Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 10, 1949 Page 5 Want Ads DON'T WAIT until winter comes again to have storm windows installed. I make any size and install them. Also repair vacu urn cleaners..N. D. Bailey. 44tfc Wanted 100 ears to paint in our DeVilbiss spray booth. Rosewall Motor Company. FOli SALE Modern two-bedroom house, with garden and hot house. Priced to sell. Gordon Grady, Riverside Ave., Heppner, Ore. jl7tfc 1937 Chevrolet town sedan. Pay down $140.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Fordson tractor a"nd 2-bottom plow, $100. 25 square red composition shingles, $5 a square. N. D. Bailey. 44c 1940 Ford tudor sedan, recondi tioned motor. Pay down $445.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE S08-6th St., Independence. Ore. MODERN SEVEN ROOM HOUSE GARAGE, WOODSHED, UTILITY ROOM, NEW GAS RANGE & GAS HOT WATER, DOUBLE PLUMB ING, LOT 56X100, SEVEN YEARS OLD, CONCRETE FOUNDATION. ALL FOR ONLY $1500.00 OR WILL TRADE FOR HEPPNER PROPERTY. TURNER. VAN MARTER & CO. 1941 Nash GOO sedan. Pay down $325.00. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE 1948 6-cyUnder super de luxe Ford; 6:50 6-pl rubber; radio and heater, seat covers, spotlight, low mileage, and clean. Call 2242, Lindell Broad foot. 44lfc 1947 Deluxe Ford tudor with all the accessories In the book. Pay down $500.00 Rosewall Motor Company. STRAYED from my ranch, one bald faced bay and one bald faced gray-roan. Branded JK on right shoulder. Left late In December, 1918. Write me or call 1711, lone, Wate C. Craw ford. 50-51 p If your motor has lost its power you can restore Its original pep by installing a new or recon ditioned motor. Bring It in at 8 a.m., take It out at 6 p.m. with a new motor. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALEWell pipe several sizes. Buy now while available. A. M. Edwards, Lexington. 50-51p We have the studded ground grip tires for those muddy roads. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 32 Graham-Hocme plow, 1918 model with spring teeth. Chailes Carlson, lone, Ore. 49-51p Don't worry because some one has dented your fenders. We ran Iron out the dents and match the paint so it will look new again. Rosewall Motor Co. FORSALE 7"Foom home with three bathrooms; corner lot, Ideal location. See Terrel Benge or phone 203. 49-52p Now is the hour to place your order for the new car of your choice. The stylish new Ford. Rosewall Motor Company. FOUND Camera and case. Same can be had by identifying at Gazette Times office and pay ing advertising costs. 50-52c Let us undeiseal your new car against dust, rust and road noi ses. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE About 100 sacks of oats. Phone 555, Heppner. 50 51p FOli SALE Some very nice Chi na and glassware at the Rum ble apartments. Phone 2552. 50-51p WANTED Housework and baby sitting. Phone 2552, Rumbles. 50-51 p WANTED Custom "plowing. Box 313, Arlington, Ore. 5c FOR SALECrib, size 30 x" 54, with spring and mattress, ex cellent condition. Cost $40, will sell for $20. L. L. Pate, Hepp ner. 501 fc The 1919 Ford has been awarded the gold medal for being Amer ica's most stylish car FOR SALE Twb new Massey Harris 4-bottom mouldboard plows, with or without McClln tock hitch. New, never been us ed. Arthur Hunt, Lexington. 51c FOR SALE Home Comfort range, excellent condition, $75; West inghousc electric range, $10. Will trade for calves, pigs, fry ers, or grain. Walt Young, ph. Hcrmlston, Rte. 1. 51-52c You have trie new look. Now try the new Ftrd ride. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house with 34 basement, automatic nil hpat. carnsc. On corner tot. rhiirlt Ilnflire. Tel. 1114. 51tf Ti!A("TriR TIRES 50' off list while they last. NEW. Western Anln Snnnlv. 51c We extend you an Invitation to drive the new 1949 Ford car. Try the new Ford feel in Amer iKii'a most sivllsh car regard less of price. Rosewall Motor Company. FOnn COUPE $70 down. Ca Wnclnrn Allto SlintllV. 51c DOODLE BUG New. $100 sales i.rlre. Weslern Auto Supply. ' 51c CUSTOM SPRAYING Grain, Ditch Banks, Willows, Cattle and Sheep, Home and premise control Phone 33 F 11 J. C. Ransier, lone, Ore. 1946 Ford Coupe 1946 Ford 2-ton Truck 1941 Dodge Coupe 1940 International Pickup 1941 Chevrolet Pickup 1936 Ford Pickup 1936 Ford Coupe 1936 Dodge Coupe 1935 Plymouth Coupe Why gamble? Buy with a guarantee! HODGE CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 403 FOR SALE Home in Heppner, including electric stove, oil heater, Venetian blinds, drapes, curtains, inlaid linoleum; fir-, tex throughout. Jack Van Win kle 51tfc FOR SALE Three new 10-ft. Massey-Harris disc drills com plete with hitch. Also new Cal kins grain feeder. Can be seen at Spring Hollow ranch. Frank Holub. 