Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Feb. 17, 1949 Page A Old Man Winter Still Trying For Kayo At Kinzua By F.lsa M. Lrathers Kin7ua is MiM H inc whlppod thlf wk by Old Mn Winter and Ihe roads uvro drifted full again TuW.a.v. I !n-;e thce tipws ilrms don't p' stuck in a snowdrift down 30 milt, like last week's did. and not make the pa per ) We wert snowed in for sev eral days. Bui work was e.i"iid 'on in all departments. And If snow plow to flwt Xtut roads. 'you have a sense of humor, you j Art W'Atsvwv pntvtjvtl. tnvn visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. (Sunday. No cars or trains were lean imagine one department 01 put on sv-tv.v rw.t ito.-c utownwri! me past ween irom laoie to get out. Alter a crew worn Ithe factory keeping busy and Morsvs, rs j; 5 V" "'VV quite comfortable bundling out, !sl r-v A,', oV w.-vW. 'V ,!UJ.i of all things, lawn chairs while s - ,Vt S.vJ Mm la bowling biizrard swept the V J WHtfAvcth. Jwry 'country. K.wi rVf yswvoxis ,r t b v,v; v V tsi-atKv vn brinj; his w ife home. She has been Camp 5 was closvd, down vt ;V nvvvw Fridav for an indefinite perv4 . .nt due to the doop snow in tb Vf ging area. The rr.,w-i " men who thfr? r wvck.Vif here for tve ;&y-of: S.W reeved N'no tfriwf.,1 Mr. snd Mrs v." or. trtv ed their ruvrw to nss.: SarswiAj ; l.:-v ."- r . fr.tr.K ili.vvvu v Jvse ct v:.ivii whs iii.'urvJ ill v avs '.it.-a eek mid Is la a Kuss.ut, a; t'tie 'iiiles. Tb ev ot jx i.s injury is not known. i VsxiaJ sAow was put on by o Jk'.uct manager, Herb Wright vee vnuisduy Mr. and Mis. Alex Kimm have Kinzua was literally snowed in I game in January with Arlington is still confined at his home here. The bad roads and cold weather were so extremely disagreeable and the extremely large cast and crutches made it impossible for him to keep going to school. F. M. Harrison took his son, SA Doan and Mrs. Harrison to Arlington Saturday evening where they took the bus to Port land. Mrs. Harrison is employed there, but has been here with her husband the past two weeks. He will leave Portland for San Fran. Minnesota. Mr. Kimm and Mrs, Ulehenberg are brother and sis ter. They left Tuesday morning. Jike Flledge of Camp 5 went K tVndleton this week end to .vnfined to the St, Anthony's hos pital the past two weeks. Mrs. Mark Samples and son Jerry and Jack Samples left Sun day to spend several days at The Dalles, at which time Jack will undergo a tonsillectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Durfee are emng for the P8 of a fn brn Koeb' 9' TK Ti 1 1-fives, e Dm frAm Pomn (t VJV .... P ... J ,,. ,.. aiiu m.uic uuusu ui Condon were visiting here over You can feel the difference in "cushiony" driing and smoother handling when you get tough, longer-lasting Marfak Chassis Lubrication. Marfak fights wear and friction right from one lube job to the next. W lpply Marfak scientifically by chart, never by chance this "stick-to-the-job" lubricant resists squeeze-out vnd wash-out Let us give your car that "Marfak feeling." Stop in today and say "Marfak"! US Heppner Motors Trocar hinds. At this time, Robert Rob inson, fust aid man, gave an in- Iteresting talk on the dread dis- ; ease, j I Friends in Kinzua were sorry to hear of the death of George Peneoost of Fossil Friday eve- j ning. He had suffered a stroke a few years ago and it was be lieved that he had another one Friday night. He is survived by his wife and only daughter, be sides other relatives and a host of friends. Funeral services were held at the Baptst church and interment was at Mayville cem etery Sunday afternoon. Mr. Pen ecost and family are former Kin zua residents. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Walker and son James Jr. took Carl Cole man Jr. and Kenny Draheim to Heppner on Saturday to attend the father-son banquet of the DeMolay. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Halverson took thei rson Arthur. Andrew Staig accompanied the party to Heppner. Glen Peterson who also is a De Molay was un able to be present, due to sick ness. Three interesting basketball games were played at Fossil this week. Prairie City on Tuesday, score 26-4; Fossil-Heppner, Friday night, score not known, in Fossil, the winners and Grant Union on Saturday night, a close game with Fossil winning by one point 27-28. Frank Otto, Mr. and Mrs. Au brey Peyton and Matt Stumper went to The Dalles where the men attended the A. F. of L. un ion conference over the week end. Also this local's president, Al Rudd, and John Mills attended the meeting. Mrs. Matt Jurick took her son Mark to The Dalles where she had the cast removed from his leg and ankle. She had it x rayed again which showed three breaks one in the joint, and one broken in a v-shape. Mark re ceived this injury while playing basketball. Case Furniture Co. Has the Beautiful Montag Electric Range to make gour kitchen a Jog... the week end with Mrs. Gubser's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jobe. Mrs. Jobe has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of Wetmore spent the week end at The Dalles attending the A. F. of L. union conference. Howard Bird took his wife to Arlington where she took the bus to Baker to be with her mother who was seriously ill. Bill Wright went to The Dalles Thursday and brought his wife and infant son home from the hospital. Mrs. Gussie McQueen returned to Kinzua Tuesday after spend ing a week at Portland with her invalid husband. Mrs. McQueen didn't enjoy the last part of the trip home, being stuck in a snow drift for two hours. Wade Hiatt who underwent surgery at Seattle for a back in jury several weeks ago returned to Kinzua this week. Homer Davis left Friday night to go to Lonerock to spend the week end and bring home Mrs. Davis and small daughter Sun day after they had spent the past week there. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham and children went to The Dalles Saturday to visit their son Dick and Mr. Graham's mother, and also to attend to business. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beck and children of Heppner brought For est Adams to Kinzua Wednesday afternoon and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adams before returning home. Forest is work ing here now. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hanna of Camp 5 moved to Kinzua this week. He will work here while the woods and camp are shut down. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hines and daughter Ginger were attending to business at Condon Saturday. Red Hulett returned to Kinzua with them and is planning on working here. He used to be em ployed at Camp 5 several years ago, but moved his family to Portland. F. M. Harrison went to Her- miston to get Mrs. Harrison Fri day evening. She had been there for a week visiting Mr. Harri son's sister, Hallie Omohondo. She had planned to see a doctor at La Grande, but road condi tions made it impossbile. Come in and take a loo! at all these feature: "T-(C" Umnti, th Mtiot dMiw cocking unit mad. Instant cooking hoot, always doan ant poffoctly controllod. Applianco outlot at back. Ono-pioc stainproof tops, with no grooves to catch dirt. nig ovons) safo no-tilt racks. Thick Flborglas Insulation to sav cur rant, kotp klrchons cool. Whether your heart is set on hav ing the most completely auto matic electric cooking, or you are cramped for space, there's a Montag range to solve your kitchen problem. Even a pinched budget finds a low-priced model that fits your needs. BIG YALUE 199.75 No rongt offer mor at any thing nar Ht price. And ths FAST-hioting T-K Umtnti ton currant. ELECTRIC WOOD COAL 315.00 Warmth fron a wood or coal lira any tlmo, pfut dtan, cool, automatic oUctrlc cooking (larga Illustration). lit: SPACE SAVER 194.95 Z ffrj' Pull tit. ov.n. Four standard sli m.nts. Tok.i only 21 II 24'. Without light or tlm.r S169.95 BEAUTIFUL EFFICIENT 1 249.75 Haw tmortcit styling and fha doittt thing to cooking without work you'll find in th DtltM. Case Furniture Co. (Too late for last week) The Kinzua Rod and Gun club entertained their members with a turkey dinner at the hotel Friday evening at 7:30. Trophies were presented to each who won them the past season. George Close was master of ceremonies and made the presentations to Marvin Hin es, rifle; "Slip" M. K. wrignt, handicap; Geo. Dukek, Fossil, shotgun, and