Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 24, 1949, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Feb. 24, 1949
Page 5
Want Ads
FOK SALE Modern 6-room
house with 34 basement, auto
matic oil heat, garage. On cor
ner lot. Chuck Hodge, Tel. 1114.
Rosewall is never undersold
1941 Chevrolet long wheel base
truck, new motor, new rubber.
Pay down SK95.00 full price.
Kosewan Motor Company.
LOST Tire chain in Heppner. $1
reward. Leave at Richfield Sta
tion. 4'ln
New 1949 two-ton Ford long
wheelbase truck equipped with
6 cylinder high torque motor,
825 x 20 dual tires, booster
brakes, double frame, oil filter,
oil bath air cleaner, tank full
of gas ready to go to work.
$2348.00. Rosewa 1 1 Motor Co.
WE HAVE a new branding and
dehorning chute. See it at
Heppner Sales Yard. 49c
Watch our show windowsfo7"the
most beautiful cars that ever
wheeled the road. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
FOR SALE "sTGwham-Hoeme
plow, 1948 model with spring
teeth. Chailes Carlson, lone,
Ore- 49-51p
Now that winter is over why not
have your car tuned up for
spring and summer driving.
Rosewall Motor Company.
WANTED Substantial sum by
. Heppner business for remodel
ing purposes. Good securily,
fair rate of interest. Write MW,
care of Gazette Times, Hepp
npr. 49-50p
1934 Pontlac sedan. Pay down
$50.00. Rosewall Motor Co.
FOR SALEroom" home with
three bathrooms; corner lot,
Ideal location. See Terrel Benge
or phone 203. 49-52p
Has your car h!TdliiTlubrT
cation this month? Bring it to
us for prompt service. Rosewall
Motor Company.
FOR SALE L.7ts"4 and 5, Block 1,
lone. Good location for either
business or residence. See Ear
lene Bailey, lone. 49-50p
You have seen the new look. Now
try the new ride. We have a
1949 Ford car waiting for you
to drive. Rosewall Motor Co.
508-6th St., Independence, Ore.
ALL FOR ONLY $1500.00 OR
1941 NasrTsedarC Pay down $300.
Rosewall Motor Company.
FOr"SALE 1918 6-rylinuer super
de luxe Ford; 6:50 6-pl rubber;
radio and heater, seat covers,
spotlight, low mileage, and
clean. Call 2212, Llndell Broad
foot. 44tfc
Take the wheel and try the Ford
DON'T WAIT until winter comes
again to have storm windows
installed. I make any size and
install them. Also repair vacu
urn cleaners N I). Bailey. 44tfo
Let'i imagine thii gorgcoui Youngstown Kitchen U youn! You'll need
no garbage pail, for th 48 twin-bowl Kitchenaiiler cabinet link
ahown ii equipped with Multinaider electric garbage diipoier. Ask
hi about the low monthly payment.
New low-cost magic
(or your dream kitchen
Revel in this thought:
When you have your lovely Youngstown Kitchen,
you'll be free forever of the garbage pail and all
its messiness.
For the Mullinaidcr electric garbage disposer
Youngslown's newest kitchen magic grinds away
your food scraps before they can accumulate, and
whisks them safely down the drain.
And that's only one endearing quality of these
gleaming, white-enameled steel kitchens, made by
the leader in the field. There's storage space galore,
with everything right where you need it for fixing
meals, washing dishes and clearing up. And best
of all, there's a low, down-to-earth price, made
possible by high-volume production.
Come in and see us!
Younjitown Kitchens and Kltch.nald.fi available
under lew FHA t.rmt
fou?t7Jcd(tn Aucnetu
1946 Ford Coupe
1946 Ford 2-ton Truck
1941 Dodge Coupe
1940 International
1941 Chevrolet Pickup
1936 Ford Pickup
1936 Ford Coupe
1936 Dodge Coupe
1935 Plymouth Coupe
Why gamble? Buy with
a guarantee!
Phone 403
FOR SALE Baled barley hay;
some seed barley, and TD-35
International tractor with an
gle dozer. Earl McKinney, lone,
Ore. 47-49p
FOR SALE: Modern two-bedroom
house, with garden and hot
house. Priced to sell. Gordon
Grady, Riverside Ave., Heppner,
Ore. 471 fc
Keep your eye on our used car
lot for. your transportation
needs. Rosewall Motor Co.
