Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Feb. 17, 1949 Pog? 6 News From C. A. Office Kurrcrs Win .-tUrniS. 'I the John Dcfrp D.y i.ii;.m t Hew" on Tu(.sl;.y of tl:is v.vk had the (,.,iiriur.:lv ot wing a film 01 ihHt sh'.wfd miW 'ry good f.itin itju-I i i - X!ic film on imro ed pastures v r.-iM't :.: . .M-'iy of our Morrow cunty larmers could t;iK- a tip fi'im tins film in ren ovate old piiMurcs and seeding In the new improved mixtures of legumes ar,.i presses. We have mi-mioiied in this eolunin from time to time local experiences of farmers who have benefited greatly by Hie newer pasture toerlinjs. Theie aie several grasses that n ,i;e exeeilent pasture mixtures undir irrigation or high rainfall. Among them is alia fescue, Man char smooth hrome and orchard grass. Meadow foxtail is very good for wet or alkali land. Crested wheat, bulbous blue and big blueprass are the grasses recommended for seeding under dryer condition. Ladino or white dutch clover is used in these mix tures under irrigation where the water is plentiful. Ladak alfalfa will substitute as the legume where the irrigation water is nfUU hew limited or under 15 or more in ches of rainfall. SO ATTEND EOARDMAN MEET Fifty homemakers attended the county - wide preliminary meeting for the cotton dress workshop held at Boardman Mon day. Women from Lexington, Heppner, lone, Irngon and Board -man attended this all-day meet ing. Miss Mabel Wilson conducted the meeting in the absence of Lucy Lane. Oregon State college clothing specialist. A snow storm kept Miss Lane from getting to Boardman. Miss Wilson discussed dates for each community work shop, duties of the leaders, day bv dav procedures, pattern se lection and materials available. Enrollees were allowed to se lect patterns and materials for their dresses to be made in this county-wide workshop. 16 SEW IN ZIPPERS Sixteen different women set in concealed zippers last Wednes day at the home of Mrs. Ruth I'miker at Irrigon. With Miss Ma bel Wilson conducting the meet ing. 13 women made samples of a collarless neckline with a slash. 31 ATTEND MEET ON LOCKERS Myron Cropsey. Oregon State college agricultural engineer, spoke to 31 Morrow county per- farmers asked specific questions sons last Thursday evening at i concerning freezers. Irrigon boys and girls are again offered the advantages of 4 H club work. Four clubs nave been organized there this month bv the two county agents. "Mrs. Ida Slaughter is the leader for 16 girls enrolled in the cook ing project breakfast clubs. Tu esday these girls chose as their officers the following: Janet Stephens, president; Dix ie Cosner, vice president, and Ruth Shade, secretary. The girls in this club are from 9-11 years of age and will meet this Satur day for their first lesson. Mrs. Earl Isom leads a group of 12-14 year old girls in a cook ing I project. These six girls will meet Monday to elect their officers. the Lexington grange hall. He il lustrated his talk with slides. Mr. Cropsey stressed advantag es and disadvantages of each type of freezer locker. He showed details of constructing satisfac tory home built lockers. Many The Morrow County Court earnestly requests the cooperation of the public IN NOT USING THE COUNTY ROADS any more than necessary while roads are in a thawing, soft condition. LOADED VEHICLES OF OVER 3 TONS GROSS WEIGHT WILL BE PROHIBITED, unless under emergency circumstances. . . Certain roads will be posted and patroled during this emergency. Your cooperation will be appreciated. By Order of MORROW COUNTY COURT. (Authority Vehicle code No. 11 5-394) is WATCH FOR Clearance Week oi March 1st Sale CASE FURNITURE GO. M STAR ES REPORTER AdnluloB pr'.cei lu'U.-ncxjn and nisif, unless sps eiftc&Ujr ftUvertiied to b. otherwise i Children : Ert. Pries .17, F4. Tu .03, Total 20c; Orada and High School Btndenti U years and oreri Ert. Prloa AO, rd. Ti .10, Total 60c; Adnltit Eit. Prels .50, Fad. Do you know the right answer? Every week we call 10 resident of the commun ity and cuk WHAT IS PLAYING AT THE THEATER TODAY? If you can answer correctly in 20 seconds you receive a KKEE TICKET to the show. Read our newspajwr ad and bang this program near the phone so you'll have the right answer! Thursday Friday Saturday. Feb. 17-18-19 CARSON CITY RAIDERS ock IiMit, Eidy Waller, Beverly John. iillllllf. ;u.ii fistl-uff. hard r.dnij? and skul 'u lMJftJ ut in ijfti"ru quantities. J'LUS HARPOON John Bromfield, A lye Louis, JimM Cardwsll, Artu.