Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 24, 1949, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Heppner Gazett e Times, Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 24, 1949
Page 5
Boardman Women
Form Garden Club
Monday Evening
By Mrs Flossie Coats
Mrs. Harry Andrews, Hermis
ton, district president of Blue
Mountain Federation of Garden
Clubs, organized a garden club
in Boardman Monday evening,
March 21, at the home of Mrs.
Glen Carpenter. Officers elected
were: President, Mrs. Chas. An
deregg; vice chairman, Mrs. Leo
Root; secretary, Mrs. Nathan
Thorpe, and treasurer, Mrs. Jeo
Potts. The next meeting will be
Thursday, March 31, at 2 p.m.
at Mrs. Thorpe's home. All lad
ies interested please come. Ev
eryone welcome. Miss Florence
Andrews accompanied her moth
er to Boardman.
Ronald Black, agriculture tea
cher, and the local FFA chapter
motored to Pendleton Friday and
Saturday, attending the Blue
Mountain district FFA parlia
mentary, public .speaking and
shop contests. The parliamentary
team is com posed of Bob SicartL.
president; Keiih Tannehlll, vice
president; Peter Cassidy, secre
tary; Michael Cassidy, treasurer,
and Donald Gillespie, reporter.
This took place Friday. Keith
Tannehlll placed first in the
snelllng contest Friday evening.
Placing first in the shop contest
from Boardman Saturday were
Donald Gillespie in tool identi
fication, Michael Cassidy In rope
work, Harold Marlow in forgo
work, with Bob Sicard placing
second in soldering. Attending
from Boardman chapter were
Tannehlll. Sirard. Rogers, Robin
son, P. Cassidy, M. Cassidy, Gil
lespie, Shattuck, Palmer, Bar
ham, D. Marlow, Harold Marlow,
Califf, Ball, Fussell, Earwood and
. The Boardman school students,
5th grade through the high, mo
tored to lone Friday to attend
the annual Morrow County
Speech festival. The high school
entered a one-act play, "Faint
Heart Never Won a Fair Lady."
The cast of characters Included
Doris Landers, Mrs. Shushington;
Mary Ann Rands, Nellie Shush
ington; Delmer Hug as Elmer
Quackenbush. The following en
tries were from the grade school:
Humorous poem, Marie Potts and
Grace Miller; reading prose,
Charlotte Graham, Georgia Lan
ders; reading poetry, Yvonne
Rasmussen, Marlene Fisk; story
telling, Jack Mulligan and Eldon
Wilson. Winners to be announc
ed later in the week
Mrs. Clara .Gertson of Heppner
was a dinner guest at the W. L.
Blann home Wednesday of lasl
Guests several days last week
at the Leroy Fussell home were
Mrs. Fussell's father, Will Coch
ran, and her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coch
ran, all of Eugene.
Friends will be happy to hear
the Wm. Lilly family is returning
to Barnhart, near Pendleton. The
Lillys have been at Union June
tion the past two years where
Mr. Lilly was section foreman,
Mrs. George Brune, nee Audree
Wilson, and small daughter Ton!
spent the week end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson.
Mrs. Chas. Wolley and daugh
ter Marcia visited a few days last
week with relatives In St. Helens.
Mrs. Delbcrt Carpenter and
sons are caring for the camp
cabins at Buck's Corner for Mr
and Mrs. Orville Carpenter while
they are in Spokane.
Sunday dinner guests at the W.
L. Blann home were Mr. and Mrs.
Claud Clark of Hermiston.
Mrs. N. A. Macomber spent the
week end in Pendleton with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs.. Gilbert Petteys, gong Friday.
While there the famly celebrated
young Beverly's birthday Sunday,
March 20. Mr. Macomber motor
ed to Pendleton Sunday for his
Stanley Waldron of Tillamook
is spending some time with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waldron.