FOR SALE Grahame-Hocme,
1947 model. Charles Carlson,
lone. 4S-51p
Don't be caught without lire
chains this muddy weather.
We have them in the popular
sizes. Rosewall Motor Company
FOR SALE 1 "King" E-flat alto
saxophone; silver plated. $85
takes it. Inquire H. A. Sanders,
Hotel Heppner. 48-49p
1947 Ford deluxe tudor sedan
with all the extras in the book.
Pay down $500.00. Rosewall
Motor Company.
1935 Chevrolet coupe. Pay down
$100.00. Rosewall Motor Co.
1935 Ford tudor sedan, new paint.
Pay down $1 10.00. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
We repair all makes of cars and
trucks. Rosewall Motor Co.
WANTED Anyone having tur
keys or chickens for sale please
contact the Victory Cafe, lone.
Ore 22tfc
You can have your car complete
ly overhauled an i .i
Put it all on one ticket and
pay tor it on o. c
monthly budget plan. Rosewall
Motor omrv iv
FOR SALE Fordson tractor and
2-hottoin plow,-$100. 25 square
red composition shingles, $ a
square. N. D. Bailey. 44c
We have new and rebuilt motors
for Ford and Mercury cars to
fit all models for the last 20
years. Rosewall Motor Co.
NOTICK IS HhlifclsY (JIVK.V tlut
the tuiUftHidiifd a duly jippointcl ,y
the Pntite Court of the State of Ore
gon. fr Mnrrnw Cuimty, the Kxfr utor
of the Last Will and Tetdunieiit of
Amelia Vrutern, dertiifd, find all pr
ms having f'hiims HKninxt the estate
of said deceafled are hereby required
to prcHent the name with proper vou
chers to mid Kxttutor fit the law of lice
of J oh. J. Nvh, fit Hopprx'T. On-jjon
within 6 months from the date hereof.
iJaled and firHt published this lUlh
day of February. 1949.
Jos. J. Nyn.
Attorney for Executor,
Heppner, Oregon. M -M
Notice is hereby givfii that the un
dersigned has be:n duly Hpj uit 'J i y
tit I'roiiate f'ourt of Morrow County,
Oregon, administrator of the estate iff
Mary MfHeugi:r. (leccaHt-d. All prrHons
having claims ugair.'it the said ertate
are hereby reguln-d to fif lite name
with proper vauchera attached, with the
administrator, at the office of J. O.
Turner, in Heppner, Oregon, on or be
fore months from the date of first
publication of this notice.
Jjaled and first published this 17th
day of February, 1949.
48-52 Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Adrnini.-'liat ir of the estate
of MAGGIE KHENC1I. deceased, has
filed with the Probate Couit of the
State of Oregon, for Morrow County,
his Final Account of his administration
of (he ewt'ite of paid deceased and said
court fixed Monday, t he 21st day of
March. 11)49, at the hour of ten o'clo-k
in the forenoon of said day, at the
Court Hou.se at Heppm-r, Oregon, as
the time and place for hearing objec
tions to said final acount and ttie set
tlement of said estate, and all persons
having objections therein ai e hereby
required to file the same with said
court on or before the tune fixed for
said hearing.
Dated and first published this 17th
day of February. 11)49.
LEWIS BARCLAY, Administrator.
Jos. J. Nv,
Attorney for Administrator,
l'ppner.J.JregorL 4V;.z
ruary 8. 1949, 1 am authorized and
to speed
Fall Weight Gains
Cattle need more than a single
protein supplement. They
need a palatable, nourishing
tupplement that provides the
full nutrient balance so neces
sary for top condiiion and
steady, economical weight
gains. In short, they need
Larro "Farm-tested" Cattle
Supplement to supply not
only a variety of blended pro
teins but, phosphorus, cal
cium, trace elements and other
nutrients which research has
proved helpful to thrifty
growth and well being.
This year make sure that your
rattle get the full nutrient
balance which Larro 32
Cattle Supplement supplies.
Order a good supply today.
Morrow County
Grain Growers, Inc.
Heppner Lexington
Flatt's Transfer
and Storage
Heppner Ph. 112
The Dalles Thone 2635
114 E. 2nd St.
Insured Carrier
"We Go Anywhere, Anytime"
TXil It takes
Do You Have Enough
Check with
Heppner Phone 723
dirocled to advertise and sell at
public auction at not less than
; lie minimum price herein set
All of Section 8, in Township
2 North of Range 26, E.W.M.
for the minimum prif! of
$5.00 per acre, cash.
