Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 03, 1949, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Want Ads
Rosewall is never undersold.
FOK SALE About 100 sacks of
oats. Phone 555, Heppner. 50-51p
1940 Ford Deluxe tudor sedan,
new rebuilt motor. Pay down
$425.00. Rosewall Motor Co.
WANTED Experienced secretary.
Must be able to take dictation,
and type accurately. Good pay,
with opportunities for advance
ment. CaJl 342 between 8 a.m.
and 5 p.m. 50c
1935 Ford tudor, new paint. Pay
down $180.00. Rosewall Motor
FOR SALE Some very nice Chi
na and glassware at the Rum
ble apartments. Phone 2552.
1941 Chevrolet truck
1937 Ford truck
1937 Ford pickup
1930 Ford pickup
See us for your transportation
needs. Rosewall Motor Co.
WANTED Housework and baby
sitting. Phone 2552, Rumbles.
We have the 650 x 16 knobby
tread six ply tires to see you
thru the muddy period. Rose
wall Motor Company.
WANTED Custom plowing. Box
313, Arlington, Ore. 5051c
Let us give your old car that new
look with a new paint Job and
a set of Firestone super balloon
tires. Rosewall Motor Company.
FOR SALE Federation seed
wheat. Crum Bros., lone, Ore.
, 50c
Watch our showrooms for the
most beautiful cars that ever
wheeled the road. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
FOH-SALECrib, size 30 x 54,
with spring and mattress, ex
cellent condition. Cost $10, will
sell for $20. L. L. Pate, Hepp
ner. 50tfc
Now is the hour to have that
truck overhauled for the busy
season ahead. Phone 1092 for
an appointment. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
STRAYED from my ranch, one
bald faced bay and one bald
faced gray-roan. Branded JK
on right shoulder. Left late in
December, 1948. Write me or
call 1711, lone, Wate C. Craw
ford. 50-51p
We have 4 cylinder, 6 cylinder,
and 8 cylinder Ford motors in
stock now for immediate in
stallation. Rosewall Motor Co.
FORSALE WeTi pipe several
sizes. Buy now while available.
A. M. Edwards, Lexington.
Let us underseal your new car
against rust, dust and road
noises. Rosewall Motor Co.
FOR SALE NorgTreTrigerator.
Phone 2265. 50p
Does your car shimmy? Let us
balance the wheels on the car.
We have the latest type elec
tronic wheel balancer. Rosewall
Motor Company.
WANTED Piano for storage at
Church of Christ parsonage,
Lexington, or will consider buy
ing. Z. Franklin Cantrell, Min
ister. 50p
Don't send out of town for any
thing automotive until you first
try Rosewall Motor Company.
FOR SALE 32 Graham-Hoeme
plow, 19-18 model with spring
teeth. Chailes Carlson, lone,
Ore. 49-51p
Now that winter is over why not
have your car tuned up for
spring and summer driving.
Rosewall Motor Company.
We have two expert body and
fonder men. When you need
metal work bring your car to
us for free estimate of the cost
of repairs. Rosewall Motor Co.
1933 Ford tudor sedan. Here Is
low cost transportation. Rose
wall Motor Company.
Grain, Ditch Banks, Willows, Cattle
and Sheep, Home and premise control
Phone 33 F 11
J. C. Ransier, lone, Ore.
Mardi Gras Carnival
and Dance
7:30 p. m. Friday
Lexington I 00 F Hall
Door Prizes, Bingo and
Other Carnival Features
Admission 50c
Given for Benefit of
Lexington High School
1946 Ford Coup
1946 Ford 2-ton Truck
1941 Dodge Coupe
1940 International
1941 Chevrolet Pickup
1936 Ford Pickup
1936 Ford Coupe
1936 Dodge Coupe
1935 Plymouth Coupe
Why gamble? Buy with
a guarantee!
