Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 17, 1949 Page 5 DON'T WAIT until winter comes again to have storm windows installed. I make any size and install them. Also repair vaeu urn cleaners. N. D. Bailey. 44tfc Join the Ford Convertible Club. 1947 Ford Deluxe tudor, new re built motor, lots of extras. Pay down $490.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Modern two-bedroom house, Willi garden and hot house. Priced to sell. Gordun Grady, Riverside Ave., Heppner, Ore. 47tfc Pickups 1930 Ford pickup $175.00. 1932 Ford pickup $200.00 1937 Ford pickup $395.00. Make a small payment down and pay the balance as you drive. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE 508-6th St. Independence, Ore. MODERN SKVEN ROOM HOUSE GARAGE, WOODSHED, UTILITY ROOM. NEW GAS RANGE & GAS HOT WATER, DOUBLE PLUMB ING, LOT 56X160. SEVEN YEARS OLD, CONCRETE FOUNDATION. ALL FOR , ONLY $1500.00 OR WILL TRADE FOR HErPNER PROPERTY. TURNER. VAN MARTER & CO, We have studded ground grip tires that will get you thru the mud without chains. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 7 -room home with three bathrooms; corner lot, ideal location. See Terrel Benge or phone 203. 49-52p You have seen the new look. Now try the new Ford ride. 1946 Ford Coupe 1946 Ford 2-ton Truck 1941 Dodge Coupe 1940 International Pickup 1941 Chevrolet Pickup 1936 Ford Pickup 1936 Ford Coupe 1936 Dodge Coupe 1935 Plymouth Coupe Why gamble? Buy with a guarantee! HODGE CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 403 FOUND-Camera and case Same 1 1M0 Ford tu(jor gedan can be had by identifying at Gazette Times office and pay ing advertising costs. 50-52c We have new and rebuilt Ford motors for more than 20 years coverage. Restore your car's or iginal pep with a new motor. Pay on easy monthly budget terms. Rosewall Motor Co. built motor. Pay down $415.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Home Comfort range, excellent condition, $75; West Inghouse electric range, $10. Will trade for calves, pigs, fry ers, or grain. Walt Young, ph. 2ti2(i. Hermlston, Rle. 1. 5152c have the most modern equip ment to work with. Rosewall Motor Company. Keep your eye on our used car lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE My small band of Rambouillet heavy shearing sheep, including registered buck from the John Withers Rambouillet Breeding ranch, Paisley, Oregon. Frank H. Lind sey, Morgan, Oregon. 52c FOR SALE Modern 6room house with 34 basement, automatic oil heat, garage. On corner lot. Chuck Hodge. Tel. 1114. 51tf WANTED Hotel clerk for night shift. Experience dealing with public. Must be sober and neat appearing. Hotel Heppner, Heppner, Oregon. 52c FOR SALE One International 4 bottom cast plow. Excellent condition. Chris Brown, Hepp ner. 52-lc FOR SALE Three new 10-ft. Massey-Harris disc drills com plete with hitch. Also new Cal kins grain feeder. Can be seen at Spring Hollow ranch. Frank Holub. 51-52-lp 1941 Nash 600 sedan. See this car with paint that looks new. The neighbors will think you have a new car. Pay down $325.00. Rosewall Motor Co. - FOR SALE Spring seed rye. Call Heppner 13F34, or write Claud Huston, lone, Ore. 51-52p 1937 Ford long wheel base truck, equipped with grain bed. If you are just starting and want to hold down your equipment in vestment come in and ask to see truck No. 862. Rosewall Mo tor Company. STRAYED from the Umatilla Na. tional Forest during the season of 1918, 2 cows and their calves, hranHi.H 39 nn riuht Viin ernn ' and split in left ear, underbit in right ear. $25 reward per head for the recovery of these animals. Ralph Reade, Spray, Oregon. 51tfc 1936 Chevrolet truck, new rubber, rebuilt motor. Here is a truck for a small investment. Ask to see truck No. 799. Rosewall Mo tor Co. 30 years of know how. Some of our mechanics have been re pairing cars for 30 years and If you have to fight your steering wheel to keep the car in the road it is a good bet your front wheels are out of alignment. We make front end corrections and align front wheels to fac tory specifications. Drive down our Safety Lane for a free in spection. Rosewall Motor Co. Let us underseal your new car against rust, dust and noise. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Two 4-bottom 16-inch John Deere plows; three 12 foot Calkins Weeders, 1 year old. See George Davidson, Richfield Service Station, Hepp ner. 52-lc FOR SALE 100 gallons 2-4.D in ' sealed 5-gallon containers. Will sell all or any amount at fac tory price to dispose of quickly. Gordon Grady, phone 2193, Heppner, Oregon. 52c Don't send out of town for any thing automotive until you first try Rosewall Motor Company. Has your car had its RPM lubri cation this month. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Several old pieces of glass and chinaware; pictures and frames; 6-piece jewelite plastic dresser. Esther Thomp son. Phone 2552. . 52-lp Watch our show windows for the most beautiful cars that ever wheeled the road. Rosewall Mo tor Company. WANTED Dependable man "or woman as local representative on permanent basis to write new, streamlined hospitaliza tion and health insurance, dis ability benefits, etc. High first commissions and liberal renew als. Experience preferable but not required as we will assist you. Write: Intermediate Div ision, Continental Casualty Co., 329 S.W. Oak St., Portland 4, Oregon. 51-52c 73.38 32.86 48.35 DON'T WAIT until fly time to have your screen doors install ed. Order them now. Made to order, any size. N. D. Bailey. 51tfc Let us balance the wheels on your car with our electronic wheel balancer. Rosewall Motor Co. Bring it in at 8:00 A.M., take your car out at 6:00 P.M. with a new motor rearing to go. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Three M.M. 8-ft. disc plows with hitch. Good condi tion. John Proudfoot, lone, Ore. 51 -52-lc We repair all makes of cars. Rose wall Motor Company. LEGAL NOTICES drilRne.i Administrntnr of the estate .f MAc;;lK KKK.WH. deceased. ha filed with the. rrutmt Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. nm v inal Account or nis administration NOTICE TO CBEDITOM 0f the estate of eald deceased and aald Notice la hurehy given that the un- court fixed Monday, the 21st day of deralttned has been duly appointed, by . Murch. 1M9. at the hour of ten o'clock the. l'rolmte Court of Morrow County. m the forenoon of .aid day. at the Oregon, administrator of the estnta (If : Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as Mary Messenger, deceased. All persons (he me and place for hearing ohjec having claims against the Raid estate , t, to said final acount and the Bel are hereby reqi.ired to file the same tlement of aald estate, and all persona with proper auchers attached, with the , having ohjetlloin thereto are hereby administrator, at the office of J Turner. In Heppner. Oregon, .on or be fore six months from the date of first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 17th dny of February, lttsit. E. T. MKSSKNC.KR 48-62 Administrator. KOTICE OF riNAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un- WALT'S Young Broilers & Fryers Phone 2626 Hermiston, Ore. Delivery Eaph Friday Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 112 The Dalles Phone 263S 114 E. 2nd St Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytime" Dance Saturday Evening March 26 Willows Grange Hall - lone Music By SCATTERNOTES Lunch at Midnight Admission $1.25 Tax included riHiulrPd to file the same with paid court on or before the time fixed for mud hearing. Dated and first published this 17th day of Februnr, LKWIS BARCLAY, Administrator. Jos. J. Nys. Attorney for Administrator, Hi'ppnerMJrp.ni. 4R-52 NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice i hen-by given that the un dcrsigned. administrator of the est tit e of (iuy Helton, dcrcaMod. has filed his final account with the Probate Court ot i the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and said Court lias set Mon day, the 11th day of April, at the hour of Hi (Ki A. M, in the Court Room of the Morrow County Court House a." t lie lime and place for hearing on wild final account. All persons having objec tions to same are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the date set for said hearing;. Iiiitcd and first published this luth duy of March. 