Beginning at a point 94 feet .
West from the Southeast cor
ner of Block 2 of the original
town (now city) of Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, run
ning thence North 66 feet;
thence West 10 feet; thence
South 27 feet, 9 inches; thence
West 11 feet, 5 inches; thence
South 38 feet, 3 inches; thence
East 21 feet, 5 inches to the
place of heginnng for the
minimum price of $3500.00,
cash. This property is now oc
cupied by the Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph Com
pany and is subject to lease
expiring December 31, 1949.
THEREFORE, I will on the 12th
day of March, 1949 at the hour
of 10:00 A.M. at the front door of
the Court House in Heppner, Ore
gon sell said property to the high
est and best bidder.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon,
47-51 Deputy.
Sealed bids in duplicate for the
(construction of Morrow County
I Hospital at Heppner, Oregon, will
be received at the office of the
County Clerk at Morrow County
Court House until 2:00 o'clock P.
M., March 17th, 1949, and then
at said office, publicly opened
and read aloud.
The County Court of Morrow
County reserves the right to
'waive any informality in, or to
reject any or all bids.
GON, By Judge Garnet
On or about February 24th,
1949. drawings and specifications
for the construction of a General
Hospital at Heppner, Oregon,
will be available for distribution
to general contractors by Roaid,
Schmeer & Harrington, 1104
Spalding Building, Portland, Ore
gon. Applications from contractors
j interested in bidding on this work
mot to exceed two sets of drawings
jand specifications together with
payment ot $mw per set should
be filed promptly with the Archi
tects, and the bidding material
will be forwarded, shipping
charges collect, as soon as avail
able. Any bidder upon returning
such set promptly and "in good
condition will be refunded his
payment, and any non-bidder
upon so returning such set will
be refunded $25.00. Bids on this
work will be opened by the Clerk
of Morrow County on the date.
named in the specification, which
j will be about 21 days after the
bidding material is available to;
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Partlmv are
the parents of an 8 pound son
horn at the St. Anthony's hospital
in Pendleton February 21. This is
the second son and third child
of the Partlows. Grandparents are
Mrs. Golden of Springfield, Mr.
land Mrs. Paul Partlow of Board
! man.
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
IS. 1S97. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $3.00 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
Symptoms of Distress Arising from
Must Help or It Will Cost You Nothing
Orortwomllllon bottloiof the'WTLLARD
TKKATMKNThavsbeen void for relief of
and Duodenal Ulcer due to Evcms AcW
Poor Digvstlon, Sour or Upset fctomach
Gasslnetft, Heartburn, Sleeplessness. te
dun to Excess Acid. Snld on 16 days' trial)
Ask for "WIMard't Message" which fully i
explains uui weaiment iree t
Saager's Pharmacy
Transferring r
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
Portland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Boardman Raises
$234.11 For March .
Of Dimes Fund
By Mrs. Flossie Coats
Saturday morning the Board
man folk awoke to find a new
blanket of snow about two in
ches deep. However the mercury
stayed to around 32 degrees all
day, which made the ground un
der foot very sloppy.
Boardman sports fans welcom
ed the "Dr.nkey Basketball"
sports Wednesday evening at the
local gym, also the musical chairs
r played. The donkeys were ridden
; by the local boys, what time they
were not on the floor, the town
ies against (he high school boys,
, the-town boys winning by a large
i ' The receipts from the March of
i Dimes up to oate are as follows:
School $10, envelopes S42.90, con
tainers $32.82, and grange bene
fit dance S18.39, total $234.11. This
'exceeds the 1948 total by several
dollars, the 1948 total being $137.
82. Mrs. Gust McLouth who has
been confined to the St. Anthony's
hospital for several days was
able to be removed to the home
of her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Putnam, in Her
miston Wednesday. Though Mrs.
McLouth has improved she is still
very ill and will have to remain
near the doctor for some time.
Mr. McLouth was to see her Fri
day. r Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Hugh
Brown at her brother's home on
Wednesday, Feb. 16. After the
regular business Mrs. Brown
served refreshments of cake and
I airs. Lnas. iwcKerson lett tor
Elgin on Ihursday where she will
care for a sister who is ill, and
also visit her brother, John Bed
das. Mr. and Mrs. Tom - McMahon
and daughter of Pilot Rock were
guests Tuesday of Mrs. McMa
hon's mother, Mrs. Chas. Stolt
now and Mr. Stoltnow.
