Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 17, 1949, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Feb. 17, 1949
Page 5
Want Ads
FOR SALE Home in Heppner,
Including electric stove, oil
heater, Venetian blinds, drapes,
curtains; Inlaid linoleum; fir
tex throughout. Jack Van Win
kle. 48c
There is no place like home for
Ford service. Eosewall Motor
FOR " SALE Grahame-Hoeme,
1947 model. Charles Carlson,
lone. 48-51p
1930 Ford pickup. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
1947 Ford Deluxe sedan, radio
and heater. Pay down $500.00.
Rosewall Motor Company.
FOR SALE One 10-foot John
Deere disc plow; 26-inch discs;
used one season. George G.
Orffilh, Morgan, Ore. 48p
We have hydraulic Jacks 1 12 to
12 ton sizes. Rosewall Motor
FOR SALE 1 "King" E-flat aho
saxophone; silver plated. $85
takes it. Inquire H. A. Sanders,
Hotel Heppner. 48-49p
1941 Chevrolet 34 ton pickup.
Rosewall Motor Company.
Take the wheel and try the Ford
It's smart to drive a '49 Ford.
FOR SALE 1948 6-cylinder super
de luxe Ford; 6:50 6-pl rubber;
radio and heater, seat covers,
spotlight, low mileage, and
clean. Call 2242, Llndell Broad
foot. 44tfc
If you are planning on buying
a new car or truck Clarence
Rosewall wants to see you.
Wanted 100 oars to paint in our
DeVllblss spray booth. Rosewall
Motor Company.
FOR SALE Three-room size oil
heater with circulating fan, $25.
Jack Van Winkle. 45-48p
Let us balance your wheels on
the car with out Electronic
wheel balancer. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
DON'T WAIT until winter comes
again to have storm windows
installed. I make any size and
install them. Also repair vacu
um cleaners. N. D. Bailey. 44tfc
30 years of know how. Some of
our mechanics have been re
pairing automobiles for 30
years and have the latest type
equipment to work with. Rose
wall Motor Company.
FOR SALE Standard old growth
red cedar posts, 35c delivered
at your ranch. Orvllle Williams,
Box 137, Odell, Ore. 47-48p
1935 Chevrolet coupe, new paint.
Pay down $175.00. Rosewall
Motor Company.
I'sgJrt.'.rS) I
We are a direct factory representativ
(or the Mail-Well Envelope Company.
The 1949 Ford hag been voted
the style car of the year.
Chains for mud or snow in the
popular sizes. Hosewall Motor
FOR SALE Modern two-bedroom
house, with garden and hot
house. Priced to sell. Gordon
Grady, Riverside Ave., Heppner,
Ore. 47tfc
We have Ford and Mercury mo
tors for Immediate Installation
in your car. Rosewall Motor Co.
FOR SALE Fordson tractor and
2-bottom plow, $100. 25 square
red composition shingles, $5 a
square. N. D. Bailey. ' 44c
1'49 Ford Custom Convertible
Club coupe. The smartest car
that ever wheeled a road. Place
your order now for early deliv
ery. Rosewall Motor Company.
fW ANTED Anyone having tur
keys or chickens lor sale please
contact the Victory Cafe, lone,
Ore. 22tfc
1937 Ford truck with grain bed.
Rosewall Motor Company.
FOR SALE Baled barley hay;
some seed barley, and TD-35
International tractor with an
gle dozer. Earl McKlnney, lone,
Ore. 47-49p
New 1949 Ford long wheel base
truck, 100 h.p. motor, double
frame, auxiliary springs, oil
filter, oil bath air cleaner, dual
wheels, heavy duty radiator,
heavy duty fan, $2036.00. Rose
wall Motor Company,
FOR SALE 1940 4-door Ford se
dan; good condition, radio and
heater. Reasonable price. Write
Howard Pettyjohn, Heppner,
Ore. 47-48p
1949 Ford Custom station wagon
equipped with overdrive, air
cushion tires and heater. Ride
in style. Rosewall Motor Co.
the undersigned was duly Appointed by
th Probate Court of the Stat of Ore
Kon. for Murrcw County, the Executor
of the Last Will end Testament of
Amelia Fralers, deceased, and all per
huiis having clalme against the estate
of said deceased are hereby required
to present the same with proper vou
chers tu said Executor at the law office
of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner. Oregon
within 6 months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 10th
day of February. 1949.
