Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 10, 1949, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette Times
$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, March 10, 1949
Volume 65, Number 51
Road Conditions
Improve Despite
Squally Weather
Equipment Lack
Handicaps County
"In Pushing Work
The road, situation is far from
satisfactory and lacks a lot of
being what the county court
would like to make it, but de
spite these facts, the county
crews are makine some headway
in those sectors where men and
equipment have been working.
This is the opinion of Judge Gar
net Barratt aller covering the dis
tricts where, the work is being
done. This is largely in the cen
tral part of the county and to
wards the north end in sections
where the recent run-off did the
greatest damage, specifically the
Blackhorse and Sand Hollow dis
tricts. The regular spring work is be
ing done in the sand fringe at
this time while there is yet mois
ture to aid in packing the sur
face of the roads.
At present the county crusher
is in Sand Hollow where roads
and bridges both suffered exten
sive damage. An effort will be
made to clean up the work there
before moving the ponderous
equipment to another area, the
judge said. This will require sev
eral more days to meet the pre
sent requirements and to build
up stockpiles.
The equipment and crew set
up for the lone district are being
used in the lower Gooseberry dis
trict at present. The plan is to
work the lower areas first and
move into the higher country as
i .ore spring-like conditions war
rant. In the meantime, ranchers
who have or can get road equip
ment to woik with are doing
some fixing on their own, and
more of them would do the same
thing If equipment were avail
able. Judge Barratt told how he and
Doc Sherer resurrected a grader
that had been cast off of the
workable list. They took the ma
chine to a welder and had some
extensive repairs made and put
It back in service. Unfortunately
several of the old graders were
sold during the past year or they
might be put into service again.
While no figures are available
and there Is no possibility of ob
taining anything more than a
good guess, the Judge estimates
the county's roads exclusive of
the state highway system have
suffered more than $70,000 dam
age from the winter weather and
Mrs. Pat Mclntyre
Laid To Rest Here
Wednesday A. M.
News of the death of Mrs. Pat
Mclntyre came as a shock to the
people of this community and to
her family and friends in other
parts of the state. She passed
away at an early hour Monday at
St. Anthony's hospital in Pendle
ton after a brief illness.
Services were held at 10 o'clock
a.m. Wednesday at St. Patrick's
Catholic church in this city, with
Rev. Francis McCormack officiat
ing and arrangements In charge
of the Phelps Funeral Home. In
terment was in the Heppner Ma
sonic cemetery. A large crowd
of sorrowing relatives and friends
gathered at the church to pay
their last tribute of respect to the
Genevieve Audry Smith was
born December 29, 1908 in Port
land. She was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Smith,
prominent residents of Portland.
Receiving her education In the
Portland schools, she became a
teacher and was engaged In that
line of endeavor for two years at
Condon. Returning to Portland
she taught in high school there
for several years, and on Septem
ber 4, 1912 was married to Pat
Mclntyre of Heppner. During her
residence here she was active In
I he Woolgrowcrs auxiliary, the
church, and in social circles of
the community.
Surviving besides the husband
are her parents, four sisters, Miss
Eileen Smith, Portland; Sister
Frances, Montreal, Canada; Mrs.
Allen Myers, Seattle, Wash., and
Mrs. George Cherry, San Francis,
co, Calif., and two brothers, Leo
" and Vincent Smith, Portland. All
of the family with the exception
of Mrs. Myers and Sister Frances
were here for the funeral services,
Pearly Forrester of Hardman
was treated at the office of a lo
cal physician Monday for a
wound received when she fell and
cut her foot on a piece of glass.
She was brought to Heppner by
her teacher, Mrs. Bonnie McClin
John and Gerald Bergstrom re-
turned to Walla Walla Monday
after the Herefords which they
purchased on Saturday,
Random Thoughts...