Phone 403
WANTED Substantial sum by
Heppner business for remodel
ing purposes. Good security,
fair rate of interest. Write MW,
care of Gazette Times, Hepp
ner. 49-50P
FOR SALE 7-room home with
three bathrooms; corner lot,
ideal location. See Terrel Benge
or phone 203. 49-52p
FOR SALE Lots 4 and 5, Block 1,
lone. Good location for either
business or residence. See Ear
lene Bailey, lone. 49-50p
508-Gth St, Independence, Ore.
ALL FOR ONLY $4500.00 OR
1941 Nash sedan. Pay down $300.
Rosewall Motor Company.
FOR SALE 1948 6-cylinder super
de luxe Ford; 6:50 6-pi ruDoer;
radio and heater, seat covers,
spotlight, low mileage, and
clean. Call 2342, Llndell Broad
foot. 44tfc
DON'T WAIT until winter comes
again to have storm windows
installed. I make any size and
install them. Also repair vacu
um cleaners. N. D. Bailey. 44tfc
1930 Ford town sedan, motor over
hauled. This long legged car
will get you thru when it is
necessary to park your low
clearance car. Rosewall Motor
FOR SALE Modern two-bedroom
house, with garden and not
house. Priced to sell. Gordon
Grady, Riverside Ave., Heppner,
Ore. 47tfc
WANTED Anyon. having tur
keys or chickens for aare piease
contact the Victory Cafe, lone,
Ore. Mt'c
FOR SALE Fordson tractor and
2-bottom plow, $100. 25 square
red composition shingles, $5 a
square. N. D. Bailey. 44c
the undersigned was duly appointed by
tha Probate Court of the State of Ore-
ton, tor Morrow County, ths Executor
of ths Lut Will and Testament of
Amelia Fraters, deceased, and ail per
sona having claims against the estate
of said deceased are hereby required
to present the same with proper vou
chers to said Executor at the law office
of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon,
within i months from ths data hereof.
Listed and first published this Win
day of February, 1649.
Jos. J. Nys,
Attorney for Executor,
Heppner, Oregon. 47-61
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly sppolnted. by
the Probate Court of Morrow County.
Oregon, administrator of the estate dt
Mary Messenger, deceased. All persons
having claims against the said estate
are hereby required to file the same
with proper vauchera attached, with the
administrator, at the office of J. O.
Turner, in Heppner, Oregon, on or be
fore six months from the data of first
publication of this notice.
Dated and rirst published this 17th
day of February, 1949.
48-13 Administrator.
Hon en or ran. Aocomrr
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administrator of the estate
of MAGGIE FRENCH, deceased, has
filed with the Probate Court of the
State of Oregon, for Morrow County,
his Final Account of his administration
of the estate of ssld deceased and said
court fixed Monday, the 21st day of
March. 1949. at the hour of ten o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, at tha
Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as
the time and place for hearing objec
tions to said final acount and the set
tlement of said estate, and all persons
having objections thereto are hereby
required to file the same with said
court on or before the time fixed for
said hearing.
Dated and first published this 17th
day of February. 1949.
LEWIS BARCLAY, Administrator.
Jos. J. Nys.
Attorney for Administrator,
Heppner. Oregon; 48-53
ruary 8, 1949, 1 am authorized and
directed to advertise and sell at
public auction at not less than
the minimum price herein set
All of Section 8, in Township
2 North of Range 26, E.W.M.
for the minimum price of
$5.00 per acre, cash.
Beginning at a point 94 feet
West from the Southeast cor
ner of Block 2 of the original
town (now city) of Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, run
ning thence North 66' feet;
thence West 10 feet; thence
South 27 feet, 9 inches; thence
West 11 feet, 5 Inches; thence
South 38 feet, 3 Inches; thence
East 21 feet, 5 inches to the
place of beglnnng for the
minimum price of $3500.00,
cash. This property Is now oc
cupied by the Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph Com
pany and is subject to lease
expiring December 31, 1949.
THEREFORE, I will on the 12th
day of March, 1949 at the hour
of 10:00 A.M. at the front door of
the Court House in Heppner, Ore
gon sell said property to the high
est and best bidder.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon,
47-51 Deputy.
