Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 10, 1949, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 1 0, 1949
Sunshine Dispells
Dismal Winter In
Monument Section
By Millie Wilson
Sptitit: fever has hll Monument.
Bavhall is now the main topic
of interest. The buys have been
throwing ami batting the ball as
if in training t'r a chance at the
big leagues. We hope this good
v cither continues and it has
been a velcnmc relief from the
dismal n nu r.
1 them to meet and exchange ideas wore Gladys Jewell, Minnie Gam-
and make contributions that will
help each other.
The student body has voted to
gixe a dance in March. The date
depends on when the gym is
available and so it won't conflict
with a dance given by any other
We are happy to report that
Grade Wilson is able to attend
school again after an absence of
three days due to illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams
and daughter Joyce returned to
their home in Echo Monday. They
spent the week visting in Monu
ment. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rounds
drove to Pendleton last Sunday
get Mrs. Boh Leslie and infant
I son. itarom Dean, iney returned
student body meeting on Monday. Mrs. Leslie will spend
some time at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cork.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Round were
called to John Day last week on
account of the illness of Mrs.
Round's brother, Dallas Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roach from
T rmty PrpoW uprd rtinnpr (nitc
tain a smoother school program if Mr and chance VVUson
next year. Those elected were. I Mondav.
president, Larry Holmes: vice
president. No.ns Sntbblefield;l Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bishop re-
r.-,im- r:,r.i!T her: treas- """'" .............
At t!-.(
held last uoik the main item o(
business wa.- the election of of
fices for the 3!U9-1SW school
ycr.i. Principal McLaughlin ex
plained this was because it en
abled the new officers to get the
feel of managing school affairs
and would enrbie them to main-
urer. Joan Reach: sergeant-at-arms.
Hugh Jackson. These offi
cers will lake over for the bal
ance of the year. Mr. McLaughlin
also announced that the student
mg me week end in renctieton.
They were accompanied home by
their daughter and son.
S. E. Lewis spent the fore part
of the week in town doing some
body president and the editor of j painting for Daisy Simas. He
the school paper will accompany stayed at the Stubblefield room
him to Bend carlv in May to at- inS house while here
tend a one dav conference, state-1 e M.M. club held their regit-
i lar business meeting at the home
wide, in which all high sehoois :o Nora Bover on Thursday after
are to send their editors and stu I noon Witn 16 members present
dent body presidents, in order for and three visitors. The visitors
1 .
Provide Fractal Safeguards
Don't Give
Vaccinate Early With
Franklin Blackleg Eacterin
Special scientific processes step
up the potency while eliminat
ing excess bulk. 10c per dose,
less discounts.
Donble Value
Safeguard against both Black
leg and Malignant Edema with
FRANKLIN Clostridium Chau
vei Septicus Bacterin. Contains
immunizing doses for both
conditions at the price of one.
10c, less discounts.
Fash Economical GA
Larro Cattle Supplement provides pro
teins and other nutrients required for
quick profitable gains and top market
bloom and finish. Furnishes carbohy
drates, vitamins, and trace elements
cattle need to economically and effi
ciently utilize your grains. Excellent
for cattle in the feed lot
cSrrrj? 32 c'jfl.
ble and Mrs. Strecker. There was
no important business to take
care of at this time and after
rollcall the meeting was turned
over to the hostess. Helen Brown
was the lucky one playing the
games. She was awarded first
prize which was a nice box of
candy. Goldie Round was the
most unlucky and got the second
prize, a candy cane. The next
meeting will be at Ella Durst's,
assisted by May D. Hinton. Re
freshments of jello, wafers, olives,
huckleberry pie and ice cream
with tea and coffee were served
by the hostess, assisted by Linnie
Tim Lovgren and Buhl Harsh
man from Heppner have moved
to Monument to work for the Big
4 Lumber company.
Bill Lesley drove to Pendleton
on Friday. He was accompanied
by Mrs. Bob Lesley and infant
son, Harold Dean.
Some of those from Monument
attending to business matters in
John Day on Friday were Rev.
and Mrs. Harris, Lee Fleming and
John Simas.
Monument grange held the
regular meeting on Friday night.
Three new candidates were given
their degree work, Rev. .Harris,
Leroy Trotter and Flora Mae
Cumings. Refreshments were
served by Laura Simas and Mil
lie Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright from
Rhea creek were week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Boyer.