Martin Anderson suffered a
stroke Thursday and was rushed
to the St. Anthony's hospital. At
I 'he latest reports Friday Mr. An
Iderson had not regained con
isciousness. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow
i were called to Pendleton Thurs
jday to visit Mr. Marlow's mother,
Mrs. Julia Marlow, who was ser
iously ill. Mrs. Marlow was taken
to the St. Anthony's hospital Fri
day, and was resting at latest re
ports. , Miss Maxine Ely and Eldon
Lilly, students at EOCE, spent
the week end with Miss Ely's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely.
f.brs thes? 1,000
Oregon Physicians
offer you
flfledkd end Hospital
n,aof nw
1 i
Mr. and Mrs. George Daniels
of Portland, former Boardmah res
idents, are spending a few days
on the project and at Hermiston.
They are staying at the Nathan
Thorpe home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Downey are
guests this week of friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Williams of Pros
ser, Wash. The Downeys expect
to return home Sunday.
Coach Gillespie and Superin
tendent Fabey took a load of the
basketball bays to Lexington Fri
day evening where they witness
ed the game between Lexington
and Irrigon. Those going were
Harold and Darrell Marlow, Don
ald Gillespie, Kenneth Earwood,
Junior Graham, Delmar Hug, Bill
Palmer, Keith Tannehill.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood
motored to Pendleton and Walla
Walla Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie
and Donald motored to Hermis
ton Saturday.
Dallas Forthman and daughter
Wilda of Lostine arrived Friday
and are guests at the home of
Forthman's brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Forthman, and
also another daughter, Wanda
Miss Shirley Peck returned to
Pendleton Sunday to resume her
school at the St. Joseph's acad
emy after spending the past week
with her father and brother, Er
nie and Gerry Peck, while Mrs.
Peck was caring for her mother
who was ill in Yakima.
Mrs. Morris Tarbaugh is as
sisting as adviser for the young
people's Christian Endeavor at
the Community church wiiilj
Mrs. Fred Smith is confined in
the hospital. Mrs. Arnin Hug is
also assisting.
Week-end guests at the home
of Mrs. Eva Warner were her
daughter, Mrs. Catharine Heck,
and her nephew and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Hunt of Seattle, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Allstott of
Umatilla were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of Rev. and
Mrs. Chas. Eble.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Billings and
daughter Brenda motored to Ar-
lington Sunday afternoon where
Brenda attended the birthday par
jty of 4-year-old Lynn Ellen Lo
Igan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Logan.
Paul Partlow was suddenly
stricken ill with a heart attack
I Monday evening and was rushed
I to the St. Anthony's hospital
I where he is receiving medical at
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Shattuck
motored to Pendleton Monday.
i Mrs. Shattuck remained in the
hospital for a few days where
jShe will receive medical care.
Mrs. Ethel Landers and son
' Jackie Landers left for John Day
this week where Mrs. Landers has
employment. Mrs. Landers'
daughters, Doris and Georgia, are
I staying with Mr. and Mrs. M.
Olrose I"011 . . d
. ... moil
$1.00 for each MALE or SPAYED FEMALE
$2.00 for each FEMALE
$2.00 for each MALE or SPAYED FEMALE
$4.00 for each FEMALE
J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector
Weather Fails To
Keep Kinzua BB
Fans From Tourney
By Elsa M. Leathers
Each night of the sub-district
tournament at Condon last week
a large crowd of basketball fans
from both Kinzua and Fossil went
to see the boys win the tourna
ment. In spite of the blizzard on
' Friday night the crowd was large.
However, Kinzua was visited by
;rain when Condon and Mayville
, had snow. The Kinzua school bus
: was chartered for the tournament
with Marvin Jackson as driver.
jThe trophy was presented on Sat
urday night and at that time all
istars were named. (Sorry no all
I star names were available.)
A bridal shower was given at
! Jeff more hall Sunday afternoon
jwhen Mrs. Harlan Adams, Misses
I Jean Owens and Carla Pierson
jwere hostesses to Mrs. Owen H.