Jos. J. Nys.
Attorney for Executor,
Heppner, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed bv
tue t'l-obate Court of Morrow County.
Oregon, administrator of the estate dT
Mary Meawnger. deceased. All persons
having claims against the said estate
are hereby required to file the same
with proper vauchera attached, with the
administrator, at the office of J. O.
Turner, in Heppner. Oregon, on or be
fore six months from the date of first
publication of this notice.
lilted and first published this 17th
Regular Style Envelopes
Standard and ipecial ill envel
ope! for every need In many
qualities and colon of paper itock.
Window Envelopes
With lolid teal glasaine window:,
in either atandard or apecial poai
tiona to fit your needs.
Catalog, Clasp, and
Banker's Flap
Catalog, Clasp and Banker's Flap
envelopea for heavy mailing!.
Furnished in strong tan Kraft and
In many aizea.
Business Reply nd
Statement Envelopes
Special reply and itatement en
velopes printed to your ordei
speed up collections.
Coin and Seed Envelopes '
Specially constructed for bar.
usage in many stock sizes.
Air-Mail Envelopes
Printed in regular red snd blu
border with your return, Flvi
standard aiiea.
(Improved Postage Saver)
For mailing third class advertii
Ing matter. Flap seal type wit'
the apecial "gum spot".
Policy Envelopes (Open End)
Carried In two weights snd fou
Waterproof Packing List
With or without claip and fo.
metal eyelets.
Drug, Theatre Ticket,
Pay, Florist
and many others.
Special Envelopes of all Kind:
day of February, 1949.
48-53 Administrator.
Nutica i here iv invert thai tne un-
derslK'ied Administrator of the estate
f MAGCIE FKKNCII. decerned. Iiaa
filed with the Probate Court of the
State of Oretton, for Morrow County,
hla Final Account of hie administration
of the estate of eald deceased and said
court fixed Monday, the Ulst day of
March, 1949, at the hour of ten o'clock
In the forenoon of aald day, at the
Court House at Heppner, Oregon, aa
the lime and piuce lor nearing onjec
tlona to aald final acount and the set
tlement of said estate, and all persons
having objections thereto are hereby
reauired to file the same with said
court on or before the time fixed lor
.Id hearing.
Dated and first published this 17th
day of February. 1949.
L.UW1H BAKCLiAX. AQnumsiraior.
Jos. J. Nys,
Attorney lor Aaminisiraior,
Heppner, Oregon. 48-62
ruary 8, 1949, 1 am authorized and
directed to advertise and sell at
public auction at not less than
the minimum price herein set
All of Section 8, in Township
2 North of Range 26, E.W.M.
for the minimum price of
$5.00 per acre, cash.
Beginning at a point 94 feet
West from the Southeast cor
ner of Block 2 of the original
town (now city) of Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, run
ning thence North 66 feet;
thence West 10 feet; thence
South 27 feet, 9 inches; thence
West 11 feet, 5 inches; thence
South 38 feet, 3 inches; thence
East 21 feet, 5 inches to the
place of beginnng for the
minimum price of $3500.00,
cash. This property is now oc
cupied by the Pacific Tele-
, phone and Telegraph Com
pany and is subject to lease
expiring December 31, 1949.
THEREFORE, I will on the 12th
day of March, 1949 at the hour
of 10:00 A.M. at the front door of
the Court House in Heppner, Ore
gon sell said property to the high
est and best bidder.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon,
47-51 ' Deputy.
to speed
Fall Weight Gains
Cattle need more than a singU
protein supplement. They .
need a palatable, nourishing
supplement that provides the
full nutrient balance to neces
sary for top condition and
steady, economical weight
gains. In short, they need
Lsrro "Ftrm-tesled" Cattle
Supplement to supply not
only a variety of blended pro
teins but, phosphorus, cal
cium, trace elements and other
nutrients which research has
proved helpful to thrifty
growth and well being.