Sealed bids in duplicate for the
construction of Morrow County
Hospital at Heppner, Oregon, will
be received at the office of the
County Clerk at Morrow County
Court House until 2:00 o'clock P.
M., March 17th, 1949, and then
at said office, publicly opened
and read aloud.
The County Court of Morrow
County reserves the right to
waive any informality In, or to
reject any or all bids.
GON, By Judge Garnet
On or about February 24th,
1949, drawings and specifications
for the construction of a General
Hospital at Heppner, Oregon,
will be available for distribution
to general contractors by. Roald,
Schmeer 4 Harrington, 1104
Spalding Building, Portland, Ore
Applications from contractors
interested In bidding on this work
not to exceed two sets of drawings
and specifications together with
payment of $50.00 per set should
be filed promptly with the Archl
tects, and the bidding material
will be forwarded, shipping
charges collect, as soon as avail
able. Any bidder upon returning
such set promptly and in good
condition will be refunded his
payment, and any non-bidder
upon so returning such set will
be refunded $25.00. Bids on this
work will be opened by the Clerk
of Morrow County on the date
named In the specification, which
will be about 21 days after the
bidding material is available for
Everett Hadley has returned
from the hospital at Richland
Wash., where he underwent sur
gleal treatment for stomach ul
cers. Ho is greatly improved, al
though not out from under the
physician s care.
Flatt's Transfer
and Storage
Heppner Ph. 112
Ths Dalles Phons MM
114 E. fcrf It
Insured C arrlsf
"We Go Anywhere.Anytlme"
Do You Have Enough
Cheek with
. Heppner Phone 723
Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon,
"Better Living for a Better
World" is the theme for the 1949
National 4-H Club week which
will be observed during March
This week, which is observed
annually, is the time set aside to
call to the attention of all the
accomplishments of the 4-H club
Iprogram. 4-H club members, lead
ers and persons interested In this
national youth movement are to
be recognized for their efforts.
The general public is to be ade
quately Informed, especially on
a nation-wide basis, on the far
reaching Importance of 4-H clubs.
In summing up the part that
Morrow county Is playing in this
largest rural youth organization
of the world, we find that 17
clubs covering all communities
in the county have enrolled 144
different club members. Many of
these boys and girls are carrying
more than one project and may
I be enrolled in two or more clubs.
These club members added to all
members in Oregon and to the
other states, as well as Alaska,
Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, made a
total of nearly 2,000,000 boys and
girls enrolled.
So great Is the Importance of
National 4-H Club week In ob
serving the accomplishments of
our youth enrolled in this organ
ization, that President Truman,
Governor Douglas McKay and
Secretary of Agriculture Charles
Brannon have Joined in greeting
4-H members and leaders in rec
ognition of the work they are do
ing. Nation-wide 4-H radio Broad
casts will be featured when Fred
Waring and his Pennsylvanians
will broadcast his own 4-H Club
song, "Place in The Sun," on NBC
Thursday, March 10, 7:30 to 8 p.
m., P.S.T. Ted Malone will feature
a specal broadcast honoring M.
L. Wilson, director extension ser
vice, on ABC on Monday, March
7, 1 to 1:15 p.m., P.S.T.
This, then, is National 4-H Club
week for the nearly two million
boys and girls who are members
of this fine organization. To be
identified with a 4-H club is a
badge of distinction, borne by
more than 26,000 different Oregon
boys and girls last year. It is dur.
ine this week that those boys
and girls are inviting many oth
ers to enjoy the advantages of
4-H club membership. Adults who
are concerned for the future of
the generation can do no better
service than that of encouraging
and assisting the movement by
giving leadership and support,
making greater participation pos
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Ofiice at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $3.00 a year;
ingle copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
flymptOTTM srf DMrM ArMnf trssti
fr WSS4H iT wfi.l Its
Saagcr's Pharmacy
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Morrow county 4-H members
anu icauers are planning many
5-13 to contribute their share to
observance of National 4-H Club
The annual observance of the
week starts on Saturday, March
5. The majority of Morrow county
clubs will hold meetings during
the week. Special opportunity will
be given for new members to
enroll. Special plans for the week
are window displays in all towns
in the county. These displays will
center around the motto, "Learn
to do by doing" and will show
samples of project work complet
ed by members.
