Poge 2 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 1 0, 1 949 EDITORIAL Pniiin R$OjTITI0l Who Lifts the Check For Operation "Snowfight"? Now that the states between the Missouri and Rockies have dug themselves out from the packed snows of a three-months' blizzard, the vouchers for the Job are pouring in, Railway Age com ments editorially in the current issue. "Here, as In so many other places, there stands out the striking contrast between the way government treats the railroads and the way it treats rival methods of transportation. The railroads did their own snow-plowing, ice-blasting, and ditch-digging with their own equipment and at their on expense while opening up the highways for the trucks was done by government at the tax payers' expense. The cost of the railroads' snow fighting will have to be reflected in their rates and fares or in deficiences in net income. But the cost of clearing the roads for the trucks will not appear in the charges for truck transportation instead it will be concealed in higher taxes which everybody will pay." The railroads are not claiming credit for doing any greater things than other agencies in battling the blizzard. All agencies fighting the disaster did the job together, without counting the cost or reckoning who was goin? to pay it which is just the way it should have been done. But now that the job has been done, the railroads know who will pick up the check as far as they are concerned. They will pay their own bills while the other agencies will be remunerated through state and federal appropriations. Nebraska, for instance, authorized at least $500,000 for this purpose, and Wyoming, SI million. One railroad operating in the area is unofficially reported to have spent S3 million to S3.5 million out-of-pocket in opening its lines in the area. It just happens, without any reason or logic to explain it, that a tradition has grown up which piles all the costs of railroad service upon the rates which railroad patrons must pay, while it has become an accepted custom with other kinds of transportation to shift a large part of the costs to the taxpayers. Railway Age in no way seeks to becloud the credit due any of the agencies which bore the brunt of this blizzard and aided the people and their livestock in stricken aieas. The physical job was shared equitably and performed well by all concerned. But now that the bills must be paid it would not be amiss to call attention to the fact that, as far as transportation agencies go, railroad service would be much "cheaper" than it now is if part of the cost of railroad service could be concealed in people's tax bills. No Building Boom Reference h?s been made on this page in times past relative to the fact that Heppner has never experienced what might be called a building boom. There have been spurts from time to time when much-needed building was done, but there is nothing in the records to show that the town has been in the throes of a boom. Consequently, there have been no slumps due to relaxation of construction work, a condition affecting most towns that have grown rapidly only to find them 30 YEARS AS Heppner Gazette Times. March 3, 1919 The home of One Brown in Al bina addition to Heppner was to tally destroyed by fire on Tues day morning. If the seniiment manifested in an enthusiastic and unanimous manner bv the lart'e number of; citizens gathered at the I.O.O.F. I hall last evenine to listen to Jas. I S. Stewart, when the DroDosition of bonding for roads was put to them, is a criteria-n to go by, there Is going soon to be adopted one of the best and biggest road pro grams ever dreamed of In this : llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE Just Arrived a Car of NUT GOAL Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. EiltllllllllllltlttllllllllllilllllltllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllillllllltltllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllIllllllillMtlllllllllllllllllllf ' NATIONAL izens Monday statements heard cial ruin. On the lems with which are in good condition. One thing the statement conclusively proves is that the council has not exceeded the budget. On the other hand, expenditures to date have been kept well within the budget with approximately forty per cent of the year's funds left to cover the remaining one-third of the fiscal year. In view of the repairs to water system and streets made necessary by the unusual winter conditions, it is possible that the fiscal year will not come to a close with much of a balance and the budget committee will more than likely be confronted with the problem of providing increased funds for the next year. As to the salary paid the work superintendent, Mayor Lanham told his audience Monday evening that the city feels justified in paying the amount in question $-100 per month inasmuch as the council feels that the superintendent has saved the cty hundreds of dollars in handling the street and water situation during the brief time he has been employed. There has been a clearing of the atmosphere so far as city affairs are concerned since more of the citzens have taken the time to attend council meetings. The city government is trying to do a good job and recognizes that since the mayor and councilmen are only human