This year make sure that your
cattle get the full nutrient
balance which Larro 32
Cattle Supplement supplies.
Order a good supply today.
Morrow County
Grain Growers, Inc.
Heppner Lexington
Flott's Transfer
and Storage
Heppner Ph. 112
The Dalles Phone 2635
114 E. 2nd St
Insured Carrier
"We Go Anywhere.Anytime"
ilt takes
Do You Have Enough
Check with
Heppner ' Phone 723
The minutes of the December,
1948, term were read and ap
proved. January 6, 1949, the Court or
ders that after March 1 dog li
censes shall be collected for at
the rate of $2 for male and spay
ed female and $4 for female.
The Court ordered bids pub
lished for Gasoline and Diesel Oil
for a period of two weeks. Bids
will be opened January 19, 1949.
The Court ordered bonds of
$2500 for the Justices of Peace.
Orville Cutsforth, Lexington,
Oregon, was appointed a member
of the Morrow County Fair Board
for a term of 3 years by the
County Court,
It is ordered by the County
Court that the Heppner" Gazette
Times be and hereby is declared
to be the official newspaper for
the county for the year 1949.
January 7, 1949, the Court
agrees to pay the rental of $30
for the District Attorney's Office.
January 19, 1949
The Union Oil Company hav
ing presented the lowest bids for
gasoline and diesel oil, the Court
hereby entered a contract with
them for the -year 1949.
The Court granted a Dance Hall
License to the I.O.O.F. No. 168,
of Lexington, Oregon.
The County Court granted a
lease to the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph Co. for a term of one
year for $50.00 a month.
The Court drew the following
names for a Circuit Court Jury
list for Morrow Co. for the year
Abercrombie, G.D., Heppner,
Farmer; Acock, Chas. W., Irrigon,
Farmer; Adams, Clair E., Board
man, Farmer; Adams, Ethel N.,
Heppner, Housewife; Adams, Fred
Hardman, Farmer; Aiken, Henry,
Heppner, Pastime Operator; Aik
en, Joe E., Heppner, Laborer; Ai
ken, Myrtle, Heppner, Housewife;
Akers, Berl, lone, Farmer; Akers,
Wilbur R., lone, Farmer; Aldrich,
F. C, Irrigon Farmer; Allen, C.
D., Irrigon, Carpenter; Allstott,
Carolyn, Heppner, Housewife;
Allstott, R. D. Jr., Heppner, Ser
viceman; Ames, Herbert, Irrigon,
Farmer; Anderson, Frank, Hepp
ner, Farmer; Anderson, Mrs. Han
nah, Heppner, Housewife; Ander
son, Hilma, Heppner, Retired; An
derson, Harley, Heppner, Farmer;
Anderson, Nellie A., Heppner,
Merchant; Anderegg, Charles,
Boardman, Farmer; Applegate,
Gertrude, Heppner, Tel. Operator;
Archer, Letha, Heppner, Clerk;
Ayers, Clayton, Echo, Farmer;
Bailey, Jack, lone, Farmer; Ba
ker, David, lone, Farmer; Baker,
E. Markham, lone, Farmer; Bak
er, J. Henry, lone, Farmer; Baker,
O. E., Heppner, Farmer; Ball,
Matthew R., lone, Farmer; Barkla,
Wm., Heppner, Foreman; Barkla,
Beulah, Heppner, Housewife; Bar-
nett, James, lone, Laborer; Bar
ratt, Gretchen, Heppner, House
wife; Barratt, William F., Hepp
ner, Farmer; Bayless, Anna,
Heppner, Housewife; Beach, Elsie
M., Lexington, Retired; Beamer,
Ralph, Heppner, Farmer; Beards
ley, Jess, Heppner, R.R. Man;
Bechdolt, Archie, Hardman, Far
mer; Becket, Chas., Heppner.