If you are given to experienc
ing thrills you know what it Is
to possess a bright, shiny new
automobile, or some other cher
ished article like a diamond
ring, for instance. You fairly glow
with pride, like the little boy with
his first pair of long pants or red
topped boots! Well, a couple of
our enterprising citizens are ex
periencing one of the rare thrills
of a lifetime, for they have Just
completed a revamping job on
their place of business and aside
from the Justifiable pride they
feel In their accomplishment they
are getting a thrill out of the
way the public is responding to
the changes made. In Wilson's
Men s Wear store the people of
Heppner have something of which
to be proud. Stock and fixtures
compare favorably with the of
ferings of most of the larger
towns and cities of the state. This
column joins the public at large
in felicitating the proprietors,
Messrs. Wilson and Blake, in this
expression of their faith In the
Whatever happens during the
rest of the month, the first seven
days of March were glorious. Ot
course, the weather had to turn
sour Tuesday and bring more
snow which in turn brougnt more
moisture and this in turn has
played hob or whaley or sumpin'
with the roads. Up to the time
of writing this (about 8:15 p.m.
Wednesday) there had been rio
flood warning sounded and it is
n't likely that there will be, for
the ground is open since the Feb
ruary 21 run-off and much of the
moisture has been absorbed. The
killjoy weather prophets tell us
we will have several more days
of winter weather this week and
if more snow comes we might
have another "spell" of high wa.
ter, although not on the gener
ous scale of the first one. With
four months of winter weather
to our creditNovember, Decem
ber, January and February it is
about time the weather man pull
ed a bit of spring out of his hat.
And speaking about roads.
Some of the farmers, a good
many of them, we dare say,
would repair the roads alongside
or running to their homes If they
had or could get suitable equip
ment. The county is low on main
tained, graders and the like and
such equipment as is usable is
certainly being put to the tesL
Most of the farmers have tractor
equipment which could be em
ployed in drawing graders out
no graders.
School bus drivers are having
their troubles these days. Some
of the busses were late arriving
in town Wednesday because of
encountering soft roads. One or
two of them got stuck and had
to get farmer assistance to get
out. Gravel surfacing on some of
the roads was washed off in the
run-off last month, leaving the
roads subject to rutting or to be
coming very soft, to say the least.
It might be too much to ask that
school be dismissed for a few
days, pending drying up of the
roads, but it does seem that some
consideration should be given bus
drivers and the regular..users of
the roads under these trying con
ditions. A renewed interest In Boy Scout
work is in evidence and it is
hoped parental concern will be
increased to the point that It will
be on a more permanent basis.
There has been nothing wrong
with the juvenile segment of the
population that good leadership
will not remedy, and tortunaieiy,
this leadership is developing
Starting with seven boys a few
weeks ago, Bill Davis now has
21 boys lined up for Scout work
and there are enough boys of that
aee to make it possible for sev
eral patrols. Since the Scout work
was renewed, the teachers have
observed an Improvement In the
behavior of the boys enrolling in
the troop. This is a healthy con
dition and parents, teachers,
church people and the public in
general can 111 afford to pass up
any opportunity to encourage the
Scout movement for both boys
and girls.
Mrs. Minnie Card, Portland, na
tional committeewoman and state
organizer for the Degree of Hon
or, paid an official visit to Kate
J. Young lodge No. 29 at its reg
ular meeting Tuesday evening in
the Legion hall. Mrs. Card spoke
briefly to the members outlining
the work of the Degree. In her
brief talk to the lodge, Past State
President Clara B. Gertson men
tioned that this lodge was formed
in 1894 and in October of this
year a homecoming celebration
for ils 55th anniversary would be
hold. Plans for a food sale were
discussed. This is to be held on
the morning of March 19 at the
Red and White store. Mrs. Julia
Hill Is chairman of the commit
tee In charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Betty Posplsll of Riddle
arrived In Heppner Tuesday eve
ning to visit for a short time
with her mother ,Mrs. Virgil Fish
er and Mr. Fisher. Mrs. Fisher
plans to return to Riddle with
Mrs. Posplsll when she leaves and
i from there go on to California
to visit her other daughters.
Junior Chamber of Commerce and
Auxiliary Plan Potluck Dinner
To Start Off New Year's Activities
By Ruth F. Payne
March 12 Irish Dance, Ameri
can Legion hall, lone.
March 15 American Legion
Anniversary Potluck Dinner.
March 16 Oddfellow-Rebekah
Party, I.O.O.F. hall.
March 16 JayCee-ette and
Junior Chamber of Commerce
potluck dinner, Recreation Center,
6:45 p.m.
