Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 3, 1 949 Former Lexington Teacher Dies at Roseburg Tuesday By I ''' Fucn.K w.-jo ar -v .hkod Am! urifVfil t.. I ...,! ! 1l;c p.'iss-in,- i.f R.idm-y rri Smith on Tu-r.-'v r.f ihi.- v ct k. Mr. and Mrs. h urn- !!!' n . ;!- it in Ix-vinpion si'!;. .ols laM wintpi a-.d Jived in the Burnett t.firim Full miliary will bo held March 4 in ):Mt.urc Itttettr.e.'it will hv in iho Rosoliurc cemetery. He leaves to mourn Ins passing his widow Cetta and two smaii rhililren, one s,m in tl; lirst prario and h raa:l fiav.phaT. Janice Brown. s:r.ail o.UisrMer i.f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown, are tlie proud parents of a baby ; piay their first baseball game had the mistoriune to fall on a daughter born last TufStiay niglit I witli Mitchell on the local field. lece el plass. culling ner pivr .i uie .uiut o.ttiiK in.nie. iin-(jpni 8, and face quite badly one nay iasi young iaay uppea me stales ai week. She was taken to Heppner 1 7 pounds and was named Bar where she received first aid and ;bara Ellen. She is the first grand v as then rushed to The Dalles child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. l-.nsi ,ial whore she was given Bloodsworth and the first grand medical attention and surgery. I daughter of J. F. McMillan of .where they remained for a cou- Lexington. pie of days. j Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crump Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller were land children were visitors at the renewing acquaintances in Lex- j home ot Mrs. trumps parents. infilon I-'-"! week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Yarnell .,n.1 three children are moving to Vancouver, Wash., where Mr. Yarnell will be employed. He sjvnt some time last week in that ci'y getting things arranged and purchasing a home for his family. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wallace have purchased the Yar nell home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bloodsworth BUYS IN COTTON . . . RAYON mil W' fern HI ; if v v . -A I t 1 m . .? - lii IV i, I mm AT ONLY A CASH-AND-CARRY VALUE! Tailored, dress-up or in-between . . . your choice, at this one low price! Your rayon print goes to parties, meeting- . . . crisp woven cord's grand on the job . . . lace-touched butcher rayon dresses up or down. Spring colors . . . misses', junior sizes. BUYS IN ALL-VOOL I 0.75 '? If V 1 I I I I Iv f I 111 A CASH-AND-CARRY VALUE! TThether you choose yours full or fitted . . you've chosen real value! They're very veil tai lored in pure wool covert. For a bit of back inter tat, fitted coat has half-belt . . . swinging coat hat yoke top. In good epring colors . . . 10-18. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Breshears over the week end. Mrs. Mary Edwards and Mrs. George Allyn have been cooking at the school during the illness of Mrs. Elsie Peterson. Mrs. Pet erson is much improved but still not up to par since her bout with the high water at her home. Leonard Munkers is a Portland visitor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Franklin Can trell moved into the Christian parsonage one day last week and he has started his ministry here. His two children, a boy and girl, enrolled in the local school. Mrs. Stella Scott, who has been at the home of her sister, Mrs. K. K. Marshall, since her recent op eration, has returned to her home in Ellensburg, Wash, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael were Walla Walla visitors one day last week. The athletic boys are now tak- ing their physical exams before starting baseball which will be the next on the calendar. They The Lexington basketball team won four league games which en titled them to play in the tourn ament in Echo. They lost on Thursday night to Mt. Vernon. 25-27. They lost Friday to Uma tilra with a score of 24-32. The grade school tournament will start Friday afternoon in lone with Lexington meeting the Umatilla boys for their first bout. Bud Marshall returned recent ly from the navy and is taking his military exams in prepara tion for attending school Ri'd graduating. The seniors voted Tuesday to wear caps and gowns for gradua tion with commencement being set for May 27. There are at pre sent two members In the senior class, Franklin Messenger and Jo fticnuiian. Cornett Green and William French left Tuesday morning by motor for British Columbia where they will spend several days looking after business matters." FOR RENT Room in apartment, kitchen privileges. Refined lady. $35. Mrs. Carter, Hodge Chevrolet. 50c FOUND Camera and ease. Same can be had by identifying at Gazette Times office and pay ing advertising costs. 50-52c Gottott Gay Colorful DRESSES Cotton Charmers new that lend freshness, beauty and ease to your around-the-house chores. Cottons for every task... Cottons for housework... Cottons to keep yourself looking pretty every hour of the day. You'll want to buy several to fit your different needs. Regular sizes and half sizes. NORAH'S SHOP 1847 BOQERS BROS, 24-Piece "Completing" Set.. To complete your starting service .n llc.d drink &J,fi !Sn:WjMf I It onroctiv., Mrmonnt i KKfv ryr AT LAST there back ... til those extra pieces you need for correct tntcrtainlng! There available In all four patterns of 13 ',7 Rogers Bros. You'll have new pride and assurance knowing your guests are served with the proper silverware. Your family, too, will enjoy the feeling of luxury the: ' lovely pieces bring. Let us, show them to you today. Peterson's Jewelers OurS econ dA nnua SAL1 Ends March 10th 7-pc. Dinette Set. Ip Reg. $895 & $8250 2 only - 5-piece Bedroom Suites. Reg. $179.50 at 1 D50 2 only - 5-piece Bedroom Suites $Oj5C Reg. $I29.50. All to go at VV Reg. 49.50 Sealy Mattresses at 2 only - Daveno and Chair Suites. Reg. $139.50 at O50 Several Occasional Chairs to GO at Half Price I - 3-piece Sectional Davenport Tj T (Q)5C Reg. $I49.50 at JL X I - 3-piece Sectional Daven- "fl OiC9 port Reg. $2l6.50 at lOO onee laoies, Lamp laoies End Tables, Lamps and many REDUCED PRICES ITwurattSftiiiure mjpaany