Farmer; Becket, Harold, Heppner,
Blacksmith; Becket, Laurence,
Heppner, Farmer; Becket, Louise,
Heppner, Housewife; Becket,
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18. 1S97. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $3.00 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
Symptoms of Distress Arising from
Must Help or It Will Cast Yon Nothing
O nr two million bottlss of ths WILLASD
TRB ATM KN T hn boon sold for rsUef of
nd OuodMtsI Ulcsrs duo to Exorn AcM
Poor DIsjMtlon, Sour or Upsot Stomooh,
Oaoslnou, Hsorlhio 11, SloooloaoiMOO, oto-
auo to ueoss Acta. ma on lo aors snoii
Ask for "Wllloro't MMsato" which Mly
explain this trootment tros M
Saager's Pharmacy
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Merle, Heppner, Banker; Becket,
Waller, Heppner, Retired; Becket,
Ruby, Heppner, Housewife; Beck
ner. Lee, lone, Farmer: Benge,
Tcrrel, Heppner, Farmer; Bennett,
tdd, Heppner, Clerk; Eennett,
Lola, Heppner, Housewife; Berg
strom, John, Heppner, Farmer;
Bergstrom, Carl, lone, Farmer;
Bibby, Luke, Heppner, Farmer;
Bibby, Reita, Heppner, House
wife; Bisbee. Emeline, Heppner,
Housewife; Bisbee, L. E., Hepp
ner, Merchant; Blake, E. J., Hepp
ner, farmer; Blake, Wlllard A.,
Heppner, Clerk; Black. Evelyn,
Boardman, Housewife; Bleakman,
Bert,, Heppner, Forest Guard;
Breslin, Ed, Heppner, Fuel Deal
er; Brosnan, Jerry, Heppner, Far
mer; Brown, Blanche, Heppner,
Housewfe; Brown, Duane, Board
man, Student; Brown, Hugh H.,
Boardman, Farmer; Bryant, How
ard, Heppner, Banker; Bunch, Al
vin, lone, Farmer; Bucknum,
Faye, Heppner, Bookkeeper; Bur
kenbine, Lloyd, Heppner, Meat
Cutter; Burkenbine, Mable M.,
Heppner, Merchant; Buschke, Ed,
Morgan, Farmer; Buschke, Max,
Heppner, Laborer;
Campbell, Don, Lexington, Far.
mer; Campbell, Marjorie, Lexing
ton, Housewife; Carlson, Chas.,
lone, Farmer; Carlson, Leonard,
lone, Farmer; .Case, Gene, Hepp
ner, Merchant; Cason, Lewis,
Heppner, Farmer; Cavendar, Jack,
Heppner, Laborer; Chaffee, Mabel
F., Heppner, Housewife; Chapel,
Blaine, Hardman, Farmer; Col
lins, Wm., Heppner, Dry Cleaner;
Clark, Barton, Heppner, Farme
Cosner, P. H., Irrigon, Farmer;
Cox, Ben, Heppner, Laborer; Cox,
Clara L., Heppner, Housewife;
Cox, Dee Jr., Heppner, Farmer;
Cox, Ivan, Heppner, Farmer; Cox,
W. C, Heppner, Merchant; Cox,
W. L., Heppner, Creamery man;
Crawford, Otheo, Heppner, Editor;
Crawford, Viola D., Heppner,
Housewife; Crawford, Wate C,
lone, Farmer: Currin, George,
Echo, Farmer; Currin, Hugh C,
Heppner, Farmer;
Dalzell, Vern, Condon, Farmer;
Davidson, James F., Heppner, La
borer; Dinges, Harry, Lexington,
Farmer; Dobyns, Noel, lone, Far
mer; Dolvin, Raymond M., Lex
ington, Farmer; Doherty, Wm. J.