Mr. and Mrs.' Roscoe Shaw and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Blackwell
of Long Creek were callers at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chance
Wilson on Sunday; also . Mrs.
Fred Roach and Mrs. Leonard
Robertson and baby daughter.
Almost everyone in Monument
who had transportation attended
the amateur hour at Long Creek
on Saturday night. Everyone re
ported a wonderful time.
A large crowd from the sur
rounding communities was in
town Sunday afternoon getting
their tick shots.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold John and
daugter Joy Lavern from Pendle
ton were visiting at the Earl John
hpme on Sunday.
At the regular school meeting
held Saturday contracts were giv
en to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc
Laughlin to teach In our high
school next year. We are all glad
to have them with us for another
Clinton Batty drove Mrs. Jessie
Batty to John Day last Sunday
to get a new car. On Monday
they drove to Heppner to visit
Nels Knighten drove to Olex
last week to visit his brother,
Herb Hynd from Cecil was in
town last Sunday. Mrs. Ida
Bleakman accompanied him
home where she will visit for
some time.
Leo Flower is driving a new
pickup this week. A new Oliver
tractor was delivered at his
ranch the first of the week.
Earl Johns has started work on
his service station. Harlan Shank
Farm Activities At
Boardmari Herald
Spring's Arrival
By Mrs. Flossie Coals
Spring is in the air the past few
days in Boardman vicinity. Far
mers are busy in the fields, wives
in the flowers and gardens. Early
bulb flowers are fast coming thru
the ground but will blossom much
later than previous years due to
the long hard cold spell.
Boardman water system is pro
gressing rapidly. The pipe tren
dies were completed Sunday.
The Fossil and Kinzua high 'chief Installation Engineer D. E.
Red Cross Drive
For Memberships
Opens at Kinzua
By Elsa M. Leathers
The membership drive for the
Red Cross is on here this week
with Mrs. Ed Wham as chairman.
Her assistants are Messrs. Maur
ice Brown, Harlan Schroeder,
Luke Hall. Jack Kincaid, Bud Bird
and Marion Wright.
The bundling department of
the plant was closed from Thurs
day, March 3, to Monday, March
school basketball boys motored
to Lnion on Thursday of last
week to play in the state basket
ball tourney. The boys played
against Alsea the first game and
think they had a little stage
fright, having about one thousand
spectators, and they lost the
game. They won both games Fri
day and Saturday with Perrydale
and Umapine, which placed them
5th, winning the consolation tro
phy. It was presented to Cy Flock
on Saturday evening Immediate
ly after the games. Fossil high
school has two trophies this year
and the boys are proud to display
them. Lindberg, the coach that
has been with this team two
years, will go to the Pilot Rock
school this year. Fossil's new
coach as yet has not been named.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ostrandet
went to Union Saturday to see
the team play, and Layton Tripp
and Mrs. Owen Leathers Jr. went
with Mr. and Mrs. Art Robinson
of Mayville to see the games.
Morrow County Grain Grownrs, Inc.
Open Sundays
and Walt Burton are helping him.
Some of those in John Day
from Monument on Thursday
were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batty,
Mr. and Mrs. Rho Bleakman and
Lee Slocum.
Ed Round and Lewis Batty were
branding and dehorning cattle at
the Batty ranch on Wednesday.
Larry Stark from the Farm
Equipment Service in John Day
was delivering tractors in the
Monument community on Mon
day. Mrs. Gus Peterson from John
Day and Mrs. George Stubble
field spent several days with
their mother Mrs. Louise Scott,
at Top.
The HEC club met at the home
of Helen Brown on the afternoon
of March 2 with six members
present. Due to sickness and bad
roads many of the members could
not attend. A short business meet
ing was held. It was decided the
president should appoint a com
mittee to visit your new neigh
bors." There are many new fam
ilies in Monument and it is hard
to meet them all and make them
welcome here. Delicious refresh
ments of pie and coffee were serv
ed by the hostess, Helen Brown.
Mrs. Flora May Cummings is
staying with her mother, Mrs.
Jessie Batty.
A very pretty birthday party
'was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Emory Moore last Monday
night in honor of Miss Barbara
:Wyland's 11th birthday. There
i were 21 guests present. Lovely
'refreshments were served by the
; hostesses, Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Wy
land. Miss Darlene Moore, Miss
Dorothy Wyland and Miss Anita
Moore. A good time was reported
by all.