51-52-lp Join the Ford convertible club. FOR SALE Spring seed rye. Call Heppner 13F34, or write Claud Huston, lone Ore. 51-52p FOR SALE Three M.M. S-ft. disc plows with hitch. Good condi tion. John Proudfoot, lone, Ore. 51-52-lc Keep your eye on our used car lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED Dependable man or woman as local representative on permanent basis to write new, streamlined hospitaliza tion and health insurance, dis ability benefits, etc. High first commissions and liberal renew als. Experience preferable but not required as we will assist you. Write: Intermediate Div ision, Continental Casualty Co., 329 S.W. Oak St., Portland 4, Oregon. 51 -52c STRAYED from the Umatilla Na tlonal Forest during the season of 1948, 2 cows and their calves, branded 32 on right hip, crop and split in left ear, underbit In right ear. $25 reward per head for the recovery of these animals. Ralph Reade, Spray, Oregon. 51tfc Bring your car in at 8 a.m., take it out at 6 p.m. with a new mo tor. One day installaton. Rose wall Motor Company. DOUBLE UNIT MILKER Gas powered, new. 407 off. $200 sales price. Western Auto Sup nlv. 51c DON'T WAIT until fly time to have your screen doors Install ed. Order them now. Made to order, anv size. N. D. Bailey. 51tfc LEGAL NOTICES BOTICB TO CBEDITOBS NflTH'K IS IIKKK11Y GIVEN that tho uiitirrRiKru'd wi- '"'y appointed by lh Frobile court or me hiuio oi jre- . for Morrow county, me Mwuutr of tin I Ml Will and TrMMiirnl nl Amelia Fritters, dpceitHt'd. and all ppr Rons having claims against the estate of aald deceased are hereby required o present the same with proper vou hers to said Kxerutor at the law office of Jos. J. N. at Heppner. Oregon within 6 months from the date hereof. baled and first published this luth day of February, 1949. I-KAINK rKAir.no, E,evuior. .los. J. Nvs. Attorney for Executor, Pleppner.oreKon: f-oi NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby ulven that the un dersigned has been duly appointed, by the 1'robate court ni morrow i mmiy. OreKon, administrator of the estate Tf Mary Messenger, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby reqnired to nie ine same with proper vauchers attached, with the administrator, at the office of J. O. Turner, In Heppner. Oregon, on or be fore six months from the date of first publication of this notice. LmiCO HIU1 1111 llllMIOIIlU lino 1IHI day of February, 1919. t. T. MESSENGER, 48-1,2 Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY RV VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated Feb ruary 8, 1910, 1 am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: All of Seel ion 8. In Township 2 North of Range 26, E.W.M. for the minimum price or $5.00 per acre, cash. Beginning at a point 91 feet West from the Southeast cor ner of Block 2 of the original town (now city) of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, run ning thence North 66 feet; thence West 10 feet; thence ' South 27 feet, 9 inches; thence West 11 feet, 5 inches; thence South 38 feet, 3 inches; thence East 21 feet, 5 inches to the place of beginnng for the minimum price of $3500.00, cash. This property is now oc cupied by the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Com pany and is subject to lease expiring December 31, 1949. THEREFORE, I will on the 12th day of March, 1919 at the hour of 10:00 A.M. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon sell said property to the high est and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon, FRANCES MITCHELL, 47-51 Deputy. HOT1CE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice la hereby given tltat the un dersigned Administrator of the estate of MAGGIE FRENCH, deceased, has filed with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, his Final Account of his administration of the estate of said deceased and said court fixed Monday, the 21st day of March, 1949, at the hour of ten o clock in ttie forenoon of aaid duy, at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, aa the time and place lor hearing objec tion to said final acount and the set tlement of aaid estate, and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with 5.tlJ court on or before the time fixed for naid hearing. Dated arid first published this 17th day of February. 1949. LEWIS BARCLAY, Administrator. Jos. J. Nys. Attorney for Administrator, Heppner, Oregon. 48-52 CITATION No. 1150 IN THE PROBATE COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNT-f OF MORROW. In the Matter of the Estate of S. J. Devine, Deceased. To Mary Pearl Devine. Claude Devine, Maxlne Ness, Lauris Lee Devine, James Devine and Joseph Devine. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You arc hereby Cited ai.d required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Uie County of Morrow, in the Court Room thereof, it the Court House in the County of Morrow, on the Uth day of April. 