they are subject to making errors. But the council has not in the past or is it now spending money prodigally. And with improvements and extensions to the water sys tem, repair of streets and bridges, building of a sewer system all of this in a period of incom parable high prices it is safe to say that no other city administration has been saddled with the responsibility under which the present mayor and council are struggling. county. . . . The unanimous ex pression of the meeting was in favor of bonding Morrow county to the limit, which would raise ! S290.000 according to present as sessed valuation, or 2 per cent on a fraction over $14,000,00 of as sessable property. This will be matched by the state, dollar for dollar, then we will be in posi- tion, also, to get as much more as he county and state put into the fund from the national funds, 'available for post roads and for est roads. And all this money can be had during the next two or three years. Will Put Heppner on the Bum. EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION HUm'H'LLLH selves ahead of development of their respective trade territories. This is not to say that Heppner has not grown in recent years, for there has been a noticeable ex pansion in the town's population. Evidence of this is found in the crowded condition of the school, in the constant search for housing facilities, the increasing number of utility services and other factors. And in the meantime there has been no small amount of residence construction with more in progress and to start soon. It was somewhat surprising to learn at the council meeting Monday evening that upwards of $40,000 in building permits had been granted during February. That is not a big figure as building permits go, but it included three resi- dence permits. It was hinted that at least one business structure may be built this year that has been hanging fire two or three seasons. It is also possible that an acceptable bid will be made on the hospital. All in all, building activity looms rather large on the horizon, but the prospects, if all should materialize, will still not add up to a boom, for they will be answering a need for hous ing rather than creating a need for tenants. City Affairs In Good Shape Figures submitted from a report made out by City Recorder Barger and City Treasurer Van Mar ter and quoted to the council and interested cit evening refuted some claims and of late that the city faces finan contrary, considering the prob the city is faced, the finances VVm. Hendrta: was in town Satur day and advocating the construc ! tion of a good macadam road across Heppner Flat. Wm. is one of the big wheat raisers of the Flat and says he will donate $5000 toward the road project and it might be a good idea, now that the county has run short of road funds, to take him up. His little donation would help some. This piece of road will have to be attended to when it gets dry enough to do some work on It. A feather will mire out of sight almost anywhere across Heppner Flat at present, and if something is not done to put the road in better shape, Mr. Hendrix threat ens to run a branch line of rail road up Rhea creek and start a new town out there, thus putting Heppner on the bum. THE AMERICAN WAY w&&E&zzr. , 7 AWAY THIS KEY TO pm&m Lefty Hates Peace The oAmerican Way FLY PAPER By Dr. Alfred P. Haake (Editor's Note: Alfred P. Haake, Ph.D., Mayor of Park Ridge, 111 nois, is a noted Economist, Bus iness Consultant, Lecturer and Author.) A little fly smelled sweetly scented paper bearing pictures of other flies having a good time on the paper. Blissfully unaware of any danger, the little fly light - The box social given at the Far mers Union hall March 1st was a grand success. The program was very much appreciated, es pecially the song by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ball. Echo News Sheep shearing will start here next week. A crew under Jake Wtatenburgci will commence work on the Cunha muttons. The season at the big Echo shearing plant will start about April 10. Dan Stalter returned on Thurs day last from a visit of ten days in Portland, where he says it rain ed all the time he was there and he was glad to be back east of the mountains and get a glimpse of the sun once more. W: G. Scott, YV. F. Barnett, W. O. Hill and Prof. Hough were members of the Lexington dele gation attending the meeting in Heppner last evening and help ing to boost along the good roads program. The engineers from the office of Burns & McDonald are expect ed to arrive in Heppner immedi ately to begin the survey of the proposed pipe line from the mountains for the city water works. This is according to word received this week by City Attor ney Nys. Ralph Justus returned home on Thursday evening, coming di rect from Louisville, Ky., where he received his discharge. A local teacher said she always liked the children in her room to "appear fresh in the morning." Some we know of are that way all the time. PETERSON'S JEWELERS Wn mm . now availabli in mm Jj Mr ijlylr "vely open stock patterns j I 0- . r fill 11 I In l.r.lc. sets for 11 I HJffl n I Gorh.m Silvrpl SERVICE FOR EIGHT (SO piacai), consists of 16 taaspooni, I aach Inivai, forks, Individual salad fork and craam soup spoons, and on ach buttar knifa and sugar spoon . . (With prolactin chast, from $4.50 add'l.) ed on the edge of the paper, and got stuck! He succeeded in pull ing his legs loose and tried to fly away. His wing tips were touch ed, but he got them clear and pulled his legs loose from each other. This narrow escape should have taught the little fly a lesson. He should have remembered that (great fly motto, "Once stuck, twice shy, little fly." But, no, a ! few minutes later he swooped jdown gracefully and landed, this ;time not on the edge, butin the jvery middle of the paper. Only a I stupid fly would have done that. And he paid for it vith his life. I What should we stiy of a hu man being who emulates the lit I tie fly, and lands in the middle of i promises which he made with , out thought as to how he would get loose from them afterwards? i "Politicians' promises" is the term cynically applied sometimes to promises which are made with no idea on the part of the promiser of keeping them after wards. They are usually an ap peal to cupidity or avarice, or some other of the baser instincts, and are not an honest statement of purpose. Or they may be a part of a desperate effort to win some thing, with no thought as to whe ther or not these promises can or should be kept after the some thing has been won. On the other hand, if the poli tician is honest at heart, was not merely seeking votes under false pretense, he may make strenu ous efforts to perform what he promised, and in so doing he may do more harm than if he had simply forgotten the promises. As a case in point, he might promise to cure inflation, through price controls, something he ought to know cannot be done. He might promise farmers out of one side of his mouth that their income will not go down, while at the same time, out of the other side of his mouth he promises labor to reduce the prices of farm produce. Manifestly, the politi cian, not being a magician, can not keep both these promises at the same time. It, therefore, is ax iomatic that someone is going to be disappointed. The politician can always comfort himself hy reflecting that fhe first tim In ovtr patterns Is available sight. Heavily it of graatast wsar lata Is mada for a Each Doxan Teaspoons $ .71 S 8. SO Cream Soup Spoons 1.38 16.50 Iced Tea Spoons 1.33 16.00 Coffee Spoons .67 8.00 Dessert or Cereal Spoons 1.38 16.50 Dinner Forks 1.42 17,00 Luncheon Forks 1.42 j 7.00 Dinner Knives 2.25 27.00 Luncheon Knives 2.25 27.00 Salad Forks 1.42 17.00 Oyster Forks 1.17 14.00 Butter Spreaders 1.17 14X10 Butter Knife 1.00 Sugar Spoon 1.00 , Tablespoon I.S0 , , $65-00 THREE WEEKS MORE Legislative operation is in high with Senate President Walsh and Speaker of the House Van Dyke sitting on the throttle. If the pres ent spastic cram keeps up it will take five weeks to finish the 480 bills now in the hopper. Applying the history of past performances of Oregon legislative sessions, nerves will get jumpy and ses sion machinery will commence stripping its gears in about three weeks for adjournment around April 1. OREGON ECONOMICS SOUND Unemployment in Oregon was up for a post-war record during February. At the same time there were more people at work here than during any February since our labor statistics have been re corded. The unemployment record was due to unusual weather that made most outdoor work impos sble. February was not an on-the- job month but made up for much of its work-stoppage loss by the jobs created in repairing damages done by its husky storms. Weekly benefits to unemployed workers dropped slightly in 1948 as payrolls, considering season able employment, showed a stea dy increase. Heightened benefits of these post war years have made little impression on Ihe state's benefit reserves which made a new year-end high ol $84,639,655. Wage payments in this state during 1948 were well over the billion dollar mark, up approxi mately 10 per cent from record breaking 1947 and nearly 20 per cent higher than any war- year total. Last year was considered a poor year for farmers, however, Ore gon farm income rose from $370,. 847,000 in 1947 to $400,026,000 In 1918. 1949 PROSPERITY "Non-seasonal layoffs in con cerns which have caught up with their particular commodity and a reduction in agricultural employ ment are noted. "The 'best minds' do not believe the situation forecasts a reces sion, but 'best minds' for three the world has been going a long time, has taken a lot of punish ment, and can stand some more without going to pieces at once. So, professing faith in freedom and private enterprise, he may j find that keeping his pre-election j promises takes us further down jthe road away from freedom and private enterprise toward regi- ! mentation, loss of liberty, bureau cratic interference and bungling, and Godless totalitarianism. He seems not to worry even though he should know that no nation has ever been able to ex pose itself to a small measure ol socialism without eventually suc cumbing to the ravages of that dreaded political disease, and go ing down to destruction. It takes a lot of courage to ad mit, even to oneself, that it was wrong to promise unsound meas ures, but It takes Infinitely more courage to refuse to keep prom ises that should not have been made at all. But, there have been men big enough to do things like that. We once had a