1949. FRANK S. PARKER Administrator, J. O. Turner. Attorney. Heppner, Oregon. M3. CITATION No. 1150 IN T 11 K i'ROBATK COURT OF THE STAT K OK OR K ION FOR TI I fc, COUNT- if OF MORROW. In the Matter of the Estate of S. J. IVvlne, Deceased. To Mary IVarl Devtne, Claude Devine, Miutine Ness. Lauris Lee Devine, James Pevine and Joseph Devine. IN TDK NAMK OF THE STATE OF ORKCION: You are hereby Cited and required to apnear In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Dittreu Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID ' FreBookTellsofHomeTraatmnttM Must Help or It Wilt Cott Yon Nothing j Over two million bottloiof thTTTLLABD TUB ATM KNT have been told for relUf f ymptoms of dint reag arising frotnfttomacli and Duodenal UIcm due to Poor Digestion, tow or Upwt Otowwh, Qanlntu, Heartburn, tl plmnni, te duo to Eices Acid. 8 old on 1 fi daye trial! Ask for "WHIard'e Mhuh" wakb tally upUlu tbla treatment tree at Saager's Pharmacy COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR FEBRUARY, 1949 The minutes of the January, 1949 term were read and approv ed. The Court asked for bids for 8 Venetian blinds to be Installed in the Court House. Accepted the bid of O. M. Yeager In the amount of $137.60, this being the lowest bid. The Court agrees to purchase 4 new pickups and 1 panel truck and will get prices on Ford, Chevrolet and G. M. C. The Court ordered the sale of the following property: All of Section 8, in Township 2 North of Range 23, E.W.M. for the minimum price of $5.00 per acre, cash. Beginning at a point 94 feet West from the Southeast corner of Block 2 of the Original Town (now City) of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, running thence North 66 feet; thence West 10 feet; thence South 27 feet, 9 inch es; thence West 11 feet 5 inches; thence South 28 feet, 3 inches; thence East 21 feet, 5 inches to the place of beginning for the minimum price of $3500.00, cash. Warrants Issued on General Fund Sadie Parrish, Deputy $ 147.25 Frances Mitchell, Deputy 184.09 Leila J. McLachlan, Office 3.27 .81 10.00 4.95 60.00 39.19 29.15 Clerk Olive B. Huges, Deputy Margaret Gillis, Nurse A. J. Chaffee, Janitor Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. Susie W. Miller, Court Re porter A. B. Chaffee, Justice of Peace J. O. Hager, Justice Peace Ralph I. Thompson, Co. Court Russell K. Miller, County Court Heppner Gazette Times, Official Publication Central Market, Jail Exp. Thomson Bros., Jail Exp. C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Cur. Exp. C. W. Barlow, Cur. Exp. Margaret Gil I is, Co. Nurse Expense Pacific Power & Light Co., Court House Gilliam & Bisbee, Ct. Hse. Heppner Hardware & El ectric Co., Court House Heppner Laundry, ct. Hse. Heppner Photo Studio, Cir. Court State Department of Ag riculture, Dist. Sealer Ralph E. Currin, Dist. At. Pacific Stationery & Print ing Co., Assessor $4.69; Tax Coll. $28.88; Clerk $5.62 The Haloid Co., Clerk First National Bank of Portland, Withholding Tax on salaries 146.50 State Industrial Accident Com., Sher. $3.05; Sher. Sal. 31c; Deputy Sal. 31c; Janitor 31c; Court House 86c Lovinger DiSmtectant Co., Court House P. W. Mahoney, Bonds ... Garnet Barratt, Co. Court Turner, VanMarter & Co., Bonds Western Union Telegraph Co., Sheriff $1.18; Co. Court $1.41 Kilham Stationery & Prt. Co., Sheriff $28.97; Jus. of Peace Court $7.62; As sessor $8.54 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff Mrs. Emma Breshears, Bonds 50.00 O. M. Yeager, Ct. House . 137.60 Warrants Issued on General Road Fund Darold Hams 260.09 Fred Booker 122.84 Ralph Scott Sr. 10.68 Don Munkers 108.20 Harold Wilson 170.91 Simpson Hoi ley Walter Gilman Dick Borman Laurel Wilson Ralph Scott Ji H. Sherer William C. Heath 197.06 -lina. ' uuatlio XO.O Jack Slocum 170.99 113.25 DRESS CONSTRUCTION 164.99 SERIES TO CONTINUE 197.25 j Mrs. Myrtle Carter, O.S.C. spe 175.99 eialist, will return to lone this 24.75 j Frday to conduct the second day 'of the 3-day leader training ser 41.25. ies in dress construction. Twelve 'volunteer busy homemakers from 59.40 , Boardman, Irrigon, lone, Lexing 113.45. ton and Heppner attended the (first day of training last Friday 64.32 where they cut out their garments I and marked them. 95.00 This week these leaders are (giving similar meetings for wo 34.10 men in their communities. Fri 1.08 day, they will fit their garments 11.71 'and stitch them. March 29, these 117.06 leaders will finish and model their cotton dresses. 