1949, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the fore noon of said day. then arid there to show cause, if any you have, why an order should not be made and entered by said Court, authorizing and direct ing ttie administiatrix of the estate of S. J. Devine, deceased, to seil the fol- owing described real property, to-wit: NE', of Sec. 2 Tp. 1 S. R. 26 E. W. M. 8 '4 of the NWVj of Section 24: 8H of NE'i of Section 26; W4 of Sec'.lon 35; in Tp. 1 North. Range 26 E.W.M., In Morrow County, State of Oregon. said real property being the property of the estate of the said S. J. Devine, deceased. WITNESS the Hon. Garnet Barratt, Judge -of the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, with the seal of the Court af fixed this 7th day of March. 1949. lOOURT HEAL) Attest: C. W. BARLOW. 51-3. ' County Clerk. JOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, admtl.lstrator of the estate f Guy Hsuton. deceased, has filed his final account with the Probate Court ol the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and said Court has set Mon day. Ihe 11th day of April. 1949 at the hour of 10:00 A. M. In the. Court Room of the Morrow County Court House as the time and place for hearing on said final account. All persons having objec tions to same are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the date set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 10th day of March. 1949. FRANK S. PARKER. Administrator. J. O. Turner. Attorney. Heppner. Oregon. 51-3. INVITATION FOR BIDS Scaled bids in duplicate for the construction of Morrow County Hospital at Heppner, Oregon, will be received at the office of the County Clerk at Morrow County Court House until 2:00 o'clock P. M., March 17th, 1949, and then at said office, publicly opened and read aloud. The County Court of Morrow ! County reserves the right to waive any informality in, or to reject any or all bids. THE COUNTY COURT OF MORROW COUNTY, ORE GON, By Judge Garnet Barratt. ADVERTISEMENT On or about February 24th, 1949, drawings and specifications for the construction of a General Hospital at Heppner, Oregon, will be available for distribution to general contractors by Roald, Schmeer & Harrington, 1104 Spalding Building, Portland, Ore gon. Applications from contractors interested in bidding on this work not to exceed two sets of drawings and specifications together with payment of $50.00 per set should be filed promptly with the Archi tects, and the bidding material will be forwarded, shipping charges collect, as soon as avail able. Any bidder upon returning such set promptly and in good condition will be refunded his payment, and any non-bidder upon so returning such set will be refunded $25.00. Bids on this work will be opened by the Clerk of Morrow County on the date named In the specification, which will be about 21 days after the bidding material is available for distribution. Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 1 12 The Dalles Phone 283S 114 E. 2nd St. Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytime" HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner, assistant pas tor of the Mallory Avenue Chris tian church in Portland, will con duct the services and bring the message at the Hepp.ier Church of Christ at 11 a.m., Sunday, March 13. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister. Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. Special music by choir, Mr. Paul McCoy, director. Church school at 9:45 a.m., Mr. Thos. W. Allen, superintendent. Youth Fel lowship class at this same hour, Mr. Vernon Bohles, counsellor. Adult Bible class and a class for everyone. You are welcome. 6:30 p.m., Junior Youth Fel lowship, Mrs. Carl McDaniel, counsellor. Thursday, choir practice at 7:30 p.m. The Womans Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed nesday of each month at 8 p.m. Church school teachers meeting Thursday, March 17, at 8:30 p.m. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy communion, 8. Church school, 9:45. Morning prayer and sermon, 11. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Aristnf frem STOMACH ULCERS dub to EXCESS ACID FreaBoekTdlsafHannl Must Hlp or it Will Cost Ym N Over two million bottles f the WTLLAB D THSATMUNTmnMnMiferi ymptoma of discrete aiuomfrom ana hmmm ulcere aa sa mm Poor OlgwtlMi, teur or Opest mmm, iienBni. weefMMMa, mm due to been AeM. Sold m lft days' tttall Ask for "WlUarfs Mhmm" wkicfc fat etplalm iMi treatment nm M Saager's Pharmacy Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Arenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. At U r-AWm. 1 1 1 T wfy wti jfazjbr ra Evening prayer and instruction, 5. Week-day services: Wednesday, holy communion, 10; Friday, holy communion, 7:30; Friday, child ren's service, 4. Choir practices: Girls, Wednes day at 4; boys Thursday at 4 ad ults, Thursday at 8. CHURCH OF CHRIST. CHRISTIAN, LEXINGTON Yes, our church attendance is Increasing, and our goal is set. Will you be one to help us reach It? And don't forget that the church Is the mainspring of so cial Justice and liberty, and the hub around which the wheels of Industry revolve toward success. Just read the history of other Irs Bttiwcas'sTEo -ft l THAT HEW PtANS 0 ZTyJT' fVf - f" UPPEtWTH BATHTUBS? !ml ' fi llfcV PLOTS WOULD BE CESS "" Yjyl UXEIY TO BLACKOUT IF f. fl THEYCOULbSITINATVgOF IMS v WATli WWIE DOING 7 ypS?'" " irAsrruMS. 