Layton Tripp w-t presented the pistol trophy and also the J. F. Coleman trophy for all around shot. This trophy will be on display the next year at the Kinzua Pastime. After the dinner a wildlife pic ture was shown at the Jeffmore hotel where the men retired to finish out a well planned eve ning. Roger Hernden, state po lice, guest of the evening, spoke briefly after the picture. Thirty five members report a most won derful evening. Glenn Parsons, Kenneth Keel ing and Anson Rugg from the Heppner forest office were here Friday attending to business. They also went through the plant. Mrs. Larry Cook Jr. was Hon ored Saturday evening with a bridal shower given at Jeffmore hall with Mesdames Geo. Smith, Bert Hoover and Gussie McQueen as hostesses. Thirty-five friends were present and she received many beautiful presents besides a host of gifts were sent by friends who couldn't attend. Re freshments of cake and coffee were served. With the coming of February everyone was expecting Old Man Winter to be on his way. But Sunday came in with one of the worst blizzards that has been seen here since 1936-37 winter. ed on the grade for hours late in the night, some of the people who wore marooned In Fossil were able to get home by walkinc for a mile and a half. Those includ ed were O. D. Baker, Homer Dav is, Ralph Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jobe and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wren. All cars were left at Fossil and transportation was by an army truck from the top of the grade into Kinzua. The school bus was unable to make the trip Monday. However, it is believed the road will be opened on Tues day. An RD-8 with bulldozer from Camp 5 came to the rescue. The mail came by truck and carried through the drifted area to the other truck. The train didn't make its usual run to Condon Monday. Larry Clark left here early Tu esday morning, going to Wetmore with the ambulance and took Mrs. Jake Eldrlge to a Pendle ton hospital where she will re ceive treatments. Mrs. Slim Rho- ten accompanied them to Pendle ton, but returned with Mr. Cook. The crew of bricklayers from Portland that has been here the past month has finished laying the brick for the new boiler that is being installed, left Thursday to return to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. OrVille Smith of Heppner were attending to bus iness here the first of the week. Mrs. Smith was shown through the plant. The basketball boys played at Condon Tuesday evening, win ning with score unknown. Satur day evening they met the Moro team on their own floor. It was an even game throughout, and at the finish the Fossil Falcons had a 2 point lead, score ending 27-29. All the games scheduled for the Falcons left are to be played on their own floor. Ted Chapman went to The Dal les to bring Mrs. Chapman home this week end. Mrs. Chapman underwent an operation some time ago and has been convalesc ing there. Geo. Close took his wife and Mrs. James Walker to Arlington Wednesday, where they took the bus to Portland, visiting and shopping until Saturday. James Walker met the ladies at Arling ton on Saturday when they re turned. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis took their small daughter Carolyn to The Dalles Saturday morning for a check-up with their doctor. They returned to Lonerock where Mrs. Davis and baby are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rogers. Larry Cook Sr., Bill Hess and Sam Parker came down from Camp 5 Saturday evening to get a part for some enuinment. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright axe the parents of a little son. born February 2 at The Dalles. He was named Michael Robert and weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces. This is the Wright's second son. Mark Jellick who received a broken leg in the basketball Cisco the first of the week and is being sent tT5 Guam. Joe Schott left Thursday eve ning and went to Eugene to spend the week end with his daughter, Lillian, and attended the father's day activities. He returned Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Baker went to Portland Thursday. Mrs. Baker stayed in the city