Washington, a Lincoln, a Cleveland. Men do grow up, and one hopes that the example of great predecessors may kindle new and consecrated ambition to be like unto them, even though only in small mea sure. May he see the light, and try! tlx years , . , Gorham Silverplate In separata pieces, In doiens and plated, and with an Inlay of starling on tha most usad spoons and forli, llfatlma of waar . . . truly "tha nait Saa thai handsoma pattarni at our stora nowl PETERSON'S JEWELERS years predicted depressions each year, which did not materialize," says John W. (Kelly Says) Kelly, executive director of the state post war readjustment and develop ment commission, in his recent report to Governor Douglas Mc Kay. NO MYSTERY MURDER Bills killed by a legislature are among the most interesting as pects of a session. This session is no exception. Some of the mea sures defeated may be on the bal- lot next election. The often ad vanced proposal that Oregon needs a lieutenant governor was endorsed at the annual young republicans convention soon af ter the November general elec tion. Now democratic clubs are adopting this plank. Young GOP's are hollering "Stop Thief!" Highly controversial bills that got the legislative axe include a proposal to let cities and coun ties levy business and occupa tional taxes; a proposed constitu tional amendment which would allow the legislature to prevent any tax bill from being referred to the people; repeal of the law prohibiting coloring of margar ine; abolishment of present milk control; create an Oregon State School directors' association op ponents said they wanted no more school lobbies, and increase minimum auto Insurance under the state responsibility act from $5,000 to $10,000. STATE POLICE RECORDS Arrests and convictions for drunken driving in Oregon were down about 20 per cent for the past month as compared with the same period two years ago. Liquor saies made a similar drop since January 1, 1947. Average fines and jail senten ces in 4947 were S125.73 and 14 days sentences. Last month fines averaged $116 and 24-day sen tences, according to stale police records. Arrest for not having motor ve. hide licenses totaled 805 with fines of $1857 collected in the 30, day period. For the same time in 1947 only 481 arrests were made for having no license. Near ly $1000 in fines was collected for hauling without a permit. INDIAN SCHOOL ENTERTAINS Governor Douglas McKay, slate officals and many members of the legislature attended the 100th anniversary of the federal de partment of the interior at Che- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW General Insurance Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance JackA. Woodhall Doctor of Dental Medicine Office First Floor Bank Bldg. Phone 2312 Heppner Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 A. D.McMurdo, M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office No. 4 Center St. House Cals Made Home Phone 2583 Office 2572 C. A. RUGGLES Representing Blaine E. Isom Insurance Agency Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. Dr. J. D. Palmer DENTIST Office upstairs Rooms 11-12 First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 783, Home 932 Heppner, Oregon N. D. BAILEY Cabinet Shop Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sewing Machine Repaired Phone MK5 for appointment or call at shop. Walter B. H inkle REAL ESTATE Farms, Buslnes, Income Prop erty. Trades for Valley & Coast. Income Tax Returns Arlington, Oregon mawa Indian training school last Friday. Colorful and impressive tribal danee3 were presented in elaborate native costumes. A. P. Collins, regional foresler, spoke on the history of the de partment and Superintendent It. M. Kelly told of the history and achievements of the school which was established in 18H0 u its present location five miles north of Salem. Orrin McDaniel of Ilardman was a business visitor in Hepp ner Saturday. POWER GRIP! ' Yes, Power Crip is the tire that grins all ways, forwards, sideways and in reverse! They're built to plow through where the going is toughest. Be weather wise! Buy your set of Power Crips today! 57 A Hi. 6.00-16 ' Wui Fad. Tm GENEROUS TRADE-IN 6:50 x 154 pi S18.60 6:50 x 16 1 ply S1S.S5 Heppner Motors J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Veterans of Foreign Wars Meetings 2nd & lih Mondays at 8.00 p.m. In Legion Hall Saw Filing & Picture Framing O. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Turner, Van Marter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeial Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Oregon Heppner City Council M"J" J'irot Wonday WUUIll.il Eacl, Kouth Citizens having matters for discussion, please bring them before the Council. Phone 2572 Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. I NO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Oftiao In Pctort Bullding- Morrow County Cleaners Heppner, Oregon Phone 2632 Superior Dry Cleaning & Finishing Call Settles Electric at IIUPPNEK APPLIANCE for all kinds of electrical work. New and repair. Phone 2542 or 1423 RALPH E.CURRIN ATTORNEY AT LAW First Na'lional Bank Bldg. Phone 2G32 Morrow County Court Mtota Tlrnt Wminnaday Connty Jnrta-a Office Honm Monday, Wedneiday, Friday B a.m. to 6 p.m. Tneaday, Thnraday, Satnrday Pore. non only