.Leathers Jr. The table was beau
tifully decorated with a hand
.crocheted table cloth. Yellow and
white tapers with yellow, red and
white tulips, all in crystal hold
ings. At the table with Mrs. Lea
thers was her grandmother, Mrs.
Tom McClung of Fossil with Mrs.
Carl McDaniel of Heppner and
Mrs. Harlan Denton pouring. In
dividual tables were decorated
with crepe paper brides and
flowers. Door prize was drawn by
Mary Ellen Kincaid, and Mrs.
Bert Hoover won the prize for the
Miss Pierson and Miss Owens
are high school girls and they
with Bonnie Mortimer and Doris
Flynn of Fossil, also high school
girls, served the refreshments of
sandwiches, jello salad and cof
fee to 67 guests. .
Mrs. Helen Wright and Mrs.
Geo. Smith assisted the hostesses.
. Mrs. Leathers was the recipient
of many lovely presents several
wool blankets, a two-plate waf
fle iron, electric coffee percolator.
12 pieces of stainless steel kit
chen utensils, besides sheets, pil
low cases, table lamps and lots
and lots of beautiful handwork
of crochet embroidering with lots
of dishes, bath towels and bath
mats and rugs.
Mrs. Art Stevens and daughter
Smith until the finish of the
school year.
A wildlife representative wl1
demonstrate the ways to use Red
Squill rat poison at the Ralph
Skoubo farm Friday, Feb. 25.
Many of the farmers are vac
cinating their young cows for
black leg. Stanley Partlow has
lost several head from this dis-ease.-
One of the comforting things in life
is the peoce of mind that comes from Medical
and Hospital protection against illness or acci
dent. For as little as $3.50 a month an employed
resident of Oregon can obtain this protection
through Oregon Physicians' Service. tAnra than
1,000 physicians, surgeons and consulting spe
cialists belong to O.P.S. They srv more tnon
100,000 Oregoivcns who hav O P.S. we.rbi
ship. If you would like further snfcrrticrion for
yourself, your family or the group wiih whom you
work, use the coupon for literature.
U!4 S.W. 6th, POSTtANO 4
V V Li Nfc233U3Sy
of Spray attended the shower
t Sunday. Mrs. Leathers is Mrs.
Stevens' niece.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Coleman
returned to Kinzua Sunday eve
ning from Los Angeles where
they spent the past week on bus
iness. Joe Fisher stayed with Mr.
and Mrs. George Close.
O. D. Baker went to Portland
on Friday where he will attend
to business.
Fred Shell took his wife and
infant daughter to The Dalles
Monday where they left by plane
for San Diego. Mr. Shell, later In
the week went by car where he
will join his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jones and
son Don of Camp 5 visited In
Condon Friday and also in Kin
zua on their return trip with Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. Englands.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Reeser and
daughter of Prineville visited
Mrs. Reeser's father, Roy Davis,
and other relatives and friends
over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDaniel
and daughter of Heppner visited
in Kinzua Sunday and Mrs. Mc
Daniel attended the bridal show
er for Mrs. Owen Leathers Jr.
Mr. and Mis. Ralph Moore and
girls of Camp 5 were visiting and
shopping here Saturday. The girls
stayed and visited the Roy O'
Neils' girls'!
Harold Fife left Friday for Kan
sas City, Mo where he plans to
make his home. He has been here
the past two years, and was hys
ter driver in the plant.
Mrs. Ed Ostrander has been at
The Dalles all last week with
her small son who has been quft
ill in the hospital. It Is not known
what ailed the baby at the time
of this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of
Camp 5 left the first of the week
to visit their daughter in Michi
gan while the camp is closed
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ivy and
children returned to Kinzua from
Heppner, Saturday, where they
had been for a few days.
Ralph Moore is spending a few
days at home, recovering from
having several teeth extracted in
Condon, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lear and
children of Condon were visiting
at Mrs. Lear's sister's, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Johnson's, Sunday.
Dick Graham spent several
days visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Forest Graham and family,
from The Dalles, where he at
tends school. He also attended
the sub-district basketball tourn
ament at Condon. Dick was man
ager of the Fossil Falcons the
last three years.
Kinard McDaniel was called to
Heppner Friday a.m. to see his
sick mother, Mrs. Sam McDaniel
Sr. She was very much improved
when he returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brown
spent the week end in Portland.
Gilliam & Bisbee
You Friendly Dealer