to visit her daughter, while Mr. Baker return ed home Sunday evening. Jerry Rood returned home from Portland Thursday evening where he had spent the past 10 days receiving treatment for a skiu infection on his hands and fore arms. He returned to work on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson Sr. brought their son Glen home from The Dalles hospital where he had been for some time re covering from a heart ailment. He will not be able to return to school for some time. Forest Adams of Heppner vis ited here on Wednesday at the home of his brother, Harlan Ad ams. He also obtained work and will begin in the near future. Vernon Perry returned to work the first of the week, being off since he had undergone an op eratlon on his elbow in Novem ber at The Dulles. Ralph Moore was attending to business at Condon and Lone rock over the week end. Due to the heavy snow and blizzard on Sunday he was forced to leave his car at Fossil. Mrs. Bonnie Browning returned to her home here after doctoring for an eye infection last week at La Grande. Mrs. R. G. McMurtry motored to The Dalles Tuesday afternoon to spend a few days looking auer business matters. It's Time to Think About SPRING Dress Up FULLER PAINTS ike all-pubpoie "lumii paint Yon can't bay a finer exterior "house" paint than Fuller Pure Prepared. It lasts made by the West's largest paint manufacturers. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. WE LIKE TO HELP FOLKS BUILD Come see the pretty new clothes for Spring . . . There are SLACK SUITS . . . beauties ... in Wool Gabardine, grey, black and beige sixes 12 to 20. There are Spring Suits for the most .fastidious taste - in the new colors and materials. Blouses - Hats - Gloves - Scarfs Every garment a winner in the Easter Parade. Don't let somebody else choose the outfit you want. Come in today while stocks are extensive. Norah's Shop 2 HOW YOU CAN EARN ON YOUR SAYINGS WltH Federally Insured Suel) Uis Portland Federal Saving?' convenient SAVE BY MAIL service. You get a good return. Your savingi are Federally In sured for safety up to $5000. Withdrawals are promptly paid, without feet or deduc tions of any kind. lt VI swtd you complst. Inf.rma Hon about aur SAVt-SY-MAIL s.rvle. now. Writ, today. PORTLAIVD frXERAl Comer, 5th and Stark Portland 4, Orogon Your Sunday Dinner Problem Is Solved Drive down to the Victory Cafe at lone and eat a wholesome Chicken or Turkey DINNER Good Food your choice from the menu. Courteous Service You are always welcome at the AIR CONDITIONED Victory Cafe ; Roy and Betty Lleuallen lone, Oregon F5 TW M' Ml. m TaMri SUM1!1 as '1 k '3 1 H iril I'ni You to Uttitjbr a HERE'S WHY: (I) The new John Deere Model "M" is regularly equipped wiih Touch-o-malic precision-type hydraulic power control the new, quick, positive means of raising, lowering, or regulating the working depth of integral equipment from the tractor seal. ' (2) It has a complete line oiQuik-Talch working equipment designed especially for it. They're really "partners In profit". 13) It offers real operator's comfort never before approached by a tractor of its class. , (4) It's built for a wide variety of jobs. The "M" is regularly equipped with four forward speeds with a new low of 1-58 M.P.H. and a new high Remember it will pay you to wait for a John Deere Model "M". Stop by and get complete details from us the next time you're in town. Braden Tractor and Equipment Co. Your Caterpillar Dealer 0 ' If Medical and Hospital : : PROTECTION 'to. Oregon Physicians' Service offer employed per sons In Oregon prepaid Medical and Hospital proieetion on an individual, family or group basis. There Is a choice of plans and a wide selection of physicians, surgeon and hospitals. More than "l 1 00,000 Oregonians have already availed them selves of O.P.S. membership and of the low-cost coverage made possible by the cooperation of more than 1,000 Oregon physicians and surgeons. Information gladly uppiled-please use cooport. 0 ,nl'V'IO, "a ..raw - - r. C in or ..nut) bO city wH"0' ,l mm : iii4 .w, th, rorruNo 4 , 4SS mt IT., IAIIM ' ' MtOTOIp SLP0., MIDPOXD SPONSOR!! AND AWIOV1D SY 0RI0ON SfATi MfOICAl lOCItTr .' . ' t