Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 24, 1949 Page 3 Many Activities Of Week Noted by lone News Writer By Echo Palmateer DATES TO REMEMBER March 25 The Three Links club at the Rebekah hall In the afternoon. March 26 Social meeting of the Topic club at the Verner Troedson home. Bridge and pin ochle will be played. March 26 Dance at the grange hall. March 27 Womans Missionary society will meet at the home of Mrs. Leonard Carlson in the af ternoon at 1:30. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker will give an account of their trip to the Hawaiian is lands this winter. Everyone in vited. March 31 Third and last meet, ing of the cotton dress shop at the grange hall. All-day meeting. A birthday party was held af ter the business meeting of the Rebekah lodge Thursday of last week in honor of Mrs. Louis Ball, Mrs. Tom White, Mrs. Gordon White, Mrs. Ella Davidson, Mrs. k VJ Whatever your weed problem, . there Is a Du Pont Weed Killer to ZZ OUR DEMOCRACY- -byMat 600P CIRCUMSTANCES EACH GENERATION IN AMERICA HAS HAD ITS OWN MEASURE OP WHAT CONSTITUTES OOOD CIRCUMSTANCES." In THE PIONEER. DAY OP OUR. COUNTRY, A MAN WAS IN GOOD CIRCUMSTANCES IF HE HAD, FOR HIS FAMILY, A HOME IN A LOCATION SECURE f ROM ATTACK A PIECE OF LANO AND A HORSE WITH WHICH TO WORK IT. do the job . . . efficiently , , . eco nomically. Du Pont 2,4-D Weed Killers are selective weed killing materials and we can give you full details on when and how to use them for best results. The "know-how" of weed killing is im. portant, and we have the Du Pont weed control program best suited to this area. Speca Formulations for Every Agricultural Use DO IT RIGHT with DuPont Weed Killers Friendly Service Later on, as America developed, AND THE SECURITY OF ITS HOMES BECAME ESTABLISHED, (JOOD CIRCUMSTANCES'CAME TO EMBRACE MORE HOME COMFORTS ANO CONVENIENCES - GLASS WINDOW PANES, FRANKLIN STOVES, CHINA DISHES -MORS SUBSTANTIAL TOOLS TO WOUK WITH. llllllll A. i l I.J . rs wr.j t in BUT THROUGHOUT OUR HISTORY THE CONCEPT OF 'GOOD CIRCUMSTANCEs'hAS CENTERED AROUND THE HOME AND FAMILY. IT HAS EMBRACED THE OPPORTUNITY TO PROVIDE THE SUBSTANCE OP UVIN9, TO NURTURE THE BONDS OP LOVE ANO AFFECTION AND TO PLAN CONFIDENTLY TOWARD THE FAMILY'S FUTURE WELL-BEING. Your Authorized Dealers Gilliam & Bisbee Heppner, Oregon Omar Rietmann lone, Oregon A. C. Crowell, H O. and George Ely, Ernest Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCabe and Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpaln. Games were played and cake, ice cream and coffee were served from tables decorated with green and white candles, shamrocks, horse shoes, etc. The hostesses were Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Ida Cole man, Miss Mary Brackett and Mrs. Pete Cannon. College students home for spring vacation are, Oregon State, Bruce Smith, Tommy Do herty and Alfred Shirley Jr.; Uni versity of Oregon, Miss Shirlee Smouse, Miss Barbara Smith and a friend, Miss Enne Armstrong of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and Louis Carlson; University of Washington, Alton Yarnell; E. O. C. E., Matt and John Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith gave a birthday dinner Saturday eve ning in honor of their son, Bruce. Others present were Miss Bar bara Smith, Miss Enne Arm strong, Mr. and Mrs. John Ran sier of Morgan and Mrs. Ted Smith and son Phil of Heppner. Diane and Karen MeCurdy of Heppner spent the week end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan MeCurdy Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs Ernest Heliker drove to Pendleton Sun day. Mrs. C. W. Burton of Portland is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lana Padberg. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mise tich and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Car son of Portland spent the week end at the Padberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Martin and children of Madras spent the week edn here. Mr. Martin is staying for a while to do some work on his house. He also oper ates a ranch near Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Hurley of College Place, Wash., spent last week in lone. Mr. Hurley is a piano tun- (on? mi See tie differe7ice Bear tie difference KTiiw?3S3Ewqf n ft i i i. rvr : ' Th. Stytalln. D. lux 4-Deor Man WMH ileVroll Km optional of oiha corf. Thai MnliA and Kdigtvina J I tound when you rtote tht I ' door of a CkenoU Body A ll V cuher tyyifitt tht lV. finer and mart durable quality which runt all through the ear. There t nothing fiimty or "tinny" about thit car; it proeidtt quality that it "true blue" through and through! er. Mrs. Hurley is an aunt of Mrs. Clifford Carlson. Initiation was held in the third and fourth degrees at a grange meeting Saturday evening. Two were initiated from lone and five from Lexington. At the meeting Oscar Lundell gave a talk about the grange cooperating with the city in removing the stumbling blocks irom the sidewalks in town. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ernest Heliker, Mrs. James Lind say and Mrs. John Ransier. The tables were decorated in keeping with St. Patrick's day. The HEC of Willows grange met at the home of Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen Friday, March 18, with 13 members present. The program consisted of a beanie bout in which history and stories were told about beans. A potluck din ner was served at noon and lunch in the afternoon. The hostesses were Mrs. Halvorsen, Mrs. Her shall Townsend and Mrs. John Eubanks. Mrs. Thomas Ash beck and daughter of Ordnance were guests of Mrs. Doris Gollyhorn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pettyjohn are moving from ther home in Ac! ams to The Dalles. Their son Jim my is staying with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay, while they are getting moved. Jerry Bailey is employed a! the Standard Oil station. The mothers of the 7th and 8th grade pupils gave a banquet at the school house the evening of March 15 in honor of the grade school basketball team. Edmond Rristow was toastmaster. Mrs. W. McCoy gave a piano solo; read ing by Margaret Hubbard; piano solo by Shirlee McGreer; vocal solo by E. S: Stultz; talk and presentation of trophy and let ters to the grade school team by Francis Ely, coach. The fresh man girls waited on the tables. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. The 4-H club cooking class and their leader, Mrs. Verner Troed- son, held a meeting at the Noel Dobyns apartment Wednesday, March 6. They spent the time on their work books. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Oscar Lundell on Thursday of last week. The Ameca club was entertain ed at the home of Mrs. Earl Mc Cabe Wednesday, March 16, with Mrs. Howard Eubanks helping. Twenty members and two guests were present. The guests were Mrs. Ray Pettyjohn of Adams and Mrs. John Darst of Eugene. The first meeting of the cotton dress work shop was held March 17 at the grange hall with about 15 ladies making dresses. The leaders were Mrs. Omar Riet mann, Mrs. L. A. McCabe, Mrs. Francis Ely and Mrs. Sam Mc Millan. The next meeting will be March 23. The leaders were instructed in the second meeting, Friday, March 18. Wilbur Akers took a load of farm machinery to Medford last from The Dalles hospital Its the most Beautiful 1BW$ ofa The most Beautiful BUY for Styling. Not only i Chevrolet's Unistecl Body by Fisher more tolid, more tturdy iind more tatiifying to ride in, but it is also more Ijcautifully desired, uphol stered, nnd appointed than other bodies in the Chevrolet field. It run smarter colors, tool The most Beautiful BUY for Com fort. Here, you can relai at you ride ... in a Super-Sio Interior . . . featuring "Five-Foot Seats," eitra generoiis head, Icr and cllmwroom, and the advanced henting and venti lating system of a car that breathet. (Heater and defroster optional at extra cost.) i- The most Beautiful BUY for Driving and Riding Ease-wlth New Center -Point Design Just as you can tee the difference and hear the difference born of quality when you close the door of a Chevrolet Body by Fisher, so you will experience the difference when you drive or ride in this car that America calls the mott beautiful buy of all. And what a decisive difference you will find in its driving and riding qnnlitiesl New Center-Point Design including Center-Point Steering, Center-Point Seating, Lower Center of Gravity without loss of road clearance and Center-Point Rear Suspension brings you an entirely new kind of driving and riding eaee found elsewhere only in costlier cars. Here, indeed, is the mott beautiftd buy of all (or total car value because it brings you all these qualities of costlier cars at the fcirvwf price! and with outstanding all-round economy! AMERICA'S CHOICE FOR 18 YEARS New "Dubl-llfe" Rivetle.s Brake linings last up to TWICE at long! tlningi ara tacurad to brak. thoai by no rivals to limit lining waar or tcort a ipaclal "Parma-Bond" procass braVa drums, lining Ufa Is practically thoroughly taitad and provad by doMtd. Chavrolat Is tha ftrif full millions of units undar all kinds of sliad car to bring you this Important driving condition, tacaui thara ort braking advancamantl The most Beautiful BUT for Thrills and Thrift. Nowhere else will you find such a perfect balance of power, acceleration, economy and depend ability as you'll find in Chevrolet's Valve-in-Head F.nginel That's why more and more makers are adopting Valve-in-IIead design. The most Beautiful BUY for Ail Round Safety. You'll enjoy maxi mum safety with: (1) New Certi-eVe Hydraulic Brakes; () Extra-Strong Fisher Unisteel Body; (9) New IW nunic Visibility, (4) Safety Flste Glass in windshield and all windows; and (J) the super-safe Uniused Knee Action Hide. FIRST FOR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST HODGE CHEVROLET CO. week. The Akers' have purchased Mrs. John Darst of Eugene a farm there and will move soon, spent last week with her parents, Mrs. Wm. Bergstrom is home! Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson. Addtional lone Page 6 AT YOUR STORE ...delivered fresh daily to your grocer's refrigerator. R AT YOUR DOOR ...You can have Mayflower dairy products brought right to your door. ..on regular scheduled deliveries. Ask for these MAYFLOWER DAIRY PRODUCTS STANDARD MILK AND CREAM HOMOGENIZED MILK 5 MILK CREEMTEN 10 WHIPPING CREAM BUTTER BUTTERMILK CHOCOLATE DRINK ICE CREAM CHEDDAR CHEESE COTTAGE CHEESE Phone 2682 n I In jlr U LJ USEC OF- 5) ye reamer: American Legion Hall MARCH 26 SPONSORED BY Heppner Post No. 87, American Legion MAIN at MAY HEPPNER, OREGON