Week end guests at the Guy
Ferguson home were their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Ferguson of Rich
land. Darwin Gillespie, Boardman
school coach, motored to Eugene
for the week end with hs family.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root motored
to Arlington Sunday and were
dinner guests of Mrs. Root's sis
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Macomber.
Our Mr. G. W. Boyd
Representative of
our famous tailors
Will be in our store
With a complete new line
of Made-to-Measure
for men and women
Delivery now or later
Si j ji Hundreds of new Spring and Summer samples
Wlv t0 c'100se rom """y 'n P'es reason-
j ably priced.
Ed. V. Price & Co. tailored-to-order clothes are authori
tatively styled, beautifully tailored and made just for
you to your own personal requirements.
We invite you to come in during this showing no
The Store of Personal Service
v ill 'i ri
I III " "5S
jS0 FREEDOM WiyV&ss?
Lefty Swings a Wicked Pick
Monument People
Set Date To Clean
Town's Cemetery
By Millie Wilson
The MMM club met Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Ella Durst with May de Ette Hin-
ton as co-hostess. The refresh
ments served were salad, sand- (
wiches, punch and coffee. At the
business meeting, the cleaning of
the cemetery was discussed. It
was decided to get together on
Saturday, March 26, and clean it.
Those not able to go to the cem
etery will see to making the cof
fee and serving the potluck din
ner In the grange hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Manhan have
moved into Daisy Simas' house.
Mr. Manhan will work in the
woods for the Big 4 Lumber com
pany. Word has been received from
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swick that
Howard is much improved and
' " " '"V'V:; ::
Sunday afternoon guests of the
Coats and Gillespie famillies
were County Clerk and Mrs. Chas.
Barlow of Heppner.
Mrs. Caroline Dickman, who
has spent the past several months
with her aunts, Mrs. Eva Warner
and Mrs. Adeline Dart, left for
Portland where she will meet Mr.
Dickman for a visit. The Dick
mans' home is in Los Angeles
Mrs. Lee Harwood is staying
with Mrs. Warner while Mrs.
Dickman is absent.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Tannehill over the week end were
their son, Clyde Tannehill, and
Miss Betty Hult of Eugene.
Mr. and Mis. Ed MeClellan and
family, Edward, Gary and Rose
mary of Portland, were visitors
one day at the home of McClel
lan's step-father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Kunze. Edward is
having his spring vacation from
Neil Wooley is going around
this week with a badly infected
hand due to running a nail into
his hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie
motored to Hermiston Monday.
Nick Taylor, student at U. of
0., arrived home Sunday for the
spring vacation which he is
spending wiih his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Algy Taylor. Miss
Jeann Young will arrive Wednes
day to spend the remainder of
the week at Taylors
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderegg
celebrated their 17th wedding
anniversary Saturday and Sun
day by being entertained at din
ner, Saturday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briggs, with
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown and Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Wyss as guests,
and Sunday at the Ray Browns'
for dinner wth the same group.
Aaron Agee, who has been vis
iting friends on the project, left
Tuesday for Mikkalo to spend a
couple of weeks with his daugh
with TYLE-BORD pastel panels
Family and friends will enjoy the
sparkling, colorful atmosphere
that TYLE-BORD brings into
your home. TYLE-BORD's slick,
plastic finish cleans as easily as
a china dish.
Easy to Apply
Anyone handy with tools will find
TYLE-BORD easy to apply over old
walli or in new construction. It Is ideal
to b'righten kitchens, bathrooms, play
rooms; wherever colorful, lasting
walls are desired.
Select your color eomftnt
tion trom the fix Western
Pastel shades w haw on
display. TrtE-BOKO
Janata art 4 teet wide bf 4
(., ( H, or I ft. long .
will soon bo home again.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl H;;nson who
have spent most of the winter
in Portland are home again in
time for the salmon fishing.
Emory Moore and daughter
Darlene and Mr. and Mrs. Chance
Wilson were seen on the streets
of Heppner last Monday.
Harlan Shank has started work
on his new store. His brother,
Tommy, is helping him.
