiBrmhand at MACHINE SHOP f A. x MACHINE SHOP ,4