The inside of Earl Sweek's pas
time is being redecorated this
week. The paint job is being done
i by Rex Sweek.
Clark for John Mansville, Seat
tle, began laying the pipe Mon
day, which will take about two
weeks to complete.
The annual North Morrow
County Fair board meeting was
held Saturday evening at the
school gym. A new set of by-laws
was read and adopted, and the
following directors were elected
to serve a two year term: Clyde
Tannehill and Mrs. Jamie. Stal
cup. Under the new by-laws the
directors will appoint the treas
urer and secretary. The planning
board for the grounds and build
ing appointed was composed of
Russell Miller, chairman, Bob
Miller and Eugene Stalcup. Fol
lowing the meeting a dance was
given by the fair board with the
proceeds going to the building
fund for the 4-H building which
was $97.75. The 4-H'ers and lead
ers served lunch of hot dogs and
punch, netting $10.60.
Ladies Aid silver tea was at
the home of Mrs. I. Skoubo on
Wednesday afternoon with many
ladies present. The committee as
sisting Mrs. Skoubo was Mrs. Guy
Ferguson, Myrtle Ely and Myra
Skoubo. Mrs. Blanche Fussell was
unable to attend due to muddy
roads, and Mrs. Katie McLouth
due to illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill
and Mrs. Arthur Allen were Pen
dleton shoppers Wednesday.
Chickenpox is still running its
course in the school. The latest
victim reported is Keith Tanne
hill. Tim Robinson returned Mon
day after several weeks' absence,
and little Edna Hoffman is still
absent. , '
Cecil and Stanley Waldron of
Tillamook spent the week end
with their father, Clayton Wal
dron, going to Pendleton Satur
day to visit their mother who is
ill in the hospital.
Sunday was men's day at the
Community chruch. The complete
service was in charge of the men
with Layman Dewey West Sr. of
Arlington bringing the message.
Herbert Clark, also of Arlington,
gave a vocal solo. Others taking
part were Laymen Seth Russell
and Leo Potts, Duane Bfown and
Leroy Fussell. The 6:30 dinner
for the men was prepared and
served by Mrs. Leo Root, Mrs.
Seth Russell and Mrs. Frank Cole.
Others attending church from Ar
lington were Mrs. Dewey West Sr.
and daughter, and Rev. Hitch
cock. Leo Skoubo and Chas. Graham
Jr. are employed at MeNary dam
and are living in a trailer house
at Umatilla.
Mr. and Mis. N. A. Macomber,
Mrs. Claud Coats, and Mrs. Leo
Root motored to Pendleton Saturday.
The annual FFA banquet was
held at 8 p.m. Friday evening.
Guests present besides instructor
Ronald Black and Mrs. Black and
their parents, were Rev. and Mrs
Chas. Eble, Supt. Gerard Fahey,
Miss Joan McKenna, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Zivney, Mr. and Mrs. Na
than Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Harwood, and Albert Ball, hon
orary member.
Mrs. Mabel Peck returned to
work at Norm's cafe Monday af
ter spending several days in Yak
ima with her mother who is very
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Veelle and
family spent the week end at
Goodnoe Hills,' Wash., with Veel
le's niece and family, Mr. - and
Mrs. Laddie Goddard.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pearson and
daughter Merry Jo were Sunday
guests of Mrs. Pearson's sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. DeMoss, and Wilbur Piatt
of Moro.
Festival Coming April 20
All of Morrow county is wel
come to attend the Homemakers'
Festival to be held at the Rhea
Creek Grange hall, Wednesday.
April 20. On this day there will be
exhibits on the lessons studied
this year, exhibits from the col
lege, a dress parade of the gar
ments made in cotton dress work
shop, recreation by one of the
units, and a special speaker,
Mrs. Buena Mockmore from Cor-
vallis. Children will be cared for
that day by four high school
girls from Heppner and four from
lone. Lunch will be served at $1
for adults and 50c for children.
Men are especially invited.
Rev. and Mrs. Hokenson of
Portland will conduct sevrices at
11 a.m. Sunday, March 13, at Val
by Lutheran church in Gooseber
ry. There wdll also be a commun
ion service. Following the church
hour a potluck dinner will lie
served In the parish house. The
church extends a cordial invita
tion to the public, to attend.