Ann Johns accompanied by
Otis Stubblefield motored to John
Day on Wednesday.
Cns Hamilton was a business
visitor in the Court Rock vicinity
last Wednesday.
On March 17 Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Johns, Mrs. Fred Shanks
and Tommy Shanks drove to the
LS ranch for dinner with Fred
Shanks, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mundy
and Deb Bellenbrock. The dinner
was in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Shanks' 19th wedding anni.
versa ry.
On March 15 Nora Boyer and
Jessie Gamble were hostesses for
a birthday party honoring Min
nie Gamble and Linnie Gilman.
After a delicious buffet dinner,
dancing of old time square dan
ces was enjoyed. The honorees
were the recipients of many beau
tiful and useful presents. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Capon, Mr. and Mrs. George Ca
pon, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ricken,
Margaret Elder, Ethel Sclnfer,
Darlene Moore, Norris Stubble
field. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Boy
er, Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Emory and
Stanley Boyor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sweek were
In town last Sunday visiting
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Rho Blenkman
from Top met ther daughter. Mrs.
Marvin Saddler, at Hermiston
last week. Mr. Saddler went on
to Port Orford with their house
hold furnishings. The Saddlers
will make their home in Port Or
ford where .Mr. Saddler has em
ployment. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Otten
ger left last Monday for Cottage
Grove where they will make their
home. Mr. Ottenger logged for
the Powell mill for awhile.
W. E El.jer has been in town
representing the Singer Sewing
Machine company. He serviced
machines for Ethel Leathers and
Lydia Capon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patte
son and daughter Thillis have
returned from an extended visit
in Bellingham, Wash.
"Sweet Adeline," a two-act play
given by the men of the Monu
ment grange in Monument's
gym on March 19, was a huge
success and a lot of praise should
be given to the members of the
play cast. It was followed by a
dance. The Rimrock Serenaders
furnished the music. Midnight
supper was served by the HEC
Mrs. Merrill Jones and son.
Bucky Morris, from Bend were
here this week vsiiting friends
and relatives. They also attend
ed the play and dance on Satur
Mrs. Clarence Holmes gave a
dinner Sunday evening honoring
Kinzua Baseball
Team Preparing
For 1949 Season
By Elsa M. Leathers
The American Legion gave a
banquet at the Jeffmore hall on
Monday evening in honor of the
baseball learn of last year'. Mr.
and Mrs. George Close and Mr.
and Mrs. Claud England were
hosts. Mr. Close was the first
manager of the team. He was
master of ceremonies. At this
time Ed Wham was presented a
fishing creel for all 'round best
sportsman, from the Kinzua Pine
Mills Mercantile company. Les
ter Halverson was given a fishing
rod by the pastime for the best
batting average. The team pre
sented their manager, Joe Hays,
with a hassock. The Kinzua team
this year has all new suits.
The first practice was this
week end with a good turnout.
Three shifts of men started
clearing the pond Friday morn
ing and finished in time so no
time was lost in any department
of the mill. Carl Coleman's crew
from Camp 5 was here.
Joe Hays was rushed to The
Dalles hospital Friday morning
by ambulance. He is expected to
return home the last of this week.
Friends and schoolmates are
extending their sympathies to
Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson Sr.
and David Ji. Their son Glen
who has bene ill and hospital
ized at Portland since November
passed away suddenly Friday
morning when his mother had
just arrived to visit him. He wac
a sophomore in hgh school. Fun
eral services were held at Con
don Tuesday afternoon with Ar
thur Thomas, James Walker Jr.,
Carl Coleman Jr. and David Phil
lips and two boys from Condon
as pallbearers. Interment was
in a Portland cemetery. A large
number of friends and students
attended the funeral. Glen was
a member of the DeMolay of
George Close attended the di
rectors meeting of the REA at
Long Creek on Tuesday.
The Boy Scouts are sponsoring
an old-time dance Saturday eve
ning with Samples Stringed or
chestra making music.