March 18 High School Speech
Contest, lone.
March 19 Food Sale, Degree of
Honor Red & White Store, 10:30
March 20 American Legion
District 6 Conference.
The JayCee-ette and Junior
chamber of Commerce potluck
dinner will be held next Wednes
day evening, March 16, at 6:45 at
the Recreation Center, according
to an announcement by the com
mittee in charge of arrangements.
Following brief business meet
ings, a social evening is planned.
Mrs. J. K. Estberg heads the
JayCee-ettes for the current year.
Other officers are Mrs. Everett
Kelthley, vice president; Mrs. J.
J. O'Connor, secretary; Mrs. Kemp
Dick, treasurer; Mrs. Louis Lyons,
Mrs. Edmond Gonty, Mrs. Wil
liam Barratt, directors.
At their February meeting,
members formed two teams to
stimulate attendance at meetings
and to interest new members in
joining the organization which is
composed of wives of members
of the Heppner Junior Chamber
of Commerce. The directors plan
a year book scheduling the 1949
meetings and hostesses.
Highlights of the group's first
year of existence were reviewed
by Mrs. Edwin Dick, outgoing
president. She mentioned in par
ticular the group's leadership In
canvassing the city for donations
to the hospital drive, sponsorship
of the Sam Gordon bridge series,
and prize-winning floats entered
in the Lexington Fourth of July
and Heppner Rodeo parades.
Nine tables of bridge and nine
ables of pinochle were In play
at the card party sponsored by
he Parent-Teachers association
Friday evening at the Legion
hall. High for the ladies was re
ceived by Mrs. Eugene Ferguson
and for the gentlemen by Walter
Barger. In pinochle, Mrs. D. P.
Phelan received high for the lad.
ies and Everett Keithley high for
the gentlemen. Following the
awarding of the prizes, Gordon
Grady auctioned some cakes and
pies. Hostesses for the evening
were Mrs. J. R. Huffman, Mrs.
Ted Smith and Mrs. E. N. Gonty.
Mrs. P. W. Mahoney entertain
ed the What's Trumps club Wed
nesday evening at her home on
Baltimore street. High score was
received by Mrs. Ruth Valentine
and low by Mrs. Fay Ferguson.
Others present were Mesdames
Raymond Ferguson, Harold Cohn,
Henry Ttez, D. A. Wilson, L. D.
Tibbies and Stephen Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rosewall
made a business trip to Pasco the
last of the week.
Mrs. Mary Stevens motored to
John Day Wednesday where she
vistcd overnight with her sister,
Mrs. Ruth Shane.
Kenneth Smouse and Henry Ba.
ker flew to Bozeman, Montana,
Thursday on business for the
REA. They were taken to Pendle
ton by John C. Hagan. Messrs.
Smouse and Baker returned to
Heppner late Saturday evening.
Mrs. Don Jones has returned to
her home in Medford after spend
ing several weeks here at the
some of her daughter, Mrs. Rob
ert Wright on Rhea creek.
S 1c Don Rippee left Sunday
for San Dego after spending a 10.
day furlough in Heppner and
Condon with relatives and
friends. On Saturday Sgt. Rippee
and his grandmother, Mrs. John
Hiatt, motored to Arlington to
meet Pvt. Lowell Rippee of the
U. S. Army who came over from
Ft. Lewis, Wn to spend the week
end with his brother. From San
Diego, Sgt. Rippee will be sent
to a new station as he has finish
ed his basic training at the Cal
ifornia post.
Donkey Basketball
Donkeys take about as much interest in basketball as they do
anything else. Judging from this picture taken at the Lexington
gymnasium two weeks ago. From all accounts, the game was a
riot of fun even 11 the poker-faced little animals show no emotion.
Mrs. George Krebs who has
been visiting in Heppner at the
home of her, son-in-law and
daughter, Mr and Mrs Don Ev
ans, has retuined to Cecil where
Mrs Krebs is assisting with lamb
ing. Later they will return to their
home in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. John Saager mo
tored to Milton Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. LaMarr Sayrs of
Moro were week-end houseguests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles.