Lexington, Farmer; Doolittle,
Lester, Heppner, Plumber; Doo
little, Millie, Heppner, Housewife;
Dobyns, Waller, lone, Farmer;
Dougherty, Roberta, Heppner,
Housewife; Drake, Cleo, lone,
Clerk; Drake, Douglas, Heppner,
Farmer; Drake, Emma K., Hepp
ner, Housewife; Drake, Ray,
Heppner, Faimer; Duran, Moses
E., Heppner, Laborer; Dunham,
Jean, Heppner, Housewife; Du
vall, H. L., Lexington, Farmer;
Easter, M. A., Heppner, Clerk;
Edwards, Alonzo, Lexington, Well
Driller; Ekstrom, Herbert, lone.
Farmer; Ely, Fred J., Morgan,
Farmer; Engelman, Joel C, lone,
Laborer; Estburg, J. K., Heppner,
Parts Man; Eu banks, H. W., lone,
Laborer; Evans, Mrs. Geo., Hepp
ner, Housewife;
Farley, James J., Heppner, Mer
chant; Farrens, Glenn C, Hard-
man, Farmer; Ferguson, Ray
mond, Heppner, Farmer; Finch,
Marion C, Heppner, Farmer; Fisk,
John S., lone, Farmer; Fitzpat-
rick. M. J.. lone. Farmer: For-
sythe, Jack', Lexington, Pilot;
Garner, William, Boardman,
Telephone Emp.; George, Elaine,
Heppner, Theater Mgr.; Gay,
Walter H., Heppner, Laborer;
Gertson, Clara, Heppner, Clerk;
Gentry, Frank L., Heppner, La
borer; Gertson. G. W., Heppner,
Retired; Gouiley, Wilbur, Hepp
ner, Farmer; Gilliam, Leonard L
Heppner, Merchant; Gillespie,
Zearl, Boardman, Laborer; Gonty,
Edmund E., Heppner, Merchant;
Graybeal, W. E., Irrigon, Farmer;
Groshens, Emil, Heppner. Farm
er; Haddox, Thos. H., Irrigon, Far
mer; Hager, Lulu, 'Heppner,
Nurse; Harwood, Elvina, Board
man, Clerk; Hager, James M.,
Heppner, Mechanic; Halseth, J. I.,
Heppner, Foreman; Hanna, J. I.,
Heppner, Farmer; Heliker, Don
ald, lone, Farmer; Heliker, Ern
est, lone, Farmer; Hiatt, J. W.,
Heppner, Clerk; Hirl, Chas., Hepp
ner, Farmer; Hisler, Paul, Hepp
ner, Farmer; Holboke, Joe, Hepp
ner, Farmer; Hoskins, Fred, lone,
Farmer; Hoskins, Fred Jr., lone,
Farmer; Houghton, A. C, Irrigon,
Clerk; Hubbard, Van, lone, Far
mer; Huber, Alex, lone, Farmer;
Hudson, D. E., Heppner, Delivery
man; Howenstine, John, Irrigon,
Laborer; Huston, Claud, lone,
Farmer; Hughes, Edwin, Hepp
ner, Farmer; Hughes, Elwyn,
Heppner, Laborer; Hunt, Elmer,
Lexington, Laborer; Hunt, Mary,
Lexington, Housewife; Huston,
Clive, Heppner, Laborer; Hast
ing, W. C, Heppner, Laborer;
Hynd, David, Heppner, Farmer;
Irby, Glenn A., Heppner, Labor
Johnson, Bertha, Heppner,
Housewife; Johnson, Victor E.,
Heppner, Truck Driver; Jones, Al
va, Heppner, Farmer; Jones,
Floyd R., Heppner, Farmer; Jones,
Marcel, Heppner, Farmer; Jones.