-uly filiutMl in the An lie Wilds, this iH the ttir-lliwg nt.u-j ui u. iiir-ii who n;til the northern Sunday-Monday, Feo. 20-21 LUXURY LINER , Brunt. Luttrlti Jarlcholr, Jan Fowell, Franrai (ill lord. Xaviwr Unfit and his Orchaa Iia. Marina Iiahiti, Thomas Braan, Th. Plad Flpara. Tax .10, Total 60c Evary child occupying a saat mnat hart a ticket. Sunday snows eontlnnons tartlnf ftt 1 P-m. All othar howi itarat at 7:30 p-m. Bozoiflca open svsnlngs until 9 .m. For romance and laughter there's nothing finer than thia merry-making, sea-going musical. Tuesday-Wednesday, Feb. 22-23 SMART WOMAN Brian Aharne, Conitance Bennett, Barry Sulli van, Michael O'Shea, Jamea Oleason, Otto Krn ger. A richly turned-out story of the official conni vance on which metropolitan crime might thrive; It's a imooth Job with surprise twists. Thursday-Fridcry Scrturday, Feb. 24-25-28 Adventure In Silverado Edgar Buchanan, William Bishop, Florla Henry, Forrest Tucker. Spectacular action on the old frontier ... the Old Wild Went as suKKsted hy Bobert Louis Stevenson's "Silverado Squatters." PLUS Daredevils of The Clouds Bobert Livingstone, Mae Clark, James CardweU, Grant Withers. Lots of actl'in and chases up In the wild blue yonder In tins yarn of adventurous pilots in the ruKKd Alaskan terrain. Mrs. Lloyd Borger Is leading 9 girls in a sewing project this year. These girls have had one lesson already. Their officers are Kathleen Um iker. president; Barbara Tester, vice president, and Helen Stea gall, secretary. This club meets Friday after school. An agricultural club was or ganized with seven members car rying mixed livestock projects. This club is being led by Loyd Borger with Don Kenney and Lloyd Cooley as assistants. Offi cers are Irvin Polly, president; Jim Kenney, vice president, and Gail Polly, secretary. Now that club work is active again at Irrigon, surely parents and friends will not let it die this time. The boys and girls have the ability and interest to com plete a successful year of 4-H work. Let's not dampen that en thusiasm in any 4-H club. Mike Stalcup, Boardman, has just weaned a spotted Poland China pig and is now fattening it for the Oregon Wheat Growers League Fat Show and Sale to be held at The Dalles. This show, to be held on June 6, 7 and 8, will attract many exhibitors of sheep, pigs and beef from Morrow coun ty 4-H members. Animals must be fattened on a ration which consists of at least 50 percent wheat. e The Heppner-Lexington Live stock club met at Tom Wilson's on Sunday, February 13. The president, Skip Ruhl, call ed the meeting to order. The min utes of the last meetings were read by the secretary, Johanna Wilson. We learned more about our record books. The following boys and girls have calves and sheep: Neil Beamer, beef calf and two breeding heifers; Jimmy Green, two beef calves; George Her mann, beef calf; Marilyn Mun- i kers, two ewes; Roger Palmer, two heifers and one beef calf; Sally Palmer, two ewes; Skip Ruhl, beef calf; Jimmy Wight man, two beef calves; Marvin Wightman, beef calf; Peggy Wightman, four ewes and buck; and Johanne Wilson, 1 ewe. Re porter, Jean Marie Graham. News About Town . . . According to word received the first of the week, Henry Slender, 93, pioneer resident of Morrow county, passed away at his home in Salem Monday. Funeral ser vices were held in that city on Wednesday. Mr. Stender farmed for many years in the section north of lone, retiring to Heppner in the early 1920's. Some fifteen vears ago the family moved to ters. Anne Stender and Mrs. Max Muller (Flossie) and four grand children, all of. Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright are the parents of a son, born Febru ary 14 at the Riverside hospital in Pendleton. This is the Wright's second son. Mrs. Robert Thompson enter tained the missionary society of the First Church of Christ at her home on Church street Wednes- Saiem where tney nave resided day anernoon. Mrs. t. live Husion since. He is survived by two sons, I was discussion leader and Mrs. Rov and Warren, and two daugh- I Ben Anderson was in charge of the devotionals. Refreshments were served following the meet ing. Lt. and Mrs. Jack Everett visit ed briefly in Heppner Monday evening with Mrs. Fay Bucknum. Lt. Everett has been transferred from Spokane, Wash., to Merceil, Cal and he and Mrs. Everett were enroute to their new loca tion. Lt. Everett is the brother oi Mrs. C. W. Bucknum. CHURCHES ASSEMBLY OF GDO Pastor, Shelby E. Graves. Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday school, Mrs. Ora Wyland. A class for every age. 11 a.m., worship hour. 7 p.m., Christ's Ambassadors' service. 7:45 p.m., evangelistic service. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Cottage prayer meeting in lone. Thursday, 7:30, Bible study and prayer meeting. "Where will you spend eternity? I pray you may receive the salvation of your soul, through accepting Christ as your Savior and Lord. If God is un known to you ask Him to make His presence known. If you are not sure you are ready for eter nity, tell God a,bout it. He waits to save. Read your Bible. There you will learn the way of Truth and Blessing." ' e METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister. Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. with special music by I the choir, Mr. Paul McCoy, direc i tor. Church school at 9:45 a.m., Mr. Thos. W. Allen, superintendent. Adult Bible class for every age, also Youth Fellowship class; Mr. Vernon Bohles, counsellor. Junior Youth Fellowship at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, which is a special service. Everyone invited to this service. A movie will be shown entitled, "The Declaration of Independence." Thursday choir practice at 7:30 p.m. at the church. The Womans Society of Chris tian Service meets the First Wed nesday of each month. The Church Board of Education meets the first Thursday of each month. e ST. PATRICK '3 CATHOUC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass In Heppner on the Is and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: In lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. FOR SALE 508-6th St., Independence, Ore. MODERN SEVEN ROOM HOUSE GARAGE, WOODSHED, UTILITY ROOM, NEW GAS RANGE & GAS HOT WATER, DOUBLE PLUMB ING, LOT 56X100, SEVEN YEARS OLD, CONCRETE FOUNDATION. ALL FOR ONLY $4500.00 OR WILL TRADE FOR HEPPNER PROPERTY. TURNER. VAN MARTEH & CO. WANTED Woman To cook on farm. Inquire at Mary Van's Flower Shop. 48c GENUINE TESTOSTERONE ble 30 FOR MEN. ..now vllbl NEW REDUCED PRICE Sent to you In plain wrapper by re turn AtRMAIL. Sirnd check or money order lor V-vve pay postage. Serid f with C O. D. orffffH, ORD1R TODAY WITH CONFIDENCE rHOM THI ORIGINAL HEALTH CHEMICALS Dept 0-1 P.O. BmU28, las Angeles, Calif. TAB UTS 5 POST PAID Con You Stw? Want to Ltarn How? Start now with this adorable quick ... and ta.y-to-sew... (WW! ive'fpay you $(ij)00 foi your old vtas her. as a trade-in on a deluxe NQRGE washer An ADVANCE PATTERN Don't miss out on this February surprise from Penney's to YOU! Here you see it made from Penney'g own thrifty Rondof! Come in today for your free pattern! tReg.U.S.PstOf. APRON U&J f j with pump RECULAR PRICE $149.95 TRADE-IN YOUR OLD WASHER ..." 30.00 Hit long In the Paromeunt Picture "The Paleface" starring BOB HOPE and JANE RUSSELL. Famous Music Corporation. atPENNEY'S Coming Soon to Heppner Watch for the Date YOU PAY ONLY .... $119.95 Enjoy an easier wash hour, NOW! For a limited time only, we will pay you $30 for your old washer, regardless of condition, as a trade-in on a deluxe, super-capacity Norge, model W-818P with pump. Liberal trade-in allowance offered on other models, too. Imagine! The new triple-action Norge at this amazingly low price. And with this beautiful new Norge, 'you'll save money in other ways, too. It washes faster and at less cost because it is Big and requires fewer loadsl It washes clothes cleaner because of the up-down-and-around action of th. sudsy water. Come in for a demonstration and see for yourself how th. new Norge does a better job and does it faster. Then, take advantage of thia special 30 trade-in offer right away. Tak. months to pay if you so desire. 033 CP L. E. DICK, Dealer Heppner, Oregon SPECIALS for FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY Hudson House Corn, No. 2 tin, 2 for 39c Gold Medal Flour, 50-lb. bag .....4.09 S & W Coffee, drip or reg.-2-lb. tin 1.13 All Sweet, Nucoa, Parkay, Durkee Regular package, lb, 33c Sunshine Krispie Crockers-2-lb. pkg 52c Swift's Prem 1 2 oz. tin 39c Milk, all brands 2 tall tins 29c Red Mex Beans 2-lb. pkg 32c Snowdrift, Spry, Crisco 1.09 Garden Peaches, 2Vi tins 2 for 49c Pure Lard 4-lbpkg.73c Meat Department Smoked Jowl Bacon Pound. 29c Sliced Bacon Pound 57c Cellophane Wrapped Picnics lb 49c Home Cured Pork Shoulders lb 55c Swift's Jewel Shortening 3 lbs 83c Select Steer Beef Pot Roasts lb 45c Select Steer Short Ribs lb 39c All Pork Link Sausage lb 59c Campbell's Tomato Juice 46-oz. tin .. 27c Try Our Home Cured Corned Beef PRODUCE 5 Pounds Juice Oranges 59c Celery, Fancy California Pound 22c Carrots, California Large 2 bunches 23c Potatoes 10-pound bag... 59c Turnips 2 pounds 17c FROZEN FOODS Londonderry Ice Cream 3 quarts 1 .00 Cut Green Beans Package 29c Peas Package ... 23c Peas and Carrots Package 25c Sliced Peaches Package 33c Calavos Buenos Green 19c Brussels Sprouts Package 37c Court Street Market ! 4- ft i