They returned to Moro Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kinard McDaniel
of Lonerock were shopping In
Heppner the end of the week.
Mrs. Owen Leathers of Kinzua
was a business visitor in Hepp
ner Tuesday. During her stay she
was the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Victor Lovgren.
Robert Lacey of Portland was
a business visitor in Heppner on
Mrs. Don Hatfield has return
ed from Enterprise where she vis
ited her parents for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCoy and
family motored to Salem the last
of the week where they spent
several days visiting with rela
tives and friends.
The First Church of Christ has
purchased an electric organ. Mrs.
J. O. Turner is organist for the
morning service and Miss Mabel
Wilson for the evening service.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Batty
of Kimberly were week-end shop
pers in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wood and
son of Enterprise are visiting in
Heppner with Mrs. Wood's fath
er, E. N. Moyer, and sister, Mrs.
Bob Owen. Mr. Wood is assisting
for a time In the Marshall-Wells
According to word received by
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mollahan, their
son Bob who is in the army air
corps, has been promoted to the
rank of corporal and Is an assist
ant classification expert. At pre
sent Corporal Mollahan is sta
tioned at Fort Pepperel, New
foundland. D. N. Deen of Arlington spent
the week-end in Heppner visit
ing relatives and friends.
Mrs. Earl Blake motored to
Portland Thursday to spend a
cv days on business and plea-
Mr. and Mrs. Alcy Madden and
Floyd Pullen of Lonerock were
looking after busness matters In
Heppner the last of the week.
Mrs. Mildred Tucker motored to
The Dalles Thursday, taking her
lather, J. Wr. Harrison, there for
medical attention.
Mrs. Jesse Hurst has returned
to her home in Walla Walla af
ter spending a few days In Hepp
ner at the home of her son-in-law
and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Jack
Woodhall. Mrs. Hurst looked af
ter the Woodhall children dur
ing Dr. and Mrs. Woodhall's ab
sence while attending the recent
dental convention in Portland.
E. E. Rugg returned Friday
from Salem where he visited the
state legislature in the interest
of REA. He was accompanied
from Portland by Jack Edmond
son who has been attending
school in the city and will remain
here for a time to work.
A. A. Scouten, Melvin E. Look
and Morgan Connor returned to
Heppner Thursday from a week's
trip to Tombstone, Arizona, where
they were looking after property
interests. Melvin Look continued
on to The Dalles to spend the
week end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Look.
Rev. and Mrs. Joe Jewett and
children, Joanne, Doris and Rob
ert, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett K.
Smith and daughter returned to
their homes in Baker Saturday
after a brief visit here with
friends. Rev. Jewett will be re
membered as the previous pastor
of the First Church of Christ and
Mr. Smith was principal of the
Heppner grade school for a time.
Mrs. Grace Nlckerson and Mrs.
Robert Dobbs motored to Walla
Walla Monday.
A. C. Crovvell of Morgan was a
business visitor In Heppner the
end of the week.
Frank Cooney arrived from Ire
land the end of the week. Mr.
Cooney who has been employed
as a steeplejack in England for
the past several years will work
as a lineman on the local REA
At the lone Topic
""-'.tj I i, 5 ' I fit X ,f s i 'SJjSt.
Saturday evening, February 9, upwards of 400 by the lone Topic club. In the rear of the room,
people gathered at the American Legion hall in facing the camera, is Mrs. B. C. Forsythe, club
lone to partake of the smorgasbord dinner served president
New Records Set
At Third Annual
Shorthorn Auction
New records in top prices paid
for both bulls and females were
set at the third annual Oregon
Shorthorn Breeders association
show and sale at Prineville, Mar.
2 and 3, reported Sales Manager
Millard R. Eakin of Grass Valley
Average prices for the 66 ani
mals sold, however, was down
from a year ago.
Top price of $1500 -w as paid for
the champion of the show, Mile
Away Red King, bred and con
signed by Jim and Ruth Short of
Redmond, and sold to Bud Mus
tard of Powell Butte. The reserve
champion bull, T. V. Control,
owned and consigned by R. R.
Raymond of Helix, was sold to
Millard Thompson of Antelope
for $585.