Ola N., Heppner, Housewife;
Jones, Ralph I., Heppner, Farmer;
Jones, R. V., Irrigon, Farmer; Jus-
tus, Hilda, Heppner, Housewife;
Keithley, Howard, Heppner,
Carpenter; Kenney, D. J., Irrigon,
Farmer; Kane, Vivian, Heppner,
Bookkeeper; Key, J. B., Heppner,
Barber; Kilkenny, W. P., Hepp
ner, Stockman; Klinper, Chas.,
Lexington, Farmer; Kristenson,
Nels H., Boardman, Farmer;
Lanham, Conley, Heppner, Mer
chant; LeTrace, J. E., Heppner,
Laborer; Lindstrom, Albert, lone,
Farmer; Lindstrom, Franklin,
lone, Farmer; Lindstrom, Koy,
lone, Farmer; Linn, Carl P., lone,
Merchant; Levesque, Louis, Lex
ington, Farmer; Lundell, A. W.,
lone, Farmer; Lundell, Raymond,
lone, Farmer; Lundell, Richard,
lone, Farmer; Lindsay, James,
lone, Farmer;
Mackey, Hubert, Cecil, Farmer;
Majeske, A. F.. Lexington. Far
mer; Martin, Hortense, Lexing
ton, Housewile; ManKin. i,
lone, Farmer; Mankin, Beulah,
lone, Housewife; Marquardt,
Chas. A., Lexington, Farmer;
Martin, Myles E., Lexington, Far
mer; Martin, Randall, Lexington,
Farmer; Mason, Bert, lone, Mer
chant; Matheny, L. G., Irrigon,
Merchant; Munkers, Frank, Lex
ington, Farmer; Messenger, Tru
man, Lexington, State Hiwy.;
Miller, H. M-, Heppner, Farmer;
Moore, Clarence, Heppner, Labor
er; Moore, Ellen, Heppner, House
wife; Moore. Rollo, Boardman,
Farmer; Moore, Russell, Echo,
Farmer; Moore, Mrs. Russell,
Echo, Housewife; Morgan, Lloyd,
lone, Farmer; Morgan, Milton R-,
lone, Farmer; Mulkey, Lyle, Irri
gon, Farmer; Myers, Jasper E.,
Heppner, Farmer; Mollahan, P.
A., Heppner, Farmer; McCabe, C.
D., lone, Farmer; McCabe, Earl F.,
lone, Laborer; McCabe, Ernest,
C, lone, Farmer; McAlister, Chas.
R Heppner, Janitor; McMillan,
Sam, Lexington, Farmer; McClin-
tock, Tress, Heppner, Blacksmith;
McCurdy, H. N., lone, Manager;
McCurdy, Harlan Jr., Heppner,
Bookkeeper; McDaniel, Chas. H.,
Hardman, Laborer; McElligott,
Chas. T., lone, Farmer; McKinney,
Earl, lone, Farmer;
Nelson, Jean, Lexington, House
wife; Nelson, Norman, Lexington,
Farmer; Neill, L. D., Heppner,
Retired; Nelson, Alford, Lexing
ton, Farmer; Nelson, Alford Jr.,
Lexington, "Farmer;
O'Connor, C. C. lone. Laborer;
Orwick, Frances, Heppner, House
wife; Padberg, Louis J., lone, Farmer;
Partlow, Roy, Boardman, Farmer;
Parsons. Evelyn, Heppner. House
wife; Payne, Jesse P., Heppner,
Engineer; Palmateer, Echo, lone,
Housewife; Palmateer, Ted, lone,
Farmer; Palmer, Elmer, Heppner,
Farmer; Parker. Frank E., Hepn
ner, Farmer; Peck, Burton H.,
Lexington, Farmer; Peck. George
N Lexington, Farmer; Peck, Har
old K., Lexington, Laborer; Peck,
Kenneth. Lexington, Farmer; Pet
erson, Elmer, lone, Farmer; Pet
erson, J. O., Heppner, Jeweler;
Peterson, Oscar, lone, Farmer;
Pettyjohn, Fred, lone, Farmer;
Piper, Rufus, Lexington, Farmer;
Rasmus, J. O., Heppner, Labor
er; Rands, Josephine, Boardman,
Housewife;' Rand. Batie, Irrigon,
Farmer; Rosewall, W. C, Hepp
ner, Garage Owner; Rosewall,
Virginia, Heppner, Bookkeeper;
Rauch, Fred, Lexington, Farmer;
