Page 6 Heppner Gazette Time,s Heppner, Oregon, Feb. 3, 1949 KINZUA NEWS (VMinui-d fr'.m K.rft i'irf Johnny hy retnmrrl to Kmzua from Il'''in''r this week end and bfj,an w "i k l t.p t the plant. Mr. Ivy Is (in the logging rrow and will I"' hrw jiiI mm! spring loyrlnp t''?ms. Mrs. Ivy and ba by are visiting at Heppner. j Gussie McQueen was back to J Mrs. Joe Sohott, Mrs. Matt Iwcrk as checker at the Kinzua Stumper and Jean Davis were off iM.rcantile Monday after several Work all week due to sickness, days' illness. lMrs Frank 0t(0 and Mrs Marvin Mrs Frank Otto went to The Hines were oft for several days. Dalles Saturday to bring her hus-(Mrs. Otto's infant son was ill, 1-- n d home. Mr. Otto had beer iand Mrs. Hines is suffering from sick the past week end and stayed I an ear infection. She consulted there for medical attention. 'a doctor at Fossil. UDGET STRETCHERS FOR Friday - Saturday - Monday ral Vita Grated QK f CANNED MILK QQC una, i2 s lb. Ul J any brand 00 I OLEOMARGARINE Nucoa, All Sweet Durkee Reg. Pkg. 34c lb. SWIFT PREM Hoz. tin 39c La Vora PEAS No. 2 tin, 12 for 1.00 Garden PEACHES Yellow Cling Haves, IVi tin 49c Hunt's TOMATO JUICE No. 300 tin, 6 for.. 55c Hunt's CHB CATSUP 14-oz. bottle, 3 for 49c Hunt's TOMATO SAUCE 8-ox. tin, 6 for 35c Gerber's BABY FOOD 6 cans for 49c SHORTENING, any brand 3 pounds 1.09 RED MEXICAN BEANS 2-pound package 29c OXYDOL and DUZ regular packages 33c IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT Sliced Bacon 59c lb. Pure Lard, 4 lbs. 95c Smoked Jowl BACON 29c lb. Short Shank PICNICS 49c lb. f PORK LOIN ROAST 49c lb. Steer Beef of POT ROAST 49c lb. (These roasts are from top quality beef) Court Street Market STAR REPORTER Adraianon prloes afternoon and eeTning, unless tpe. cilictU? advertised to be otherwise: Children: Est. Price .17, red. In .03, Total 30c; Grade and Sigh School Student! 12 71m and over: Eit. Price .40, Fad. Tax .10, Total 50c; Adults: Est. Prcie .50, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c Every ehJd occapjlng a seat most have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous starting- at 1 p.m. all other shows starat at 7:30 p-m. Boxofiice open evenings until 9 p.m- Do you know the right answer? Every week we cell 10 residents of the commun ity and ask WHAT IS PLAYING AT THE THEATER TODAY? H you can answer correctly in 20 seconds you receive a FREE TICKET to the show. Read our newspaper ad and hang this program near the phone so you'll have the right answer! Sunday-Monday, Feb. 6-7 A DATE WITH JUDY Jju Powell, Wallace Beery, Elizabeth Taylor. Carmen Kmuida, lamer Cuffat and his Orches tra, Robert Stack. Scott y Beckett. Want to have a good time? Here's a delightfully freri Tp .hmcoiur musical lor the entire family group . . . young and old alike will be made happy by this light-hearted entertainment. BOY SCOUT WEEK Feb. 6 to 12 Let's all encourage this great organization! Tuesday-Wednesday, Feb. 8-9 LOUISIANA Marg-aret Lindsay, John Oailaadet, Freddy Stew art and Jimmxe Davis, former Governor of Lou isiana The true story of thfl poor sharecropper's son who becajn- k popular sung writer and radio entertainer and crooned himself into the gover norship of Louisiana . . . with a cavalcade of Jimmie Davis hits including "Ton Are My San shine,'' "There's a New Moon Over My Shoulder," "Nobody's Darling." PLUS Climbing the Matterhorn Entertaining and informative pictorial filmed en tirely in the perilous Swiss Alps, in color. There are also some choral music and intereting shots with Swiss children. and Basketball Headliners of 1948 Top teams from every section of the country in games played at Madison Square Garden last season. Thursday-Friday-Saturday, Feb. 10-11-12 EYES OF TEXAS Boy Rogers, Lynn Roberts, Andy Devtne, Vans Bryant, Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pio neers. Musical western photographed in color . . . this action packed adventure is one of Roy's best. PLUS JUNGLE GODDESS Action and adventure In the African jungles, BUGS BUNNY in Technicolor I Mr. and Mrs. Bob Laughlin .wont to The Dalles Thursday where Mr. Laughlin received meaicai attention. Mrs. Ivar Nelson substituted at the school in the principal's, Mr. Watson's, place this week. Mr. Watson is ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ostrander took their small son to The Dalles Sat urday where they were consult ing a , doctor concerning his health. The American Legion auxiliary met on Thursdav evening nt tio home of Mrs. J. D. Coleman. At that time the constitution v;is read. Many members were pre sent. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis and daughter spent the week end at Louerock visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rogers. S A Dean Harrison and Mrs. Harrison arrived in Kinzua Sat urday evening for a few days' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Harrison, and brothers before he is shipped to Guam February 11. He has been sta tioned at Astoria the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of Camp 5 were week-end visitors at the Lloyd Smith ranch at May ville. Mrs. Smith is a sister of Mr. Jones. Frank Hines of Laramie, Wyo.. came to visit his brother, Marvin and family on Wednesday. He : also visited other relatives at Lebanon. He plans to stay here and will work on the green chain. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owens and daughter Opal and Marjory Ter ry spent Satuiday in The Dalles where they were attending to bus iness. Mrs. Geo. Close entertained a group of small children at her home Sunday in -honor of her daughter Gayle's birthday. Ice cream and cake were served. CHURCHES Myron G. Cropsey, oregon State college agricultural engineer, will give an illustrated talk on home built freezers, as well as commercial "types at the Lexing ton grange hall at 7:30 p. m. Thursday, February 10. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy communion. 8. Church school, 9:45. Holy communion and sermon, 11. Evening prayer and instruction, 5. Junior Y.P.F., 6:15. Senior Y.P.F., 7:30. Week-day services: Wednes days: Holy communion, 10; Fri days: Holy communion, 7:30; choir practices: Girls, Wednes days at 4. boys, Thursdays at 4, adults, Thursdays at 8. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor, Shelby E. Graves. Do not allow the world to ab sorb ali of your slrength, give a part to Christ. Acts 3:19 and Rev. 3:5. Remember Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday school. A class for' every age. 11 a.m., worship hour. 7 p.m., Youth for Christ ser vice. 7:45 p.m., evangelistic service You will either have sin blotted out of your present life or your name will not be in the Book of Life up there. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., cottage prayer meeting in lone. Thursday, 7:30, Bible study and prayer meeting. A hearty welcome awaits you in our midst. ' METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorllen, minister. Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. with special music by the choir, Mr. Paul McCoy, direc tor. Church school at 9:45 a.m. Mr Thos. W. Allen, superintendent. Adult Bible class, also Youth Fel lowship class. A class for every age. Mr. Vernon Bohles, youth counsellor. Wednesday: The Womans So ciety of Christian Service meets the first Wednesday of each month. Thursday: The church board of afctk Penrey's famous Brentwoods! i JJ Some low g Penney Price! f j Q Better than ever cotton . . . new for .,ring 1949 at the same low 2.79! 80 w. percale, poplin, pique or chambray frocks as washable as they're wonderful. In new print florals, geometries, stripes (wide or narrow) or checks! Sizes 1242 ... and others up to 52. Come in today ... get first choice! Reg. U. S. Pat. 08. education meets the first Thurs day of each month at the church at 8:30 p.m. Thursday: Choir uraclice everv Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the church. Junior Youth Fellowship Sun day evening at the church at 6:30 p.m., Mrs. Carl McDaniels, director. Boy Scout anniversary week. All boys invited to church. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOUC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass In Heppner on the Is and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only In Heppner at 9 a.m on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. Capital Parade ... Continued from Page I state. The two-thirds majority could become a dangerous wea pon with which legislation could be obstructed. STATE SHORT ON BUYERS Approximately $5,656,226 " was expended by state purchasing ag ents in 20,000 transactions during the last quarter of the biennlum ending December 31, 1948. Rapid ly expanding business of the state purchasing department re quires five purchasing agents, the legislature has been informed, two more than now employed. ADVISO Governor Douglas McKay re ceived the following telegram from Washington this week: "President has approved esti mates for McNary Dam $8 mil lion; Detroit Reservoir $2 million; flood control- emergency fund $2 12 million, which is to sup plement the 56 million made available last spring ior iniuiu hla River flood damage." . . . Conservation minded legislators are flabbergasted. Question: Has Oregon an enforceable forest con servation law? Present law was taken from Washington state liw which has been held unconstitu tional. . . Committees have iieen appointed by Robert L. Elfstrom, mayor of Salem, and plans are under way for Salem's recent inn for Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay on Monday evening, March 7, at Marion hotel, tne ui H f'rvstal Garden's . . . Senator Wayne Morse Is undecid ed about proposed uoiumma val ley Authorily . . . Democrats at capitol are compiling voting rec ords of Republican legislators he runnine for office fnm next election. (Head last sentence again .transposing words "Democrats ' and "KepUDiicans. i o . Darkness doubles traffic trou bles. Slow down at night. ' mV. V. t !' YhrfSlU9 DON nilSOK l SEUEStAli INTERESTING lvrV' L Si W U i nam rrjitrnTiAMfii - -ikv fct 1 i -- i --'' t:m.'.v. . i.t iAi SEVERAX INTERESTING AND EDUCATIONAL PICTURES OJi JCXH DEERE EQUIPMENT AK9 MODERN rARHSNS PRACTICES ram., aii ! V ; mm mr . m m m-- w m . . . .v mr mjw tv . sm You can readily unlock her heart with one of our beautiful heart-shaped Candy Boxes filled with delicious chocolates or a selection from any of the numerous Valentine Gift Stocks in our store: Valentine Cards, Colognes, Perfumes a lot of things of feminine interest. It is always a pleasure to wait on you. Pillle Burke and Don Wil so", popular movie and ra dio stars, head the all-Hollywood cast in "The Sugar Hum Tree." feature pictura io be shown in the Star The. ::tor cn February 15. The movie headlines the free John Deere Day entertain ment and educational pro gram for farmers and their families which is being sponsored by Braden Tractor & Equipment Co., your John Deere and Caterpillar deal er. "The Sugar Plum Tree" is a rolicking comedy about two young people who have never been on a farm and what they do when they re ceive one as a gift You'll get a kick out of sober, bookish C. St. John Smith, on the farm, as played by Kirby Grant. Pretty Linda Johnson plays Matilda Thome, the other "green horn" on the farm. Lee "Lasses" White will give you many a chuckle as the eccentric hired man. "The Sugar Plum Tree" will prove Srade "A" entertainment for the entire family. In addition to "The Su gar Plum Tree," several oth er new, all-talking pictures will be shown. They include "Big Operations in Wheat Country" a 'round-the-sea-son picture on modern equipment and practices in the big grain-growing sec tions . . ."Built in the West for the West" a picture on the specialized western equipment built in John D cere's West-Coast factories . . . "Guardians of the Har vest" a full-color picture of combines in action in various crops throughout the country. . . . "Early Does It" a snappy picture with tips on timely care of farm machinery . . . "Green er Pastures" an education al picture on pasture care, renovation and soil conser vation practices . . . and "Gateway to Bigger Feeding Profits" a movie that ev ery feeder will want to see. According to Braden's, ad mission to all events will be free. No tickets will be giv en out, either at the store or at the theater. Everybody Is welcome and the company is placing no restraint on the invitation. Program Feb. ISih Open House - Registration 10 A. M. till Noon Free Lunch in Braden Tractor Store, 1 2 Noon Show Starts at Star Theater at 1 :30 Many of the Short Subject Pictures were taken of local operations in the Pendleton-Walla Walla district. Come Prepared for a Full Day of Fun and Entertainment equipment co. S A AGER'S PHARMACY