8$?r I ' Sylvama &h'7y&ffir CeilOPHANt WHEN twooothe JmyVT USED TO MAP FOOD, lrffxT TST Vtt OUT HARMFUL GERMS. SSSQ$Jff$ m EVEN THE TINIEST AIH-BOPN Julius cabsa used ,t- xwnL MESSAGE-CARRYim r LPKM iwfm PI6EONSMHIS- 'fl iA Wvt. I Do You Have Enough FIRE INSURANCE? Check with BLAINE E. IS0M AGENCY Heppner Phone 723 The Honeymoon is Over! It Hs a Sellers Market Mow All the best information points to the fact the buying public is no longer eagerly seeking merchandise but instead must be invited to buy. This means that the re tailer or any establishment with anything'to sell must reach the buying public with news of ware and services. There is one effective medium of reaching the public the most effective because it is far-reaching and economical and that is Newspaper Advertising . . . Your message in a few words will go far ther than by any other means. The printed word is peimanent. That is why no other type of advertising has supplanted news paper advertising. Advertising in the local paper is not a matter of charity to the publisher. It is a business and something to be considered by every individual or firm having something to sell. Give it a fair trial and you will be convinced. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES 7S,ooo,ooo SfTORlTS PLUWe rtro7?f ARTHS ATWS I ppssewri S?ous traffic I ?ocKr shps of w future:. I countries without churches and Christ. Our church school, 10 a.m. Worship and preaching, 11 a.m. Singing and preaching, 7:30 p.m. Z. Franklin Cantrell, Minister. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the Is and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only In Heppner at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. News From C. A. Office Homemakers Busy Sewing At least 65 homemakers in Morrow county will be busy con structing a cotton dress the next two weeks. That number Is en rolled in the Cotton Dress Work shop to be conducted in each community by local leaders in the extension units. Those lead ers meet Friday, March 11, at the lone Grange hall to receive their first day of training from Mrs. Myrtle Carter, O.S.C. specialist. They will meet again March 18 and 29. Welding Thread Nowl One of the large manufacturers is working on a new construction process for sewing thread. The strands are welded together in stead of twisted thus eliminating kinking, snarling, splitting and raveling. All Work and No Play Recreation is as necessary as breathing. People have had re creation from time immemorial. Even animals have some forms of recreation. Anyone who has watched kittens or puppies real izes that. Deer play "follow the ASSEMBLY OF GOO Pastor, Shelby E. Graves. Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday school. A class for every age; Mrs. Ora Wyland, superintendent. 1 a.m., worship hour. Inspira tional messages. 7 p.m., Christ's Ambassadors. 7:45 p.m., evangelistic service. Special music and' singing that you would enjoy. Tuesday, 7:45 p.m., Rev. Cow ins will be presenting some very interesting information concern ing the need of and for foster homes at this time. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m., cottage prayer meeting, lone. I 1 1825 N.W. VAUGHN, PORTLAND 9, OREGON AT. 1389 Mam uUIIhes MERRY MIXERS MEET Joan Breeding, 13-year old 1 11 club girl wth 3 years club exper ience, will lead the Lexington Merry Mixers 4 H club as presi dent this year. Assisting her as vice president is Betty Lou Mes 'senger and the secretary is De anna Steagall. There are seven girls enrolled In this club as cook, ing I members and two. girls en i rolled as clothing I members. Mrs. Oscar Breeding is the lcad jer. Attending the Monday meet ling were Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger and Mr. and Mrs. Os jcar Breeding. Miss Mabel Wilson led the discussion on living up ,to our best in 4-H club work, i ... 14 SONG BOOKS GONE Fourteen 4-H club song books, "Oregon Sings Music of the World," are gone out into the county, beng used at club meet ings and functions. This is a new tiny booklet containing 33 pages of folk songs, religious numbers and fun songs ail with music for the piano. Fresh off the press, these books can be gotten at the county agent's office. munity slide, says Miss Jessalee Mallalieu, O.S.C. recreation spe cialist. I Miss Mallalieu will be in Mnr irow county Saturday, March 26 to conduct a training meeting in family type recreation. Young and I old are eligible. No equipment is needed. All organizations in the county are urged to send repre sentatives to this public meeting. .That evening she will be in ; Boardman to conduct a similar ! type of meeting for Irrigon and 1 Boardman families. UJ Butler Built All steel Approved for Gov't. Storage Easily and Quickly Erected Capacity from 1000 Bu. on up