Rietmann, David, lone, Farmer;
Rietmann, Juanita, lone, House
$1.00 for
$2.00 for
$2.00 for
$4.00 for
J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector
wife; Rietmann, Omar, lone, Mer
chant; Rietmann, Werner, lone,
Farmer; Ring, Harvey, lone, Far
mer; Rugg, E. E., Heppner, Far
mer; Runnion, V. R., Heppner,
Salesman; Rutledge, H. D., Irri
gon, Farmer;
Saager, John, Heppner, Drug
gist; Scritsmier, Harold, Heppner,
Mill Owner; Slaughter, Paul, Ir
rigon, Farmer; Smith, Evelyn,
Boardman, Housewife; Smith,
Harvey, lone, Farmer; Smith,
Hugh, Heppner, Warehouseman;
Smith, Fred, Boardman, Merch
ant; Schaffer, E. R., Heppner, Far
mer; Schunk, Albert, Heppner,
Carpenter; Seehafer, Wm. G.,
lone. Farmer; Sherman, M. H.,
Heppner, Farmer; Smouse, Ken
neth J- lone, Farmer; Snider,
George L., lone, Farmer; Swag
gart, Gerald, Heppner, Farmer;
Snyder, J.'b., Heppner, Saddlery;
Swanson, A. C, lone, Merchant;
Skoubo, Ralph, Boardman, Farmer;
Thompson, R. S., Heppner, Far
mer; Thompson, Sophrona, Hepp
ner, Housewife; Thomson, Rod
erick, Heppner, Clerk; Tash, D. R.,
Heppner, . Creameryman; Thom
son, Jas. G. Jr., Heppner, Mercn
ant; Thome, Cecil H., lone, Far-
mer; Troedson, Carl W., lone, Far
mer; Turner, F. W., Heppner,
Merchant; Turner, Sam J., Hepp
ner, Farmer; Turner, Virginia,
Heppner, Housewife;
Van Horn, Harry, Heppner,
Merchant; Van Horn, Viola, Hepp
ner, Housewfe; Valentine, James,
Heppner, Farmer;
Warfield, Jess, "lone, Farmer;
Warren, Clarence, lone, Farmer;
Wattenberger, Bernice, Echo,
Housewife; Wells, Dick, Heppner,
Barber; Wentworth, W. R., tone,
Blacksmith; Wells, Neva, Hepp
ner, Housewife; White, Gordon,
lone, Merchant; Wightman, Hat-
tie, Heppner, Housewife; Wilkin
son, Dick, Heppner, Farmer; Wil
kinson, Frank, Heppner, Farmer;
Wilson, Robt. S., Boardman, Far
mer; Wright, Silas D., Heppner,
Zivney, Henry, Boardman, Far
mer. Warrants Issued on the General
Sadie Parrish, Deputy $
Frances Mitchell, Deputy
Leila J. McLachlan, Of
fice Clerk
Olive Hughes, Deputy
Margaret Gillis, Nurse
A. J. Chaffee, Janitor 17o.9y
Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. 24.75
Susie W. Miller, Court
Reporter 41.25
A. B. Chaffee, Justice of
J. O. Hager, Justice of P.
L. D. Neill, County Court
Ralph I. Thompson, Co.
Court 30.27
Mid-Columbia Typswrit-
er Co., Current Expense IS.dO
Gordon Grady, Sheriff . 17.10
Margaret Gillis, Nurse
Expense 94.19
Heppner Laundry, Ct.
The Haloid Co., Clerk
State Industrial Accident
Com., Sheriff $3.05;
Sheriff Salary 31c, Dep.
Salary 31c, Janitor Sal
ary 31c; Court House
86c .
Phil Grosmayer Co.,
Bonds 175.00
Oregon State Agric. Col.,
Co. Agent $1500, Home
Dem. Agent $750 2.250.00
C. W. Barlow, Clerk, Cur
rent Expense
Kilham Stationery and
Printing Co.. Clerk $1.
29 Sheriff $7.63, Asses
sor $2.06
State Dept. of Agricul
ture. District Sealer
C. J. D. Bauman. Sheriff
State Tax Commission
Turner, Van Marter & Co.,
Gilliam & Bisbee, Court
House . ..