Bert Greenfield who was in
jured some ten days ago was able
to return to work Monday morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis and
daughter spent the week end at
Lone Rock. Mr. Davis and bro
ther Carrol of Lone Rock spent
Saturday hauling lumber to the
Davis ranch.
Mrs. Lewis Wetzell returned to
her home from The Dalles hos
pital. Her tiny son is in the incu-
'. bator yet and it will be some
i time before they can bring him
! home.
George Close played and sang
'with the Samples over KPM Sun
i day afternoon. This was the last
j broadcast for some time. The
three small daughters of Mr. and
i Mrs. Wm. Brogdon also put on
a .number.
I Mrs. Red Hulett of Portland
iwas visiting her husband here
over the week end, and also call
ing on friends. The Huletts lived
here during the war, before mov
ing to Portland.
Ezra Adkins has returned to
Kinzua to work. He was employ
ed here for years but had moved
to Dayville about three years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Hadley
and son were visiting here Sat
urday evening from Fossil. They
are expecting Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Hadley home soon. The Hadleys
had started to California to shear
sheep and Mr. Hadley was taken
ill with rheumatism and has
been at Soap Lake doctoring.
Bill Gilbert of Camp 5 who
was injured some time ago and
lost a foot is about on crutches
and expects to have an artificial
foot soon. He will have employ
ment here and moved here this
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Otto and
family moved on Frday to Jo
seph where he bought a trucking
business and also a home. The
daughter Joan will go to high
school at Milton.
Jerry Rood went to Portland
over the week end to consult his
doctor about the infection on his
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gubser
and daughter of Condon visited
Mr. arid Mrs. Warren Jobe Satur
day and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph.Moore were
attending to business at Condon
Friday to bring Mrs. Bird home,
teeth extracted.
I Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham
took their son Dick to Arlington
'Sunday so he could return to The
j Dalles for school. He had spent
the week end here.,
j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson
'and children returned to their
home at Vancouver, Wash., after
visiting here for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bird and
Howard Bird went to Portland on
Frday to bring Mrs. Bird home.
She has been doctoring there for
some time.
Kinard McDaniel visited his
son and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Dallas McDaniel and son, of
Lonerock over the week end.
Paul Munsey of Portland is
visiting at the Sterling Whams'.
Mr. Munsey was a foreman here
for several years before moving
to Portland.
ijjjjsljk " l MELEME
Monday, April 4 -- 8 P. M.
Admission 75c
the members of the play cast
and their wives. Everyone report
ed a very enjoyable evening.
Sheriff Calhoun from Canyon
City was seen on our streets last
Saturday. ,
Powell's mill down the river
started operations this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Simas sold
their apartment house to Daisy
Simas this week.
Daisy Simas, Laura Simas and
Joava Enright were business
visitors in John Day on Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Ed Round re
turned home Saturday after a
week's stay in John Day.
from an unusually
wide variety of sizes and styles
for every business
Heppner Gazette Times
, 5
Fast, Economical GAINS
Larro Cattle Supplement provides pro
teins and other nutrients required for
quick profitable gains and top market
bloom and finish. Furnishes carbohy
drates, vitamins, and trace, elements
cattle need to economically and effi
ciently utilize your grains, Excellent
for cattle in the feed lot.
INC. 8Sf"7 !
For That Easter Ensemble!
Top your Easter outfit with one of our extra
becoming Spring bonnets ...
You will head the Easter Parade if you
choose your entire ensembe frojn our well
selected stock-
Add the proper
touch with a pair
of matching
An elegant line
in White, Gray,
Green, Brown
and Black.
To complement
the ensemble . . .
A nice assort
ment in a variety
of colors . . .
We are Proud of Our Line of
Smart, versatile garments to take
you everywhere . . . unbeatable
values in desirable new styles.
Norah's Shoo
Monow County Grain Growers, Inc.
Heppner - - Lexington
Lumber Co.
11 T