Other bulls which brought
S1000 or better were Mile-Away
Comrade, bred and consigned by
the Shorts, and sold to Dunn &
Peters of Wapato, Wash., for $1,;
100, and Kadal Royal Leader 20th,
owned and consigned by Claude
C. Brennan, Prineville, and sold
to Howard Grimsbo of Powell
Butte for $1000.
The champion female, Scenic
View W. Duchess, bred and con
signed by Kendry Gimlin of Pull
man, W n., was sold to Claude C
Brennan of Prineville for $775,
and the reserve champion female.
Wheatdale Gift 3rd, bred and
consigned by H. F. Beckley and
Ken Killingsvvorth, Benge, Wn.,
was sold for S650 to Bud Mustard
of Powell Butte.
The ribbon winners were pick
ed by Harry Lindgren, extension
animal husbandman of Oregon
State college.
The sale average on 75 head of
stock was $421.20, with 45 bulls
bringing an average price of
$447.40, and 21 females $371.40.
Officers elected at the annual
meeting were Roy L. Harris,
Prineville, president; Jim Short,
Redmond, vice president; E. L
Woods, county agent at Prine
ville, secretary; directors, R. R
Raymond, Helix; W. H. Morelock,
Malin, and Claude C. Brennan,
Prineville. Millard Eakin of
Grass Valley was returned as
sales manager.
Plans were made for the sale
next year, again to be held in
Prineville in early March, with
more rigid specifications antici
pated to improve the quality of
the offerings and hold down the
listings to about 60 head. The of
ficers favored animals not less
than 20 months old for range
stock sale.
Polled Hereford
Show-Sale Draws
Local Stockmen
Prominent at the Columbia Em
pire Polled Hereford association
show and sale held at Walla
Walla Sunday and Monday were
n number of stockmen from
Heppner and vicinity.
Consigned lo the sale were four
head of two-year-old bulls bred
by the Roy Robinson ranch at
Hardman, one of which placed
second in his class. Another con
signer was I he Kirk-Robinson
ranch of Heppner, of which two
calves were Judged first and sec
ond in the yearling class. Kirk
Robinson also purchased two hei
fers from the Hlbbard herd of
Imbler and the Callender herd of
ascade, Idaho.
Jimmy Campbell of Lone Rock,
who also consigned one animal
as well as purchasing another,
accompanied Merle Kirk and
Donald Robinson to the sale. John I urday were Mr. and Mrs. Don
Bergstrom and Floyd Worden ! Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
were among the Heppner buyers Worden, John Bergstrom and Ger
present. aid Bergstrom.
Mrs. Merle Kirk and Mrs. Don
aid Robinson motored over to at
tend the show and sale and banquets.
Club's Smorgasbord
Gifts From France
Displayed Saturday
Formal ceremonies accepting
Morrow county's part of the Gift
Train from France were held Sat
urday afternoon on Main street.
Henry Tetz, superintendent of
Morrow county schools, was mas
ter of ceremonies. Ralph Currin,
district attorney, made the pre
sentation speech and J. G. Bar
ratt, county judge, the accept
ance. The Heppner school band
in full dress uniform entertained
the large crowd of spectators with
several numbers. Members of the
Girl Scout troop were also in the
The gift has been on display
in the window of the Pacific Pow
er and Light company during the
week and will be moved to the
court house where a suitable cab
inet will be provided.
Lifetime Resident
lo Be Buried Here
Friday Afternoon
Fnueral services for Augusta
Fay Aldrich, whose death occur
red Tuesday at Pendleton, will be
held from the Heppner Church of
Christ at 2 o'clock p.m. Friday.
J. Palmer Sorlien, pastor of the
Methodist church, will officiate
and arrangements are in charge
of the Phelps Funeral Home.
Mrs. Aldrich was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cox, pio
neer residents of the county, and
was born January 1, 1887 at the
original Cox homestead on Hin
ton creek.
She was married to Wendell
Aldrich June 21, 1943, in Heppner.
Surviving besides her husband
and a daughter, Mary, by a for
mer marriage, are four brothers,
Ben and Dee Cox of Heppner, and
Percy and Archie Cox of Olympia,
Wash.; and six sisters, Amy Reed
of Pendleton; Margaret Geiger.