On Monday, March 7, 4-H lead,
er, Mrs. L. A. McCabe, and two
of her 4-H members, Ruby Ann
Rietmann and Ingrid Hermann,
will appear on the program at
the chamber of commerce lunch
eon. On Thursday, March 10, all 4-H
leaders in the county will meet
at Heppner for their annual 4-H
leaders' training meeting. Esther
Tfcskerud and Burton Hutton,
state 4-H club agents, will be
present for this training meeting
and will then attend the lone
P-TA meeting to -appear on the
program. The program for the
evening will be put on by 4-H
club members.
Ending the week of activities
will be a National 4-H Club week
party at Boardman with all
Boardman and Irrigon club mem
bers, leaders and parents invited
to attend.
Only one Morrow county 4-H
club member is carrying a room
improvement project. Lorene Mit
chell, Heppner, along with Miss
Wilson, is developing a third
year special project on closets
or storage space to fit her fam
ily 8 needs. The emphasis will be
placed on analyzing present sit
uation, needs, and making ac
tual changes to allow more con
venience and use of space with
a minimum of expense.
Every home cannot be richly
furnished but it can reflect good
taste, says Miss Wilson, home
demonstration agent. As an add
ed incentive toward this goal,
the Sears-Roebuck foundation is
again providing merit awards
amounting to nearly $10,000.
Lorene is also carrying a cook
ing project.
Meeting at the county agent's
office last Monday night, Feb.
28, the 4-H club council made
plans for observing National 4-H
Club week March 5-13. Among
plans for observance of the week
were window displays in Hepp
ner, lone and Lexington. In
charge of these displays are Mrs.
O. B. Breeding and Mrs. John
Graves, Lexington; Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers and Mrs. Gene Ferguson,
Heppner; Mrs. Garland Swanson
and Mrs. Verner Troedson, lone.
Announced at this meeting was
the lone P-TA which will be held
Thursday evening, March 10. The
program will be put on by 4-H
County Agent News . .
"Snce household appliances are
a major investment for most
families, they should be put to
full use after being purchased,
says Miss Mabel Wilson this
month in her demonstrations on
Small Electrical Appliances. In
selection of equipment, she stress
ed safety features, guarantees,
availability of repairs, and buy
ing of the best quality you can
afford. She urges homemakers
to learn to use their equipment
for all possible uses.
Home dressmaking has been
Increasing ever since the war, but
until recently much of it has
been in women's clothing. Now
apparently mothers are finding
that they can make substantial
savings by sewing for their chil
dren as well as themselves. The
extension service reports that
high prices plus the problem of
getting unsatisfactory quality in
children's ready-made clothes
have been giving mothers so
much concern that almost every
state held special meetings dur
ing the past year on selection of
children's wear. Stores have re
ported recently that from 20 to
50 percent of their total pattern
sales are for children's clothes.
The children as well as the
family pocketbook benefit if mo
thers choose patterns and fabrics
suited especailly to children's
needs. Clothes which are roomy
yet well fitted allow for comfort
and free movement of young
children at their most active age.
Clothes have a pronounced ef
fect on health and habit forma
tion of infants and pre-school
children especially. Clothes de
signed to make it easy for chil
dren to dress themselves encour
age initiative, self-reliance, and
skill early in life. Loosely styled
garments are not ripped, torn,
dscarded and outgrown as soon
as those with a tight fit, thus
Mgr. 3, 1949
Your Children
Will Benefit from
i members and and leaders of the
i lune community in uutri vanuc ui
Other business of the evening
included plans for the county
leaders conference to be held on
Thursday, March 10. Esther Tas
kerud and Burton Hutton of the
state 4-H club office will be pre
sent for the conference. President
Ruth McCabe announced that the
local Pacific Power & Light com
pany would be host to the leaders
at a noon luncheon that day.