70.05 o 9 37 CAMERA CLUB MEETING law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barth olomew, In the Pine City district. WOOLLET RESIGNS The resignation of M. D. Wool ley. superintendent of the Oregon State Training school at Wood- Miss Lela Tolleson is sending burn for the past eight years, has 'a few days in Heppner w ith her been accented bv the state board I parents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tol- of control. Appreciation for his leson. Miss Tolleson makes her A meeting of the Camera club has been scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 18, at the Heppner Photo Studio, according to Louis Lyons, sponsor of the group. .62 4.00 18.30 5.44 4.84 71.25 25.00 25.57 90.00 2.59 45.13 15.00 Fred Harrison 10.68 Casper Warmuth 53.41 Lewis Ball 69.43 Carl Cropp 264.38 W. Cunningham 208.29 Feenaughty Mch. Co 19.83 Industrial Air Products Co . Peck and Anderson . Russell Service Tum-A Lum Lbr. Co. Boardman Garage 18.35 C. J. D. Bauman 2.25 English and Co 5.00 City of Heppner Water Department 1.50 State Industrial Accident Commission 52.34 First Nat'l Bank of Port land 57.90 Union Oil Company 499.24 Contractors Equipment Corp. 29.04 Pacific Power & Light Co. 5.40 Gilliam & Bisbee 47.40 Columbia Equipment Co. 6958.00 Sunset Motor Co 60.45 Owens Hardware 2.69 C. W. Lynch 180.00 Paul Pettyjohn 84.80 Hodge Chevrolet Co 39.42 City of Heppner Water Department Industrial Air Products Co. - Rosewall Motor Co. Beall Tank & Pipe Co I Padberg Tractor Service . H. S. Schultz Braden Tractor & Equip ment Co Lexington Implement Co. Heppner Motor Co Feenaughty Mch. Co 10,693.37 Hodge Chevrolet Co. 1,733.00 Hodge Chevrolet Co 1,733.00 service was expressed by the board. The board will not name a suc cessor to Woolley until after sev eral applicants have been con sidered. Woolley will become secretary of the Harney county chamber of commerce at Burns on April 1. o Mrs. Floyd Dooley of Estacada is visiting this week in Heppner and is the house guest of Mrs. Sadie M. Sigsbee. Prior to- com ing to Heppner, Mrs. Dooley vis ited her brother and sister-in- home in Walla Walla where she follows her profession of trained nurse. Visitors in Heppner Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin and Mr. Bergevin's 88-year-old mother. The Bergevins bought them a home in Pendle ton lastweek and are preparing to take up permanent residence in the Umatilla county seat. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Plerson re turned Thursday from a brief bus. iness trip to Portland. V2jRBAllS UP TO 6 BALIS PER ... Iwr Initial toil MINUTE Efficient, compact design, fewer moving parts, assures clean pickup ..neat, uniform bales. Pickup is on right hand side of machine to pick up same way hay is cut. Positive action feed fork operates 50 strokes per min ute nushine hav from oickuo directly into bale cham- JA FRFFMAN & flN No drapers, belts or augers on leed mechanism. n. nLLIIinil a JVI1 Twine t,t j, ,utomaljc. done while plunger head it 2034 H.W. 27th III , P9rtlal Otl0 in operation. Automatic bale tension control available. Write Itr cddllUne.! infermatlfi of Morrow, In the Court Room thereof, at the Court Hi-une in the County of Morrow, on the 11th day of April, liMit, nt the hour of 0:U0 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, then and there to show muse, if any you have, why an onicr should not be made and entered by said Court, authorizing and direct ing the sdniiniHliulrix of the estate of 8. J. Devine, deceased, to sell the fol lowing doju'ribeci real property, to-wit: Nfc4 of Her. 2. Tp. 1 8. R. 25 E. W. M. S'k of the NWd of Section 26; S'-fc of NKVt of Section 26; WW of Section 35; in Tp. 1 North. Range 25 K.W.M., In Morrow County, State of Oregon, snid real property being the property of the estate of the said S. J. Devine, deceased. WITNESS the Hon. Garnet Barratt, Judge of the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Murrow, with the seal of the Court af fixed this 7th day of March. 