Kelso, Wash.; Wilda Beer and
Elizabeth Johnson, Salem, and
Alice Missman and Esther Clark.
Boise, Idaho, besides numerous
nieces and nephews.
At the regular monthly busi
ness meeting Wednesday eve
ning, March 2, the Junior cham
ber of commerce summed up ac
tivities of the previous month,
particularly in relation to the
flood of February 21, and decided
that William E. (Bill) Davis, mas
ter of the Heppner troop of Boy
Scouts, was the most likely can
didate for the club's "Bouquet of
The Scouts were right on the
job during the high water, rend
ering valuable service in care of
life and property. In giving this
recognition to Mr. Davis, the Jay.
cees are at the same time giving
credit to the Boy Scouts for their
splendid showing.
A teacher education conference
has been scheduled by the East
ern Oregon College of Education
to be held Saturday on the cam
pus in La Grande. Superintend
ents, principals, county superin
tendents and selected teachers
have been invited to the all-day
Henry Tetz. county school ad
ministrator. Mrs. Lewis Cason
and Mrs. Douglas Ogletree of
Heppner have signified their in
tention of attending the confer
ence and will leave about 6 a.m.
Saturday morning to be on hand
at the opening session.
Among those from Heppner at-
tending the registered polled
Hereford sale in Walla Walla Sat.
E. W. Adkins has gone to Kin
zua where he will be employed
In the mill.
4-H Girls Recite
What Club Work
Means To Them
A better knowledge of what
they are doing might be a pro
per definition for 4-H club girls
and boys, although it requires
some telling to make the story
more understandable and com
plete. Be that as it may, earlier
development of the genus homo
into useful citizens is being ac
complished through the 4-H pro
gram which is youth training at
its best.
This being National 4-H Club
week, the Heppner chamber of
commerce, through its agricultur
al chairman, N. C. Anderson, in
vited two 4-H representatives to
the Monday luncheon to tell the
assemblage what the work has
done for them. The two chosen to
represent the clubs of the coun
ty were Ruby Ann Rietmann and
Ingrid Hermann, both of the lone
club. Both girls have had several
years of work and have engaged
in numerous projects, and both
have been attendants at 4-H sum
mer school on the campus of
Oregon State college. Both prov
ed by their talks that they have
the know-how of club work and
both expressed themselves as ap
preciative of the opportunities
4-H club work has opened to
The girls were accompanied by
their leader, Mrs. Lonnie McCabe,
who is credited with having the
top 4-H club of the county. Miss
Mabel Wilson was also a guest
of the club as county leader in
home management and domestic
science projects.
Wranglers Seeking
Club Headquarters
At a meeting of the Wranglers
Tuesdav evening in the office of
Turner, Van Marter & Co., the club
temporarily abandoned a propos
al to buy a tract of land for the
purpose of developing club head
quarters and took up the matter
of cooperating with the county
court in developing the Rodeo
grounds and establishing head
quarters there.
One of the handicaps under
which the club has worked since
its organization has been the lack
of feeding facilities, and while
some of the members residing in
Heppner have used the barns at
the Rodeo grounds, arrange
ments have not been made at any
time to take care of more than
just a few horses. -
A report on the dance at Lex
ington was given, and Mrs. Don
Robinson was appointed reporter
for the ensuing year. Entertain
ment for the month of March will
be announced by card.
Four tables of bridge and five
tables of pinochle were in play
at the ladies' night party at the
B. P. O. Elks Thursday evening.
High score for bridge was receiv
ed by Mrs. Orville Smith and
low by Mrs. Richard Wells, in
pinochle, Mrs. Ted Pierson receiv
ed high and Mrs. Kemp Dick low.
The door prize was won by Mrs
Charles Becket. Hostesses for the
evening were Mrs. Garland Swan,
son, Mrs.-Herbert Ekstrom. Mrs.
Donald Heliker, Mrs. Da ere 1 Pad-
berg, Mrs. Edmund Bristovv. Mrs.
Milton Morgan, Mrs. Clifford
Carlson and Mrs. Raymond Lun
dell. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas mo
tored to Portland the first of the
week. Mr. Thomas is to undergo
surgery at a hospital in the city
on Thursday. Mrs. Lorena Cole
motored to Portland Wednesday
to be with Mr. Thomas.