Selection of delegates to at
tend the 4-H summer school to
be held on the Oregon State col
lege campus, June 14-24, was dis
cussed. Delegates for the 1949
summer school will be selected
on the basis of 4-H accomplish
ments and all-around club work.
Members must be at least 13
years of age and have completed
at least two years of club work
to be eligible.
Attending the council meeting
were Mrs. Gene Ferguson, Mr.
and Mrs. John Graves, Merle
Becket of Heppner; Mrs. L. A.
McCabe, Mrs. Verner Troedson,
Mrs. Garland Swanson, E. M. Ba
ker and Ronald Baker of lone;
and Mrs. O. B. Breeding, Lexing
ton. Both county extension agents
also attended. ,
1949 officers of the Morrow
County 4-H Club council are Mrs.
L. A. McCabe, president; E. M.
Baker, vice president, and Ingrid
Hermann, secretary. All are from
We Ask Your Indulgence . .
Due to boiler trouble, we have found it necessary to
close down for a few days. Some delay has been ex
perienced in getting an essential part for the boiler
and as soon as it arrives and installation can be
accomplished we will go to work on your cleaning.
In the meantime we ask your indulgence and assure
you that everything is being done to shorten the
delay. Thank you!
Four standard-siie "Thermo
Kleen" surface units. Each
one has five cooking speeds.
Instant heating. They are the
easiest-cleaned elementsmade.
Full-size oven automatically
controls temperatures. Fiber
glas insulation saves current,
helps keep your kitchen cool.
One-piece porcelain enamel
top has no grooves or corners
to catch dirt. Easy to clean.
Will not stiin. Saves work.
Also available with light
oven timer, only . . . $000.00
March 11, 18, 29 are important
dates to Cotton Dress Workshop
leaders in each community. Those
are the days when they will meet
at the lone Grange hall to re
ceive training in constructing a
dress which they will later pass
on to fheir fellow unit members
in each community. Each woman
enrolled will make and complete
a cotton dress using new, improv
ed methods.
Lucy Lane and Myrtle Carter,
clothing specialists from OSC,
will conduct the leader training
meetings at lone.
; runxtrv rniunnj,n
Holy communion, 8 a.m.
Church school, 9:45 a.m.
Holy communion and sermon,
11 a.m.
Evening prayer and instruc
tion, 5 p.m.
Junior Y.P.F., 6:15 p.m.
I have purchased the Bristow building
just west of Legion Hall in lone for
merly known as George Bye Garage.
We are now open for business.' Our
shop is equipped with Modern Tools,
Reboring Electric Valve hard setgrind
ing. Motors tuned. We can rebuild
your Car, Truck, Tractor or Combine.
I 7
Page 5
Senior Y.P.F., 7:30 p.m.
Week-day services: Wednes
day, holy communion, 10 a.m.;
Friday, holy communion, 7:30 p.
m., children's service at 4; choir
practices: girls, Wednesday at 4;
boys, Thursday at 4; adult choir,
Thursday at 8.
On Friday, March 4, at 2:30. the
World Day of Prayer service will
be held in the church. All who
plan to sing in the choir at this
service are asked to report in the
vestry at 2:15.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas and
Mrs. Tom Fraters have returned
from Portland where Mr. Thomas
went to receive madical attention.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynd and
daughter of Cecil and Mrs. Ida
Bleakman of Monument visited in
Heppner Sunday with the Hynd
family. They were enroute to Ce
cil from Monument where they
had gone the last of the week
after Mrs. Bleakman who win
spend a month at Cecil with
I them.
tloctrie Rons
to fit. . .
trim, modern kitchens
...modest budgets
you can have clean, modern
electric cooking in little more than
half the space most ranges take.
Here's a new Montag Range that
needs only 23" 25" to bring you all
the essential advantages you need
to make your kitchen ready modern.
Save money, work and space. Come
In and see for yourself how Montag'i
beautiful new Apartment Model
gives you so many features in such
little space. It's a modr range at
a modest price.
Montag &f(cv
Case Furniture Company
more comfortable and economical.