1949. (COURT SEAL) Attest: C. W. BARLOW. 61-3. County Clerk. Transferring Cr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Tcnland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pend'eton, Ore. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. Adtmnist ratrix and Admin istrator of the estate of NEIL DOHKK TY. deceased, has filed wi(h the l'ro hiito Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County their Final Account of their Administration of the estate of said deceased, and said Court has fixer! Monday, the ltilh dny of April, 1949. at the hour of ten o'clovk In the forenoon i f said day nt the Court House at Heppner. Oregon as the tune and place for hearing object ions to said Final Account and Ihe settlement of said es tate, and persons having objections thereto are required to rue the same witli said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. 0:iti and first published this 17th day of March. 1949. MARGERY DOHERTY, Administratrix. CHARLES J. DOHERTY, Administrator. Ins. J. Nys. Attorney, Heppner. Oregon. 52-4 Do You Have Enough FIRE INSURANCE? Check with BLAINE E. IS0M AGENCY Heppner Phone 723 1.50 -13.94 98.27 245.45 34.45 5.00 19.91 85.97 11.69 ForFARf.1 oUTILITY O INDUSTRIAL FHA financing. Completely prtxut. Designed tot you to tweet. 9 All material, hardware furnished. Sturdy 2x6 bolted front. Heavy .024 aluminum covering. Roof X pitch. Variable wall height. PRICED LOW X 48- SI 131 30- x 60' $1556 26' WIDTHS: 20-26-30-40-Any length yott rtcjuir JU.M : ! U k j.vni.i i i j 'I ! tl ftVi . n.irfT' . if"' s id hi I2imli3) HHSfieSiH Butler Built All steel Approved for Gov't. Storage Easily and Quickly Erected Capacity from 1000 Bu. on up 182S N.W. VAUGHN, PORTLAND 9, OREGON AT. 1389 l vits 1 Since 1837, when John Deere gave to lu world the steel plow, the name John Deere has achieved a reputation for being the Suality name in farm equipment. John eere farm machinery is equipment with a past . . . and a future. Regardless of the machines you may choose . . . tractor, plow, harrow, mower, planter, rake, combine, wagon, feed mill, and others, you'll find John Deere Equip ment constructed of the highest grade .materials by highly skilled workmen. This quality of construction, in turn, is your assurance of time- and labor-savings throughout many years of dependable performance. For all-around satisfaction it will pay to choose John Deere. Be sure to see us for new John Deere Farm Equipment . . . efficient John Deere reconditioning serv ice .. . and genuine John Deere Parts. Braden Tractor and Equipment Co. Your Caterpillar Dealer CUSTOM SPRAYING Grain, Ditch Banks, Willows, Cattle and Sheep, Home and premise control Phone 33 F 11 J. C. Ransier, lone, Ore. ore Ohan 1100,000 regonians TTOTTCB TO CREDITORS Knticp Ih lipfehy ftivi'ii tli:U UlP tn JnisiKiitMl Im horn duly appoint wi ml niinlMnilor of Hip entitle or J. T. M Miliin. (Ifi'eiisod, by the Probate Court of tho Stute ol Orffsnn for Morrow County, and Vina ant-iiled etirh trust. All persona ImvliiR claims against said tate are hereby required to present the same to the ndndnlwtrator. win. propor vouchers attached, at the office if J. O. Turner In Hoppner, Oregon, on or before ix months from the date hernnf tntd and first published thla 17th day of M:mh. 1949. SAM O. McMIT.I.AN. Administrator. J. O. Turner, attorney. 52-4 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES Tlifl Hrppnrr Gnzrttp, established March 30, 1H83. The Heppner Times, established November IS, 1S97. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Tost Offlee at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription priee, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor have Qhc protect ion off prepaid dicaD and w PCM mm hospital coverage WEB fcov Of Mo 'VANS- ,fWC! fOR 'I. "oVc 1214 S.W. 6TH, PORTLAND 4SS FERRY ST., SALEM MEDFORD BLOC. MEDFORD si IFONSOMD AND AMIOVIOtr O I O O N IAI1 MIDICAl OCIIIT rT"' ...tv...'. .Y...v ..rv...v.A..v v.. .tfv.. .- .... ,...v.. ........ . ..... o77 -i , N ----- .