Broilers & Fryers
Phone 2626
Hermiston, Ore.
Delivery Each Friday
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
We are deeply grateful for your cooperation during the time we have been
closed for alterations. ...
Ufiaufzi for the lovely flowers on our opening day.
It gives us a feeling that can only be experienced in a
community of this kind.
Jfianfzi. for your loyal patronage for the past 27
years! This, and this alone, has made it possible for us
to present you this store. . . .
The Store of Personal Service
Pfc Frank Phillips is on leave ,
from Sheppard Field, Wichita i
Falls, Texas, visiting his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillips. He j
is in the air force and goes from
here to Denver! Colo., where he
will enter a school. !
A new piano was purchased j
and delivered this week at Jeff- j
more hall for the community use
Mr. and Mrs. Claud England
had a shuffle board game install- j
ed at the pastime this week from
the Shuffleboard Co. of Portland, i
The game is quite a hit at pre- '
sent throughout the west coast, j
and can be played by young i
and old. Games were installed by j
he same company at Fossil, John ;
Day and Prairie City. I
Mrs. Warren Jobe and Mrs. Jon j
Hawk were hostesses for a stork j
shower given Friday evening at
the Jobe home in honor of Mrs.
Floyd Nelson, Mrs. Hawk's sister.
About 20 ladies were present and
many useful and cute little arti
cles were received. Refreshments
were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Jurick were
at Condon cn Saturday doing
some work at the cemetery and
also visiting Grandma High.
Mr. and Mrs. Ktnard McDamel
and Mr. and Mrs. Delvin McDan
iel spent the week end at Hepp
ner attending to business. Mrs.
K. McDaniel accompanied her
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ev
erett Harshman to Walla Will
where they will visit anothei
daughter, Romona, for several
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hines and
daughter Ginger went to Spray
on Saturday morning on business.
O. D. Baker went to Portland
on Friday. Mrs. Ed Wham and
Mrs. Lyle Ostrander accompan
ied him to the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley left
Tuesday for California where he
will shear sheep this spring. Mr.
Hadley worked here at the land
ing while the fir was being mov
ed into the pond. The fir was fin
ished this week. Pine logs are
being moved from Camp 5 now.
Mrs. Owen Leathers Sr. was
visiting at Heppner this week
with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
McDaniel and Carolyn, and other
relatives and friends, besides at
tending to personal business.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers Sr.
were -attending to business in
Condon on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wren went to
The Dalles on Saturday on bus
iness. Also in The Dalles were
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schroeder
and Becky, Mrs. Sterling Wham
and Patsy.
Mel Wham has been confined
to his home the past week due
to illness, but is able to be back
at his work in the pastime on
Merle Phillips of Oregon City
was visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Phillips, for a day or
two this week.
Mrs. Rose All left this week to
visit at Walla Walla before re
turning to her home In California.
Mrs. Alt has been here several
weeks with her sister, Mrs. Bi
Preston, who is convalescing from
a major operation.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Armstrong
left Friday morning for Vaneou
ver, Wash., where they will look
after business interests and visit
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hash, Mrs. Arm
strong's parents.
Larry Cook Sr. was an over
night guest of the Vernon Perrys
from Camp 5 Saturday and visit
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lar
ry Cook Jr.
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Coleman re
turned home this week from San
Diego, Cal., where they spent the
Robert, son of Ray Taylor, was
married to Luolla Schmidt of Fos
sil at-GoIdcndale, Wash., March
5s '1. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis ac
jcompanled the couple over. They
Third Anniversary
lone American Legion Hall
Music by
Admission: $2.00 per person, tax included
pi UsIL ...delivered fresh daily to El
I f&feil yur 9rocer's refrigerator.
ffl uri ...You can have Mayflower 1
fott dairy products brought right pi
vIWSStL to yur door, ..on regular J
schedu,ed de,iveries i
ff?;f fMy'':-:MmfSt -'www
w. mMmmGk mMk
w mm mm yM.r- a
Mhw ' " 'Ekl ' 5 MILK CREEMTEN 10
HYiUlf fWT . .. m&i
.... 'jfiMMMm m mmm sDa?i
lit :. f I I If SfJSU ,Mt ml JlTCF ICE CREAM
i i.. .. nm.i, ' '-mtfSL :
Phone 2682
ft; will D at nome in rossu,