First National Bank of
Portland, Withholding
Pacific Power & Light
Co., Court House
Heppner Laundry, Court
Heppner Gazette Times,
Offical Pub. $21.60,
Current Exp., $18.25
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff
Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co.,
Current Expense
Saager's Pharmacy. Jail
Central Market, Jail
O'Rourke Erwin Heating
Co., Court House
Heppner Red & White,
Association of Oregon
Counties, Court House
Humphreys Drug Co., El
ection $3.00. Treas. $3.
75. Jail $1.50
Circuit Court: M. L. Case $2.10,
Reuben Anderson $5.00, Clifford
Yarnell $3.00, Mrs. Bertie C.
Minnick $8.10, H. T. O'Donnell
$2.10, W. C. Knsewail $2.10, Dor
sey Miller $2.10, Nina Noland
$2.10. Fred Bell $1.00. George
Davidson $2.10, John Hoffnagle
$6.70, Harry Tamblyn $2.10,
Thomas Loyd $2.10, Dr. A. D. Mc
Murdo $2.10, Donald Greenup
$3.20, Fred Hoskins $4.50, Marie
Slocum $2.10, Harley Wright $2.
10, J. J. O'Connor $2.10, William
Bucknum $2.10, Merle Becket $2.
10; E. O. Ferguson, $10.10, Albert
Connor $10.10. Marion Hayden
$10.10, H. H. Hill $10.10, John Far
ris $11.80, John C. Ransier $12.40,
Harold Evans $10.90;
Heppner Laundry, Jail
Kilham Stationery and
Printing Co., Assessor 126.67
Lulu M. Hager, Health
(Emergency) 2.50
Warrants Issued on General
Road Fund
George A. Stalcup 194.08
C. E. Stalcup 165.57
William Scott 54.54
Jesse Smallwood 32.05
Fred Booker 222.96
Darold Hams 228.74
Donald Munkers 192.00
Harold Wilson 216.30
Ralph Scott 194.23
W. L. Gilman 230.02
Dick Borman 192.91
W. Cunningham 235.00
Jim Estes 149.55.
Lewis Ball 232.60
Simpson J. Holley 138.59
H. Sherer 43.00
William C. Heath 246.60
H. Sherer 293.44
Casper R. Warmuth 241.29
Chas. Williams 136.82
Fred W. Harrison 234.17
Jack Slocum 150.30
Laurel Wilson 144.49
State Ind. Accident Com. 129.25
Beall Pipe and Tank Cor. 344.81
First Nat'I Bank of Port
land 216.00
Boardman Garage 4.00
Heppner Lumber Co 98.83
Padberg Tractor Repair .. 111.58
State Tax Commission ... 119.90
Union Pacific Railroad
Co 113.07
Industrial Air Products
Co 1.26
Columbia Equipment Co. 11.82
Umatilla Auto Company . 19.72
The Texas Company 40.95
Hodge Chevrolet Co 26.98
Heppner Motor Company 70.23
Guy Riddle 2.00
Loggers and Contractors
Machinery Co 10.08
jWentworth and Irwin .... 129.02
Gilliam & Bisbee 18.71
Union Oil Company 127.85
Western Auto Supply ... 9.86
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 199.79
Pacific Power & Light Co. 3.86
Rosewall Motor Compc.ny 525.85
C. Erwin Anderson 75.42
Heppner Garage 25.09
Jack Allen Supply Co 65.43
Braden Tractor & Equip
ment Co. 688.64
Humphreys Drug Co. 1.60
Owens Hardware 1056
William R. Scott Jr 28.00
Laurel Wilson 18.66
Union Pacific R.R. Co 2.19
Columbia Equipment Co. 41.20
Feenaughty Machinery
Co 95.66
C. J. D. Bauman 4.75
Farley Pontiac Company 7.50
Warrants Issued on
Miscellaneous Fund
Loren Matteson, Coyote
Bounty 9.00
State Tax Commission,
Withholding Tax, Ro
dent 3.29
Sam Horn, Coyote Bounty 3.00
Walter W. Wright, Coy
ote Bounty 3.00
Oregon State Game Com
mission, last half of
matching fund for ro
dent control 300.00