Mrs. John Saager has returned
from Portland where she attend
ed buyers weeks. During her ab
sence from home, Mrs. Saager
visited relatives and friends in
Lebanon and Eugene.
Council Excluded
From Pay; Mayor
Voted S50 Salary
Citizens Learn Of
City's Affairs at
Monthly Session
Heppner's city councilmen re
jected pay for their services as
public servants when the ordin
ance covering pay for mayor and
council was presented at the reg
ular meeting Monday evening.
The members were unanimous in
their declaration against taking
pay but were in favor of the may
or receiving compensation for at
least part of the time devoted to
city work which is taken from
his own business.
The ordinance was presented
for the first reading and upon
motion of the council was passed
to the second and third readings
to make it possible for it to be
come effective by the time the
budget committee meets. While
the city charter provides for pay
ing the mayor and council, such
action may be taken only by or
dinance. The mayor's salary was
placed at $50 per month and this
item may now be included in the
budget for the fiscal year, 1949
.50. W. C. Cox is the new member
of the council, succeeding Howard
Keithley, resigned to accept the
post of city superintendent of
work. Cox is a veteran council
man, although it has been sev
eral years since he served.
The recent high water has been
the cause of many complaints of
one kind and another and among
these drainage is perhaps the
nost prominent subject. Residents
of West Baltimore street suffered
considerable discomfort and dam
age due to an undirected stream
of water running off of the hill
side. Walter Dupuy sought per
mission -of the council to divert
the stream by means of a ditch
above the F. S. Parker fence,
throwing the water into the
street He offered to bear the ex
pense of the job. Permission was
Ed LeTracc and F. S. Parker
sought action relative to prevent
ing reconstruction of the Gay-
heart bridge, stating that it was
one of the main causes of divert
ing water from Willow creek onto
lower Riverside street and hence
on to the Parker place where
damage to roadway and property
resulted. The street committee
was charged with the duty of in
vestigating the complaint.
A statement of the financial
condition of the city was read by
the mayor. This was followed by
Mrs. Edwin Dick who sought light
on city affairs and asked several
pertinent questions. The answers
given by the mayor and council
satisfied her that things were not
as bad as they had been painted.
The report showed that the city
fathers have been quite prudent
in spending tax money and that
unless more troubles from freez
ing and floods arise between now
and July 1 there will be ample
funds to keep expenses within
the budget.
That building is becoming
quite active is seen in the permits
acted upon by the council Mon
day evening. Applications passed
upon favorably included a lb x
16 garage, $S00. by Waiter Du
puy;" a 22 x 36 residence and a
10 x 12 shed, $3,000, W. H. Al
drich; Morrow County Grain
Growers. Inc., a 26 x 38 elevator
crib, $19,000; Boh Freeman, one
story house on Riverside street,
$6,000; D. H, Britt, a 26 x 2S house
on Riverside street. $7,000. and
W. C. Collins, a small storage
shed at the rear of the Heppner
Cleaners. Some of these projects
are under construction.
One of the questions asked by
Mrs. Dick was when the city
plans to call for an election on
the proposed sewer system. This
was answered by City Attorney
Nys who stated that an election
can not be held until the bond-
ingcompany approves the bond
issue. It was repeated that the
project as a whole, including con
struction of the disposal plant
will involve an expenditure ot
$227,000. Approximately $ti7,0O('
is on hand and earmarked for the:
disposal plant, which the engin
eer figures will cost approxim
ately $75.01X1.
The matter of running a vvanv
line to the hospital site was dis
cussed and due to lack "f defin
ite information from the county
court as to what is needed nr ile
sired was deferred until the vv i-
ter committee could obtain the
proper information.
The stage is being set fur a hi,
time at the Rhea Creek grang,
hall Saturday evening. Reason'
A hard times party.
There will lie dancing fur tho.n
who like to trip the li'ht fanta.
tic in the otd time manner, am
games for those who prefer lli
type of amusement. I'nes wU
lie given for nmsl apprupriiiit
costumes In hjth senior and Jul
ior classes.
Refreshments will be nerved.